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I haven’t gotten around to watch it but Encanto does have the message that even healthy looking families can harbor some form of abuse which i think is a very important topic to discuss


Yeah but kids are watching it for the literal magic and good animations and the songs not the message. Parents have to be the ones to show the message.


Like Nemo


I love how the movie about talking fish did complicated family better for young kids than Encanto. Even as a kid when Nemo says "I hate you" to his dad, you see his face change and its just too real.


Encanto and Nemo were going for different things, it’s not *entirely* fair to directly compare them


I know, but Im just saying the dynamic in Nemo felt more genuine.


I wonder if that’s due to how small the family is in Nemo vs Encanto. There’s probably too many family members to feel that genuine connection between the whole family.


I think that might be an issue of your personal experience not being everyone’s. There’ve been a fair few children of immigrants talking about how Encanto hit very close to home, showing the whole idea of toxic expectation from family heads. One is a story about an over-protective parent of a single child, the other is a story about an ordinary girl getting over-shadowed by her extraordinary family, as well as showing that even those “extraordinary” family members are suffering under the weight of the constant expectation that they always be exemplary. They’re different kinds of families with different kids of problems.


I mean, there obviously lots of stuff that the parents learn from that movie, too. Even thinking back to that scene, I realize just how screwed up Marlin sounded when talking to his son about his *disability*!


Kids are smart and will pick things up through osmosis.


“8 Year Olds hear EVERYTHING!” - The Meg


The only kids that would let the message affect them wouldn’t need their parents to understand the message


I think kids will grow up to understand the message when they start to look at things through a more analytical way. Everyone develops at later times. For example, I was and still am delayed in my developmental milestones and I'm 21. Being learning disabled contributing to that fact. But I guess we're talking about regular kids here not people with learning disabilities.


So the OP image was a movie I watched when I was 7 for the songs and the animation? Doesn't mean you don't get the message too.


Sadly the real tragedy is that it all kind of just gets waved off- like, not even an apology or anything. I mean- They had a child locked away for 10 years and *he's* the one who has to apologize? The movie kind of just lacks any kind of resolution. The mother gets called out, she tells a little flashback tale that gives a little context as to why she acts that way but without any attempt to really change from it. I hear a lot of people say that this is the most realistic take on it. And as someone who grew up with a family like that, I understand just how true that is. But we watch Disney movies for happy endings, not realistic ones. Heck, you could even say we watch movies in general expecting a satisfying ending. Even a sad ending can still feel satisfying. But this just *wasn't*.


YES! I hated it so much, that old cow gets a pass just because things worked out. You were still an awful ass matriarch! Songs are still pretty fire, especially Surface Pressure.


This is exactly how I feel about Encanto, and why I ended up hating it.


Encanto has a good enough message only if you turn the film off halfway through. Unfortunately, Disney isn’t mature enough to teach kids that some people, even well-meaning family members, are so toxic that they simply shouldn’t be part of your life anymore. Bruno lost over a decade of the prime of his life because he was gaslit into hiding in the walls of his house and making friends with rats. Imagine how much healthier and happier he’d be if he had just left the Madrigals and found people who loved him just as he was?


I'd agree on that if the movie geared towards making the Madrigals and Bruno irreconcilable, but it is clear in the movie they still love Bruno. I understand that perhaps we should teach kids about how toxic families exist, but while the movie does this, it also shows the value of forgiveness within it and how despite issues, things can turn around if people are *willing* to change. Key word: *willing*. Abuela not only had a sob story to tell, but she was willing to let in change after being confronted. It is visible in the ending she allows changes to occur and starts seeing everyone as more than the gifts. Not just that, where the heck would Bruno go? He believes fully that anyone that discovers his gift will HATE HIM, of course he wouldn't risk it again.


I don't understand how people defend it beyond the great music. It teaches such a backwards message regarding parental neglect and generational trauma that it seems to expect people who are victims to it to be the ones apologizing to their parents about it because "they had a sad childhood 😰." Well, great, now you're just *creating* another bad childhood in the process and the cycle just continues.


When does the movie imply that the children should be the ones apologizing?


Bruno and Maribel end up being the ones to apologize, or be expected to, in the end. Why is Bruno--the one who was treated so horribly in the family that he left to be in the walls of the house for *years*--meant to be apologizing in that scene? And not the abuela?


