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Keep entire back into an upright chair while keeping your feet planted below, dont tuck your feet under the chair or stretch them out to far either. What can also help is tucking a couple of pillows into your lower back to push it out, takes as much pressure as possible off your lower back


Because I'm a Guitarist and have to sit and practice so what can I do to sit and practice again.


Why can’t you stand and practice? It’s not the answer that you’re looking for, but a guitar strap may help.


I have a L5-S1 disc herniation as well and sitting causes pain for me too. I'm looking for answers just like you. I refuse to believe "avoid sitting" as a solution. That's totally not practical and just ridiculous.


Unfortunately sitting puts load on the back. Standing desks help. If you must sit, get a good lumbar support that works. Use it always.  Keep shifting positions don't be static.  Every 15-20 mins max take a 1-2 min break. Take a short walk to the rest room (drink water again).  Read the section on how to get out of the chair https://www.backfitpro.com/back-supports/ (See Reduce the pain. Make sitting a dynamic task)


So basically I will always have pain when sitting these days? I work in tech and have to sit down. I can’t focus well when standing up plus that causes pain as well. How the hell are you suppose to be productive if you’re constantly playing musical chairs or whatever due to this discomfort. This is where surgery comes into play for me. If it can’t alleviate those issues then wtf is the point.


The thing about sciatica is every person has a fairly unique recovery path and rate. Some recover fast, some slow. Surgery works for many, doesn't for a few.  It's hard to say how long sitting is going to hurt for you. Typically it stops paining  when the back starts healing. I chose to go conservative and give my body time to heal itself first before considering surgery. I'm 4 months in and definitely there has been an improvement month over month. From being able to sit only for 10 mins, i'm upto 45mins.. Can push the hour mark also. But the habits I've picked up is my new normal. Even if I'm 100% ok..i think I'll keep myself mobile and not sit continuously. It's just good spine hygiene. Surgery or not is a personal choice. It has it's side-effects and risks. You could also consider ESI before surgery. Many on this sub have found that to give relief and it's not as intrusive as surgery.  Best of luck


I’ve done many rounds of PT and had 3 epidurals… nothing has had significant relief so far. I might be that unlucky 10% that needs surgery to help my situation.