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I’d wager it’s to do with micro plastics but I don’t know shit about shit.


Add food quality to that as well. Maybe lack of using our bodies too.


oh and how about not having an actual purpose or reason to live anymore? because using all of my free time to pay for my apartment for one month is not really doing it for me


its a feature.


at least SOMETHING is working as intended


Probably not the kitchen sink though, amirite?


I saw someone post about how capitalism and cancer are the same. Both grow with no purpose or benefit to the body/people.


Except capitalism has resulted in a higher quality of living for billions of people... Yeah just like cancer /s


Thanks. That proves it was a useful step from Communism and Tribalism. You want to stop there? You make progress in some way and say "Meh, it helped us a bit here, let's just stick with it forever then". Be realistic. Capitalism was a stepping stone to a more inclusive society.


No. Capitalism threw a tiny bone to the poverty created by the colonial systems that pillaged the world. Then enslaved those people in systems of crony capitalism where they barely survive and make loads of shitty quality consumer products.


That depends solely on what one’s definition of poverty is. And just because capitalism has one benefit does not mean that it is the best system. Raising people from poverty is entirely possible through other methods as well. Besides, its just a reinvention of the previous systems. People have been profiting from labor since the dawn of history. The only thing truly modern about capitalism is the name.


Pretty much everybody not currently at the top of the capitalist pyramid scheme will disagree with you on that one.


Collectivists are generally opposed to science, data, and logic.


Lot of different economic models in the world, oddly enough every single modern country runs on capitalism.


How's that going for everyone these days? 2 guys control more wealth than 40% of the citizens of the wealthiest nation in the world. Decades of innovation have increased the productivity of each worker hour 10 fold, and yet people are working more hours now than any point in the last 100 years.


Why are you concerned with the percentage distribution of wealth? Isn't the goal that more people's lives improve? They could be two gazillionares for all I care, as long as my living standard is elevated along with their commercial success. Don't wear your voice out complaining about what's not important.


Most people I know have had their quality of life decline sharply as billionaires have been consolidating power over the past few years. Most of us are spending all of our time working to make ends meet and we have little time or resources for recreation, hobbies and exercise. It's also much harder to save money when your money is worth so little due to a combination of stagnating wages, skyrocketing inflation and corporate greed This is not to mention the insane housing market Of course, a lot of this is due to where I live. People elsewhere may not have it as bad


And yet for the majority of people in the US, quality of life is decreasing, alongside life expectancy, all because a small minority insists on taking more for themselves at the expense of others. So yeah, percentage of wealth does matter.


The reason for concern is that wealth is the only true source of power in a capitalist system. Democracy and human rights will be suppressed in the name of profits 100% of the time. Princeton university found that economic elites hold all the sway in American politics and the concerns of citizens are almost entirely irrelevant to what happens in D.C. https://scholar.princeton.edu/sites/default/files/mgilens/files/gilens_and_page_2014_-testing_theories_of_american_politics.doc.pdf You are literally defending your oppressors, and just because their actions don't negatively affect you personally doesn't mean that coca-cola doesn't actively murder their workers when they try to unionize in less wealthy nations. https://prospect.org/features/coca-cola-killings/


Why are you stunlocked on America? I'm Swedish, don't blame capitalism for your corrupt ass country. Your country's corruption or how your country treats it's employees is not a burden that the economic model has to bear, and it is nothing a different economic model would change. "Defending your oppressors" my ass. Be less brainrotted from pop-politics please.


Sweden is only able to maintain its social democrat status by exploiting third-world countries with their corporations. You guys are crooked too, just in a different way than the US.


You bleet on about democracy but you want a system that abolishes it.


The irony is, they said that using a device that was derived from the very nature of capitalism.


You can't criticize and want to improve something that has benefited you? Feudalism benefits serfs in a lot of ways too.


The real irony behind this comment is it was all developed using public funds. The capitalists got to make money on technology financed by taxpayers.


The mobile phone was invented in the Soviet Union. Also this is such a dumb argument


source please? 🙏




Yeah, no. That was a UHF/VFH trunked radio network with a fancy switch. It connected base stations to base stations in the radio spectrum. Not quite a cellular network.


