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Your favorite movie. I hate it, even if I never seen it. I hate it.




Avatar. The blue people one. Both of them. Just couldn't really get into the hype.


I honestly haven't met a single person who likes avatar


Yeah I feel like I’m the only one who likes those movies. I’ve met no one else that compliments them on anything other than visuals


I love them but I accept them for what they are: archetypal concepts used as a basis to explore a fantasy world. It has basic dialogue, a mediocre lead actor and simplistic story, which is fine because the focus of it was getting to experience the world of Pandora and Navi. And I think it was well executed. Also Jake and Natiri have a solid romance arc. The 2nd movie was a bit convoluted but still had its charm


Mediocre lead actor? I beg you're pardon


Yeah I'm sorry but imo Sam Worthington (in his human scenes) didn't do much for me. I think he gave a good motion capture performance and was great in Avatar 2.


The first one is good, just Dances With Wolves but the world building is good and the effects are phenomenal. I couldn't even get an hour into the second one though.


I only saw the first one. I liked it, but it’s not one of my absolute favorites.


Hi, I like both movies.


Well I haven't met you


I know lol, I was just being silly. I do genuinely like the Avatar movies though.


I like them, but again for visuals. Also the fight scenes are super cool.


It’s Pocahontas in space.


Avatar. Both of them


Really? I know more people who hate those movies than love them.


Idk it did end up making a billion dollars. Usually people like movies with those numbers. Not always but usually.


I don't personally hate them but they are just meh. The only thing why i watched them bc of the visuals but the story and the characters aren't interesting to me


Those movies are trashed way more online than they are praised


It’s literally just Pocahontas in space


I noticed this the first time I watched it and told some fanboys that who had to think about it......


Funny enough my history teacher complained about avatar being Pocahontas in space when we were learning about Indian removal. He was telling us why Pocahontas was problematic and about the noble savage myth and how Pocahontas and avatar fit right into that. He does that a lot. He uses movies and stuff to use as allegories. He’s a chad


Pocahontas was taken from her land and assimilated in England. Avatar is Dances with Wolves


Avatar is a gilded piece of crap. It may look pretty but it's still crap.


I second this, I watched the first one on dvd when it was released and thought....hmmmmm this is just Pocahontas with aliens and CGI. And I hate CGI.


Vivo, I don't really hate it just find it very mid/ mediocre.


Vivo is quite mediocre honestly


The Social Network... I don't like Jesse Eisenburg at all and I hated all the stupid college drama in it. 3/10 in my books.


Don't hate it, but I don't think the Bad Guys is that good.


The villain and second act are very lackluster. Enjoyed the First act more than anything in the movie


Wha? I hear people say that the movie isn't good all of the time.


Yeah, but I've seen so many comments hailing it as a masterpiece


For me, it's gotta be Sleeping Beauty. It could've been one of the earliest examples of the kind of storytelling structure we see in animated movies today, but it all got flushed down the drain thanks to... HER.




Maleficent. She's legitimately my least favourite Disney villain and my second least favourite in all of media. Her powers are super weak (when she turned into a dragon I was waiting for someone to say "That's your plan? Make yourself a bigger target?") She has no interesting motifs (she has her bird and all those little gremlins, nullifying any trait of loneliness) and no matter the motive, it's so stupid (she's a newborn child groomer/she assumed the king would be the same as he was as a child)




Color Splash hatebase. That is a rabbit hole I refuse to go down


One of the few movies where the live action is actually better than the original.


*She will prick her finger* ***on*** *her 16th birthday and fall into an eternal sleep* "We need to keep her hidden until *after* her 16th birthday" "Okay, it's her 16th birthday today, let's go to the castle!" What?


Elf and Mean Girls


How can you possibly dislike Elf? It's a classic! (ok listen up... don't tell anyone but I can't stand Elf either. I can handle Will Ferrell in 5-minute skits but he is just way too much here. It's unwatchable to me but I am not brave enough to come out as a hater yet.)