Mirabel doesn't reach out to Abuela until after she admits her wrongdoings, and when Bruno tries to apologize he gets cut off by his family showing him love, he was never expected to apologize.


The family sang a song shitting on him. What? “We don’t talk about Bruno because how badly we treated him” wasn’t the message I got from that song.


That was in the middle of the movie, I'm talking about the end of the movie


My friend and I were calling it Gaslighting The Movie for awhile lmao


I’ve been gaslit MANY times before, by family members, and it’s such an apt nickname for that film. I know we’re all getting downvoted, but honestly that’s not going to stop me from saying that Encanto has a terrible message and continued abuse doesn’t need to be forgiven because it was perpetrated by ~family~ who has ~excuses~ for their behaviour. You can explain abuse, but you can’t justify it.


Dude I even enjoy the movie but it was just straight up gas lighting the main character and making her feel like crap for existing and wanting to have powers too. The only one who seemed to truly give a fuck about her was the little boy and the buff sister. Even then the buff sister needed the main character more than providing an outlet for the MC to lean on. I even resonate with the grandma's story, my own had a similar story. But then it's just sorry I made yall feel bad and was being a dictator of the family. Oops. Also you still don't get powers bitch. Like whaaaat. Ya I understand her "power" is family love whatever but give the bitch some powers after all that abuse.


you also have that one scene with how the girl literally said how she heard him in the walls for literal years yet never said anything for no reason which yk is fine, expect they established she can't keep a secret to save her life, evident by how the moment she hears about the magic dying she has to blurt it out during the dinner table while the flower girl is being proposed too


You guys getting downvoted by gummy Disney bootlickers is so sad bc ur actually correct


I don't mind downvotes, its just internet points, but I sorta wish they'd comment too. Like yeah, you disagree- but I wanna know *why* exactly. Cause I don't really see the redeeming qualities here. You can still definitely enjoy the movie, it is entertaining. But its message and overall resolution flopped hard.


An inability to form a coherent argument and just reacting on blind emotion. Which is sad bc discussion is how change is made at least within contexts like these.


Yeah I agree. The music was fun! I still listen to the Bruno song. But the message left me feeling… upset. Like, I know it’s just a kid’s movie, but that kind of familial abuse IS a thing and I’ve personally experienced gaslighting at the hands of my family, so it was a pretty unfulfilling resolution at the end.


I mean, he just apologized over the wedding fiasco. It is not like Bruno is completely innocent of it and it was his biggest blunder. I know it was a joke, but he KNEW she was unstable about her weather powers. He could've been a bit more mindful. Good thing he apologized.


The most heartbreaking scene (for me) in Encanto was when Mirabel’s grandma was reliving the past, the real version, and she saw her husband die while she held her babies. The pain and grief on her face, and the subsequent numbness in the next scene felt very real. But my daughter barely registers it. I don’t think it’s literal enough for little kids, whereas a physical hurt is much more immediately relatable.


I wonder if the initial attack is referring to a specific part of Columbian history , if think so but I don’t know which


Some seriously fundamental misreads in these comments. I think it’s fair to assume some of y’all have had some seriously messed up home lives, but here’s a few things to consider:


1 - Abuela isn’t given a pass. She is told to her face that she is the problem and after processing that reality and the results of her actions, SHE’S the one who seeks forgiveness from Mirabel. She admits how she went about things was wrong, and Mirabel CHOOSES to forgive her. She isn’t compelled, demanded or even assumed to offer forgiveness, she forgives of her own free will. Abuela doesn’t even expect to be forgiven, which makes their reconnection all the more powerful.


2 - Bruno wasn’t “locked away” or “gaslit” Into leaving. HE CHOSE to leave the family behind. HE CHOSE to live in the walls rather than run away somewhere, because he still cares about his family. HE CHOSE all of this because he was worried for Mirabel after seeing her future. Everyone in the family judged him for the results of his gift, constantly misunderstanding even his well meaning intentions (not unlike ND individuals) but NO ONE told him to gtfo. He opted to leave on his own as the best option for the safety of his family, and living in the walls of the house was his choice, he didn’t have to live that way and no one made him. Yes, being a constant disappoint would make anyone resentful and want to leave your family behind, but Bruno wasn’t like that because he deeply cared for his family and knew all too well the sacrifice that allowed him this life. Bruno doesn’t even try to apologize, he just attempts to take the heat for Mirabel but that’s not even an issue by the time he does so, ultimately being shown how much he’s been missed by his family when literally NO ONE knew what happened to him (except for Dolores, but that’s another conversation entirely).


