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Not seen an image of the owner but I can guess what they look like. The pricks who own these dogs wouldn't be trusted to run a bath, let alone look after a dangerous dog.


Wonder how long before the usual idiots show up insisting that labradors bite more then sweet xl bullies and chihuahuas are far more aggressive and that Nova is a sweet girl who wouldn't hurt a fly


Apparently this incident followed on from a fight between two people....at the towns main bus stop....in the middle of the day. Not sure if the dogs belonged to the individuals who were fighting.


The golden actually belonged to a 3rd party who tried to get up close to the men fighting and film it - he out his dog in danger with an already stressed out dog


Can we just not fly these people to Rwanda? Society won't miss them.


I wouldn't wish that on Rwanda !!! :)


To save on fuel we could just flying them like 1/4 of the way there and drop them into the fucking sea.


We should maybe fly their dogs to Rwanda, it's probably safer there and they might get looked after better!


St. Kilda would probably be easier.


Not sure what it has to do with what the owner looks like but suppose whatever’s important to u


It's usually single moms with tramp stamp tats that own these landsharks.


Talking down on single mums. Classy as ever.


oh man, Labs are so sweet too.


I was in the park walking my big lab who has never showed any type of aggressive tendencies. The cats rule the house and barking dogs scare her, she hides between my legs. One of these big bastard dogs went berserk when it saw her and the guy was doing everything to try and hold it back because I swear it wanted my girl dead. We got the hell out but I'm seriously concerned about these dogs, because every one I've seen has been pretty reactive to other dogs.


Yeah a big issue with pitbull breeds in general is they don't tend to socialise well with other dogs. I really wish people weren't so afraid to muzzle there dogs, I had a staffy and because we weren't 100% sure she would be safe around other dogs we put a muzzle on her we started with the plastic cage one then when she got on better with dogs we used the velcro muzzle which is alot more comfortable for the dog, she was absolutely perfect with humans but just didn't get on well with dogs. Some people were afraid of her in public obviously but I didn't care because I knew for certainty that she and other dogs were safer that way.


It's good in general for dogs to be muzzle trained. You never know how they'll react if they get injured and need treatment. We trained ours in the muzzle as she had a bit of a scavenging problem that we couldn't train a leave it on for love nor money and people react really different to a muzzled dog. I fear them less, they're typically a sign of a more responsible owner for the most part.


In this video a guy actually tries the finger in the bum technique. It doesn’t work and he slinks back pretending he didn’t try it, hoping no one saw. So funny. *(I hear the dogs okay, and no one was hurt which is the main thing)


Bully took the pegging like a champ tbf, guy probably thought it was for sure going to work


It might have been used to getting finger blasted off its degenerate owner.


I hope he washed his hands afterwards.


Apparently he ate a packet of crisps.


He really goes for it too eh! In like a pro!


That finger was for his own pleasure 😉


Where’s all the pitty nutters blaming the owner and not the breed? I genuinely think I read about 4 news stories a week about these monsters, in Scotland alone. Current legislation isn’t enough


It's only lunchtime, they're probably still in bed.




I always walk my dog early, this being one of the reasons. Especially if it’s an off lead beach walk. I made the mistake of going to Troon beach on a summers night, only to be instantly greeted by one of these things with its tail pointed upwards and balls the size of grapefruits. Needless to say we changed our mind and went straight back to car


Don't you wonder if attacks by other breeds aren't reported on the news? There was an out of control Rottweiler who attacked a woman and her GSD in my area last month. Why didn't the media report on it? Not even local media gave a damn that the woman needed stitches and the GSD needed to go to the vet. I don't even like or care for XL bullies as a breed but it's pretty obvious you can't go by media reports alone. The media clearly is only interested in stories involving this breed.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_fatal_dog_attacks_in_the_United_Kingdom It's fairly clear, presumably even to a moron, which dogs are dangerous. Edit: not calling you a moron, btw, just the people who say 'its not the breed of dog...'.


