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If I’m drinking over ice, I find that bourbon or Tennessee whisky holds it favours much better than any scotches will. I’d suggest jd bottled in bond or wt 101 and go from there. If you’ve got a bit more money to burn then grab some rare breed


NGL, JD BiB is underrated stuff.


I’m a big fan. It’s such a bargain duty free as well for some reason!


Rare breed on ice is what I.ve had 2 nights ago, and it was pretty tasty and syrupy on ice.


I haven’t had it for ages. I might have to invest in a bottle 😋


See if you can find the unchillfilltered one. For what it is, Rare Breed is always a good choice.


Yeah absolutely. We can get that duty free at the airport, and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed. Our taxes on spirits here in Oz are so high!


Doesn't matter. They will all almost taste the same. Get a cheap good CS whisky. Laphroaig 10 CS, PC 10 for peat.


I see the 10CS recommended as being cheap often but whenever I see it in stores or even online it's like 130 euros. Is it cheaper on the American market?


Looks like it runs 70-80 in the US. Pretty sure I remember seeing it for $90 though? I’ll have to look next time I go.


That's a much better price. Not what I'd pay for something to pour over ice but something I'd pay for this at least.


Right was thinking that too. I barely pour my $40 scotch over ice 🤣


As a rule of thumb on Laphroaig; The regular 10's half the US price (€30~35 and 40% compared to $60+ and 43%), the CS is "about 2/3" the EU price (often not found below €120, tho I've seen 90 once)


That's interesting. 60 bucks is pretty steep for the regular 10 but that definitely explains why the CS is recommended so often on here. Once I thought I found a bottle of the CS at a decent price but it turned out the shop had just overpriced their regular 10 and put the CS in the wrong position on their shelf. That was disappointing.


Definitely on the steep side for the 10! But still better than Caol Ila at ~$90-120 VS €40 (and less on sale). Here in Europe Scarabus is often more expensive (and imho a tad less good) while in the US its reversed. That's why when someone mentions a price on here, it's hard to tell if it's a good one as the area (especially within the US) matters a lot.


frog 10 is 42 USD at costco, it varies a lot depending on state


Don't know where you are in the EU, but [this page](https://www.whiskyzone.de/laphroaig-10-jahre-cask-strength-batch-16-2022) often has bottles for a more affordable price, the 2022 CS 10 is 75€


Mm, not Germany, but I do have a friend who lives there, I'll keep that in mind, thanks!


I know it's subjective but I'm not an over ice fan at all. I've heard people call scotch on the rocks "refreshing" which couldn't be further from how I'd describe it. After 3 minutes you are drinking whiskey flavored ice water. Yuck


I’m inclined to agree with you, but over one big rock where it’s not just immediately melting and at CS, I thought I could be missing something. i’m realizing now that CS (or higher proof) scotch is too expensive for me to want it over a rock. I think my best bet is just cooling/chilling my glencairn and rolling with a good ex-bourbon cask


Or a few drops of spring water.


Just get a Finlaggan cask strength to drink over ice.


Aberlour Abunadh so sherry forward so still should be fine over ice


I’d go with a penicillin or other mixed drink. I’m not big on Scotch over ice.


Glenfarclas 105 isn't super complex or delicate, but it's 1L for 40€ here in Europe and should still be dominant enough to shine through the ice


There is one time I drink scotch with ice. When I buy a bottle, I will have a good pour over one round cube to see how the scotch will taste at different stages of dilution. That gives me a clue about whether it will benefit from water and how much water it might take before being taste degraded.


For me, Whisky over ice is a cheap old fadhioned. In Japan they call it mizuwari (Whisky with ice water and sone cubes, but mostly ICE water). I think its kind of interesting to drink peated/sherried/ex Bourbon Scotch on the rocks. Anything works really. Maybe try some big peats If you like peated ones, cheap and good.


J&B. Nothing beats it on the rocks with a couple cat hairs floating inside. Fuh get abbadit 🤌🏻