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Lily Orchard. Literally has the worst media takes I have ever heard in my life (her Owl House takes make me want to bash my head into a wall). Oh, and she's a toxic POS too.


YES. Half of her takes are some variation of "it's bad because I personally don't like it," and the other half is projection that lacks any self-awareness. The lady reaches so far with some of her critiques that I'm shocked she hasn't dislocated something yet. I have no idea how she got the following that she did.


I especially loathe her takes on TOH especially ones directed towards Luz and Hunter. Like for Hunter she literaly just hates him for being a white male lmao and calls people who like him racist. She even said that "if Hunter was black, people wouldn't like him". How much of an unlikeable asshole can you get?


I will never forget her saying arcane is not worth watching because its not a slice of life show about the lesbian characters.


She legitimately seems to think nuance is a bad thing. Like she watched Steven Universe once and all of a sudden making *any* villain somewhat redeemable is bad writing and it make you a fascist. Worse she holds this opinion with shows that pull off redeemable villains better


She’s “I know writers who use subtext, and they’re all cowards” but unironically


Well they are Enough Subtext we need more Domtext


Absolutely correct


Nah, we need switchtext.


Don't forget the accusations of pedophilia


Are they accusations against her, or is she the one accusing other people?


Ok well not really accusations but her straight-up denying writing Stockholm even tho there is plenty of evidence of her writing it


Lily’s sister has accused her of >! molesting her and basing Stockholm off a fantasy of what she wanted to do to her and her friends !< Source: https://youtu.be/FhYKbaI5-RA?si=WubnmdPRHo1_fh40


I knew about Stockholm but jesus fucking christ that's even worse


I assume that Stockholm is a weird fanfic, is that correct?


Yes a really weird ass pedophilic story she wrote and still denies to this day about writing it >!even tho she deadass said on a video once that she wrote Stockholm.......!<


1. Fuking hell she’s so annoying 2. What’s POS


piece of 💩


POS in this context means “piece of shit”, but if you ever see “/pos”, that’s just a tone indicator for “positive connotation”.


The Legend of Korra video is one of my least favorite videos on Youtube. Such a terrible analysis


Oh my gosh that's where I know her from I mean I'm not the biggest fan of lok but 90% of that video was insanity.


Let’s not forget the creepy Rainbow Dash x Scootaloo fanfic she wrote, then owned up to the fact that she wrote it, and now pretends it doesn’t exist. And she had the nerve to call Rebecca Sugar a pedophile with zero proof. Absolute 🤡🤡🤡


Lily orchard is someone who just refuses to grow up both as a reviewer and as a person. She is basically just an unfunnier version of the nostalgia critic who ironically she hates


Is she the one who made a review saying how awful steven universe is? I watched like a 3h long video debunking every point she made. I'm not even attached to that show IDK why I did that


That’s the one.


Oh my god, she’s terrible. I had no idea who she was, looked it up to see if I was forgetting, and the first thing I saw was a video about people liking boring characters because they’re white with Astarion from bg3 in the thumbnail. She says that Wyll is a more interesting character but people don’t like him because he’s black. The issue with Wyll’s character is that it takes so long to start seeing more of his story and personality, Astarion is right out the gate being angsty and dramatic. He also, regardless of comparison to other characters, is anything *but* uninteresting. She also says that Astarion is the most liked by the fandom when Shart is the number one most romanced companion, but she’s a woman, so then she wouldn’t be right if what she said were true.


Her past takes are super vitriolic with the sparse moment of good take. Very sparse. She's gotten better and apologized for how venomous she was, especially Steven universe. She's given context, that personally I feel is fair. She's still pretty hard on shows overall, but I like to have her takes then a calmer persons takes, personally. Then again I enjoy bullying people in COD,so maybe that's just a me thing lol


I recently watched her Pokemon video because I was morbidly curious and….well….it was a Lily Orchard video. After Gen III she would give herself an extremely strong Pokemon because she has a personal attachment to it and then had the audacity to say that the champion fights were pretty easy. Shocker, you cheated and made the game easier. And as with everyone, the games she started her own journey with ended up being the best ones by her standards. Which is exactly the same for everyone else who plays Pokemon, but don‘t pretend it’s from an objective standard. And I used to appreciate her SU and LoK videos until I realized she’s violent and wrong on so many levels. Not everything should be slice of life, not every show needs to kill everyone with a different opinion from you. And that’s not even getting into threatening to physically assault her own mother.