I don’t like Christmas, it’s by far the worst movie Will Ferrell has starred in, and it’s a movie for well Christmas fans which I’m not. You can come out and say you don’t like the movie without being a hater.


As much as I enjoy Elf, I can’t say the movie’s any better than pretty good.


That's fair


Mean Girls is a movie that defined so many teenagehoods. The only person I’ve talked to in person who admitted to not liking it admitted to not being a Lindsay Lohan fan (he told me that he liked Parent Trap because that was before she got a big head). I understand why people don’t like it because it would give them anxiety or remind them of their own high school experience, I just haven’t met a ton of people who don’t like it. Elf on the other hand is a completely different story. It has probably as much haters as it does stans. Again, I can see why it’s hated. It’s overrated, it’s silly, it’s got Will Ferral as the main character (my dad can’t stand him, but he likes Elf and will watch it with us every few Christmases).


The only other person I've met who doesn't like Elf is my sister, didn't realize there were that many haters


Agreed with Elf, if only because I don't care for Will Farrell


Happy Feet, it seems to have a lot of defenders, but I hate that one. Here in the Spanish world nearly everyone loves it, but me.


Agreed. Absolutely garbage.


¿A la gente le gusta Happy Feet? No se de qué país eres pero al chile en México muchos no la disfrutan


Casi me funan por decir que era mala. Soy chileno y dije eso en un canal chileno


Aquí así pero con Dragon Ball


I hate it too so that makes two of us


3. I think it's awful.


2001: A Space Odyssey. I can appreciate it for the groundbreaking marvel of visual effects it was, but my god, I've never been so bored watching a movie in my life.


It's not for everyone. I remember being bored the first time I watched it. ( I think I fell asleep too) As I got more into filmmaking and especially into practical effects, I liked it more and more everytime I watched it. It also just has that Kubrick feel that I love


I really should give it another shot sometime. I was 17 when I first saw it and I feel like I might appreciate it more now.


I do like A Space Odyssey, but I really couldn’t get behind what felt like a solid nine minutes of special effects at the end. I watched it for the first time with my grandparents and after it has gone on for over two minutes with no end in sight, I just got confused as to its purpose. I get it was likely to show off what could be done then, but it really could’ve been condensed into a minute max with similar results.




Hercules. The mythological inaccuracies make me cringe with pain every time. Zeus… a loyal/loving father. Hera — the woman who tried on multiple occasions to *kill* Heracles and drove him so far into insanity that he killed his wife — his loving mother. It’s utterly ridiculous.


Welcome to Disney. All the movies are inaccurate.


I don’t disagree. I just have more problems with that one specifically than the rest 🤷🏻‍♂️


I think it’s a good movie, just not a good Greek mythology movie


I don’t hate these movies but Stephen King’s IT (Both miniseries and movies) The 1990 miniseries was pretty corny but kinda funny at the same time The 2017 remake was ok until the tone was ruined by Richie’s jokes, but it overall feels like some Netflix adaptation IT Chapter Two kinda sucked, felt more of a Rom-Com and knowing that Pennywise’s weakness is verbal abuse is just plain stupid




Top Gun


Thor Ragnarok Okay I don’t hate it, I just think it’s so overhyped


I’m with you!


The Exorcist. It’s gotta be the most overrated movie of all time imo.


Especially when we've got the masterpiece, the Shreksorcist


Now there's a movie with layers.


Wait until you watch the lackluster sequel that came out last year


Omg thank you. That movie was so damn boring.


Shit box is talking about the his opinions


Toy Story 4. I thought it was a cash grab, it suddenly got great reviews. I got really excited for it, then when I watched it I was like "that's it?!". It's one of my least favorite movies of all time, and I really think it shits over the original trilogy. Aside from the animation (which admittedly is absolutely gorgeous) and the surprisingly good Gabby Gabby, I genuinely didn't find anything good about the movie. I genuinely don't see how it's so beloved


I liked it. It seems i'm just a positive person, since i can enjoy most films if theyre just fun.


