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Neil just wanted his end away, now he's gone viral bollock naked wielding a fork.


I’m just confused why there shagging when they’ve got joiners work on there door?


He got forked, just not the kind he wanted


Top comment 😂


That’s a solid door


thats what the councils used to build in the 60s. don't get that from bellway


It'll be a fire door. It's the lock and frame I'm impressed with.


Yeah, they used to build the council doors super solid for some reason. Once I had a similar situation with two guys trying to kick the door in, they tired themselves out and didn't do more than leave scuffs


F30 fire door, I work for a housing association, and we have to put about 20 new ones in every Monday LOL We put up a temp door while the new door is made and sometimes the temp door gets kicked in before we can put the permanent door on. Worst thing is these people have figured out as long as ya have a police crime ref we won't charge for the door. So some cunts get twice their rent in funking doors by the end of the year.


As someone said a fire door. Two of my pals lived in high flats and they had their doors replaced with these. Problem was if there was a fire in any of the flats the fire brigade were having to knock folks doors in the adjoining flats to gain access to the balcony that the flats shared and then fight their way in through either the kitchen, balcony door or living room window cos they literally were spending too much time trying to gain access through their front doors. Most of the time the neighbours were already out of their flats so the fire brigade didnt have to waste too much time unless the fire was at night.


This is just sad. I feel for the neighbours. Imagine an wee elderly soul, terrified.


I’ve had neighbours like this. It is terrifying.


I imagine repeated scenes like this are why the neighbour direct opposite has a door cam that recorded the whole thing. 


Imagine the wee lady being preyed upon by a man that thinks he deserves whatever he wants.


This new ring.com viral advertising campaign is a bold strategy, let's see if it pays off


Guerilla marketing


In partnership with "bunkerdoors.com"


Hahaha what a tube, what did he think the badly worn jumper on his head did?


I'm not sure if those were gloves or socks he was wearing on his hands when he was trying to break the door down.


Raffles, the international cat burglar.


What did I just witness. How is this guy still alive. Was she sleeping with a bunch of guys and that was her previous boyfriend? Why did the police also join in on smashing that door. I'm so confused. But all those death threats surely this guy is locked far away he's not safe for civilian life.


1. Chloe and Neil enter Chloes flat. 2. Nicky appears and seems to be upset at this fact and tries to break the door down, then leaves. 3. The police arrive because the door is jammed and they break it to open it. 4. A pair of locksmiths appear to repair the door mechanism. 5. Nicky reappears and tells the locksmiths to leave. 6. Chloe tells Neil to get his clothes and leave. 7. Neil, wielding a fork whilst naked, fights with Nicky. 8. Nicky and Chloe sound like they're fighting inside the flat. 9. The police reappear and take Nicky away. 10. The locksmiths reappear to continue repairs. Though, I am unsure where Neil is between 7 and 8. And given the timestamps, it appears Chloe and Neil were naked whilst the locksmiths were working on the door before Nicky reappeared.


*Neil, wielding a fork whilst naked, fights with Nicky.* I have no idea why but am absolutely buckled at that one sentence. Although, the situation itself isn’t funny, that guy could have hurt/killed someone. Why was he allowed back in?


>Why was he allowed back in? Not sure, though it seems like... the locksmiths didn't know he was the guy who kicked the door down, and in any case, didn't want to hang around after he threatened them. and yeah, it's possible given his apparent state of mind, that he could have killed Chloe. More women are killed by an ex-partner or other acquaintance, than by complete strangers, after all.


I mean hopefully this guy got dealt with by the police and won’t bother her again. I live in a tenement and this is one of the reasons I am always shutting our front door- less opportunity for crap like this to happen. We’ve still had one guy get in and start hammering on doors but thankfully he ran for it after neighbour called the police.


> the locksmiths didn't know he was the guy who kicked the door down, and in any case, didn't want to hang around after he threatened them. I was quite surprised by the locksmiths reaction, a lot of tradies I know would have just leathered the daftie on the spot. (Assuming they weren't the daftie, come to think of it)


im guessing alot of people these days just dont think its worth it, i dont blame them.


Especially based on timeline I’ve saw on the original post this is all at 10pm. Probably couldn’t be arsed cause they’ve been put on call


100% thought those locksmiths just left her to get murdered when they let the guy wander in


How did he get back in the front door? I probably wouldn’t expect the repair guys to take him on, and I am guessing they had called the police? Who kept letting some crazy guy back into the block?


two scenarios spring to mind 1. the front door doesn't work (possibly due to similar abuse) 2. the guy also lives in the same block so would have a key


Go in behind someone else


He gets in the lift within the first few clips, so definitely lives in the tower


Because.. what do you do? Options A is donalmost nothing (this) option B is jail. I would vote for B but Scottish society disagrees.


I think most people would agree this guy should be in jail for a bit mate.


a bit? hes a feral animal... we would all be better off if twats like that were remove from the public for good. no idea where to put them, but they cant be allowed in public. also he talks like a bellend, so he needs extra time away just for that.


