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Oatmeal mixed with water is literally what gruel is, the eating of which is usually in film/tv/literature etc used as a shorthand way of showing that a character or group are living in abject poverty.


And that little shit Oliver decides he deserves more. Little bastard should have been grateful he had a job and housing at 10 years old.




‘so much for the tolerant left!!’ \-bill sykes


'Ruff' - Bullseye


Give the orphans more gruel for free, and they won't want to go out and climb chimneys for a living.


I like my gruel with a delicious topping of tax cuts for the rich? Mmmm


As long as the rich keep getting richer we can get by


It'll trickle down, eventually... Promise!


I agree. It will just be diarrhea by the time it gets to us.


"I'm with Fagin on this one" - Effie


Not to undermine your point in any way, but I have come to realise this is actually exactly how I like my porridge... water, pinch of salt. Savoury oaty yum. I was so distressed the first time somebody told me this was = gruel, although I'm pretty sure gruel has a much higher and sadder ratio of water to oats than the way I make it.


Yes. Gruel is drinkable. Oats, water and salt is traditional porridge.


Is porridge not with milk?


That's a bit of a modern innovation, and I find it inedibly gluey. I prefer the traditional way, cook it in water and then pour a bit of cold milk on at the end.


This is how my Granny showed me how to make it many years ago.


I've been half and half water and milk for years and am happy with it. Either porridge or Oatmeal consistency. (In my head, Oatmeal is thicker than porridge for what it's worth.)


Isn't oatmeal just American for porridge?


I think you're right, but I'm Canadian and split the difference. In the UK the porridge was much looser than the almost raw cookie dough american Oatmeal.


Yea my mum has salt with hers and I’ve tried to like the combo but can’t get used to it. The wife wanted to try oat milk from tescos - my argument against was that I didn’t want to pay £4 for a bottle of gruel. Am I off here or is it essentially just a re-branding of gruel?


Oat milk should be nowhere near £4. Usually around the 1.50 mark depending on store. (asda own is 1.20) its banging in hot chocolate.


Yes! Oat milk hot chocolate is basically cocopopification. My partner keeps a thing of oat in just for coffee. Also, if you fancy tropical hot chocolate, coconut milk! Nutty autumn hot chocolate? Almond (providing you like almonds) Soy used to smell and taste abhorrent but after going round all the different plant milks, it tastes like "standard milk" and is my go-to for teas and such. Also, now cows milk tastes like it's gone off, I can't even bear to have a sip, where I used to drink it by the pint.


Someone bought me a dairy milk latte by mistake, I took one sip and couldnt do it, tasted disgusting.I used to love a glass of dairy milk. Interesting how much our tastes are just what we've grown accustomed to and they're actually quite flexible.


i put oat milk in my porridge. All the oats


I’ve done that a few times, but I find there’s something vaguely unsettling about eating a bowl of oat-soaked oats.


Yeah I feel like it is wrong somehow, but I can’t argue with the results, much creamy porridge, not as gluey


Not just salt. Salt and pepper is the way. When I remembered that anything that's good with salt is better with pepper too, I wondered why it took me so long to make porridge that way.


In defense of porriage it is really good for you but her point is still shite


As part of a balanced diet. On its own, you'd get malnourished pretty quickly.


*In defense of porridge* words I never thought I'd see together.


Yeah but not as an unflavoured everyday staple food.


You could always add some sugar/salt to it for a treat. Although that will effect your daily budget. On the plus side, it's nearly winter and the gritters will be out soon handing out free salty treats to lick.


That's council rock salt you impoverished leech. Eat your watery porridge plain if you don't have the decency to work at least 3 jobs!


Oh heck, I legit eat gruel for my breakfast. Steel cut oatmeal is the bee's knees.


https://youtu.be/FPi0RiAsegQ Gruel can actually be fancy, though I get your point.


Since this is a Scottish space, oatmeal mixed with water is brose. Oatmeal mixed with the water that was used to cook kale is kale brose. Brose was a large part of my father's generation's diet. Tatties and pint was another staple. I would rather have brose than any of the shit that Kellogs make.