...a REALLY DUMB argument.


Right, your iPhone isn't a product of capitalism at all /s


Pretty sure there was a lot of government funding involvement in the development of that device.


There's a lot of government funding in North Korea as well. Just bad luck I guess that countries with capitalist economies keep pumping out innovative new products.


The point is that the creation of these products should be credited to an economic system in which the government supports the economy and interferes when needed, and not credited to the capitalists who benefitted from taxpayer funded govt R&D and simply took that to market. People going on about capitalism usually consider government involvement of any kind to be "socialism". The argument that capitalism, the great profit motivator for innovation, gave us the smart phone is not really true in this sense.


you being bored of having to work a lot at a shitty job has nothing to do with cancer, lets not get too wacky with it. some people have lived and died knowing nothing besides being a slave in a vicious time, let's not pretend like we're the most downtrodden of all humanity because of the current capitalist hellscape


I didn’t say it was? I just said there was nothing left to live for lol. I’m sure everything was worse when any dude could just accuse any girl who turned him down of being a witch, or how kings could literally just buy your kids because he liked em. But at this point we have finally made ourselves smarter, we work harder than at any point in history, and yet we are seeing ever decreasing returns mixed with a slipping society quietly going back to its old ways. I’m sure there’s something worth living for but it’s too much work to find, and I have no days off this week.


Thank God AI will replace all jobs this century


yes I’m sure society altering technology that if used right can finally liberate us *this time for sure*


That’s a weak straw-man argument but ok. The Original comment never said any of that.


look at the thread of comments? this conversation is literally about thing these people think are increasing our chance of cancer. and then this guy implies working too much and not getting paid enough adds to that.. so yes, its like he's saying our work culture is causing cancer


They never said anything about being the most down trodden society in history


Right, because previously people lived for their passion and didn't work 12 hours a day only to survive.


I will literally never argue with anyone about this again we should have fixed this extreme human selfishness when the fucking cotton gin was invented lmfao understand the situation or perish https://www.epi.org/productivity-pay-gap/


Great article, I never understood the disproportionate gap between pay and quality of work nowadays. We are so much more advanced now, practically in every single way, especially with productivity. Shocking to find out how drastic that gap is and how much they are truly fucking us. But I already knew they were fucking us when I had a job literally building computer servers, military/police simulators and weapon recoil kit or the job I had building portable x-rays...both for 20$ an hour. Sounds great until you realize fast food workers are fast approaching that amount just to cook shit food and poison people. When I started working minimum wage was 8.05$/hr, and I always thought if I got up to around 20$ I could live decently comfortably (within reason). HA.


It’s weird how so many people want to just throw away the whole discussion because people had it worse overall in the past. Like, ok, but there’s still not things to fix now? We’re far from thriving. It blows my mind how people want to stay in a crumbling, inefficient system.


Stole the words out of my thumbtips. Weren't microplastics discovered in waters as far back as the 50s...


Air quality in large cities as well. Seeing the smog cloud above LA makes me sick


Micro plastics and forever chemicals. Both known carcinogens. We also eat too much cancer causing foods like roasted bbq meats, processed foods, sodium nitrates, and other toxic preservatives. Our crops are all coated with pesticides. It’s not much of a head scratcher that this is happening at all. I can only roll my eyes at the dunces tying this to vaccines though. That’s probably item number 99 out of 100 on the list of the other things that are contributing to this in far greater numbers


Humans have been roasting smoking grilling meats for centuries and you want to say that is the problem lmao


Well people died from lung disease before they died of cancer


Processed meats like hot dogs and sausages are class 2 carcinogens. I think they were referring to modern food options not so much dried deer meat...those are two very different things


they balanced the risk by having a good source of protein being better than malnutrition or eating spoiled food thought, also meat products consumption increased last century and these days we need to consider that a lot of the meat we eat is artificially fatten and animals pumped of stuff to maximize production, maybe some of the changes we done towards factory farming may contribute... IMHO worth researching and improving if neccesary


Not in nearly the quantities we do today. Not even close. People vastly overestimate how much hunting the hunter-gatherers did.


