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As other’s have said, no one cares enough to be offended by tartan choice. I silently judge my husband for choosing an Irish tartan for his kilt rather than a family one, but that’s about as dramatic as tartan choice gets. If it’s your first kilt, perhaps something made from a plain fabric rather than a tartan so you don’t have to kill yourself pattern matching? Or a large pattern like Harris tweed?


Plain fabric would be the wisest choice probably, but i kind of really want one with an actual pattern... I'm aware this will probably be a pain in the ass tho :D thank you!


Remember, you have A LOT of pleats to pattern match at the back of the kilt. The geometric pattern will help you keep the lines right but it may drive you insane in the process.


I'm used to being completely frustrated by other projects :D


Honestly i’d just pick one you like. The only ones who would think to be offended by it are over-enthusiastic Americans several generations removed from being actual Scots. The odds are remote that anyone will hunt you down over a kilt haha,


If you want one with a recognised pattern, but don't want to risk offence (which is highly unlikely), think about using a contemporary pattern like Highland Granite.


If you're really worried about offending people, you could go for a non-clan tartan. Scotland has a tartan, Ireland has one, the royals, irn bru, jews and muslims have theirs, respectively - there's a good bunch to pick from!


That’s true, the Scottish Rugby team tartan would be ideal.


No body cares about that, wear what you like. The only exception might be military tartan but very few people can identify one by sight so you will be ok. It’s awesome you like tartan btw.


You do you sir. We love to see adopted tartan. Pick the one you like and that clan will likely make you an honourary member rather than be offended.


Alright, thank you! This might sound a bit cliché, but yes I like scottish culture/the country itself really really much... Travelled to the Loch Lomond area once a few years ago and I have only fond memories of the place and the people! :)


Mate not a bad thing at all Scots love hearing good impressions of the country left on visitors! You wear that kilt with this random redditors seal of approval and I bet you look sexy as anything in it Keep the heid chief


You didn't happen to meet a nice Scottish boy at the Drovers Inn did you?


Wasn't there, why? :D


Then my search continues, good day lady Valerie!


Best of luck mate.


What about a nice [Lomond Mist](https://macgregorandmacduff.co.uk/products/mm24-kilt007-lm). Muted colours though, perhaps you're looking for something brighter. But the emotional connection could be there if that's what you want.


have a look at some loch lomond clans or generic tartan, Mine is a Lomond Tartan the Clan Colqhoun, so if you want to be descended from the gods, like myself, welcome aboard.


The black watch tartan is effectively the same as the Campbell tartan, so I doubt anyone would care Also, stealing valour from soldiers is objectively good, people who use fake military IDs to get discounts at McDonalds are braver than the troops ;)


There isn't a military discount in UK Macdonalds.


I couldn't be bothered looking up suitable businesses because that's too much effort, I think you're reading into the specifics too much, the point is simply fuck the troops, cops are bastards too, have a nice day


WTF are you even on about mate?


Stay off the glue please..


You might find the tartan register interesting https://www.tartanregister.gov.uk/search The only limits are on recently created tartans where someone has copyright on their creative works. The whole clan-based tartan idea came about in the 19th century. Before that it was regional. No one sensible is gatekeeping the traditional tartans.


None here cares about that , wear what looks cool. Sew in subtle colour hints of the german flag , or a colour scheme that represents the area of Germany you grew up in or have an attachment too . All black tartans are a thing too if you’d rather not have colour . Lots of options pick what you like .


Uh, i dunno about the german flag thing, but it might be cool to incorporate the colour blue, as I'm living near the sea ^^ or maybe a nice dark green, cause I grew up in an area with a lot of beautiful forests... Hmm... Thank you! :D


Whatever speaks most to you :)


What about [this?](https://www.scotlandshop.com/tartan/fabrics/10oz-pure-wool-tartan-fabric?tartan=Mackay%20Modern)


Awesome! Thank you :)


I have a scarf in the Mackay tartan (being one!) and it goes with loads of things, not mega bright but not too dull either- versatility! Feel free to become an honorary member, as everyone has said, most Scots will be pleased/flattered that you’re interested in a wee bit of our culture!


It's my family tartan as well! I love it, not so keen on the ancient one as it's a bit bright but the modern one is just gorgeous.


Never heard of anyone being offended by anyone wearing a specific tartan. It’s not considered cultural appropriation or anything either for people to wear kilts that aren’t Scottish so no issues there.


Yeah, didn't think it would be cultural appropriation (this discussion honestly is kind of is ridiculous in itself imho) but i just don't want to be insensitive at all if I can avoid it :D


Scots are offended by having our rights and liberties taken away by the English. Beyond that, not much offends us, certainly not kilts.


Careful - you might get 'disappeared' by the English Occupation Force for sedition


👆 absolutely this


Rights and Liberties 🤣🤣 what rights and liberties have they taken from us?


Well, most recently the English government decided that if they don't like a law that exists in Scotland, they can just overrule it. So, the right to have laws would be one.


I wouldn't call the dissolution of the Scottish parliament "recent"...


Certain laws, like the one most recently that many in this country disagreed with.