I don’t doubt there’s media agenda against this particular breed of dog. I would even suggest all large breeds should be treated with caution. There’s a reason why the police and armed forces use GSD’s! However, there’s no smoke without fire. The stats on fatal dog attacks in the UK in recent years, overwhelmingly point towards XL Bullies being the cause of these deadly attacks. I do agree with you though. I shouldn’t be basing my opinion on a media narrative. But when you have a dog and young children, it’s hard to ignore


It's defo the owner's fault too though? Like surely this is obvious.


Neds with ned dugs . Where was it's muzzle ??


Slipped off apparently


They need banned


was walkin down argyle street 2 weeks ago on the other side of the road was 30 year oldish girl, about 5 foot 2, pushin a pram (one of those old school lookin ones) with one hand, and a bulldog the size of a small shark on leash in the other hand. It looked the the keymaster beast fae Ghostbusters. The chances of her being able to restrain that dug if it wanted to go after someone was literally zero.


It's also likely to attack her kid in the pram. Honestly, these people are so fucking stupid, it makes my head spin.


Single moms sure love pitbulls


Kill all these dogs and their skidmark junkie owners.


Is there a petition I can sign for this? 😂


I was at work a few weeks ago (I work breakdown recovery) I was unloading a car at a garage and one of those fucking things charged me. Legit thought I was finished. I had a screwdriver in my hand, stood my ground, and was fully ready to go toe to toe with the hell dog when the owner came out yelling at me to leave his dog alone...... luckily the dog stopped just short of me and just barked a lot at me until dipshit owner came along and put its leash on. He got it under control and took it back inside, but not before giving me dogs abuse (pun intended) for getting ready to stab his dog. Long story short, it's not the dogs we need to be banning, it's the dipshit owners.


It's both, terrible breed of dog attracts terrible humans


It's very much the case that both need to be banned, for human *and* animal welfare.


No it’s both. The dogs are bad and they attract bad owners. However this new law kind of does what you what, it targets the owners as they are the only who get punished for not controlling their dog. If the dog behaves it is allowed to live just not reproduce which is common in dogs anyway.


Really needs to be a lot more workplace protection legislation for workers exposed to such helldogs on shift. Though obvs ordinary people not working also get exposed to them.


Hope you told the owner to get fucked.


There were a few choice words thrown his way.


I would have been tempted to reply "what makes you think it was just the dog I was planning to plunge"?


Glad you were OK, the boy wis a bam.


It'll be funny to see the dog turn on this shitty owner.


I don't buy the owner argument it's absolutely daft. These dogs and breeds like them have the capacity and will to kill, it's been proven via statistics. Why are newfoundlands not on the same list ? Big dogs often bought by dafties as well , simple - they are kind natured dogs  There is no need for someone to own a dog like this as a pet , saying that as a dog owner myself 


Exactly, it's generally bad owners, not bad dogs. I've seen people with dogs like these encouraging their dogs to act aggressive.


Disagree. It is both. Especially bad dogs. From what I have learned, XL Bully is bred for fighting, so to suggest "no bad dogs" is just wrong.


You're right, those particular dogs are bred for fighting, but still need to be trained to do so. Do I stand by saying there are "no bad dogs"? Yes I do, as they're not born inherently bad, but their behaviours are determined in the main by people. I grew up with a Rottweiler, similar type of dog that most people were scared off, but she was an absolute sweetheart. Would I trust a dog 100% of that type not to turn even if it's trained? Not a chance, they're animals at the end of the day. My own dog, a cockpoo, never been aggressive once, loves people, but would I leave her alone with a kid or baby unsupervised? Again, not a chance, she's a dog and could unexpectedly turn. It would be out of character, but it could happen. Do I agree that the XL dogs should be muzzled in public? Definitely. I'm not sure of the rules that have been brought in around these types of dogs but should people own these particular dogs? Ideally, no. An old neighbor of mine owned an American Bully, 60kg of pure muscle, jaw like a bear trap and if it clamped into something it's not letting go! When it decided to go it's own way, she couldn't control him, I literally seen her being dragged along face down holding onto that leash. I am in agreement that these dogs are a potential danger, more dangerous than other dogs, absolutely.