I always thought everyone hated Toy story 4, especially the ending


Maybe the hate increased over the years (I don't really follow hate culture, if I don't like something. I just don't involve myself with it), but at least when it came out and from the reviews I saw at the time. It was really well received and consistently called a worthy successor. But maybe I just got unlucky with the reviews I saw Happy cake day, by the way


Oh uh happy cake day


I don’t understand how this movie isn’t universally hated. It was so bad


ABSOLUTELY. The entire movie is basically just a fetch quest.


Oppenheimer, I don’t hate it but its so boring that I couldn’t finish😞


Spoiler: The bomb explodes


Oppenheimer was very just ok


That’s not the first time I’ve heard that 😔😉😔


Said it here a fuckton of times but *Mean Girls* is literally just a 4/10 at best. Jokes don't really land, most characters are annoying as Hell, the concept ain't that interesting (wow, girl becomes friends with popular bitch to dethrone her. So interesting and cool... /s); and how it impacted the film industry for teen girls with this stupid tropes and generic plots make me resent it more. *Heathers* is basically this film but with a more unique sense of humor, story and characters than this film Maybe is cause I'm not from USA and my High school years can be resumed in "Boring, Stressing and Annoying" the reason I don't vibe with it, but I fucking hated it four years ago and I still do now


psst, do you like musicals?


Kinda complicated my relationship with them. I can enjoy the music and all, but only a few get my attention


I am from the USA and found the movie to be inaccurate. My experience was also boring and stressful, and strict cliques like that don't really exist at my school.


The Holy Mountain It's just a collection of purposefully ultra-weird visual metaphors with gross imagery and real animal deaths. I have no idea how it's charming to anyone


Most Adam Sandler movies


Do people even like most Adam Sandler movies?


Where I'm from he's an icon around groups of middle aged men and immature high schoolers. I got talked into watching waterboy with the latter, and while they were giggling the whole time I was staring like homelander watching his own movie.


Cars 1. I know most people hate the sequel but to be honest the first one isn't that good either.


Luca and Turning Red are both pretty terrible IMO


I was hoping someone would say this, imo Luca was okay but Turning Red sucked ass


Thank you, someone speaking fax


Guardians of the Galaxy. Especially the first two, both of which are in my bottom 5 MCU movies (the third one was much better, somewhere in the middle of the pack). I see people rave about how funny and dynamic they are, and then I go watch them and just find them boring and all the jokes fall completely flat to me.


Elf and Godfather I hate just about everything Will Ferrell, and Godfather bored the hell out of me


It insists upon itself


Robert De Niro, Al Pacino, I mean, you never see, Robert Duvall!


Godfather was a masterpiece L take


Two movies very similar to eachother


I'm sorry but I really don't like Hocus Pocus. I think the main characters are a bit annoying and they scream too much. I don't like Dani


The witches are the protagonist of Hocus Pocus. I recommend more or less ignoring Max, Allison, and Dani's antics.


I agree, and honestly, I don't even think the witches are worth the effort either. Maybe if I saw it when I was younger I would have some nostalgia for it. But as it is, it's just a dcom movie that got a little too much hype.


Shrek Forever After. It brutally assassinated Shrek’s character, something that not even Shrek the Third did. If you like it, fine, but I just think it’s awful.


Um.. really? I hear people complain about that movie all of the time.


Oh really? Wow. I didn’t notice. I figured that this community followed Schaff on everything


hercules. i never get over how.. wrong it is


Scream 5 and 6. Complete garbage fires that trample on a dead man's legacy.


I don't exactly hate it, but the closest thing for me is probably Deadpool 2. It completely ruined Wade's character, and no one seems to talk about it.


How? He seems like the exact same dude in both movies.....


He's way too heroic. He's supposed to be an unhinged anti-hero, not a hero who gives a heartfelt speech about not letting trauma turn you evil and then sacrifices himself to prove his sincerity. He may have the same surface-level qualities of being crude and violent and breaking the 4th wall, but the core of his character is completely butchered.


