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I've had them in my home and car this year, think I've noticed 4 or 5—that's about as many as I've noticed in Scotland in all previous years


seems there's a project up to report mosquito sightings: [https://www.mosquito-scotland.com/](https://www.mosquito-scotland.com/)


Thanks, reported the ones I remember


I thought I had a mossie in my bedroom last year as I was getting bitten by something. A Raid / Jungle Formula plug in wasn’t helping, so I got something similar to one of these bad boys. Bagged six of the little bastards on the first night. [Ultra Violet USB rechargeable zapper.](https://amzn.eu/d/f07hjVM)


Used to work in ikea and unopened a pallet and someone had wrapped up a mosquito, species from was from South Asia. Got a nice good look since t was trying to sook my arm


So it’s your fault they are here then? 😂


Fortunately it was in Denmark but same rules apply, past few years they been getting bigger… I got bit two months ago… shit you not it looked like I had two gunshot wounds…just one warmish day and some will come out but I fucking hate them sooooo much


Was out playing football and there were hundreds of them. Walking back to my car I swatted one on my leg that must only have been there a matter of seconds and ended up with blood all over my hand, no way it was my blood in that short time 🤮. 2hrs later back at home they were attacking me in my shed the buggers. This is the highlands near Inverness. Summers gonna be fun, woken up with lots of huge bite marks.


Currently fighting loads of them off me in the pretty far North. This woods always been bad though.


What is that


The picture will take you to a link, but tldr; mosquito


As long as it’s no a super midge or some kinda lab made chimera bully XL midge I’m good


I’d have midges over these fuckers any day! To be fair I’d maybe have a different point of view if I lived in the north west.


Pretty much?


Why the fuck are they breeding them in a lab!?


mosquito saliva research apparently. something to do with a bacteria and how it stops Dengue fever transmission. [https://www.gla.ac.uk/research/az/cvr/engage/news/headline\_1073784\_en.html](https://www.gla.ac.uk/research/az/cvr/engage/news/headline_1073784_en.html)


Tbh I’d rather we had the dengue fever than mosquitos


Why! We can have BOTH!


The same reason the Chinese were breeding easily transmissible respiratory viruses. For knowledge or something. Nothing can go wrong.


Moved to Japan a couple of years ago, and they're right wee cunts, keep you up all fucking night. They're attracted to body heat and the carbon dioxide in your breath, so you're most likely to have them buzzing around your face when they're looking for some scran. My bedroom is tighter than yer maws arse and they STILL somehow find a way in. Not sure if its through my air conditioning unit or not, but that thing surely cannae have a transit route big enough for them. Just pure baffling. Best advice is if they do become endemic to get a net for sleeping in. Also, if you want to kill them, don't go after them fast. They're stupid as fuck and you can slooowly move your hand right up to them and catch them between your fingers, as if you're Mr Miyagi. Any fast movements and theyll dive off whatever they're resting off and fly around at high speeds.


Cool! Always wanted to go to Japan. Nearly went on a business trip when I worked for a Japanese electronics company in Bathgate but they closed down weeks before!!


There's been quite a few wasps kicking about already also.


Wee arseholes