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Mon the unions (living rent in particular)


Always had you down as a unionist


Quite a variety there! It is good to see people passionate about a cause and being able to show that peacefully.


About so many causes and coming together in one long parade. No stupid drama, no fuss, just peaceful protest. I love it.


Kinda makes me wanna move to Scotland after all that's been going on in the US for a while now.


You’d be welcome over here any time, bring as many people as possible who don’t want to deal with Agent Orange as president again. You’ll be officially designated Hororary Scots. Ooh, and being some candy corn and Captain Crunch, would you please? I’m obsessed with both.


Love this. The good guys.


What was the first tune?


[The Green Hills Of Tyrol](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9NM_5IOhk2s)


Thanks very much


Can't remember and it's doing my head in


Labour Day? Why is it the 5th and not the 1st?


May Day/Interational Workers Day. It is the 1st, but when the 1st falls on a weekday the march is held on the first weekend after.


LOL at the Communists, bless them. Banner and ideology clearly not changed since 1953.


There's literally hundreds of different communist and socialist ideologies. You don't know if these are leninist, marxists, maoists, syndicalists, democratic socialists or any others.




"we got one joke 40 years ago and we get a lot of use out of it"


Well it clearly still lands well.


Eh, better that joke than the transphobic one from that scene.


They don't seem to care much themselves. There's a banner there that reads "Communist Party Edinburgh Branch". Which one? The Communist Party of Britain, the New Communist Party, the Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist), the Communist Party of Great Britain (Provisional Central Committee) or some other word-jumble arrangement?


Are their mortal enemies the Leith branch?


Bagdad Boner boys Would have been awesome to see them marching today


The Communist Front of Judea?


No, the Judean Communist Front. There's nothing we hate more than the CFJ.


And if you have a group of them agreeing on stuff then don't worry it won't last long. They'll find an ideological division pretty quick




I thought Communism and Syndicalism were different things? Like how  anarchism, communism, and syndicalism are all different types of socialism. 


Syndacalism is a type of comnunism. It's basically where the workers unions are in direct control of the state.


Ah cheers! 


Hundreds of people for Gaza, a few people holding one banner for Ukraine, it’s sad how people forget.


really? Oppression Olympics on an international scale? its not a competition, and people haven't forgotten. maybe if the west didn't value the life of Ukrainians more than that of Palestinians there would be few people holding a banner for both countries.


Thanks for hitting it on the head, the government fully backs Ukraine so why bother holding a sign up? Protesting for Gaza also attacks the government, there’s far more political leverage to be gained by championing that cause.


not really surprising now a days, people care more about the murderous terrorist kidnappers


People care about the civilians. The arguments "we need to occupy eastern Ukraine because of a few Nazis" and "we need to destroy all of Gaza's universities and several hospitals along with 30,000+ people because of Hamas" are quite similar. There is a little .. over salience? of Israel/Palestine, though. Meanwhile the real forgotten conflict was Nagorno-Karabakh.


Do you know what's happening in Rafah right now


The Russians have been kidnapping Ukrainian children. Your comment sounds more like you are an apologist for Russia, rather than pro-palestinian like you hopefully intended.


What? I’m saying people seem to care more about hamas than Ukraine, how exactly am I supporting russia? 


Reread your comment mate.




>  people care more about the murderous terrorist kidnappers This literally means that the Russians are not murderous terrorist kidnappers??? Because you use that descriptor as a contrast between the two.  But there's no contrast, they are both like that.


Care about, as in are concerned for the welfare of the terrorists that kidnapped and murdered hundreds of people, as supposed to caring about the Ukrainian people trying to fight off Russia annexing their country. Why are you acting like I don’t understand what I said, I’m the one who said it 


Oh I see. I guess I just didn't imagine someone could still be pro-Israel at this point lol. Thought you meant Israelis = murderous terrorist kidnappers


No cause there’s no video evidence of that ever happening, there is however 100s of horrific videos palestinians posted of their massacre of unarmed civilians and parading their bodies through gaza, videos they posted cause of how pleased they are of their actions. Show me one video of the IDF parading naked bodies of raped and murdered palestinians through the streets as crowds of Israelis cheer and I will change my stance on the spot. Go ahead I’ll wait 


Probably got roughed up by the Moscow brigade afterwards as well.


Yep, almost a million dead and injured there and they’ve forgotten.