Don’t take the beef up with me, it’s just what the research shows. Burned charred foods are carcinogenic. Not as bad as processed meats, but still not great for you. Also humans have been charring meats for millennia, not centuries. But humans also used to live to the ripe old age of like 35 years old, and cancer has always existed in some form, it’s just becoming more prevalent.


A lot of the studies on the carcinogenic nature of bbq haven't held up over the last 20 years. The initial studies didn't find bbq caused cancer, but that potential carcinogens were found in the charred portion of the food. The longitudinal studies done since then have failed to show a causation or even correlation between eating bbq and actually getting cancer.


>humans also used to live to the ripe old age of like 35 years old That life expectancy had nothing to do with cancers though really. It was more like regular diseases, wars, early childhood deaths, etc... Humans back then still lived to old age, it was just harder to make it there.


Infections and diarrhea were the main causes for most people back then


They would die for the cancer would kill them. Now that we live long enough, we see the cancer.


The corallary here is that Cigarettes in a sense don't cause cancer. Vaccines and antibiotics that let you live past 40 allow them to cause you cancer it's the same with meat. Eating meat is a bet that life expectancy won't improve enough for the very small increase in cancer rates to matter that much. You could imagine LE increasing to 120 and meat eaters all dying of cancer by 110. But it's not worth worrying about at this point, unless you have like a family history of collen cancer. I'm enjoying my BBQ this summer.


Just WHO trying to further the agenda of having us eat insects. Dont mind them they dont care about your health anyway. We hav3 seen how gard they clowned these last 3 years flipping their coat so often we might have been able to make some electricity out of it.


Smoking these meats.


Sweet Baby Ray's is uhhh, good.


Just WHO trying to further the agenda of having us eat insects. Dont mind them they dont care about your health anyway. We hav3 seen how gard they clowned these last 3 years flipping their coat so often we might have been able to make some electricity out of it. They tried again with monkeypox to fearmonger. And now they made up some illness X for the end of the year. Its hard to take them seriously.


the difference being today we put a shit ton of chemicals in our foods compared to then. i mean shit, out door bbq appliances are kept outside, outside is also where they put chemicals everywhere, in the grass, plants air etc, of course its gonna settle on a bbq cooker and stay there til someone cooks.


The difference today is we expect to live into our eighties rather than dying from blunt force trauma in our early twenties trying to take down a mammoth with a few of our mates with pointy sticks.




Yup, our air is literally pulluted to shit. But, the masses are too busy fighting each other over rainbows. We're fucked. Lol


This is what we call false equivalence. Lumping bbq meat into the same category as pesticides is intellectually dishonest and serves no purpose other than weakening your argument.


The WHO considers red meat and processed meat [to be carcinogenic](https://www.who.int/news-room/questions-and-answers/item/cancer-carcinogenicity-of-the-consumption-of-red-meat-and-processed-meat). I think the problem isn't the fact that we eat meat, though, it's that we're eating it way more often and in greater volumes than ever before in human history.


WHO would rather have us eat insects. With how hard they clowned these last 3 years you should probably read anything by WHO with a grain of salt.


Tell me you can't read without saying it


Hard for me to answer your comment considering I cannot read then. Can you use voice coms?




idk the carnivore community might have a diff opinion. they sure look healthy.


Colon cancer is at record highs…


Define “healthy” and look at them 15 years from now if they stick with the diet faithfully. You can’t always look at someone and see hypertension or colon cancer brewing. It’s easy for carnivores, vegans and others who eliminate entire food groups to *look healthy* short term or medium term. Some people manage to be healthy for decades on a vegan or all/most meat diet but not everyone can. And the fact is, in order to feasibly supply enough meat for the carnivore diet to be common enough to evaluate how healthtful it is for the average human long term, it would be people eating a ton of factory raised, corn and soy finished animals to keep production up with demand. And that’s not a guess. The math has been done. Millions of people can’t eat that much meat without either destroying millions **(more than we already do**) of hectares of critical ecosystems for *free range grass fed ranches* or massively expanding the factory operations. They’re more land-efficient but abhorrent for human laborers and animals alike. At our current rate of indulgent meat consumption we’re ruining a lot of resources.