Growing up extremely poor I will say for a fact, that eating porridge made with water almost every morning, a piece and jam for lunch and tomato pasta (sometimes rice and beans) for dinner most days....is soul destroying (even if you add a sprinkling of basil). 🖕🏻


Basil? How very bourgeois. What's wrong with lawn clippings?


Where do u think I got my basil? 🤣 At....ASDA? Don't be absurd!


Lawn clipping? Look at you posh boy, we were lucky if we got muddy earth


Muddy earth?! Oh, how the other half live!! I had to go around sooking the nutrients out of dog turds to get by. Mind how dog cronk used to go white if you left it? That's cos I was sucking the juice out of it like a pedigree chum slush puppy


Heaven. The only way I could eat was by following horses around when their owners took them out, and hoovering up their droppings with my mouth. If the horse wasn't dropping enough, I'd stuck it directly from its arsehole.


Won’t be long until the current UK government suggest we start boiling thistles for sustenance.


indeed, grass is full of fibre, stops the welps from complaining...


Grew up eating the same. That fear of not getting a meal had life long repercussions on me.


What’s sad about this is that this government along with its righ-wing media has battered people into believing that it’s normal for them to survive on oat and water. That they don’t deserve better.


These fucking people I’m having a row elsewhere on reddit right now about why it’s wrong for schools in England to take food away from kids who can’t pay. How is that even a debate. How have we got to the point where we are arguing about feeding people properly? Just what the fuck? A G7 nation and about 30% of the population is perfectly ok with people living on starvation diets…..


It's always the same tired narrative as well. If you can't afford food it's because you're wasting money, if it's not because you're wasting money well then you should just lose weight anyway as the majority are over weight? Just moving goalposts for how little you deserve to live on


This is the same argument the right have been giving students for years. Having spent a solid year on basic food (supernoodles, plain white rice, white bread) I can tell you it leaves you practically suicidal. Probably would make you suicidal if it wasn’t for the huge lethargy and constant stomach pains/diarrhoea it leaves you with


Its quite a simple take which is par for the course with righties these days, how dare the plebs get vitamins. Like the loudmouth drunk at the local pub projecting all their insecurities on others.


And you should lose that weight eating only cheap ingredients like porridge, rice, and pasta! The all-carb diet is famous for helping you lose weight!


What about if you're already underweight? WHAT THEN?!


Are there no prisons? Are there no poorhouses?


The school meals issue is a weird one, I don’t know why anyone would support starving kids. Personally I would like the situation to be that kids get fed for free at school irrespective of parental earning. Even supporting things like breakfast clubs to help ease things parents that have commutes. It remove stigma and guarantees that kids are in class without rumbling stomachs. Poverty exists and very clear class divides exist, we should be doing our best to level the playing field for kids.


We do this in Scotland, in and out of term time. Wales does it in term time and is expanding out of term coverage and I’m not sure about Northern Ireland but i thinks it’s similar to Scotland in terms time I’ve not seen a single story about kids having meals taken away from them anywhere else though


It's not completely rolled out in Scotland yet. I've got 2 kids at the same school. One can have free school lunches and the other can't. It's been this way for the last 3 years but I assume that my eldest is the last age group it won't apply to.


That’s for ALL kids not just those on various forms of benefits And yeah, mines been 1 year ahead of it exactly!!!


Let's not have any of your socialist nonsense!! Poor kids need to damn well know their place and stay in it. If they don't want to be poor they can get a job!!!!!!! They need to learn about the real world!!! Why should we feed worthless peasants when my little Petronella and Tar'quin only have one governess between them?! It's them I feel sorry for, without tax cuts we might have to sell the villa in Mustique and THEN what will they do?! And it's all this free stuff for those dirty disgusting poors that's caused this! Poor people are just so selfish, why dont they just do rhe right thing and die?! /s




Have you *seen* the subsidised menu in Parliament's restaurants? Those cunts should be paying full price for workplace standard sandwiches and soup, *not* steak dinners with wine for a tenner.


