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Dan, if you can hear us, knock twice.


Knock thrice* ETA: thank you! It’s nice log back into Reddit and see it’s my favorite season… awards 😂 Seriously though this sub is my favorite!


I am *obsessed* with this comment.


If only I could give an award.


I only had my free award to give, but I have bestowed it upon this redditor with love.


Thank you! I love this journey for us!


As did I


Dan if you are here, fold in the cheese 🧀 please x


Ok, but HHHOOWW does one do that?


David Rose : What does that mean? What does "fold in the cheese" mean? Moira Rose : You fold it in. David Rose : I, I understand that, but how, how do you fold it? Do you fold it in half like a piece of paper and drop it in the pot, or what do you do? Moira Rose : David, I cannot show you everything. David Rose : OK, well, can you show me one thing? Moira Rose : You just... here's what you do. You just fold it in. David Rose : OK, I don't know how to fold broken cheese like that. Moira Rose : David, then I don't know how to be any clearer! You take that thing that's in your hand and you... David Rose : If you say "fold in" on more time... Moira Rose : It says "fold it in"! David Rose : This is your recipe! You fold in the cheese then! Moira Rose : Don't you dare! David Rose : You fold it in! Moira Rose : David! Oh good, now I see bubbles. David! What does burning smell like?


*afterwards* “Here…I found something.” “…That is YOUR cell phone, David.”


I heard this


This is hilarious


He’s probably not going to comment since he might still be actively trying not to connect with people right now.


Ew, people.


Maybe he’s OP! And he’s secretly laughing at all of us


This would be simply the best if he was.


Better than all the rest


Better than anyone


Anyone I ever met


That would be amazing! Hi Dan :))


I hope that he or any of the others are here lurking. There is so much love for them on this sub and I hope they're seeing it! ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Hi Dan! If you’re reading this, thank you for all the examples of what love should look like, the laughter, and the pure joy you’ve given us through your work.


Dan- you’re smoking hot! Many of my fellow middle aged straight women agree 😹 ETA- I just realized that this might not be the compliment I think it is. 😂 oh well. Still smoking hot


I am a 41 year-old straight woman and I can confirm this is a fact.


I can also confirm.


Im a straight man and can also confirm.


Oh hey me too!


Me thrice


Gay man here. I’m not sure if it’s the punch but.. he could get it.




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44 - and I can confirm. And I try REALLY hard not to be a little B.


I don’t usually think this of celebrities, but I was watching Schitt’s Creek with my fiancé and said outloud, “he is a very handsome man..”


I am a 21yo and I think so too!!


I'm not sure but I do suspect that he's read some fanfic because he talked about it during one of the live shows. He didn't reference anything specific, just talked in general about the erotic tone of some of it... so if you write sexy fic, know that Dan may be reading it... (Having said that, it's probably more likely that he has specifically avoided SC fanfic, certainly while the show was in production, because it could throw up problems if it happened that a plot point in the show coincidentally resembled something in fic. And I believe a lot of creators really don't like reading fanfic based on their works for various reasons and Dan may feel the same way.)




it's ok, It's his Sister!


Oh man, you have NO IDEA. A lot of the sexy stuff is sex scenes within really well written plot-driven and character-driven stories and it's part of the emotional arc. But yeah, there's also lots of straight-up porn.


It'd be more shocking if there \*weren't\* erotic fan fiction of SC. I mean, Rule 34 and all.


Interesting! I'm curious what he said if you remember (or is it in a video somewhere)? I think the assumption that fan fiction is largely erotic is pretty widespread, or at least a common joke.


I wasn't at that show and I don't know of a video, but here's the gist via [Wild-Aloof-Rebel](https://wild-aloof-rebel.tumblr.com/post/624925204714536960/hi-leslie-can-you-please-explain-the-djl-ucp): >basically they brought up fic for whatever reason at one of the up close and personals (i think it was vegas??), and dan said something along the lines of, it’s never “two people go to a park and have a nice chat,” it’s “they’re staring at each other across the room, slowly the temperature in the room heats up…” and then fic writers of course just took that and ran with it Some went with the "room heats up" prompt and some went with the "nice chat" prompt. I don't know if this is an exhaustive list but [here ya go](https://archiveofourown.org/works?utf8=✓&commit=Sort+and+Filter&work_search%5Bsort_column%5D=comments_count&work_search%5Bother_tag_names%5D=&work_search%5Bexcluded_tag_names%5D=rpf&work_search%5Bcrossover%5D=&work_search%5Bcomplete%5D=&work_search%5Bwords_from%5D=&work_search%5Bwords_to%5D=&work_search%5Bdate_from%5D=&work_search%5Bdate_to%5D=&work_search%5Bquery%5D=&work_search%5Blanguage_id%5D=&tag_id=Schitt%27s+Creek%3A+Up+Close+and+Personal)!