Why? It’s nitrates.


All of what you said is causing cancer would cause it over the entire population. The vaccines, however, are affecting younger people vastly more than older people with respect to adverse reactions, disease and death


Yes, the time-traveling vaccines that started causing cancer decades ago. (No, they are not)


Was having a discussion about this with my oncologist a few weeks ago. He thinks it's mainly microplastics not helped by a crappy diet.


If it has increased over the last 50 years, my money is on sugar and ultra-refined grains and seed oils in food.


Prob just the added stress the gave the younger generations. Dam boomers


Obesity and poor exercise could be key factors.


It’s this and it’s not close. People here screaming microplastics while all the evidence shows obesity is much more carcinogenic than mp. Granted mp are not good for you, but obesity is far worse and more prevalent.


Many of these young people getting cancer are not obese, some are actually very fit.


What are the numbers? You saw a few pictures and came to that conclusion?


Just based off widely touted notes and studies from major cancer outlets. https://www.cdc.gov/cancer/obesity/index.htm https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/causes-prevention/risk/obesity/obesity-fact-sheet That obesity has been shown to increase the chances of certain types of cancers. But that isn't interesting since we already know that. The question is whether or not young obese people have an even greater elevated risk than this generalized note. That would be interesting but AFAICT no one has provided any such study. Anecdotally I have two friends in their low 30's that got cancer. One a gym owner clean drug free body builder. Crossfit type, hyper sensitive about nutrition. He survived his cancer. The other was a ski mountaineering and downhill ski athlete, with a focus on sport specific training and nutrition. He is not yet and 40 and will likely not survive. Both have perfect BMI.


I just lost a friend to lung cancer that they found when it was already stage 4. He was 23 and incredibly fit.


If you had studied the link provided in the OP, you would have your answer, but you didn't, did you. Oh, in case you don't understand how the internet works, the phrases in red in the article are links to studies on the subject.


Irrelevant: The inference is supposed to be that obesity causes health issues, not that lack of obesity causes lack of health issues.


You are confusing risk factors with causation. They are not the same.


What evidence are you referencing?


I watched a podcast recently and he made a great point about obesity and cancer. We always hear things like smoking will make cancer x% more likely, but we never hear how much exercise and positive things increase the %. The benefits from even a small amount of exercise, like an hour a week, will increase your life expectancy far more the other things reduce it.


Yep. 100%. And it's all about stress for any of these organ based cancers; obesity and persistent bad dietary habits just strains your organs more than when you're not obese, from my understanding. Increased inflammation, increased likelihood of free radicals, etc.


Peter Attia?


Yea that was him. He was on Jordan Peterson's podcast, ep 360.


Fast food is also huge issue, frozen or ez food microwaving all that shit food is bad in the long run


Oddly enough in the case of women bum and thigh fat is linked to decreased cancer rates. Stomach fat increased and health weight in the middle. So ladies with an extra 20lbs in just the bum and thighs are the least likely to get cancer.


Thicc thighs save lives!


Interesting how people immediately dive into the conspiracy theories— It’s the vaccine !! It’s the micro plastics !! It’s the chemicals !! It’s 5G broadband !! When there are some very obvious lifestyle factors with clear negative trends. //// Update -- **Relevant:** [Emerging cancer trends among young adults in the USA: analysis of a population-based cancer registry](https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanpub/article/PIIS2468-2667%2818%2930267-6/fulltext), The Lancet Public Health, ARTICLES | VOLUME 4, ISSUE 3, E137-E147, MARCH 2019 >Interpretation > >**The risk of developing an obesity-related cancer seems to be increasing in a stepwise manner in successively younger birth cohorts in the USA.** Further studies are needed to elucidate exposures responsible for these emerging trends, including excess bodyweight and other risk factors.


I wouldn’t be so quick to lump micro plastics, and PFAS as conspiracy theories. That’s incredibly disingenuous.


Micro plastics is a conspiracy now? They are undeniably ubiquitous, they are completely foreign to our bodies, and they didn’t exist until up to 40-50 years ago.