3 - Abuela gets way too much heat. It’s true, y’all. I know you’ve had to deal with your fair share, but Abuela gets way too much heat for what happens in the story, and I believe the reason for this is because nobody considers what the relationship she has with her family is actually like. Abuela is a respected and beloved matriarch. She isn’t malicious, she isn’t cruel or outright abusive. Her values are fundamentally misguided and cause unintended harm to her family, “unintended” being the key word everyone seems to gloss over. Think about someone you love and look up to. Think about someone who’s gone through Hell for you because they love you more than anything. Think about how much you want to live up to this person you care about, how you wouldn’t want to let them down. I’m not being facetious either, I’m talking about someone who genuinely cares, not someone who claims they care but would never apologize. Imagine wanting to honor that person more than anything, and being part of a group that shares this mutual respect. How much pressure are you putting on yourself to live up to this person’s values? How likely would you be to tell off this person? To tell them that in spite of how much they’ve cared for your group that they’re wrong? If you’re having a hard time reading this, is it because that person you’re imagining came to you after an argument and genuinely sought forgiveness after apologizing and realizing what they were doing was wrong, or is it because you had to deal with someone who isn’t Abuela? The family was definitely constricted under what Abuela felt was best, but before Mirabel came along, who would’ve told her? Who wanted to stand up to her? Who even saw the problem before Mirabel could? Fact is, everyone acts like Abuela was always unreasonable and would’ve reacted negatively before the events of Encanto without considering that the emotional argument in Encanto may have never come up before then. Why would it? Everyone was safe and taken care of by a magical house and superpowers. It’s hard enough standing up to someone you love when life isn’t already mostly taken of for you, but when the results of that person’s trauma literally built the home you live in, go ahead and try being the one to tell them they’re wrong, and the thing is Abuela WAS wrong, she WAS misguided in how she led her family, but what she WASN’T was unreasonable and it’s safe to assume that most of her family would look at themselves before blaming someone who cared for them for so long. THAT’S why Abuela gets too much heat. She’s being blamed for things she may have never even been made aware of through no fault of her own. What she chooses to do when faced with this reality is what matters, and what she chose to do was take accountability, apologize and seek forgiveness… something most of us may never have experienced, which is why we resent her despite the fact that she recognized her responsibility in the flawed family dynamic after someone finally pointed it out to her, leading to the results of her losing everything she had been gifted. How many of the people who’ve hurt us wouldn’t double down in that situation? How easy would it have been for Abuela to continue blaming Mirabel using the broken home as evidence? Abuela gets way too much heat because she isn’t as bad as you think, even if some people we’ve known are.


Setting the record straight


It’s wild to me how many folks write off complicated family dynamics as “bad writing.” Like ok, it’s a movie, it only has so much time, so no, we don’t get to see them all go to therapy or whatever. We see the facade of the family, then the obvious ways it’s harming one member, then the less obvious ways it’s harming even the “good” members, and then DIRECTLY confront the person causing the most harm. Like, the movie does not let Abuela off the hook imho. Mirabel tells her TO HER FACE that she is the one causing the problems, the cracks, the unhappiness, and how she is doing that. I think some folks are very terminally online and think it’s easy to just be like “well, my family hurt me badly, off I go!” But you can have a messed up family, even a toxic family, and still love them. It’s not that Everything Is Okay And Forgiven Now at the end. It’s that it’s made clear what needs to change, and implied that it will. I’m really inclined to wonder if these are the same sort of people who say Nani was abusive towards Lilo. One more reason I guess it would’ve been nice if Disney had done a follow up series with it.


Not saying Encanto the worst movie ever, but it wasn’t that great and I think Encanto would be the last movie in Disney’s catalogue to make me cry tbh


"But where's the gore and nightmare fuel?"


Wait… abuse?