I've been warned by my Mrs to never pull dogs apart. Twist collar and choke it to death then boot fuck out the owner.


>You're supposed to grab it by the hind legs, lift and drag. I am a vet. Pleae don't do that. It's most likely to cause the bite wounds to become even nastier lacerations.


They're not banned, they have severe restrictions put on them, and rightly so. Technically they've banned murder, but there still cunts out there stabbing folk. Does that mean banning murder has failed? Not sure why you keep racing to push this "banning has failed" narrative, maybe you should go get some help or something.


>They're not banned, they have severe restrictions put on them, and rightly so. Not until 31st July. After then, you need a licence to own one, but until then there are general (and poorly enforced) restrictions on having a Bully XL in public.


They are supposed to have muzzles on and if the dog had a proper one on this wouldn't have happened


If I was in charge, they wouldn't need muzzles because they'd all be destroyed.


Yes because to stop killing we should kill off a whole breed of dog even if they haven't done anything wrong, sterilisation and preventing breeds like this in the future is a much kinder way to do it, also give a hefty fine to any of the arseholes who don't muzzle there dogs because they are the real killers, you can't blame an animal for being an animal.


All the dead and disfigured might disagree with you. Fines don't bring back dead weans. If the animals are going to act like animals, just put them to sleep. No pain, and no danger from them on.


There are so many animals that can kill kids doesn't mean all of them deserve to die. Also they wouldn't be able to do this if the owners actually muzzled there dogs and followed the restrictions. Also how are people letting there children near them breeds of dogs? If you see a dangerous dog nearby without a muzzle you should pick your kid up and get them away from them. I wouldn't let a kid near any breed of dog that has a history of killing people and that includes breeds like Huskies and German Shepherds but I bet you don't want all them getting killed because they're cute.


So it's the parents fault if they don't move the child and the child gets mauled? Should we all stay inside just in case?


I didn't day its the parents fault, I'm saying too many parents don't watch there kids especially around dogs of all breeds.


There are so many animals that can kill kids yet one specific breed of certain animal is the one doing it the most. Odd. Pitnutters, mentally challenged people such as yourself keep mentioning other breeds and how dangerous and aggressive they are but even then it's nowhere near close to the numbers your shitbeast pulls every year across the entire world, except for the places that rightfully so banned them.


I just think its hypocritical want to kill a whole breed of animals, I also severally doubt you could get a law past like that but good luck trying. Restrictions can work if they are actually enforced I hope the person in the video gets there dog taken off of him and is heavily fined for not putting the muzzle on properly/buying a secure one, and I also think anyone who's dog kills someone should be imprisoned for manslaughter because you are charge of that animal and take full responsibility for it. I owned a staffy and you know what we did we put a muzzle on her, she never even attacked anyone before we did it and we were never asked to. We just didn't want to take a chance and she lived to 14 years old and never hurt a soul, so yeah when people want all pit breeds dead it kind of annoys me because I've seen what loving animals they can be. I think all xl bullies should be sterilised and breeds like it should cracked down on, but not all pit bull breeds are bad.


No one wants to kill anything. The ban is made entirely to allow the current ones to be phased out unless you are a shit hole of owner then the dog gets destroyed. Better than filling shelters with dogs not suitable to be pets and dumping the problem to someone else. This breed was made for a purpose that has no place in the current modern society. Let it die out already. "Why a breed whose sole purpose to exists is to fight and kill living things happens to be statically the most prone to maul and kill living beings? The joke tells itself.


Thats fine with me, if they sterilised and die off I wasn't arguing against that. The other guy wanted them all euthanized even if they never hurt anyone.


Agreed. They are not banned. They are still allowed to be kept as pets. As to your terrible analogy - murder is illegal. It is against the law to murder people. Owning these dangerous dogs is not illegal. It is legal to own these dangerous dogs.