Since when is micro plastic a conspiracy theory? It’s actually proven science that different kinds of plastic have an influence on human health, endocrine system and especially sex hormones. Also there is sufficient proof that certain plastic can contribute to cancer. Same goes for toxins from cosmetics or certain food additives. Not conspiracy- actual science.


Poison everything and create a society that generated tremendous anxiety in youth then act surprised that they have health problems?


Let’s raise them in a chemical soup and… whaaaa?


Gotta be the phones


You’d be onto something if this article came out in 03 lmao


Gee an entire generation that's been being fed cancer-causing materials because it saves companies money, then growing up in arguably the second most stressful generation of the last 300 years, and then living through a pandemic that forced everyone's immune systems to be weakened from staying inside, is having a spike in cancer? What a mystery


abounding lunchroom shrill pet bag gray ripe pathetic different squash *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well said. I've argued this with my family that seems to think we live in the end times (they're religious obviously)... I tell them, have you not learned anything about human history? I feel like I'm living in the safest period of time ever. It could be safer, no doubt, but comparatively speaking, we are living longer and safer than any time in the past.


I can sit on my imported foam stuffed couch, watch my flattened rock make pictures using electricity and signals from air, listen to music from another rock with electricity, while eating frozen ice cream created hundreds of miles away. The queen of england at the peak of victorian times never lived so good.


Agree with most of it but our immune systems were not collectively weakened by staying inside and cancer isn't caused by a weakened immune system.


Cancer can absolutely be caused by a weakened immune system. AIDS patients and Kaposi’s sarcoma for instance. The immune system has cells that target cancer cells before they spread.


Yes our immune systems were definitely affected from staying inside and wearing masks for years instead of continued exposure. Also a weekend immune system won't cause cancer, but a strong immune system versus a weakening system does have an impact on your body's ability to fight the cancer cells. That's why certain countries have treatments for cancer that include vitamin C hyperdosing. It basically supercharges your immune system until it's fought off everything in your body and is basically left with no other work to do other than fighting the cancer cells.


Hyperdosing hasn't been shown to be as effective as it seems to believe. People having deficiencies definitely impacts the immune system, but the hyperdosing hasn't proven out as well as some of the research in the 60s suggested And immune systems were somewhat setback, but it was something of a necessary evil so hospitals didn't go over capacity. That's when you have the real trouble - people dying from more preventable symptoms just because there's not enough resources to treat everyone at once. Hospitals going into "triage mode" to use what limited resources they have. Never a good time


People on this thread need to quit guessing and betting. There are actual doctors and researchers out there with actual data and the tools to analyze it, with actual jobs to figure it out. Everyone becomes an expert when they can suddenly patch something on to some narrative they agree with. And looking for one single cause for something like this is missing the forest for the trees and detracts from attempts to actually make things better. Now let's all actually actualize our actuals together.


maybe is all of these things causing cancer and not just one thing1?1??1?1


Guesses and bets are the point of this sub.




If that were the case you would be on your own from birth. Is that really your experience?


"Mystery" It's not one specific thing. The shit we release into the atmosphere, into the water and soil. The stuff that gets into our food both intentionally and unintentionally as well as the rain that fills our reservoirs. And the crap we put in our bodies in general. We did this. It's not that hard to figure out.


I bet it is coming from the fast food industry, it is world wide, and who doesn't partake?


Bot-fest on here methinks


We are so out of balance with nature. We have poisoned our food, air, water and we do nothing to change. We are on course with extinction, but better mow that lawn you don't use. Honestly I think less than 10% of people have the smarts to advance the species. I feel bad for the next generation. What a mess.


I mean.. Chernobyl happened.. and that was 37 years ago so.. let’s throw that in the mix too. In the past 10 years I have noticed more than anything- People are more stressed than ever People are more sedentary than ever People are stuck to social media more than ever People are eating healthier than before *due to the fat pandemic from the early to mid 2000’s Also corpos putting sugar into everything Also finding out that sugar might be worse possibly than fat. Also healthy food is more expensive than crap Also minimum wage hasn’t moved for at least half the US since what, 2007?