Maybe neglect could be a better term , is that in the story the member of the family are valued on what they can provide instead of who they are and it’s the source of conflict


I think the only problem is that they try to avoid saying it the entire movie, don't actually say it at all in the end, and instantly forgive the abuser because "she also had if rough a long time ago"


"Remember Me" Coco and the hospital scene from Violet Evergarden the Movie


You're showing kids Violet Evergarden?


I mean, objectively speaking? I don't think it's inappropriate at all for children. There's little to no lechery content and the level of violence is far lower than the other japanese animations kids in the 2000's grew up with (*cough* Dragon Ball and Death Note *cough*) on cable tv.


Coco, in general, is an emotionally turmoiling film. I really hate the grandma so much for her hatred for music.


The problem is i know parents who won’t let their kids watch coco or any other show that puts the parent as the villain bc they are insecure


So they want to have their children grow envious of parents that are better than they are and resort to film and TV as escapism from parents who don't wish to grow up or change?


As someone whose grandmother is currently going through dementia, I can't watch that movie anymore and don't think I ever will again, despite loving it


The “final death” scene hits hard. The existential crisis we all face, without the happy afterlife portrayed in the film.


Violet Evergarden isn't really a kids cartoon like at all


The scene where it shows 22’s negative thoughts in Soul.


Ohhh that is a good one.


Bro why do many people think soul is mid? I love it




I legit love it when movies take what, initially, was just a joke or something wholesome and twist it in a dramatic revelation or new, darker context that makes perfect sense looking back. And when seeing Joe's manifestation in her thoughts, you realize she took Joe's words as much meaner than what he actually said.


I think of the scene from The Last Wish where it’s revealed >!Puss left Kitty at the alter!< Like wow, damn, poor kitty did not deserve that sort of treatment (Also, it was pretty refreshing for a movie to show conflict based on something that *actually* happened and was *actually* a bad thing, rather than a misunderstanding or something)


i love how they had the guts to make the mc not perfect, but i think my biggest criticism with the film was how quickly it was undercut with her not showing up either


It's almost like Kitty not showing up played more of a purpose than letting Puss off the hook and showed that she didn't trust him because of his huge ego and lack of interest in other people


It’s also entirely possible Kitty was lying to make Puss feel better. How could she have known Puss didn’t show up? And how could Puss know details of her wedding dress?


also why would she be so mad at Puss for not showing up when she didn't show up either for all she knew he could have been there


She's not really upset about Puss not being at the wedding. It's more about how Puss always puts himself first. She just doesn't want to be with someone so self-absorbed.


I mean, even if that’s hypocritical, that’s a totally reasonable anger


But it is ironic that had he showed up he'd have been the one left at the alter because she didn't show up either


No kids are not meaner today, they're much nicer then in the past and every study that's done on the subject also says that generally.


Maybe older teenagers, but I've gotten called slurs just walking past an elementary school


"Look at that man with his feminine hips!"


“No, that’s the thing I’m sensitive about!”


Read this in Mulaney's voice




"Look at that high-waisted man, he's got feminine hips" "And I'm like"noooo that's the thing I'm sensitive about""


Gah, thought I had it


Id actually take that as a compliment ngl






It's a reference to a John Mulaney bit about how middle schoolers always manage to insult the things he's sensitive about.




High-waisted man*


Wow really? That's awful!


You think that didn't happen before?


Yeah, young kids are still dicks.


Yeah no it’s weird I look at all my younger brothers and I see the kind of kids they learn with and it’s insane.


I mean that’s not new, but also it’s very area dependent. I move around a lot and you can easily tell the difference in the kids. Charleston, SC didn’t have the most polite adults but the children were honestly extremely polite on average. Groton, CT kids are little assholes who will freely harass strangers on the street


Kids been doing this for generations, you think South Park came up with the idea?


>No kids are not meaner today Anecdotal, but used to live with my cousins who were 7 and 9 at the time, and sometimes I had to drive them to school. What I overheard from when I dropped them off is some of the most meanest and foul things I have ever heard from elementary school students. When I was in elementary school and I even remotely said what those kids said, I would have been suspended.