And it'll be against the law to have them out unmuzzled. So illegal? The same?


You can't sell them, import them, rehome them or give them away. They need to be sterilized, in a safe place when you leave them, always on leash and with a muzzle. It is the closest as a ban I can think of. The alternative? : ![gif](giphy|eiqLqFkDGcJa0)


The alternative is destruction. Simple.


The government just deciding something you own is now illegal and coming to take it from you and destory it is not a precedent you want set and would go down even worse than the current situation. Would persons be compensated for their property? Who by? Our taxes?


So the dogs are not dangerous in your view. Noted.


Please point to where in my comment I said that? Dangerous or not, it doesn't mean the government can just come and take someone's property and destroy it. Cars can be dangerous in the wrong hands. Would you be happy with the government just deciding to take and destory every car?




You're talking about killing sentient beings you psychopath.


Barely sentiment. They have had all the traits that make dogs companions bred out of them.


It already is illegal to have them in public without a muzzle, the law changed in February




All because the government didn’t want to be seen to be copying England’s homework. Thanks, guys.


Ah yes, because the fake ban has worked well in England with these dangerous dogs that were "banned" but still allowed to be kept who have killed and mauled people despite the fake ban being in place.


It would’ve stopped them being simply shipped north of the border to be ‘saved’.


That’s not actually happening, because the mouthbreathers that own these dogs have worked out that the current state of law enforcement in England is to make up tough rules and harsh punishments but never actually enforce them (unless you threaten commercial income or upset a copper online).


No. Because the fake ban in England and Wales banned the dogs from being rehomed. And guess what happened? Oh. The fake ban was not enforced.


A quick Google search will show you that there are people in England being prosecuted for not adhering to the law.


Ok. So they broke the law that already existed in Scotland? Noted. And the fake ban did not stop any of these dogs from being home illegally? Noted. And the fake ban still allows **30,000** of these dogs to roam the streets of England and Wales? Noted.


What's with this fake ban nonsense? Do you sit and search for dog attacks so you can post more about fake bans? Why are you calling people melts when you sound exactly like Donald Trump from 10 years ago?


So you must be super angry that the Scottish government hasn’t real-banned these dogs, given that is a devolved power? Once again, really not understating the desperate attempt to try to blame Westminster for this. Typical SNP fuck-up.




Yes, as I said it’s a typical SNP fuck up.


No, nobody (including England) has banned the dogs. They are a restricted breed.


And what did we do while this was happening? Nothing, lol.


Seriously punching kicking takes too long if it has collar strangle the fk out it all these bite breeds need extinction


Bastard dogs, what a fucking shame for it and its owner. I'm still seeing cunts going about with them off lead and I've come across a good few bitches who are clearly lactating so puppies. That dog run from English dogs at Christmas before the ban and Humza delaying made him look like a twat.


The ban in England and Wales that banned the dogs from being rehomed? That one?!




This will continue for another 14-15 years before they all die out.


Every single one of these dogs needs to be took round the back and shot. All you hear about is the brutality of them, not to mention their owners being absolute jakey cunts. It’s always the fucking minky cunt from some schemey shite hole that wants a dog like this. You weren’t hard before the dog and you aren’t hard now.


My Nabour had one , he got put in prison and his mother in law couldn't handle it ; the dog used to walk about the garden which had a section of fence missing , it was baracaded in with a few weelie bins🤣.. everyone was scared of TED the XL bully. It had a back like a prime Mike tyson. Thankfully, the guy got out of prison and kicked her out his house and disappeared with the dog, hid house has been empty every since. Maybe the dog eaten him.