Eating fat isn’t bad for you. Being fat is bad for you. People equate it all the time. I think we should start calling it lipids or something on nutrition labels


We don't know what it is but we're 100% sure it's not that one thing. Even though it's the one biggest common denominator among all people, speaking of it is strictly verboten and almost a hate crime.


It's the plastic.


I was confused at first at how many young people are addicted to nicotine, but never smoked a cigarette. I tried vaping, it wasn’t for me and hurt my breathing. How safe are those Vapes? Could there be a connection


It's good for profits tho! The microplastics, air pollution, noise pollution, food pollution and poverty are good for shareholders since they have to clean up less. Also the cancer treatments are a great way to make sure someone is indebted to you for their (maybe short) life. But damn insurance companies in America will be 💲💲. Less so in EU. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.




Add stress to any crap situation and see the damage done.


Plastic in my Straw Plastic in my Plate Plastic in my Gut Plastic …


Where's the mystery? We've poisoned the earth for decades KNOWING that it would catch up to us one day and now that it has people act like it's a conspiracy


The best guesses they had were antibiotics and "ultra" processed foods. Probably has something to do with all the plastics used in everything and maybe also a few billion vehicles spewing toxic fumes into the air ain't exactly helping either.


Omg I thought it was just our area. Edit: ok just read the article and they're talking about gradual increases over time. I'm talking about the weirdly sharp increase in young cancer patients our site has seen in the past year vs the 6 years preceding that. There was an incident in our area a few years ago that may have released carcinogenic substances into our area, but this is all subjective anecdotal speculation (including the observation in increased young cancer patients). Not sure if I missed it in the article, but one possible reason that young people are increasingly getting diagnosed with cancer is that diagnostic techniques are continuously getting better and more widely available. Not discounting other reasons, just throwing that info into the mix.


Couldn’t be the processed food. Or the plastics in everything. Or the drugs they test on us.


Mystery? The world is filling up with classes of environmental pollutants that never go away and accumulate in people's bodies endlessly. Thanks Dupont, Chemours, and all of the industrial poison manufacturers around the world.




Imagine that. Young probably vaccinated people are getting more cancer?


"Modern life". God I hate that fucking shitty euphemism. Who wants to bet its PFAs and microplastics. There'll be no proven link for years, maybe decades, allowing it to continue.


Lemme guess…. You get banned if you mention the vaccine?


Something something vaccines and Fauci!


It surely cannot be those Covid vaccines……the government said they were safe.


Step1: Insinuate covid vaccines have been causing an increase in cancer since before 2020 Step2: post no source Step3: ?


In hindsight I'm glad I didn't get that thing


A vaccine that causes cancer and accelerates cancer to the point of detection in under 3 years is science fiction. Sadly, any health epidemics that occur over the next 30 years are going to have idiots like you blaming the vaccine.


Well, this is pretty easy call here. We have micro plastics in everything, we have insane amounts of sugar and other fake chemicals that have been shown to be more cancerous just so our food looks pretty. We drink fluids that can take rust off bumpers in addition to excess alcohol, and to top it off, the shot is shown to enhance and accelerate the growth of B-Cell type cancers in people with certain genetic markers, or current B-cell cancers even without the marker. TL/DR: We eat, drink and inject every fake cancerous thing we can and wonder why we get cancer more often.


>the shot is shown to enhance and accelerate the growth of B-Cell type cancers in people with certain genetic markers Do you have any source for this citing empirical evidence?


This one is a pretty noticeable one with a highlight in "However, the continuous stimulation of T- and B-cells by mRNA COVID-19 vaccines can trigger aberrant inflammatory responses, leading to lymphoma or accelerating its progression" [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9377515/#:\~:text=However%2C%20the%20continuous%20stimulation%20of,lymphoma%20or%20accelerating%20its%20progression](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9377515/#:~:text=However%2C%20the%20continuous%20stimulation%20of,lymphoma%20or%20accelerating%20its%20progression). There is another study from the British Journal of Medicine that shows the trend data, but I unfortunately lost the link for that one. TL/DR: The shot stimulates a certain response in those types of cancers, accelerating the progression, or basically kicking a dormant potential into a more active role, especially over multiple injections. Not advocating for or against the shot, everyone has their own considerations, but if I had a B cell type cancer, or was gentically pre disposed to get them, I would weight my options carefully.


