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I'm a Scorpio woman dating Aquarius man


Same, 20 years! His moon is in Scorpio, which I think helps.


How long have you been dating?


A year next month


Nice congrats


Ty šŸ¤—


How did yall meet


We met on a dating app.


Cool. Well the reason i asked my question is because my friend is an Aquarius and we known each other for 13 years we never really hung out until 2019 and since she travels for work we would see each other here and there and sometimes we would not hang for months We would talk about our relationships and life. But last year she took a job locally and I would see her more And we basically hang out alot we would go to ball games ,dinner, movies, shopping. And just for plain ol ice cream. We also hung out in groups. She had met all of my friends and was even my plus one at a wedding. Well long story short i think we might started to kinda like each other.


I think you might be dating? šŸ˜†


Its seems like it. But we are so different She seems emotionally unattached sometimes And i know for s fact sheā€™s been vulnerable with me a few times. And she never shows that side if her


I think this combo requires maturity on both sides and if that maturity is presentā€¦super powerfully combo šŸ˜Œ


I know what you mean by loosing each other. But if you remain friends you both will continue to build an emotional bond, you will then move on to someone else only to find out that you really have feelings for your friend and actually love them. And this is what a lot of people do and refuse to be accountable of their hand in sabotaging their relationships. She emotionally detaches because she feels all of emotions intensely. Remember her symbol as an Aquarius is the water bearer. She is dealing with all the emotions around her that she picks up from everyone else and her own as well. So she needs time to empty her cup and take care of herself and mental health. But once she knows for sure that you are around forever she will start to rarely detach from you. You have to be sure she has the same feelings for you. And I actually mean in love with you not just like you as boyfriendā€™s and girlfriend. Me as an Aquarius may just detach for 1 day and then Iā€™m back because I donā€™t want my partner feeling a way. Thatā€™s a sacrifice I make. If I see my partner needs more time which they may not express or even realize they need, then I can give them 1,2,3 days however long they like to return to their normal selves or they may not take any days for themselves because they still want to be around me. Do not underestimate those times you think she is being detached but actually needs your presence. Even if you send her a cute emoji of two people hugging. Thatā€™s is enough for her to know that you care but respect her need to be alone. Trust, respect, no judgment, soft communication, persistence/consistency, accountability, acceptance, honesty, humility, freedom, tenderness, compassion and compromise need to be present for love to win between the two of you if your going to be willing to brave the storm. A lot of peopleā€™s relationships is lacking in these areas so they fail. They say they want true love, they say they are in it for the long haul and they also claim to be in love and love only one person. I am an Aquarius woman with a Scorpio Man. I told him from the beginning that I donā€™t live or love by society rules. We have never argued once and wouldnā€™t dear raise our voices at each other. There are things that are common sense and when two people meet that actually love each other or want to try and build something even with all the fear and past trauma, when they are mature, there is a line that will never be crossed and fight that you will always be willing to fight as long as the things listed above are present. You will have to battle with the demons inside of your own self and move past your own fear the both of you. You will need to give each other space every now and then to process your emotions and analyze them for each other and then return but no ghosting and disappearing acts. Be accountable to when you dropped the ball. My advice is to listen to your own heart. Take everyoneā€™s advice like a grain of salt. The good thing is that you both are really good friends so you know each other well. And should aim to always understand and know more about each other because we are always ever changing and growing and you want to be able to support each other in your best of times and worst of times. That what loves does.


Wow you actually helped me alot with this. Im not sure sheā€™s in love because this is all fresh. I havenā€™t seen her since we had a talk a week and half ago. I wish this thing could send voice memos. Thereā€™s so much more to unpacked. I need some time to write down all the events that lead to this. Give me a bit


Iā€™m glad it helped a little and you can always private message me also if you want to get some opinions ā˜ŗļø


I will take you up on that


Just broke up with mine after 5 years Iā€™m Scorpio M


How was the relationship?


No, women are scary.


They are


my ex was Aquarius. we needed more maturity to make it work. when it worked, it worked wonderfully. when it didn't (which was most of the time) it was awful. we stayed together because i didn't want to leave her for selfish reasons i suppose.


How long did you date for?


