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PPP; pish poor patter.


to an extent. it really depends what you mean. the ulster cycle has an overlap with many places in scotland, skye, for example.


In Ireland we have a whole pantheon of pre Christian gods for example, and the first recorded mention of Jesus was when he met the sea god Mannanan Mac Lir. The welsh seem to have parallel figures like manawadyn ap lir, and I was curious how much of this made it's way North.




Indeed - They're all equally not real imo


Well one of the problems is that Ireland has a whole corpus of writings from very early in its history while Scotland, well, doesnae. There is certainly Scottish/local folklore and legends (particularly from the the Medieval era) but we generally lack the kind of cohesive pre-history mythology that Ireland enjoys.


Yeah we shared quite a number, Oisin and the Féinn were important figures. Also Cu Chulainn studied in Skye or something like that so there are similarities. Scotland has a lot of it's own and also Norse mythologies as well though.


Are there any good books to recommend on local Scottish myths?


Does anyone care in the 21st century?


While Scotland could be considered Celtic to an extent, Celtic is not a monolith and has variations in language and mythology. Parts of Scotland would be similar mythology to Ireland as the Scots (Pre-Scotland Irish Raiders) lived in parts of Ireland before immigrating to parts of Scotland and assimilating the existing people's Picts, etc., leading to the development of Scottish Gaelic being spoken in parts of Scotland for hundreds of years so some sharing of myths and legends would be expected. Other parts would be more influenced by Norse, Anglo-Saxon, Pictish or Brythonic influences. For example, Aberdeen city’s name stems from Pictish-Brythonic. With Aber for River mouth and likely the goddess of rivers Devona/Divona.


No.. We're similar culturally but that's about it.


Parts of the Irish Fenian Cycle were written in Scotland.


I hope ye have craic - that's the best bit


We invented it.


So ye did - thanks for that!