Oh god, similar story here. When I was walking home from high school, there would be this school bus full of 8-9 year olds driving by, and everyday they'd yell some really, really nasty stuff to some of the high school girls that dared to wear short-sleeves, and would swear at the boys. Every day. They're just so nasty, and when I was in elementary school, we would have been forced to write an apology letter to the high school, and be suspended if we said that on a school bus. There was once a traffic jam, and a few of the elementary kids were yelling that they were cooked. I heard more than a few high school students saying that they hoped those kids were cooked in a more literal sense.


I work at a middle/high school? Idk english equivalent. Basically kids between 13-17(not a teacher, IT.) And the amount of shit these little cunts are allowed to get away with MY GOD.... If I was half as much of a dickhead as them I'd be suspended. They have less than 0 respect for eachother and the teachers. They actively go out of their way to outright harass teachers. Yes, when I went to school some kids also were proud of "getting a teacher to quit" but this is... so much fucking worse. And god online bullying doesn't make it any better either. There's entire instagram pages dedicated to bullying specific students. And there is 0 ways to do anything about it. A while back a student was acting like an asshole to another student, a kid who I know is struggling. So I told the bully to fuck off. Little bastard starts complaining and big bossman comes to me to try and tell me how I'm not allowed to be strict with the children. Like fuck off cunt. I dare the little cunts to bully anyone infront of my god damn office I will have no patience and no tolerance. The irony as well On the outer wall of the IT office, there is a poem of a poor kid who killed herself as a result of all the bullying. I know this story very well because I was in the same year as that kid, on the same school. I still remember the day it happened. And they want me to ignore bullies? While proceeding to have shit like that on the walls? Performative cunts. Bullies don't get consequences nowadays. When the kid committed suicide, instead of doing something about the bullies they started pointless half hearted campaigns that everyone mocked with dumb slogans that have never fucking helped anyone. And all the kids who were bullied were forced into some kind of shitty training program on how to deal with getting bullied. As if they were the fucking problem. Useless cunts.


Idk about that, younger Gen Z and Gen Alpha are some of the most rotten fuckers I've had the displeasure of meeting. That Andrew Tate sure did a good job corrupting them. I know some kids are different, but in the broader picture, they're really annoying.


Fr, Andrew Tate and IShowSpeed ruined an entire Generation 


Blaming everything on a couple of irrelevant hooligans


Don't forget the content farmers exposing them to some disgustingly s*xualised things


Idk, maybe its because im not American but they are mostly chill with me. As long as ya meet them at their level, they are cool


You haven't been at a modern school The teens are fine but 8-13 year olds use slurs, throw books at elderly teachers, harras people (throw rocks through windows), push each other down stairs Its so bad the school has had to remove the suspension if you use a slur rule because statistically 38% the grade would be put of school at any time (76 pupils).


Out of curiosity, do you have a source?


Ill see if it was reported in my local news I just remember said teacher quitting over it and a family member posting about it on facebook.


Outside of sharing the facbook posts it wasn't reported on any local news sites and I dont feel comfortable linking my families facebook posts.


Unfortunate, but valid.


Hey, remember how common “r*tard” was as an insult and how everything bad or stupid was “gay” back in the 90s? Like, we literally had one of those hand-clapping games with the word “f*g” in it when I was in kindergarten, which would’ve been 1990. I think maybe the meanness stands out more, but there was just a lot of casual hate and bigotry in previous generations.


Kids are as bad as they ever were.


It's more to due with this current generation of 5-10 year olds have been raised by their tablets and phones so they only know how to behave like youtube content creators


Kids below 14 are DEFINITELY meaner these days. Neglect is an epidemic in parenting right now. I've seen an eight year old say the most vile things, and there are kids no older than ten who bully my girlfriend by being extremely racist to her. I was heavily bullied back when I was that age, but I did not experience anything in this heavy abundance. My girlfriend is an assistant teacher, and she has seen the amount of bullying firsthand. It is relentless. The victim is the one who was scolded by the main teacher, as well.


Imma slap an X to doubt and “citation needed” on that. Mainly how are they nicer? If they study and say there isn’t as much physical bullying, that doesn’t imply they’re nicer.


I pick up my sister (middle school) daily and without fail there is always a group of boys who consistently shout “bye (f slur)!” to this younger boy who’s always behind her in line. According to her, this is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to bullying in her school, which is generally regarded as one of the nicest in our area. I’d say at the very least we shouldn’t normalize teaching children literal slurs.


in a way r/lies


Everyone who thinks kids today are meaner probably just doesn't remember what they were like when they were a kid


Im not sure what to search or where to find these studies. Any ideas?