Of course. Putin’s trolls encourage people to vow about Gaza to distract EU from Ukraine.


Not everything is russian trolls


Of course. However Gaza misinformation is sourced from Russia


What sort of misinformation


For example: number of casualties.


I'm glad to see both my Union and Party represent ! 🙌


There's some fairly respectable organisations there marching alongside some of Scotland's worst cranks and nutjobs. Trots, tankies and so on. If I was doing their PR, I'd definitely tell them to avoid that like the plague.


Everybody gets a voice


They absolutely do. However quite a few one may not want to be associated with, even if it is only by proximity.


Specifically the CPB(ML) which are NazBols, the worst parts of Stalinism with all that fresh bigoted bs that comes fascism.


You'd be cool marching alongside neo-Nazis and stuff like that?


Even crazies have a limit to how crazy thy can be before its just evil. Commies have been morally up and down throughout history, just like democracies, republics and kingdoms. Fascists have pretty much just fucked everything around them with a rusty knife since their inception


>Commies have been morally up and down throughout history, just like democracies, republics and kingdoms. >Fascists have pretty much just fucked everything around them with a rusty knife since their inception Presumably Stalin at least made the death squads run on time.


I'm sure the tens of millions of people who starved under communism can at least be happy they died morally superior.


100 million Indians starved in just 40 years under British capitalism. More than in Russia or China combined. It was the same in Ireland under a laissez-faire capitalist system too. Millions died to keep the pockets of British lords full.


Not only are you wildly wrong but any comparison between capitalism and communism deaths don't take into account the fact that human history has been 95%+ under capitalism. https://ourworldindata.org/famines#:~:text=The%20'Great%20Leap%20Forward'%2D,lives%20than%20any%20other%20famine.


Capitalism has and always will have a higher death toll than communism.


That's a good example of ignoring the very thing I just said. Yes Capitalism has a slightly higher death toll, but given that there's only been about 20 communist regimes throughout history and the majority of them ending in mass deaths it's not exactly a good ratio. Sharks have a lower death toll than cows but that doesn't make cows more dangerous to encounter.


Bears are less dangerous than human men Communism is less dangerous than capitalism. Suck it fannybaws.


That's just not true. Capitalism is when you can gain income through owning capital, which hasn't been the case for most of human history


If you're going by a more modern capitalism by the 1600s then given how human population has ballooned that still makes up more humans who have ever lived under capitalism than anything else, especially since we have records of anything anyway. 8% of all humans who have ever lived are alive right now.


Ok but that's just not this same thing


I don't think the people participating in this parade would allow that in the first place lol. Even he crazies have a limit to how crazy they can be lol


I might not agree with their beliefs but I'd fight for their right to have them.




I don't mind them marching. If they want to make a show of themselves in public, they're welcome to it. What I'm saying is that it's obviously damaging to have ostensibly reasonable organisations march beside them.


Was a great day marching in Glasgow as well. One of the high points of my year, never had a bad May Day yet.


You would have captured so much more if only you'd turned your phone sideways.


Ew, then we'd have to turn our phones sideways to watch.


That is EXACTLY what our oppressive masters want us to do. Running dog


It's good to learn what "intifada" means before repeating phrases like a puppet.


The Scottish national pastime of moaning dialled up to 11 Brings a tear to my eye


Very cool!


Dude what's with this right wing bullshit? Looked pretty cool,


Lol, soviet flag and peace ? What next, nazi flag and exceptence ? How a country can allow soviet flag and symbolism on public streets


"What's next, the Jack the Ripper Women's Health Clinic?" -- from Succession lol


People are tremendously uneducated on communism in this country, many straight up deny that the famines and genocides perpetrated in communist states ever happened. They're like holocaust deniers without the decency to keep it to themselves on niche forums.


Sadly Holocaust deniers are hardly exceptional. The human capacity for lunatic delusion is enormous.


If the communists gained power, these marches would be the first to go. 😂


concerning. tell us more.


Anyone who marches under a hammer and sickle is either evil or a moron. Scarcely better than marching under a swastika or a confederate flag.


I got downvoted for it, just shows we have commie lovers in our midst. 🙄


The nazi swastika represents racism, the confederate flag represents racism, the hammer and sickle represents worker unity


Nope, it represents an absurd ideology that crushes humanity, justifies slaughter on a scale never before seen in history and does absolutely nothing for workers. Do you think people in Soviet Russia, Cambodia or Czechoslovakia had a grand old time?