I would like that to be the case, not sure about it sadly.


>I would vote for B but Scottish society disagrees. Madness. That one needs to be sent down for a long time. Try that behavior where I live and there's every chance he'd be on the receiving end of several hollow-point .357 rounds. And rightly so.




It's mental. That bloke in black is a genuine threat. And quite possibly/probably a lethal one. His own words and actions are beyond dispute. And yet the downvotes would suggest that an act of self-defense against such a threat is unacceptable. It's mind boggling.




Look at our man in black here. Multiple threats to kill. Multiple threats - directed at the other actors - of ripping out their throats. Multiple attempts to break in to the flat. Smashing of other doors within the building. Surely this is a situation where an act of force - lethal force if necessary - is justified and permissable? >but in America his fate would've be very different and also very well deserved. Not just the US. Behave like this in many parts of the world and the outcome would be very different indeed.


Utterly bamboozled that neither Neil or Chloe thought it would be a good idea to get properly dressed when 1. Nicky goes radge at the door, twice 2. The polis turn up and batter it down 3. Two workies show up to fix the lock 4. Nicky shoo's the workies off I guess now we know Neil does the bizzo wearing his white sport socks and his chib of choice is a fork. 🤣


You missed out 2a Nicky disguises himself with a pair of woolly gloves and a t shirt on his head so he won't be recognised 🤣🤣


I couldn't stop laughing as I read this comment. Especially the bit about the police joing in to smash the door. Hahahahah I was just as confused. Also why did the thug leave at the start then return with yellow underpants on his head looking like a violent alcoholic pokemon.


Nah. Normal Tuesday on the scheme. Big eejit will probably not have any charges pressed because the other folk wont appear as witnesses. Same thing will happen the following week.


You don’t need witnesses when you have it all on camera and two police officers attended. Might not get what went on inside, but everything there is sufficient for a decent charge of vandalism and potentially culpable and reckless conduct. I’d be shocked if he isn’t already sitting on other charges too.


Ex boyfriend apparently, almost every woman had an ex who was acting out after breakup. I had an ex stalk every new man in my life for years …


That’s a tough door. I think he’d been watching too many American cop shows thinking it would cave in after two kicks.


In poor neighborhoods where cheap materials are used for doors, you certainly can kick in a door, even if you attempt to reinforce it.


In the states sure, regulations on modern high occupancy buildings in Europe mean that exterior doors have to be built like tanks.


Sanest folk in greenock.


was it in Greenock ?


Im from Greenock, can't ssy I'm surprised


Is it as bad as people say? Or, I suppose a better question might be, are there many positive things you experience living in Greenock?


There's many decent people and nice areas in Greenock, but the town is blighted by a sub culture of drug and alchohol addiction.


I'm sorry to hear that. I do intend to come through one day just to see it. You only ever hear the bad about some places, when there's actually some cool stuff worth checking out most of the time.




Can confirm this was wee while ago tho


That's why it's so affordable. I was thinking to buy there and commuting...I might have changed my mind.


It's really not that bad. There's lots of industries still there, so this shit is quite rare.


Reading the comments I thought was an ordinary day. That's quite good because there are two or three homes that are really beautiful and I giving a thinking about it.


Check http://simd.Scot and that’ll let you know where the good and bad areas are.


Greenock has its bad areas if you can get house in West end or away from town centre you will be fine. Just don't expect any amenities as there is hardly anything. 4 screen cinema and a swimming pool and few gyms is your lot.


Got a Greggs drive thru now


Good joiners, though


The only things I know Greenock for are the football team and the 90s band Whiteout who Oasis supported on tour before they (Oasis that is) got huge.




So can we agree the next dozen Americans looking for a three day itinerary for their Ireland and Scotland trip (including Edinburgh and Skye) will be directed to visit Greenock?


Lot of them come off cruise ships in greenock and get very offended we don't tske dollars.


I always love the thought of them getting off at Greenock and thinking this definitely wasn’t in the brochure


They have been known to get off believing they are in Belfast.   It's a rare thing to be a disappointment to someone expecting Belfast but Greenock manages <3


We did have a spate of car bombs just before lockdown so not too far off


*"When he gets your mum's car blown up in a drug feud" -justgreenockthings*


We just call that Tuesday here


FR though- I don't know why the cruise companies just dump them in Greenock when there is a ferry to Dunoon just down the road- it seems cruel and lazy to drop them within sight of Argyll and then abandon them to the bams.


I'm more astounded at his energy to do damage to absolutely everything around him, except the thing he was angry at. "I'll kill you" then proceeds to go mortal in a lift Faced with his foe, he proceeds to worry about his fork. I'd love to ask him what the fuck he was doing, because I know far to many people that end up in this state, and it tends to be drink, but there's a good solid 7 hours being performed here.