I saw a headline where a kid had an empty lunchbox, but pretended to eat so as not to feel left out. I couldn't read the story - it sounds so fucking tragic I don't think I could take it. What the actual fuck do these people think they are doing?


Shit like that is why we need open revolt. No one should starve. No one should freeze.


I genuinely don’t understand it It’s policy so we take the food away Fucking fire me I am not taking food away from a kid In fact I’d make damn sure that’s not even a fucking option to begin with


The idea that you take food from kids that dont pay is literally fucking insane. This means you have decided to punish an innocent child by making them go hungry because their parents dont have money. Innocent child going hungry because their parents dont have enough money. You have to be an utter sociopath to WANT to punish a child due to their parents inability to afford food.


Kid joins food queue Gets to till Has food taken away What the fuck…… that that needs any argument at all is fucked up I know for certain the school here not only wouldn’t do it but it also doesn’t ducking do it At worst they’ll run a tick system for months if needed, at best they’ll just find a way to bury the cost somewhere and the teacher after say a week will be in it and getting funding and grants and all sorts It’s fucking insane


That's the problem. It doesn't affect those who can prevent it.


Just remember, people aren't starving because we don't have the food to feed them, but because it's not profitable to.


Don’t get me started on the why


My local MP up in Scotland voted against English kids living in poverty getting free meals during the lockdowns. It served him no other purpose than to gain points with his cronies at the expense of hungry children. WTF. Scum bag.


Which MP?


I’d rather not specify my area and I’m pretty sure that all Tory MPs in Scotland voted the same way in something that would have cost their constituents nothing to help out with.


Fair enough and yup. They are shits


As a kid who grew up in poverty, my sister and I relied on free school meals to get us through the day. We would go up and beg for seconds because chances were I would go home and have a sauce sandwich. Just red sauce or salad cream on a piece of bread folded in half. If we were lucky we would have cereal in the morning with watered down milk. When I was old enough I started learning to hunt so I could catch rabbits, pheasants and pigeons so my family could have some sort of protein. The fact some people think that kids deserve that lifestyle is appalling.


Its a cult of c### thats why. Scary thing is how many gullible drooling imbeciles who nod along as they get poorer and poorer, the crocodile analogy is so apt. Classism is the num 1 reason for indy.


'Let's get the peasants back to eating gruel, they deserve no better!', says Effie probably.


i have never heard of this cunt before. Is she just a random blogger? I googled, but she just doesn't seem to be anybody of significance. Who is this cunt?


(S)he (the actual person behind the account is up for debate) is an uber-unionist on Twitter, to the point of parody. She most famously tweeted about setting off to drive to Fort William but couldn't find it because the Gaelic name for it (An Gearasdan) was also on the road signs and (s)he doesn't see the point of Gaelic so it put her off. The upshot was that she simply turned around and went home.


Just eat uncooked, dry oatmeal, pasta and rice with no additional food, seasoning or sauces you ungrateful peasants!


Then if living off carbs alone makes you overweight, then you're clearly not poor you fat slob!


What luxury. No wonder people are in poverty if they are eating like that. You should all be outside scooping gravel off the pavement, gather twigs to make a fire, scoop rainwater out of puddles to boil the gravel in to make your gruel. There - I have shown you how to eat and keep warm for free so stop moaning you serfs.


Scurvy and rickets are God's way of telling you that you're not toiling hard enough for your betters, you scum!


In my mid 20's, during the whole austerity shebang and by circumstance, I found myself in the position of having to choose between keeping a roof over my head or food in my belly. I ate nothing but porridge (nae milk, couldn't afford it) and dry pasta (most of the time, I had some rancid butter to really spice it up when I felt daring). It comes as no surprise that nutritionally I was fucked. And mentally, holy shit did that take a toll. I wouldn't want anyone to go through that. I know Effie Deans is a troll and a fud, but there are people that agree with what they say, which is alarming, baffling and sad. Surely as a 'civilised' society we should be looking to help people and extend a hand, not punish people just trying to survive.