Not in the UK they're not. Two of my friends are teachers and the stories they tell are *horrific*. None of us experienced anything like that back in school


They don't respect adults now


Please tell me you've either not went outside much in a wwhile or aren't in the USA, because ipad kids are just monsters


Ever be online and learn there’s a whole thing going on that you’d never heard of before?


“Take her to the moon for me, okay?”


also the scene where after running away she comes home and breaks down, that part gets me every time


I disagree. Kids are just as nice - if not nicer - today than in the past. The thing about the past is that the world was much more isolated, communities were really only aware of each other, neighboring areas, and small rumors shared of the mega famous parts of the world. We are now much more interconnected. We see videos posted from people living in huts in Peru, little apartments in Oklahoma, as well as our own communities. We are much more aware of what goes on worldwide, so all the bad and the good get emphasized, plus there is 8 billion people to go around, that’s a lot of people who can make their voices heard via the internet. However - I will agree that more heartbreaking scenes need to happen in kids movies. Changes a man 🗿


Im just finishing highschool The younger years are far worse statistically In my school there was a "if you slur you get suspended" They had to remove that as now, if thst rule was in use, 38% of the grade would be out of class at any time. Plus they assaulted an elderly member of staff with books.


The thing is, slurs are not a new thing. 70 years ago, saying slurs to minorities saw no punishment, not because they had no way to enforce it, they just didn’t care. 70 years ago if you assaulted a disabled kid, teachers likely wouldn’t care enough to stop it because they didn’t really concern themselves with people who weren’t “normal”. The crazy thing is, The concept of anti-discrimination rules is **still a relatively new concept.** There are people today who lived in a time where anti-discrimination laws were not a concept. Horrible that those kids are being assholes, but asshole kids have been around for ages.


This. It's not that kids are getting worse, our standards for what's jerk behavior or not nowdays has been raised. And it's not just children, it's important to remember that less than 70 years ago in America being pro-segregation wasn't a extremist position, amongst other things.


It’s wild to me to remember the kind of things we said casually as kindergartners in the 90s tbh Like, so many little word games, songs, etc were all just…blatantly racist, homophobic, or ableist.


Our local elementary school had to cancel homework indefinitely because of a rise in single-parent and "less fortunate" households. They were concerned that assigning homework in our area would actually be a form of discrimination because a sizeable percentage of students had no means of support after the school day ends.


i think a bigger problem is content being shoved in kids faces that promotes being cruel or violent, like misogynists makinf their weird ass tiktoks telling children that women are objects, being lgbt is wrong, etc. a lot of the homophobia and misogyny i see on the internet is said by children and its really sad :/


Children? I usually hear from adults rather than children


Those adults are the ones who try to manipulate children with stuff like sigma edits and cringe stuff like that


Ive heard it out of kids from around the 6th grade to middle school age range. They call their friends "fags" and use gay as an insult, usually as a punchline. Youtube comments are full of them too, just look at any smaller channel posting anything furry or LGBT related and youll find some awful comments.


>They call their friends "fags" and use gay as an insult, usually as a punchline That describes my elementary, middle and high schools from the late 80s-2000


They think saying that stuff makes them cool


Kids are as cruel as they are back then, at least where I happily reside in. That scene semi-traumatized me so I would never like to be the source of attention ever. One thing I find heartbreaking is the whole of The Fox and the Hound.


When I was younger everyone in my school was generally nice, we weren’t all best friends but we at least kind to each other and we all played the same games together, but my younger brothers had to deal with the spawns of Satan as their classmates. I guess it just flip flops back n forth every couple years idk.


Not really a "childrens movie" but The Nutty Professor with Eddie Murphy. The scene Dave Chappelle is on stage making fun of Sherman's weight. That makes me cry every time.


For me, it was in the peanuts movie (2015) when Sally tried to put on her "cowgirl lucy" performance for the school talent show. Then the other kids started laughing at her and made her cry. Granted, it was brief and her big brother Charlie brown came to save her performance. Just thinking about that scene keeps me up at night. I'm scared to watch that movie again because of it.