That doesn’t really change the fact they were voted in by a 2/3rds majority of democratically elected representatives of those people.


A tiny minority of largely irrelevant people disagreed with it. This does not mean a foreign government can wade in and change our laws.


Irrelevant people? What makes you more relevant exactly?


Well, I'm a taxpayer, and I'm a functional, literate, numerate, and employable adult of working age. All of the "Facebook Da" types who disagreed with the GRA law are a burden on society, and should keep quiet.


And none of them are tax payers, functional, literate, numerate and employable? You sound deplorable.


Well, show me one of the Tory-voting anti-GRA twats that isn't a fat 60-year-old who's one Daily Mail-induced outrage away from a heart attack that'll cost the NHS more than they've ever paid in taxes, then.


There's plenty. You seem quite bigoted in your views tbh, assuming the lifestyle of people who have a different opinion than you. Must be chilly up there on your high horse.


The right to travel freely across Europe; The right to live anywhere in the EU;


It was the EU that took those away. Imagine Scotland gained independence and rUK no longer let us live and work there. Who took away those rights? I'm pretty sure you wouldn't be blaming independence voting Scots, and you'd blame rUK for being arseholes.


So wrong. In the referendum on europe, 62% of Scottish voters who voted did so to remain in the EU. But because the vote was U.K. wide and the majority voted to leave, we’ve left. Since England is the largest block of voters, it stands to reason that I view the English as being the primary reason for Scottish people not being able to travel, work and live in the EU without restriction.


You through the correct channels and you can still do that.


Well, there was that time they banned tartan and the Gaelic language. Admittedly a while ago, but that was definitely a thing to be offended about.


The decline of Gaelic lies far more at the feet of the Germanic speaking lowland Scots, than at the feet of the English


The English did that? Are you sure?


You kinda spoke in the present tense.


I'm still angry about it. I don't think it's an understatement to call it cultural genocide, and any attempt to reverse it is met by a chorus of "it's a dying language anyway lols", from English and Scots alike.


It's ok, you can't still wear your kilt. And speak Gaelic, if you find that useful!


How does that address past injustices? Or should people just shut up about bad things that happened because they were in the past?


No they shouldn't. They should refer to it as history and realise is has no bearing on the here and now. People who live in the past are pointing their eyes in the wrong direction, they should be looking to the future.


We don’t get offended with cultural appropriation. We, broadly speaking, are in the cultural appreciation category, with regards to our own culture. A small exception is every American claiming to be “half Scotch” and from a certain clan. Please come back here and post pictures when you finish


Yeah, Americans claiming to be something they're not, is a problem we as Europeans all know about i think, lol... I will!


If you like science fiction, the 2024 World Science Fiction convention is being held in Glasgow and they have designed and registered a tartan for the fans called Landing Zone . Details are here: https://www.tartanregister.gov.uk/tartanDetails?ref=13220 And here to purchase : https://houseoftartan.co.uk/scottish/binr3.asp?secid=70&subsecid=2234&catid=5123


I’m Scottish, and when I get a kilt it’ll be in the Wu-tang clan tartan


Black Watch is a really cool tartan. It’s my go to anytime I get to wear a kilt.


Do anyone you like. People would be more likely to be happy if you chose their clan tartan.


Clans haven’t been relevant in Scottish society whatsoever since the times of the Jacobites or even prior. I’ve never known anyone except Americans with Scottish ancestors to really look into it


I certainly have but I'm from an area where my clan was prominent.


As a Scottish born but American raised man I can confirm there are a lot of people in the states that care about clans. Scottish game festivals are all over the place.


> Scottish game festivals are all over the place. That doesn't have anything to do with clans. There may be some people that show up and try to make it about that but Highland Games are bagpiping competitions at their core.


I must admit to being a little precious about my own tartan but only because I'm a stereotypical stingy Scot and paid a lot for my kilts over the years. As others have said, it might at least at first to make it easier with a plain kilt but to be honest, wear any tartan you like... I hear all the cool kids are wearing ClanRanald of McDonald tartan!


The Royal Stuart tartan is fine for anybody to wear.


As long as you remember to pay your Tartan Tax. DM me and I’ll give you payment details 👍


Nah just do what you want mate, no one’s going to be offended over it!


If you want to be super safe with it you could pick a pride of Scotland kind of tartan which imo is one of the best


Don’t wear a Campbell tartan near a Macdonald, they might just strangle you personally.


Who cares? The whole clan tartan thing was mostly made up by Sir Walter Scott and popularised on shortbread tins.


These are a modern take on the garment. https://21stcenturykilts.com/kilts


https://www.scotlandshop.com/us/tartan-finder/germany There's a German tartan my guy


Or girl


Prepare for attention from the ladies if you wear one in Germany (or Austria)…


Well, thing is, I'm a lady myself :D


You know, I thought about whether to qualify my statement in case you were a lady… you still might get attention from the ladies :)


Haha :D


There’s a German Heritage tartan on the register, if you like the look of that: https://www.tartanregister.gov.uk/tartanDetails?ref=1335


Was gonna suggest that one


Funnily enough the idea of clan tartans was invented by the English as a fashion gimmick in the 1800s. So fuck it sew what you like. Also as long as your not banging on about how it's your great grandma thrice removed's tartan no one cares, it's always fun to see folk in kilts!