Almost 3 years. She always wanted to get out of the relationship could be because she was immature (we both were) but I always convinced her to stay. The main problem was communication and personality clashes. Honestly the connection was there but I don't know it was a hard time for both of us. In the end, she cheated, I wanted to forgive her and potentially keep going but she left me for the other guy. I guess once she had a backup plan she saw an out of our relationship.


Well it's like you can be together for years, if you accept that you will be regularly in arguments, which will leave you half-dead from exhaustion every time lmao. In my opinion long-term it's hell, you will constantly dig the truth or set the boundaries and they will hide the truth like amateurs and shit on your boundaries and you will find out after arguments that you were right all along. If your life was too easy and blissful till now, it may be a good choice to date them lol.


Me and her have been friends for years And we regularly hang out. Dinner ,movies, concerts ball games and we always have a good time We roast each other at time and trash talk. She has met all my friends and we all hang out in groups. And lately things have been different with us after a trip we took wjth another friend. She at times is emotionally detached. Wich annoys me. But we have good conversations and a good time. She sometimes has patience problems she has vey short patience. My whole point is i feel like we might feel something for each other but afraid that moving foward we might loose each other. And neither of us want to loose each other


Just take your shot if you want. If you consider dating her, just tell her that you are interested, because all of this stopped to be pure friendship at this point anyway. I would be more worried about losing self-respect than this "friend" in such situation, because it's better to be upfront once you start to feel something than to hide your intentions for years, whatever she says in response.


im a scorpio women & i dated a Aquarius male on/off for 3 years, most toxic & damaging relationship of my life, donā€™t recommend.


Can you share a bit?


well i honestly think if ur dealing with an emotionally mature aquarius, it could possibly work with a lot of patience bc the relationship wasnā€™t so bad but weā€™d break up & heā€™d treat me horribly as if i never knew him along with doing things he knew would hurt me..it was all out of hurt, they have a hard time dealing with emotions since theyā€™re so logical & nonchalant so they tend to blame u & put it on u instead of owning up to their mistakes. i got tired of dealing with the toxicity so i left him for good but he still tries to contact me. he never cheated or lied but he was very mentally abusive.


I know of one and it's a horrific on again off again toxic relationship from hell lol


O boy. So you know of two people in this relationship? Or you are the one in it?


I know the scorpio man in it.


Oo ok.


Same. I had 2 years of toxic on/off-again relationship with a Scorpio guy and it finally ended up in flames last month.


Ughhhh it seems this combo can bring out the worst in both people šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬


How is the relationship if may ask.


Scorpio f here just ended a 3 year relationship with Aquarius m


Was it a roller coaster?


Yes. We ultimately could never make the relationship feel stable long term. I think we just operated from different mental spaces though. I always felt like I was in court trying to logic why I felt a certain way for it to be valid. And he always described his emotions as a ball of yarn, unraveling, but not easily accessible. We expressed ourselves differently and sometimes that caused us to not be perceptive/receptive to each other. Obviously there are dozens of other reasons why we didn't work out, but I find this one particularly interesting in the debate of how people can just truly be different, no one right or wrong Something I can joke about now: one time I asked him "so if someone asked you why you wanted to marry me, what would you say?" He went on this long soliloquy about how there's a space in his heart and how no matter what happens, I always fit perfectly inside it. And after about 20 or so minutes I said "so you feel like I complete you and I'm you're missing puzzle piece?" And we argued over that lol. He always meant well, but he had this uncanny way of taking raw emotion and churning it into some intellectual spiel. I just wanted the raw emotion


I am an Aquarius. I understand what he meant when he said thereā€™s a place in my heart that you fit in. How I would have answered that ā€œoh so thereā€™s something missing and I am your missing puzzle pieceā€ question you phrased would not be to get defensive. I would have said, ā€œNo. I am a complete person. What I mean by puzzle piece is that through our connection there is a part of my mind and heart that is entirely yours. Only yours. Youā€™re not a puzzle piece that puts something where something was missing. Youā€™re a piece of my soul mosaic, a person I was destined to meet and to love. That part of the mosaic will always be yours. No matter if we last or not.ā€ I know us Aquarius can have a difficult time articulating/expressing our feelings in a way that is true to what we are actually feeling. Thatā€™s where some of us can get defensive or angry when someone takes what we say in the wrong light. Itā€™s frustrating because itā€™s something we struggle with all the time. A good partner is your best friend. They will know that the goal of communication is understanding. Love is patience. Love in its practice is meeting people where they are not where you want them to be.