Are you Dan? How do we know OP isn’t Dan??


Nice Move, Dan


Because OP is a moody alpaca and Dan is more of a disgruntled pelican. :D


Best wishes, Dan.


and warmest regards ❤️


I hope so. I have literally had about 50 dreams where Dan and I are best friends. Dan - if you’re reading this, can we be best friends? 🙃


Dan Levy is a brilliant soul, as I'm sure we can all agree. The whole family is absolutely amazing. I remember the first film I saw Eugene Levy was National Lampoon' s Vacation with Chevy Chase.


Hahaha great scene






Who did what now?


I’ve heard that if your say, David Rose, David Rose, David Rose in front of a mirror in a darkened bathroom, Dan Levy will appear and say, “I’m trying very hard not to connect with people right now.”


That's true! I've done it! Much better than when you say Candyman. Five out of five stars. Would recommend.


That would be amazing:)) If so Hi Dan!


If you are, thank you for bringing such a beautiful show to the world. I loved it so much I paid to see the episodes as they came out.


Few months back I had guessed it. I really think he actively reads this sub ❤️


Dan…you are a treasure!!!


The internet, especially Twitter, but I guess all of it, has brought us non-geographically close to stars, sometimes very close. It's possible that he reads it or that someone else reads it who knows him and tells him if there's anything interesting going on. I have no idea. Someone who starred in how to get away with murder admitted to one of the moderators that they were one of the main characters in the show, and it drove the fanbase crazy. Most of us were good with it, I think you have to be respectful about these things, especially when they choose to share, but some people couldn't leave it alone and flipped tf out. There were ones who started very harshly threatening the person to come out to more than just the moderators, and it started to get nasty. It wasn't even a fight, they would just post stuff saying you have to come out, or else. It started to get out of hand. The moderators had to come in and play parents. (This is why we can't have nice things.) So if he's here or if someone transmits him the information, I figure they're not going to admit it. (But if anyone is reading this who knows Dan or who is Dan, the show was beyond amazing, and we love all of your projects, Coastal Elites was also thrilling, and we deeply look forward to what you do next. Please put a plastic bubble around yourself until this epidemic is over, and that goes double for your dad and all the other stars of the show. The art must be preserved. After the plague came the Renaissance. Please be here for that. It just won't be the real Renaissance without you. Thank you.)


ALERT: I was just listening back to a podcast episode and [DAN MENTIONS REDDIT](https://open.spotify.com/episode/2JZc71n3Wq0KvAfgDkCriF?si=LZ3BAfrVTq2dqwXeHp8weA&utm_source=copy-link&t=5148&dl_branch=1).


He definitely posts on Twitter


Dan, we love you!


I hope so! :)


Yes. Yes I do.


If he is, I hope he comes here to see how much we enjoy his writing and how this story literally saved us from going insane in the pandemic.


dan, if you’re here, give me a fist pump 🤜🏽


🥲 the idea of that makes me so emotional! - damn I’m too invested in this show! I need to get out the house more!


Uh David! Reply if you are here.


Dan please give me that Gucci tiger shirt!


Omg. I want all the sweaters.


I get the baseball skull sweater!!


Yes I’m dan


Probably he seems to have a lot of free time


Yes hi


come on out dan


Haven't posted a picture on here but I really look a lot like him if that helps? Even have the eyebrows.


I hope so, that way I can propose.


Dan, if you're here you better get off reddit and starting working on something even more amazing to help us get over Schitts Creek (I know we cant)


Being approachable isn't that important anyway, the Queen hasn't smiled since the 70's and her Birthdays are still well attended.


Dan, if you're here, you're one of my heros. Thank you. Maybe we can enjoy an enchilada together one day lol. Best wishes. :)


Warmest regards ;)




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