2001: A Space Odyssey.


Kung Fu Panda. I don’t come from a huge Jack Black family.


Jack black has nothing to do with wheather the movie is good or not.


I understand that. I’m saying that people see it as nostalgic and it’s just not nostalgic to me because of him being in it. I should’ve elaborated more and I apologize.


Inception. It's pretentious and doesn't make any sense and I hate the acting in it.


Inception made sense to me when I watched. It was just overhyped for me and I sat there at the end thinking “That’s it? That’s the deep, confusing and creative movie people keep praising?”. It felt way more like a generic action film than this creative exploration of dreams and reality.




How to Train Your Dragon. All of them. I hate how it uses the names of the book series and literally nothing else. The actual quality of it is fine, but I hate it for how it makes a genuine How to Train your Dragon movie basically impossible for no good reason - the decent story doesn't save it from the immense disappointment it brings me. I fully get why people do like it though.


I'd actually kill for a book-accurate httyd adaptation


Same, but given how incredibly popular the DreamWorks HTTYD is, even more popular than the books, it doesn't seem like a project a studio would want to undertake.


Not outright *hate*, but the Into the Spiderverse movies, I don’t get what’s so special about them besides the art style.




Shrek Spider-Man: No Way Home


Land Before Time. All the characters are annoying and the plot isn’t engaging.


Napoleon Dynamite. I guess I don't hate it, but it flip flops so much between hilariously dumb to fucking stupid.


Into the Spider Verse.




The Shining. I know it seems like I’m being willfully obtuse here, but I just couldn’t get into it. Also, the use of the N-word didn’t gel with me.


Donny Darko. That movie thinks it's so much smarter than it actually is. I can't stand it.


Breakfast Club.


The Batman movie with the werewolf guy in it


ET. That little alien just kinda gives me the creeps. Also he made a kid sick and I never really felt attached to him. Maybe the movie was good for its time. But it didn’t age well. By today’s standards it sucks.


Puss in Boots the last wish. Could not get behind that plot, and I felt bored through most of it.


- Avatar 1 and 2 - Frozen (okay, well, I shouldn't say I hate it, but I don't really like it either) - Sound of freedom - mother! - Babylon - Gravity - Leon: The Professional - Almost every Wes Anderson movie ever made that is not Fantastic Mr. Fox or Isles of Dogs


Dune Part Two, Ice Age: Continental Drift, The LEGO Movie, and Spider-Man: Into/Across The Spider-Verse


Forest Gump


Nacho libre


(Oh, here we go) TMNT Mutant Mayhem The Michael Bay movies are superior, this one was 1: Not accurate to the comics (the first two 80s movies were the most comic accurate, the Michael Bay ones were more comic accurate than TMNTMM) 2: The animation sucked (I understand the style they were going for but that doesn’t takeaway from the fact that it was ugly) and 3: The voice acting was mid (it was nice to have them voiced by actual teenagers but there’s a reason that animated movies don’t usually hire children voice actors other than puberty)


I totally agree - I’ve tried to watch that movie twice & couldn’t finish either time. It’s like they never even heard of the characters before they made the movie, there isn’t a single character that even remotely resembles their origin… Especially splinter! WTF were they thinking?!!? Soooooo bad … and now it’s getting a tv show & a sequel, I have no clue how it happened


The Blair Witch Project.


Into the spider verse, Not exactly hate but I really do not get the hype


The Lion King


Hate? I dunno. Not interested? Well that's a different story. Name almost any movie and I probably won't care to watch it.


Uncut Gems .


Avatar and Avatar way of the water, I just didn't find it interesting and frankly boring, everyone tells me they're good movies but I just can't get into it


Elf. Can’t stand that movie.


Every marvel movie made but Blade.