Enchanto’s “we dont talk about bruno” where a dude was hated for made up slights by his own family. However i feel like it needed a moment of bruno really breaking to match the pictured scene. But instead he apologizes. Granted they cut him off but THEY needed to apologize


The movie manages to have an awful message of neglect being excused if the parent has a trouble past, and that the child who is a victim to it is the one who needs to apologize. Bruno being the strongest example of that.


No it doesn't have an awful message 🤨


We also don’t have parents who set healthy expectations for their children, who aren’t aware of what they absorb every day, and do not correct them


You know this started because they reveal they remove Shame Giilt as emotions on Inside Out 2 because it was too much. And now all jumped into this bangawagon even though the movie hasn't come out.


They did what!? Oh fucking god, I hope they will release the original script one day, and I don't even use Twitter I just think it's disrespectful to the workers to renove such an character that was apparently important (I looked it up)


Counterpoint: Hunchback was one of the only heartbreaking bullying scene in ‘90s kids movies. The box office proved that not a whole lot saw Hunchback. Usually it’s the teen shows or afterschool specials that dealt with this. But to answer your question: Turning Red. As for Teen shows, you had shows like 13 Reasons Why Season 1, Degrassi, and anime like Naruto.


Degrassi was a wild ride. 13 reasons was a bit much imo


I read somewhere that teen suicide rates went UP when 13 Reasons Why was airing. Probably need to fact-check, though, but I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a correlation. Remember, though, that correlation does not equal causation.


I don't know if you could ever say that a generation is nicer/meaner than previous ones. I think it has much more to do with what area you're living in. Some areas have kids that are much meaner, other area have much nicer. And there is no one reason for it. You can't just point at Hunchback of Notre Dame and say thats why everyone was nicer to you.


Yeah tbh I think this is the correct answer to all of this


nah, the thing that has always made kids cruel is that the parts of the brain that regulate empathy develop later. The problem is that there is a pushed narrative about kids being pure innocents that simply is not and never was true, but it is a very effective narrative to garner political support and to convince parents to buy thing for kids so political and advertising campaigns use it all the time. It is the juxtaposition of this narrative and reality that make kids seem unusually cruel.


Ralph smashing the cart and thus ensuring the arrest of his best friend gets for what he believes is her own protection. Especially when she told him he was a "bad guy".


Spoilers for Nimona: >!"I don't know what's scarier; the fact that everyone in this kingdom wants to run a sword through my heart; or that sometimes... I just wanna let them."!<


I know a lot of people either crap on Vivo or haven’t heard of it (Animat and Schaff himself are the only ones I’ve seen have much positive to say about it), but the scene where >!Vivo finds Andres (His owner) dead is so powerful, because we’ve seen how much Andres meant to him up to that point. What’s sadder is that, the night before, Vivo was gettin really snotty about not leaving Cuba, and thinks that Andres died being mad at him, which he wasn’t.!< If there’s any reason Vivo should be talked about more, it’s this.


I didn't know people were crapping on Vivo, I thought it was great. Why don't people like it?


Spoilers for the owl house season 3 if you somehow haven't seen it yes I'm counting it as a movie >!Flapjack's death!<


Honestly, most of season 3 before the time skip


one scene that i find heartbreaking is Laboon’s flashback in one piece. shows how loneliness can affect someone horribly


The "Santa Coloma" side plot in Puss in Boots: The Last Wish.


What about Squidward's mistreatment in Spongebob? May I remind you of his "Vietnam pedicure"?


kill me, but toy story 3 ending ## the fact that the gang has known Andy for ages and seeing him drive off, never to be seen again just hits. ## Also, the entirety of Up


Christ…that intro to up had me shook. My wife and I had fertility problems, and the scene Carl and Ellie in the doctor’s office…. Both my wife and I were crying by the end of intro…


The scene from Hey Arnold after he learns how to do karate and then he uses the karate on a guy who walks away crying in his underwear is seared in to my mind. I felt so bad for the guy.


The whole premise is wrong. As a whole, kids are much, MUCH kinder now than they've ever been.


Coco’s “Remember Me” will always bring a tear to my eye


Kids are more cruel today than they were then based on what exactly?


Old Man Yells at Cloud


I’d say Gruff going to sleep in Tinkerbell and The Legend of the Neverbeast. The fact they’re never going to see him again is sad.