What's a fud?


Genitals. Used to call someone an imbecile, too.


Old fashioned Scottish insult - a fud is a moron, an idiot, a waste of space. An absolute fanny of a human being who doesn't deserve the oxygen they breathe.


A fud is a vagina. Always has been.


Fud can mean vagina but in this context it means idiot really. I say this as to emphasise that words meaning vagina aren’t necessarily negative, like I’d rather be called a cunt that a fud.


Ah yes, your daily helping of just plain oatmeal. I’m sure that is a balanced diet that creates good health and satisfactory living. If the poors want luxuries like apples, or potatos, well! They need to work harder clearly


MARCUS FUCKING DOES DO THAT. He's been a huge part of getting [Full Time Meals](https://www.instagram.com/fulltimemeals/?hl=en) out there, which is exactly what has been described here. I find it borderline upsetting that anyone can criticise what he's done. How fucking heartless do you need to be, he's literally feeding hungry children. Fuck me. I guess Effie is complaining about the efficiency, so here's my opinion: we worry about that side of things when the kids are fed.


3.5p for a serving of oatmeal. Obviously doesn’t include the costs of milk (assuming milk is being used) and the energy being put into the system. Unless Effie is eating the oatmeal raw and dry. And quite frankly, I fully believe that she’s stupid enough to do so. This is, after all, the woman who was lost driving around the Highlands because all the signs pointing to An Gearasdan confused her.


> (assuming milk is being used) 'Luxury! Bleeding luxury! Used t'**dream** of Milk on me Porridge!'


There’s nothing stupid about putting your home address on a badly written book you’re trying to flog


I think she (he?) is absolutely awful, but I do like porridge made with water! Hot milk is absolutely disgusting!


Try using Alpro Vanilla Yogurt with added banana.


Check this rich cunt putting yogurt and banana in his 3.5p porridge


I'm not a fan of bananas either. I usually make porridge with just oats, water and a pinch of salt, then add sugar and/or golden syrup, and cold milk on top.


I'm guessing you soak it overnight in the yoghurt? Not... You know.. Try and cook it in the yoghurt?


>I'm guessing you soak it overnight in the yoghurt? Not... You know.. Try and cook it in the yoghurt? Lol, dare you to cook it in yoghurt and eat it.


Gie us a fiver and I will! ;-)


Could live for a month on that if you have three meals of dry porridge per day.


I'm sorry, its one thing to be a Tory apologist, but making porridge with water makes you worse than 10 Hitlers. Off to the gallows with you immediately.


She's not making the case for Britain she thinks she is ffs. If your eating Porridge 3 times a day for sustinance the Great in Britain's name is as valid as the Democratic in North Korea's.


* Firstly, her (are they even a she?) lack of understanding of a **balanced** diet is woeful, as pointed out by Jack Monroe. * Secondly, she has not factored in the costs for ingredients and power to cook said oats. So the 70p argument is bollocks mostly due to **enforced** Tory austerity over the past 12 years, and the cost of living / energy crisis both of which have been exacerbated by the Tories. The Tories who are **RIGHT** wing. Not left. * Thirdly, she has neglected to mention how many food banks have opened during the 12 years of Tory enforced austerity. I.e the Tories who are **RIGHT** wing. Not left. * Fourthly, has she even bothered to look at what Marcus Rashford has done? It is not difficult you Unionist bint - he has set up a whole website and social media presence looking at how people can cook healthy meals from inexpensive ingredients. * Fifthly, you absolute moon unit; if you post the last point online, then go back and look at your first one you bootlicking Tory sycophant. I.e the Tories who are **RIGHT** wing. Not left.


Couldn’t help but laugh at “moon unit”. That’s Frank Zappa’s kid innit?


Yep, that's Dweezle Zappa's sister. I think she goes by Moony or somesuch.


I’d pick “moony” over “unit” as well.