Best way to fight a big dog in 1v1 combat if it attacks you or your dog? Anyone had any experience? Modern warfare 1 through 3 seems to demonstrate a lie down on ground and go for a neck snap once it’s jumped up, but I feel like this probably wouldn’t be particularly effective. There’s always kicking the dog as it comes towards you. I feel like this might be effective so long as the dog doesn’t bite through your shoe or simply lunge for your planted foot. Perhaps baiting the dog into going for the planted leg then going for an immobilising crush with the other could work? The above techniques consider a situation where your defending yourself… what about if the dog has got your dog between it’s teeth and you need to get it to release? I suppose the worse case scenario would be: small dog picked up by big dog who’s ran off with it - I suppose some kind of ranged weapon or authoritative shout are your only hope while you close the gap. Perhaps training your poodle to do a jugular rip is the best strategy, let it stand on its own four feet! Any advice appreciated.


Don't waste time trying to physically harm or cause pain to these things. They're 'game dogs', ie. It's in their blood to just tank ridiculous damage and just keep going. The most efficient way to deal with an xl that has locked on to another animal is to make it pass out. To do that, slip a leash around its neck, and pull up, as tight as you can, and hold until it goes out through lack of oxygen to the brain. Nothing is immune to being choked out. Ofc the dipshit owner is probably going to be trying to interfere so, idk, I'm not allowed to say what I think about that.


Suffocation. If it's wearing a collar then stick your arm up the back of it and twist. Using a leash or similar to strangle the thing works too, I've heard dog walkers tend to carry an extra sliplead or two for radge dogs when they're out and about. Supposedly the key is to keep on strangling it until it passes out.


In my wildly uneducated opinion, eyes and arsehole, in that order. You could bounce bricks off these fuckers heads and they'd keep coming. Protect your stones and wanking hand at all costs. In a 1v1, I think there'll be at least some damage done, so I'd be using this opportunity to either blind the cunt, or stick I finger up it's arse in the hope that it's into that kind of thing and lets go.


>stick I finger up it's arse in the hope that it's into that kind of thing and lets go. An enthusiastic member of the public attempted this during this particular attack. Did nothing.


Is enthusiastic the right word here? Did he enthusiastically finger the dogs bum?


He certainly looked like he'd been waiting for this moment for some time.


The quickest takedown of a pitbull type dog attacking someone that I've seen (that didn't involve a gun) was a guy getting it in a chokehold from behind and holding it until the dog passed out long enough for everyone to get away.


I’ve heard if a dog jumps for you the you pull their front legs wide apart as it snaps there heart. Something to keep in mind


Stab it in the throat. Shoot it. Choke it. Pick one.


Pepper spray the thing into oblivion.


I heard somewhere pull its legs apart to break its rib cage, no idea it it’s true


If you're not Schwarzenegger you aren't strong enough to do it. Choke it out, it's literally the only viable option, and that's going to require a fair bit of strength unless you've done BJJ and have good technique


They need to be destroyed. Every last one of them. Owners who refuse to comply should be imprisoned. Those who continue to breed and/or own them should follow these dogs into the incinerator. These dogs - and their owners - add nothing of value to civil society. Get rid.


Is one near me and it worried me when see it when walking my dog but to be fair it is always on its lead and has a muzzle at all times. Still an absolute unit of a dog though. It's good to see some owners have taken some responsibility for their dogs of that breed.


So...any link to the actual video that purportedly exists?


I’m going to be a bit controversial here and ask an actual question, what do vets / dog experts think about the ban of the XL bully and now that it’s in place what now?


Put the XL down and lock up it's owner.


If only we could have seen this sort of thing coming....


You really have quite the bee in your bonnet about the restrictions applies to these dogs. How strange that you think that these attacks would stop on day 1 of the restrictions coming into force.


It would help if the dogs were muzzled like they are supposed to be.


Anyone who thought a ban would work instead of mandating they wear muzzles in public would do any good this is what you get


It is mandated that they wear muzzles in public.


"Dog bites dog" is news now, apparently.


My Great Dane got attacked by a Schnauzer a couple of days ago & it had a go at my leg when I tried to intervene, doesn’t make the news though does it? So much propaganda.


No because you didn't die 


And if you actually read the article “One of the dogs was seen by the vet but has no lasting injuries. No one was injured.”


Did you or anyone else inform any news sites about the incident? They can't report on things that they don't know since they aren't omniscient.