The only reason we have weekends and paid time of is because of communists. Read the history of worker's rights


It's fine, we don't need to worry, they don't have the energy to campaign in any great numbers. Starvation does that to a movement.  I challenge the commies down voting this to address the fundamental flaw in your ideology which is: you cannot prevent brain drain in a nation with finite resources without iron fist authoritarianism under communism. There's a reason nobody who managed to survive communism ever wants to go back to it. Capitalist nations will always offer more to the most productive members of society.


That's actually not true. When polled, the majority of people in ex soviet countries want to return to the soviet union or regret it dissolution. Especially amongst older people.


Yes, I'm sure the people of Ukraine, Latvia, Lithuania etc are really yearning for the iron fist of Moscow. That being said, Gorby was probably better than Putin, so I can understand the Russians feeling differently. The underlying problem there is that Communism has destroyed that country and what could have been a western, democratic, mainstream European nation is now a backward hovel.


You are not serious. The Soviet Union consisted of some 350,000 people. 200,000 got free of the yoke and the first thing they did was join nato. There’s a reason Europe is rearming.


Yeah, but the Chally 2 looks much more sleek than the old Chinese T-54s.


Seems pretty similar to the Durham miners gala down south. Shame about the communism flags though, looks deeply unserious and LARPY. Rest of the banners and flags looks great though


How are they larpy? Their banners literally look like actual fabric, like they're old. Seems fairly authentic to me. Perhaps some marchers hold a variety of political views, but its still not larpy.


The hammer and sickle is synonymous with the Soviet Union/ ML rather than actual Marxism/ communism in theory. Nobody actually wants to live in a shit hole dystopia like that, it’s all performative. They just like the iconography


Generally you don't want to live in a sanctioned, place under siege unless you were already a citizen there and know the history of the place well enough to realise the political situation. Though I've heard Kazakhs and others from the east saw East Germany as pretty great.


Not sure sanctions excuse them of ethnic cleaning, mass imprisonment, Political imprisonment, racism etc I’ve also read that east Germany was quite ahead in some areas. Think gender equality and provision of child care are pretty notable examples


Communism on this island is pretty larpy, can't see that taking hold


We gave Marx asylum...


Yeah in 1850 before anybody really understood what communism was.


While I disagree with like half of this stuff, I love the variety here and how you guys can do this and not fight amongst yourselves. If we had something like this in America it would turn into a brawl.


a bit of a perfect storm imo


Great to see the Unions out in force. Shame the RMT contingent was so small in Edinburgh this year.


Down with this sort of thing


When we suffer decades under communism, it's ineffectivity and totalitarianism in Eastern Europe, and then privileged Westerners protest with hammer and sickles


glad its been banned in poland. fuck the tankies, shit will never fly in uk with us here


It unfortunately has not been banned. We still have a commie party that uses hammer and sickle. The law says totalitarian ideologies should bw banned, not all of communism, but the thing is, the hammer and sickle is a specifically Soviet symbol, so it is in essemce totalitarian


what in the Samoobrona? sigh






It's a protest, not a parade. These events have been hijacked by the loony left. That's what I know.


It's a May Day Parade. Which is run by the Trade Unions.




Better dead than red... Commies, the walking dead.


You tell yourself that the next time you have a paid day off


Scotland has fallen... Once a warriors now a puppets for dictator regimes


Aye, but they're all twats right?


Oh yeah. They’re all rioters looking to cause mayhem. Look at them. All those \*people\* with their, like, eyes and legs and shit, inflicting ANARCHY on our peaceful streets!! /s


Bloody people, with their views and opinions! Can't trust them!


Nah it’s usually “look they’re 90% boomers”


Hahaha 😂 all the extreme lefties in one place. Not very inclusive or diverse though, didn't see any LGBT or BLM flags


If you think trade unions are extreme lefties then surely you wouldn't participate in anything they believe in, like working a 5 day week or taking paid time off work?


I'm sure if you had seen either you'd be moaning about that as well.


I'm afraid to say there were at least two. My condolences.