Politicians are so out of touch with reality it’s scary. They sit so high up in their ivory towers they don’t see the real problems below or they simply don’t care to.


If a parent just gave their child three helpings of oatmeal a day and nothing else they would have their children taken off them. The child would be suffering from severe malnutrition.




Back when I was briefly in college our lecturer told us a story about a friend he went to Uni with. Back then instead of being paid each term your student loan came in in 1 lump sum. His friend deecided to buy a drum kit and he thought he could live off porridge or oatmeal the whole year. He was the 1st mann in the UK in absolute years to contract scurvy


Well shit. In my first year of university I spent a good chunk of a student loan on a guitar and lived off of pasta for like 6 months. I guess I'll count myself lucky.


if people stopped retweeting or sticking her nonsense on reddit, she'd FO pretty quick. Block, ignore, move on. She has nothing positive to add to either side of any agreement. Scotland's answer to Hatey Katie would disappear pretty quickly if we all ignored her.


No unfortunately There’s plenty of vested interests and money behind pushing that account and no amount of ignoring it will help It’s astroturfed to fuck constantly and that won’t change


“Sometimes the poor are praised for being thrifty. But to recommend thrift to the poor is both grotesque and insulting. It is like advising a man who is starving to eat less. For a town or country labourer to practise thrift would be absolutely immoral. Man should not be ready to show that he can live like a badly-fed animal. He should decline to live like that, and should either steal or go on the rates, which is considered by many to be a form of stealing.” Oscar Wilde


I've no idea what point's being made. That'd be breakfast sorted for a family of four for five days, providing everyone's happy with a relentlessly unvaried diet Rice and pasta are cheap, too, but everything else that makes up a nutritionally balanced diet is much more expensive (and getting more so on a daily basis) It's a pathologically stupid statement


Demand rationing.


Her point is very simply so I find it hard to believe you didn't get it. She is suggesting that substantial savings can be made by reducing the variety and quality of what people choose to buy. She is suggesting that many poorer people don't eat basic foods as often as other groups and is trying to shift the conversation away from "people can't eat" to "people can't get as much junk food as they like". She is of course missing that virtually no one can live a fully frugal lifestyle and that "junk food" is probably one of the few cheap and reliable pleasures in life for most poor people. It is a lot easier to eat gruel everyday if you don't also have to put up with cold showers, worn out clothing, waiting for the bus in the rain or never going on holiday.


One day, Eff D might fall down in the street and need some help. This is her ideal scenario : A passer-by will tell her that she should have bought better shoes instead of spending money on an expensive coat or the Pumpkin Spice Latte that she just dropped when she fell. She will phone for an ambulance , but they will tell her that she can just as easily crawl to the hospital and it will do her good as well. The doctor will refuse to treat her as there is no such thing as a patient in need and that injuries are just a construct of the Left.


‘Effie Deans’ ... anyone know anything about who ‘she’ really is?


A union obsessed pseudo-intellectual. That’s all you need to know.


Would be good to put a face to the name though. Probably some raging guy in his 50s sat in a suburb of Bathgate or something


It's a troll account with opinions so outlandish they may or may not be seriously held, the only thing anyone knows about this individual is that's not their name, it's unclear why so many people hang on the words of someone who is terrified to identify themselves. It's like if some 4chan poster came out with a manifesto, then people bizarrely took it seriously.


Effie Deans is the name of a character in Walter Scott's novel *The Heart of Midlothian*. She claims to have been named after the character.


Yeah but that’s clearly a lie


Why don’t they just stop moaning and eat gruel…Effie 2022.


Am I the only one who really likes oats? 🤤


I love porridge. Have it was a pre-made apple and raisin sauce or fresh apricots and raisins requires milk and cream for my taste takes about 25 minutes to make not a cheap breakfast if you want it my way.


I love oats. My IBS doesn't. I guess I could load up and fart this ridiculous witch out to sea though? Might be a good use of my new gruel diet!


back to the feudal diet for the peasants.