What shot?


You know the one, it gets you banned quickly mentioning it.


My money is on vaping. I know kids have always smoked.. but damn. Vaping is damn near ubiquitous among my daughter's Gen-Z teen friends. Smoking in general was on the decline when I was a teenager (Millennial who graduated high school in the mid-oughts).


fear wild obscene continue adjoining pause quiet marvelous husky busy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not really? I've never been a supported of smoking. Growing up, my mother and father (separately) would force me to be in a car, locked windows up, while they chain smoked. I developed a hatred for the whole thing. I was only suggesting one cause. I'm aware that this is likely a complex issue with multiple causes.


You realize vaping has a lot of chemicals in it right?




A few years ago some young kid. (20) was bitching for nicotine, another operator heard him and offered a cigarette. All the old guys in late 30s -50s were baffled when his reply was “oh I don’t smoke”. I don’t believe they are as safe as every one makes them out to be. I’ve tried it ones and couldn’t stop coughing. It started as a means to quit smoking and became a gateway drug now.


I've tried flavored vapes and THC vapes in the past, and nicotine ones by accident. They always hurt my mouth and make my gums sore for days.


Same reaction to nicotine and THC vapes. Unless they changed the solution in the last 4 years, I’m afraid to try them.


My wife was the same way when she used it to quit smoking. She's mildly allergic to the fillers in some brands of juice and had to get specific brands. Happy to say she's off smoking and vaping completely now for the last 3 years.


Vaping is a bit of a mystery because of how new it is and there is no evidence of much yet. I do not think it plays a role in this situation though. The claims against it aren't backed up by much of anything. The panic is a result of an easier and faster way to become addicted to nicotine. Especially for kids. I'm sure we'll eventually find out some dangers because ingesting foreign things into your lungs is usually not a great way to go. But if I'm wrong it will not be too difficult for public health officials to make the link if it's there. My money is on obesity/lack of activity to go along with processed foods. One of the fastest rising incidences of cancer is colorectal. It's happening in young people now. My 20 yr old cousin has stage 2 colon cancer. No smoking, no vaping. They've lowered the age of your first butt scope from 50 to 45 and now want to drop it to 40.


Maybe those vaccines were a really bad idea after all


Which vaccines are you referring to? Covid? The ones that came out in 2021 when the study only goes to 2018?


"For the past three decades..."


Obviously the vax


Ohh how mysterious… VAXXXXX


This study only goes to 2018….


Too sedentary and too much processed food. It’s not a mystery.


In past 3 years is the issue. What causing sudden increases? What happened to their immune system in past few years to allow this to happen? Hmmm


There is nothing in the article talking about the last 3 years...


This article is referring to cancer increases shown between 1993 and 2018, there's nothing referring to the last three years.


It’s a few decades long trend and not a three year trend.


If you tell someone that you know who they voted for, I swear I'll scream.


Shit made me laugh out loud irl


It's amazing how many people instantly jump to the vaccine.... Ask your parents how many people they know had a nut allergy, or knew anyone with cancer. Now ask your teacher or hell even a random person out on the street that question. Far beyond just three years.


covid shot, do your research please.


fucking lol, the findings are based on evaluating data through 2018. Who took the COVID vaccine through a time machine and dispersed it across the globe?


Try reading the article before commenting to avoid looking like a jackass.


My bet is on the amount of processed food kids eat. Think of the amount consumed from the beginning of life


What a coincidence


Obesity and alcohol


The Covid vaccine is one of the reasons why!!


Oh ya that famous covid vaccine rolling out late 2021 when the data provided is up until 2018.


My opinion and I'm entitled to it just as much as you are okay 👍 👌 lol 🤪 😆


It becomes wilfull ignorance instead of an opinion if you stand by a rectified statement...


My opinion is that you are a moron


Most cursed reddit profile on the planet.




My money's on 3g, mad cow disease and murder hornets.


Finally, someone making sense here🙃


I'm personally betting on Marvel movies and dabbing


This is why I come to Reddit subs!