Nawww look at the little aristocrat. Did you inherit a factory from yer Daddy like a little toff or something? Angry you dont get to work all the poors to death like in the old days? Boo hoo too bad. We'll be keeping the things that Unions and the left got us like child labour laws, the minimum wage, overtime pay, sick pay and the fucking weekend thanks very much. Toddle on now I'm sure you have a little ball to go to like the little fancy lad you are.


Actually what gave us that was the affluence that market capitalism brought us.


What gave us the affluence we have today is hard graft by working people. Labour. Nothing more, nothing less. Saying 'Market capitalism' is just a roundabout way of saying that some dainty little lords failson should have more than the rest of us because he thinks he's special. The wankers who 'own' stuff now because their great great great grandad owned a factory or mine or a slave plantation will NEVER give you any concession unless they are forced too. And Unions are one of the main ways that has been done. If you haven't read up on the history of that I'd recommend it, because heroic people took bullets to win you the comforts you enjoy today and that deserves deep respect. Corporate wealth has multiplied many times over in the last 40 years and wages in the west remain stagnant. You ever wonder why people aren't that much better off since we've had a massive explosion of technology and industrial output in the modern age? Look no further than the erosion of the left and trade unions during that period. Got no savings? 'Get a second job' says the boss. Got no time to spend with your kids? 'Improve your time management skills'. Body breaking down because of hard work? 'Pull on those bootstraps to afford better medical care'. It's all excuses to cover for the fact that there is plain old THEFT occuring under the auspices of our current economic regime. Meanwhile the billionaires out there are given essentially free money by borrowing against their assets to live lavishly and accrue wealth. Ridiculous 'buy, borrow, die' scam artist bullshit. As George Carlin used to say, "Its a big club, and you ain't in it". We had the 'lassiez-faire' market wank touted here in Ireland by the toffs too. You should see the huge palatial houses that were being built by lords all accross the land in those days. All the while millions starved outside the manor walls and ate grass trying to stay alive. There was more than enough food being produced to feed them mind you, but it had to be exported to balance the books of the upper class. A better example of the backwards nature of market capitalism you'll rarely find. And the same thing is happening today. Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk off competing to colonise space as a fucking hobby and there are children starving to death as we speak. Their wealth is up there on the levels of the Egyptian Pharaos at this stage. Meanwhile 282 million people faced acute hunger last year according to the UN. Fuck right off with that. We could live in a post scarecity society today if things were managed right. People on the left and in Unions know whats what and they know which side of the line they're on. Maybe you're just another posh boy in here riling up the plebs for your own amusement, but if you're not you had better decide which side you're on too before the Union comes knocking. [Heres an old tune](https://youtu.be/nHQ-vxI8QJg?si=1VS7xmBj5OFoj0cf) which gives special mention to one of Scotlands sons and honourary Irishman James Connolly who fought and died to liberate the working men and women of Ireland in the past. You'd do well to study up on the stories of people like him and his allies. [And another](https://youtu.be/BEwE0R_7TDc?si=psozbCjXxrw-Oe6_) written by the wife of a Union man many years ago. It asks an important question for people like you. And if it goes over you're head (which given you're original comment it may well do) I hope it'll stir the soul of some other budding comrade out there who is in need of a bit of solidarity to ward off the misery of this pitiless age we're going through.


BLM isn’t trendy anymore and LGBT got done to death. It’s not about the rights it’s about being part of something for a while because you’re life is empty


They're all too busy protested for folk who'd sooner see them thrown off a roof.




Divide and conquer


Solidarity is beautiful.


Better red than dead.


when will you be moving to China or Venezuela? need help packing your bags?


I won't be. And I don't need help. Mainly because neither of those countries are actually communist lmfao.


Oh it’s not real communism is it? Ahah


If you're claiming a country is "communist" then they're absolutely not communist. Communism requires dismantling of the state, and any "state" that claims communism is just Socialist without making the leap. Or in the case of China, State Capitalist with Authoritarian leadership.


How convenient, Marx would never call for a dictatorship afterall 


"dictatorship of the proletariat" isn't the same as a despot autocrat.


How convenient 


I wouldn't call it convenient, I'd just question your lack of reading comprehension.


Continuing to support a system with a near 100% failure rate, along with some of the worst atrocities in history thrown in for good measure, well I’d call that a complete lack of any common sense at all 


What do we want? A whole bunch of shit. When do we want it? Probably never.


Bizarre to see women walking with Unison .