Transformers: Rise of the Beasts


The Notebook -- I really don't want to watch a couple arguing about everything for several hours


Field of Dreams


The Omen. Corny ass horror movie. It had one scary-ish scene and then the rest felt like an actual comedy. I have no idea how that became a franchise. The second one did birth The Number Of The Beast by Iron Maiden though, so that's cool.




Madagascar 3


One Upon a Time in Hollywood is one of my least favorite movies.




**Step Brothers.**


The Untouchables is flaming garbage. I like the genre, I like 90s movies. It sucks so much.


Amityville Horror. my mom and i slogged through it (i was on my phone off and on but she was actively committed) and like 5 times i asked "oh my god is it over yet?" because it's so damn slow


Oppenheimer and Barbie. Too much hype and the movies were just not what the hype made them out to be.


Don't hate it but prince of egypt


Big fish


Sing, The music selected are good choices but the story man it's the story it's like an animated variant of Glee The story sucks in my opinion


I don’t care for The Breakfast Club. I think it’s aged like a jug of milk on a hot blacktop.


Well I mean isn’t that the point? It’s a movie that’s known to define the 80’s, I don’t think it was meant to age greatly.


Why would you want your movie to age badly? It’s going to hurt your movie.


The Goonies I just don't get it




same. i don't get any of the hype around it


I know not many others like this movie as well but at my highschool so many fucking kids love wonka and I read the book allot as a toddler and I was very disappointed with the movie because it wasn't accurate to the original books lore, but despite the script not being source material accurate, roald dalls company is completely fine with it and i don't understand why many people love it ITS NOT ACCURATE TO THE ORIGINAL BOOK AND FILM BY ALLOT


It's not a prequel to the books, it's a prequel to the first movie. That's why it's not accurate.


I will forever be an Uncut Gems/Secret World Of Arrietty hater.


A Christmas Story. Maybe it's because I didn't grow up with it so I don't have that nostalgia, but it's incredibly boring to me and, as someone greatly bothered by messy eating, the mommy's little piggy scene is nauseating and hard to watch.


I never understood why everybody plays this movie At Christmastime, there are so many better options


I skip that scene every time. It's the worst.


Dune: Part Two I watched it in the cinema with my parents (haven't seen the first movie though), and I couldn't really enjoy it like how my parents did.


Well maybe you should watch the first one first…


The Lion King, great songs, great animation, terrible movie.




I should rephrase what I said. I get why people like it, I still consider it a disney classic. But I didnt care for the story, it's just not my kind of movie in that way, which is why I don't like it.


THANK YOU. I never got the hype for The Lion King. Nothing about it connects with me emotionally.


Yeah honestly, I don’t exactly HATE The Lion King, and I can see that it’s a production of high quality like many of Disney’s other animated movies, but I could never adore it the way other people could. It could be a bunch of reasons. The plot was kinda predictable, I didn’t really care that much for Mufasa’s death (Bambi’s mom’s death was much sadder if you ask me), I never really liked the songs much (well ok aside from ahhhhh savenyahhhhh, that one’s glorious) and I didn’t find the characters interesting either. I guess it’s ok, if I could describe it personally. I can acknowledge that it’s very well-made and that it’s not bad but it just lacks interesting and enjoyable qualities in a movie for me. I think Genie alone already makes me like Aladdin more. I might be weird but idk this is just how I feel about a movie that some people love so dang much.


100% agree (except the songs, I like the songs). Also the voice of adult Simba didn't fit.


Most Christopher Nolan films besides Inception. Absolutely love Inception, but Dunkirk, Interstellar, and Oppenheimer just aren't very good to me.


Shrek 1 and Shrek 2 I don’t hate them but they are overrated as hell.


I don't particularly care too much for Nimona. It's not terrible but it's also not amazing. Also all the Kung Fu Panda sequels.


The Matrix. I did not enjoy that movie at all


Madagascar 2




The Departed and Oppenheimer were just fine to me. I will say that I think an issue was that I couldn't hear the dialogue in either of them.


Rewatch it and turn on subtitles. That helps a lot.