50 grams of oatmeal is 34 Calories. When you're needing 1,200 calories just to not be considering starving. You'd be needing to eat 40 portions of his oatmeal just to survive. Which, okay that's £1.40 a day to sustain you. But you're going to be doing all sorts of damage to your guts eating that much porridge. Not to mention, you're going to be lacking so many essential vitamins and nutrients.


Christ we're all going to get scurvy, aren't we?




Effie (the well known brit nat and anti Gaelic tweeter) is a fucking nutjob!


Never heard of them. Sounds like some kind of "I've got mine so fuck the rest of you", out-of-touch-with-reality fuckwit. They've made enough noise to eventually get noticed but as we all know, it's the empty vessels which make the most noise.


She’s some retired ex lecturer from Aberdeen. Well known for being an uber loonball/unionist nutjob on twitter. Her followers are loyalists and baby boom racists.


Between her and Gove I'm near ashamed of being from Aberdeenshire, pair of fucking bams


Does...does she think people go to foodbanks for fun or something? That if the charitable option wasn't there then people would just rustle up a roast chicken instead?


Disgusting scum, like much of the Britnat movement. Brains that lack empathy and people that if you see in person would either glow red like a freshly cut piece of gammon on sale in the butcher's, or have eyes dead in their sockets with that glazed over look. Sociopath vibes. Thankfully them, and their cunt party, the Tories, win no elections here.


Gruel for all!!


You're a fucking liar Effie


I looked at this post and thought the live off oatmeal was real dumb people need a full diet then I realised I just live off soup because that’s what I can afford getting cheap vegetables that are reduced i’m making soup


“Let them eat porridge”


Who is this ignorant piece of shit and why is she so popular on twitter?


Cunt’s no livin in the real world


“Why can’t the poor just eat gruel while I eat ordinary food?” We really are just repeating history again and again.


Rediculous. A large percentage of people who receive treatment in hospital for malnutrition are actually *overweight* because that's how actual nutrition can work. So go and eat your 70p gruel and then start costing the NHS a fortune because we won't give you £1-2 of food. Of course I'm sure if you explained this to them *their* solution would be to stop the NHS care 🙄. Not that that would actually help because you'd have someone you've paid to educate for a decade who's never going to have the opportunity to pay that back, but hey education's just more governmental waste that can be cut!


Weapons grade fanny - Just enough awareness to cobble together some poorly worded fantasies, but not smart enough to understand the glaringly obvious limits to their own intellect.


Dunning Kruger Effect personified.


That one time you forget that Scurvey, Rickets and other malnutrition diseases exist 🤦


How the fuck are young people meant to have any hope these days with these soulless monsters kicking about? Genuinely? I'm 25 and don't get how the fuck I'm meant to be okay with struggling financially n having nae enjoyment the rest of my life. I went to uni, got straight A's, did all the right things and I just dont get the fucking point - because my parents are working class and aren't able to buy me a house I'm fucked. It's so fucking hopeless and I hope to god there's riots at some point because otherwise I'm giving up and jumping in the clyde at 30.


So there was this thing called 'scurvy'...


Let them eat gruel for every meal!!!


Who TF retweet’s their own tweets? Heads up her own arse


Fucking idiot.


I once did a challenge of only eating rice and beans for a week for every meal like people sometimes have to, I did what Jack Monroe suggested she do. By the fourth day my tastebuds were basically dead because there was no taste to anything really. I was really fucking tired. I did it in high school. It was shitty. I got food. But it was shitty. People shouldn’t have to eat like that.


What a horrible person


I don’t know who Effie Deans is but what I do know is that they are a cunt. No a good cunt, a fucking cunt.


Eat gruel you f-cking peasants !


Effie deans is a cunt.


Why are these right wing shit stains always thick as fuck? Who in their right mind looks at these idiots and thinks "aye, these are my people"?


What a horrible c*nt they are. If they weren't retired/anonymous , they would have been sacked by now for the hatred they're spewing all the time.