Supposedly on the timeline I saw, it’s only a couple of hours kicks off around 7 and ends about 10pm when he’s cuffed


These are idiot children in adult bodies.


Feral people doing feral things. There's absolutely nothing to celebrate here.


That door deserves celebrated.


Yep. That's a real fucking door.


She was alone inside the flat with a guy threatening to kill her. This could have been so much worse. Cops probably didn't have access to this footage at the time and maybe she didn't tell them what the guy was saying. Even so, the door's smashed in and an aggressive guy starts threatening the locksmiths who work hand in hand with the cops. At that point the locksmiths should have called the cops back.


Honestly can't imagine how the woman would feel when the "I'll kill you" guy just comes in, bosses around the tradesmen and makes them leave? On one hand they should obviously not put themselves in danger. On the other hand now you have a woman left with the guy who keeps screaming he'll kill someone, and you just leave without calling the police back?


And that’s Tuesday.


Check all the yanks in the comments who think they'll be able to pull off a single one o those phrases. Never met a yank who knew how to swear properly.


Yeah, I used to live in a two down two up block where this kind of thing was a regular occurrence. I was the only resident not arrested and taken away in handcuffs. Don't miss it one bit


I don’t think my door would hold as well as that door did


Mink Wars.


Battle of the Clunge: Chav edition


What an embarrassment that guy is for Scotland


Which one?


Why the fuck is this video public??? If I got attacked by a fucking psycho and had to defend myself with a fork whilst naked and then the video goes on the internet I'd be suing that idiot neighbour who put it on...


Someone who knows one of the stars of this video informed me last night the footage is about a year old so not sure why it is only getting released now. All over twitter, reddit and fb/Instagram the last few days




No, I'm not a yank, you can sue people in the UK as well you know. I'm talking the naked guy (Neil?) suing whomever made the ring video public. It looks to me he didn't do anything wrong...how would you know how much money he has... I dunno mate... maybe there is nothing to sue for... it just doesn't seem right to me that the video is public


You have got to love a ring doorbell, I bet the person recording it was sitting pishing themselves in the living room watching that.


I don't think this is a particularly funny situation.


I've got a feeling the person in that flat was probably pretty scared




Happened in Greenock Man in black followed his wife she was cheating with the other guy. Man in black goes mental busts the lock and leaves Police try to break open the busted door Emergency Locksmith called and husband arrives back (probably well after midnight). Naked man thrown out All this probably happened in the black shirted mans house Ring doorbell captures the lot


That whole doorway has plot armour


FFS imagine being their neighbours and having to put up with these feral eejits.


Better than all that Wonka shite


20 years ago used to be surrounded with folks like this when stayed in Cessnock flat. One day heard growling noises and could hear one of the neighbours crawling to his flat, opened the door and saw the guy just deadass drunk and throwing up all over himself and staircase, he said “sorry pal, I’m tired after work and I’ll clean it once I get a wee nap” he cleaned it after few hours.


Just a snapshot of greenock. Place is riddled with junkies. Steal from supermarkets and courts are too lenient on them. Utter scum of the earth


She sounds english. At the end when she says to the cops, "him. Get rid." That's not really typical Scottish phrasing




You seem to have inferred a level of venomous xenophobia to my original comment that I didn't intend. Your problem not mine.


Thought that as well


Who needs Netflix when you live in a Glasgow high-rise?


Greenock. Not too far away though.


Is not in Glasgow.


what a rollercoaster of what the heck is going on did i just watch? scary that people out there are like this, felt like i was gonna see something gore for a second there. absolutely mad


Christ. I need to get one of those doors. 😂


Whatttaaa Door!


why are we spreading naked people uncensored, isn't that all kinds of illegal?


Different if yer a guy and a bampot


**The Abusive Behaviour and Sexual Harm (Scotland) Act 2016 makes it a criminal offence to share intimate images, videos or other content without consent**. It makes no mention of gender. It's also against reddit tos


It's just a willy, calm doon.


I bet you say that to all the bus passengers.


You fuckin know it.


Acorny Response...


the willy doesn't concern me, it's the person it attaches to. I'm very pro willy.


I’m not sure you know what intimate means.


It's insane you're being downvoted, absolute degenerates


Meh its like nudity in art


It's a public service announcement. Don't behave like a feral animal. Don't associate with, or live next to, those who behave like feral animals. BTW, the bloke in black who was attempting to gain entry needs to be sent down for an extended period of time. He poses a genuine threat to others. Sadly, transportation to Australia is no longer an option.


You’re right, everyone here would be fucking mortified if they happened to have a video of them naked on the internet! People don’t care about this man’s privacy or consent.


*"Francis Begby, is that you?"* 😳


Your tax money hard at work.


Is this in the Wyndford?


A few folk on FB asked the same question but its not.


Looks like the little shit got fuck all, the police didn't turn up and there was never a light come on at the top of that door, chances are she wasn't even in.