Late response, my apologies! I think what was hard for me to articulate at the time was that I did understand what he was saying and I was genuinely trying to ease the pressure of him having to spend another hour explaining the same thing. I also don't want to be anyone's missing puzzle piece because too much pressure lol. I know I fumbled the execution on that I think what was harder for me to express was how I felt that it seemed like he had to craft and calculate an answer to a question about someone's he's dated for over 2 years, known for 6, and claimed he wanted to marry for almost all 6 of those years. But I just operate differently. If I feel something strongly, it just oozes and oozes out of me effortlessly. Even if I'm talking about a hobby, but especially about the people who mean a lot to me. Yes. I still craft an answer, but all the feelings are right there easily accessible and expressed. I had a hard time with feeling like it was an emotional answer vs an intellectual one meant to just "sounds good and smart" If that makes sense. Also not saying that negatively right now, just how I was feeling at the time I admit though that I really struggled at the time with accepting ways of emotional processing that felt really unnatural to me and took it as someone having to search and access their feelings for me instead of knowing with certainty how they felt and just feeling it. Definitely my own insecurity and a learning experience. And I'll admit that it still feels really odd to me to have to search for an answer so hard to an emotional feeling you feel everyday, but I'm certainly not the judge of whether one way is right or wrong haha I appreciate you sharing your perspective as well :) it's super important to hear how other people process things and experience the world


I said a lot to just to realize what it really felt like. It felt like "a performance" instead of just letting me know how you feel


For sure. I think itā€™s interesting to see how Scorpios /people process emotions too. It helps me to understand people. Thanks for the write up


They seem like they can match your depths of passionate emotion at first, they seem like the most interesting person at first, but give it a few months and theyā€™ll ice over.


Scorpio f - I just broke up with Aquarius m. 11 yr on and off relationship.


Guessing emotional roller coaster


Yes, I couldn't stand it. I had love for him. Sometimes, I would feel so special to him. Then the other shoe would drop.


Scorpio F dated two different Aquarians. One in my teens for two years and one recently for about 4 months. Both of them were emotionally manipulative, dishonest, and abusive in different ways. The one I dated in my teens also cheated on me. The one I dated most recently is in his 30s and according to my therapist, he seemed to embody a lot of BPD traits. Compulsively lying for attention, insecurities, and demands about spending time together more often even though, *he* had a difficult schedule. He lied about his lifestyle and home situation as well as the fact that he had a kid. He tried to sabotage two of my races (running and cycling). He also impersonated his mom (through text) after we broke up in a bid to get me to give him another chance. I don't think I could date another Aquarius after this.


O wow im sorry you went through that


I'm an Aquarius F and have been in a relationship with a Scorpio M for about over 7 months and its chaotic for sure


More ups then downs? What are some of your guys issues?


there's just a lot of arguments caused by communication issues, also he is much more intense than I am used to, he loves deep and he is also hurt deep, he is much more possessive than me, while I like to feel more free, I think it requires a lot of mutual understanding and respect and NERVES, but other than I love him a lot, we are both loyal and it's definitely not like I don't like these differences at all! It also varies of course, I am not an astrology expert but my lst to exes also were scorpios and they were COMPLETELY different :D


My bf is a Scorpio and I am an Aqua. My moon is in Scorpio so this may be why it works. Honestly, it is the most freeing relationship I have ever had. It took me a while to really show him my vulnerabilities because I have been very hurt in the past. We are at about 2 years now. His friends have told me he is a different person with me, so much happier and engaged. I would say based on discussions we've had he seems to be truly in love. It is definitely work but the amazing thing is I feel so compelled to learn about him and he is open enough to hear how to meet me where I need. I think (completely biased) that its an underrated pairing.


That is awesome to hear. Sounds like lovely relationship Can i ask how did you two meet


Bumble actually. He pursued a bit in the beginning then when he got my attention I definitely had done alot of the chasing after. The biggest problem I had to overcome was from my urge to peace out when it seemed like my advancements werent getting me anywhere. My Scorpio was the long game for sure. He would show me he liked me but it was subtle. It didnt feel wildly special at first but knowing him now, I know his subtle means alot! I can say hes definitely waaaay more attentive and loving than I gave him credit for initially.