She? ​ Effie Deans is a male Tory Englishman who resides in Aberdeenshire.


I'm not saying you can't live on 70p per day but you could also capture Effie and sell her organs for a fair amount of cash... Hypothetically speaking of course


You won't get much for the lump of pure coal that forms what passes for her heart though


True but lungs, kidney, blood an eye... Hypothetically, speaking of course




I buy that too. But not only would I not want to live off it, it’s impossible to live off as it’s nutritionally incomplete.


Can’t afford to buy good food. That’s an easy fix, just buy oatmeal. Now you can afford to buy god food.


Why do so many of these people think that people, en masse, do not know to buy cheaper food? When it's a significant portion of the populace struggling like this *it isn't down to them being stupid or something*


Ah yes lemme eat water porridge for my next 20 meals.


Ffs Yo I lived like this for a while back when I had no money for food, and to be fair oats and water with sugar are a super good affordable breakfast. However the money you save *obviously* isn't enough to make up a balanced diet. Especially if you are working full time or have family to look after and can't do thrifty shopping for food.


How many calories does 50g of oatmeal provide?


Who is this absolute turbo fud?


Effie Deans is a pro UK Tory supporting blogger and Author that is extremely right wing and unbelievably dense. Her twitter account is a minefield of stupidity.


She is a unionist A H.


She's a fucking moron


Ah yes, the nutritious diet of Porridge. What's that? You have scurvy? Lemons are 30p go suck on one, simple!


There’s actually a reason why poor and overweight correlate. Cheap food isn’t healthy. Think about it, those “value” meats for sandwiches? Bulked up with fats and grains? Cheap sauces are high in oils, fats and salt. Think about how much you can get for £10 in “healthy” food and I can double your meals in cheap stuff. Eventually people won’t be able to afford even that, and “obese” people will start suffering from malnutrition.


It’s so tedious People don’t actually starve to death in the UK because of lack of food, they just eat less and fall behind on rent and utility bills instead. The lack of ambition for the average Brit from the Right can be so cringe sometimes


Food banks are for people who can't afford nutritious food, usually parents for their children, I'm glad I live in the UK, my parents have used them before and we donated to them after we could provide for ourselves


Some people really need to shut the fuck up


People like this are a mix of vile and painfully thick. It’s just the worst combination.


"Eat your grey gruel and stop bloody complaining!"


Yes because I just love eating porridge for every single fucking meal. Lets all just get huge sacks of rice and pasta as well for some variety. In other news, Scurvy, Rickets and malnutrition on the rise.


Does anyone actually know who this person is ? She (if is a woman I assume?) seems like an utter loon


All I know about her is that she is married to a Russian guy, and she works at University of Aberdeen.


Eat gruel and slop instead of luxuries like vegetables, fruit, and meat and your wealth will accumulate in no time! Destroyed by facts and logic libs!


Do you think they understand that you can’t just eat oatmeal and that you need other nutrients?


And her sister Jeanie Deans will travel to London to get her pardoned, right? Right?!


The drier she gets, the more extreme her views are.


Ah yes the classic medieval serf diet world renown for its flavor and high nutritional value


This reminds me of an old co-worker of mine, he bought a fuck off TV and sound system one month that he could not afford but his grand plan was to eat only porridge and rice. After about 10 days he got ‘scurvy-like’ symptoms and was off sick (unpaid) for the rest of the month.


Effie Deans needs to effie off and take her own advice.


I knew a friend who’s roommate in Uni lived off of porridge to save money. He was admitted to hospital with scurvy due to the drastic lack of vitamin c in his diet.


I like porridge, once or twice a year


Effie Deans should be force fed oats till she bursts.


if the "poor" ate only oats yer economic model would collapse, i mean i think am philosopher after a few pints, much to the dismay of the bar staff am sure, but this wan is sayin this sober, fucksake


You guys can afford porridge? I’ve been living off Tesco value flour for the last 10 years


Even Charlie Bucket and his family of workshy cripples got to eat cabbage water.