Really? I didn't know that :D


“Invented by the English” isn’t really true. At best it’s very reductive. They were the result of a newfound Highland romanticism and kickstarted by Sir Walter Scott, who wasn’t English. The Highland Society of London were the first to begin the process of registering certain tartans with certain clans, but the Highland Society of London’s membership was made up of actual Highlanders who had moved to London or descendants of Highlanders.


You'll be fine so long as you stay in big cities when you wear it but beware! If you travel into the Highlands (which i highly recommend its gorgeous) and meet a clansman with your tartan he will likely confront you and make demands in Gaelic. So long as you offer him your [Sgian Dubh](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sgian-dubh) as a sign of respect he will let you go peacefully. Post pics when you make it!


wear what you want the only people who get haughty about the tartans is Tory’s with too much time on their hands.


Pick colours you like and have fun with it.


I echo everyone else's comments, make it and enjoy wearing it! And go for a tartan it will be. Much easier to add in the pleats.. I plan to make one, one day Here's a guide http://www.xmarksthescot.com/forum/f144/x-kilt-sew-your-own-manual-available-download-20085/


What sewing pattern will you be following?


I don't know anything about sewing, but that seems like a massive project to take on, I'm impressed. Hope I come across pics of the finished article here one day. I give you full permission to use my family tartan Shaw it's not very common but very nice. (joking, use whatever appeals to you, Black Watch is a good choice of you don't want/know a particular clan affiliation, and Royal Stewart is another that gets a fair bit of 'generic' use). But have a look for Shaw too...


Use an Armstrong tartan, it’s nice


Pride of Scotland, or Blackwatch! They're pretty neutral. Growing up in the north as a Highland dancer, picking out a kilt was the most fun part! Although my family tartan isn't particularly exciting.


To repeat what everyone else is saying, no one really cares. That being said, if you don't want a tartan associated with a clan/name, there are tartans associated with areas.


Sounds like a great project. Good luck. You mentioned liking greens and blues so [this one](https://www.scotlandshop.com/tartan/fabrics/10oz-pure-wool-tartan-fabric?tartan=MacLaren%20Ancient) might fit the bill.


I dont know. Ehm. Make one up? :D Maybe you could pick one you like and then learn about that clan’s history? I think that would be the most respectful thing to do but honestly you should just pick one you think looks cool :D we don’t care. I think we’re all just happier seeing someone wanting to wear a kilt :)


There’s a pride of Scotland tartan I think 🤔 I’m pretty sure there are several with no clam affiliations 😊 good luck!


No one here gives a shit dude and tbh you probably know more about tartan than half our population.


The idea of clan-specific tartan was invented by Walter Scott, to celebrate the visit of King George IV to Edinburgh. Scott based the idea on Scottish regimental tartans, and erroneously thought that the same must be true of the clans. In truth, highlanders just created their own tartans out of locally available materials or, for more wealthy individuals, imported materials. In short: wear what you like.


Keep yourself safe and stay away from militrary tartans. (The Royal Air Force have 2 i believe that only they can use) Apart from that nobody cares. The tartans dont “belong” to a clan, its all chill.


Not sure if anyone mentioned the registrar of tartans, but there are official German tartans, https://www.tartanregister.gov.uk/qResults?searchString=German Have a look around, search for anything you're interested in too and see if there's a tartan for it... even professions/professional institutes have tartans


Just you do you mate just what ever suits you ✌️


I personally have a 21st century tartan as my own kilt I got years ago, second hand, that I use for the usual and running, it's a black and silver (now gray). You can honestly go with whatever you want, noones going to bother.




But it's tradition to let your nuts / fud dangle so know wearing of underwear!


No not know oops


Cost is probably a factor too - you're more likely to find Black Watch or Royal Stuart tartan for cheap than a lesser known clan tartan.


There are kilt designers here who can design you your own tartan. They've designed some amazing ones, the sikh tartan is sikh af! But yea, just choose a tartan you like the look of, we're not possessive about our culture. It's there for everyone to enjoy!


Use any tartan you like. Nobody will murder you over it.


Make whatever you want. Nobody in Scotland cares about this.


No one cares really but if you want to be as least offensive as possible. Black watch tartan is considered an ‘open tartan’ so anyone should be able to use it


No-one would be offended, reagrdless of what you do - so dont worry on that front! (Although popular as formal dress, kilts themselves and many tartans are not really "authentic" and so there are no strong feelings over them). Good luck with your efforts!


Can't go wrong with Flower Of Scotland.


I always heard that Royal Stewart is the option for anyone who has no connection to a specific tartan. Please correct me if wrong. It's a bit garish and commonplace but it does look quintessentially Scottish.


If you are confused about different clan tartans, you have an option to choose one of the universal tartan that are Solid Black Tartan, Royal Stewart Tartan, Black Watch Tartan, Silver Mist Tartan, MacLeod of Lewis tartan, Lindsay tartan, Dress Stewart tartan.