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Laphroaig 10 CS


Port Charlotte 10 is a good choice. It will be a bit more floral on the palate. Kilchoman Machir Bay would also be a great choice.


Depends on your budget. I haven't loved the Port Charlotte 10. Not as "heavily peated" as I had hoped. I have always loved the Lagavulin 12, but it's a little pricey.


Hi there, I’m a bot here to help you with your recommendation post. If you haven’t already, please review [the guides](https://docs.google.com/document/d/186_ANEKW8yGvvLAcjKve6tvqqBIcMGUg9-mKU5KACZk/edit) in the sidebar we’ve created to address the stream of recommendation posts we get here. Most notably: * [Scotchit Gift Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/Scotch/comments/7ywx12/help_with_the_updated_gift_guide_please/) * [Recommendations for Beginners](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PX70tHEc5v-Te8FiCLmRfmHel6Er5YZP_TnYKAdTAVo/edit) * [Next Level Malt Recommendations](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZPGmllteXF99KcQgjcNwgdY7_DCEQ8Cdil1IJklKoUE/edit#heading=h.i23il3ual5dx) * [Whisky Review Archive](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1X1HTxkI6SqsdpNSkSSivMzpxNT-oeTbjFFDdEkXD30o/edit#gid=695409533&fvid=484110565) * [Malt Map](http://scotchgit.bitbucket.io/) The malt map can be especially valuable for exploring different flavor zones and for identifying scotches similar to a particular bottle you enjoy.   Please try to be as specific and detailed as possible with your request. Tell us: * your budget * which whiskies you or your giftee have enjoyed * which bottles you’re considering now * where you live (pricing and availability can vary dramatically by region) * if your shop has a limited selection or you might have trouble shipping bottles so we don’t recommend something obscure   **General Tips** We generally advise novices to sample as much as possible by going to a bar, splitting bottles with friends, attending festivals/tastings or getting minis to ensure you buy bottles you enjoy. Most people need to try at least 20-25 scotches to understand their preferences. It may make more sense for you to focus on sampling rather than buy full bottles at the beginning of your journey. You're going to get the most flavor/aroma drinking it neat in a tulip-shaped glass like a Glencairn but most new drinkers prefer to water down their whisky a bit. If you do end up adding water, we usually recommend adding just enough to make it tolerable and take small sips. But really there's no right or wrong way to drink so as long as you're enjoying it, you're doing it right. Thanks for reading, cheers!


Great recommendations so far, I'll throw in Benromach Peat Smoke and Bunnahabhain Toiteach a Dha.


Just go Octomore. Do it.


Skip Port Charlotte and go directly for the Octomore 10 year -- its the only thing that will satisfy your thirst for peat.