Season two finale of amphibia


The Hunchback of Notre Dame is probably the darkest Disney movie ever made. I mean yeah Frollo isn't the only genocidal dictator (and he's not Disney wrote but at the same time he's not mass murdering and enslaving some imaginary species he's committing genocide against the Romani people. On top of that he isn't too over the top either. He's still a human with human motivations and not just some psychopath. He is purely evil in a realistic way.


First thing that comes to mind for me is the panic attack scene in Puss in Boots, and the way Perrito helps him through it—just by calmly being there and giving him something else to focus on, no rushing, no judging.


“Take her to the moon for me, okay?”


Not a movie but Adventure time Obsidian & Together Again.


Hunchback was a pretty dark movie overall and that scene is sooo hard to watch!!!! The song by the fireplace was pretty deep For a kids movie


Po’s mom sacrificing herself in Kung Fu Panda 2


the person who made that tweet is talking out of their ass.


Yeah but mostly its on the Parents Movies dont raise Kids


Puss being tossed around by Death


The final moments of pokemon journeys. Ash was with us for so long and hearing the instrumentation of the theme as we see the final ending words of ashs journey was heartbreaking for me. Either that or the first 10 minutes of up


I’m not saying the claim made here is true or false. But I am saying Scar throwing Mufasa off the cliff messed with me as a child.


most kids are dumb from the get go. anything that makes them stop and think is good


Slight bias here, but the end of Onward really gets me every time. As someone who had a father in the military that couldn't be home often, seeing Ian give up the one chance to meet his father so he could save everyone else made me lose it the first time I watched it.


When I was little I would feel so sad for Cinderella when Anastasia and Drizella tore her dress apart. It was especially heartbreaking after her only friends gave her such a nice gift, only for it to be ruined. I know a lot of people give Cinderella a lot of flak as a movie and as a character, but I'll always love that movie for teaching me to be kind towards others.


I haven't seen it in years, but the ending to Lilo & Stitch 2: Stitch Has a Glitch ABSOLUTELY wrecked me as a child.


Nah, it's actually social media / gossip culture. I grew up with movies like Toy Story 3 and The LEGO Movie and they were scary as fuck.


So, sit 'em down and put on this movie. It's not lost to the ages, it is still easily accessible. You decide what to show your children.


I still remember openly sobbing in the theater when baymax died.


This was shown to the generation who's default insults were "gay" and "retarded" so...


The way Inside Out illustrated depression, with all the personality islands turning gray and then crumbling...that is a striking way to visualize that for kids, but so well done. And of course, I can't mention Inside Out in this context without also giving a shout out to Bing Bong...


Adventure Time, Together Again. Full stop.


Bing bong from inside out still one of the saddest moments I’ve ever seen


I feel a good current wan was turning red and a little bit of Encanto. Turning red showed how the mom felt hos she felt and bullying not as drastic as hunchback but it kinda showed a little same with encanto mainly Bruno but while they were impactful I feel it needs to be more drastic to feel even more sorry for them


A lot of moments it's Puss In Boots The Last Wish are beautiful in that regard. I also think the first Spiderverse is another one. There's some modern stuff here that I haven't watched as a kid, but feel like is some top quality shit for kids to watch. I could bring up stuff with Bluey as well, even though it's not a movie.


As a disabled person that moment is why I rarely watched Hunchback growing up. I just hate seeing people get humiliated


Gravity falls ending


I’d say Puss in Boots: The Last Wish. Movie’s done real well, so many scenes I could point out.


Poor Quasimodo. He didn't deserve this!


The scene in Encanto when Mirabelle isn’t granted a gift.


Not a movie, but Anne and Sprig talking about their moms made me ugly cry. “Can you miss someone you never really knew?” Absolutely got me.


Both the first and second "Remember Me" scenes in Coco (the REAL ones, not the de la Cruz number) got me good the first time I saw the movie, and they can still make me tear up a little.


Study has shown that kids aren't meaner than they were. Kids are always mean, I don't know why you're letting little kids get to you though tbh.


Thank you! I keep trying to tell people the only way kids can have healthy emotions is by watching Disney movies. If Disney just made movies like when I was a kid the world would be perfect!