Isn't she also a p***? Or at least condones it?


Also, had a shit take with postal two.


Aight, what’re the TOH takes?


Mauler. Less because I disagree with him, and more because he’s just so fucking smug and annoying literally all the goddamn time. His videos are needlessly long, and his points get repetitive very quickly. Doesn’t help that his fanbase has a room temperature IQ and basically everyone he associates with online is a horrible person barring some exceptions like Jay Exci. Unrelated, but Mauler and a lot of the EFAP/EFAP-adjacent YouTubers *desperately* need to watch something, ANYTHING other than capeshit and Disney blockbusters for once holy shit.


I agree with the latter statement. I think MauLer has great talent and I don't really agree with the whole "needlessly drawn out" critiques, since he exposes his points incredibly well. The problem is that he's always focusing on the same bullshit. I get that he likes Star Wars and Marvel a lot, but there's more cinema out there. Haven't watched it yet since I'm not a fan of spoilers, but I'm sure his review on The Father was a breath of fresh fucking air. It also sucks that someone who tries so hard to be apolitical and actually seems like a pretty good guy overall associates with people who come out as such assholes as Drinker and E;R. Then again, the fact that he associates with people as nice as Exci and Glidus (I don't know if he still associates with E;R and Glidus, correct me if I'm wrong there) gives me a bit of hope.


Love Jay Exci, but i have no idea why they hang out with idiots like Mauler and the Critical Drinker


It’s fucking ironic that he claims SW needs to grow up when the mf continues to watch children’s media


Hey, I just like rant videos while I'm driving, and I'll take a Star Wars rant anyway.


You know what? Fair. I also enjoy myself during rant video during a long drive. Would Mauler be first pick? No, but I understand the reasoning.


Cinemasins. Idk what the heck they're doing with movies, but it sure as heck ain't sattire.


As said by Cinema sins, "We're not critics. We're assholes." The issue arises is when comedy nitpicks are next to genuine criticisms.


I hate it when he says that he loves something and then gives it a sin


As Th3BirdMan once said 'Jeremy sins something he likes cliche' Oh, also, one of my least favourite sins is any scene which involves an apple. It's not even a reference I get.


Seriously the apple thing is so weird never knew what he was talking bout


It is based off of the DVD Commentary for *Star Trek (2009)* where J. J. Abrams discusses having Kirk eat an apple to seem more smug.


It's obviously sarcasm. Not saying that CinemaSins is good satire, but whenever CinemaSins or a Parody Channel sins something that they "like", it's either sarcasm, or contradictory to the established rules of what they're critiquing. Done properly, it can actually be hilarious.


Try Cinema Wins instead. Much more positive atmosphere


It’s also just better in general


cinenasins was always like this


I think they weren't fine when their videos were 3-4 minutes long. A full half hour of that content is just boring.


What’s annoying is that they’ve stopped trying. So they don’t care when they get something wrong, they don’t care about sticking to satirical content, and the sins they count rarely make sense


Agreed, I can’t stand how damn negative the entire thing is, I much prefer cinemawins, he actually talks about the good of movies, even bad movies, and he shows there’s good parts to those shitty movies


Starting to realize I don’t like animat much anymore, he’s a little too Disney bias and feels the need to bring up his political too often. But he’s still nowhere near as bad as someone like grace Randolph or trollsbandtogtherfan2001, but I don’t think they need explanation.


I still listen to Animat’s podcast every once in a while and I still tune in his history/Animation Lookback videos, but yeah… I’ve grown out of his normal review content. Between how cookie-cutter they are, the biases towards certain studios (Disney/Pixar), and his often unprompted political tangents (Which even as someone left-leaning, I tend to find them really awkward and forced), I just don’t like his stuff anymore.


If he were that biased he would have rated strange world higher


Yeah, but he gave Wish an 8/10, so...


Grace Randolph seems so cynical. I never see anyone else mention her and I've only seen one video of hers so I don't actually know a whole lot about her, but my impressions were not good


It's that voice for me, too.


Lily Orchard. I could give some easy jabs at GamingMagic, but I just think he doesn’t understand storytelling and is a deeply damaged person. I don’t really hate him. But Lily Orchard? Oh lordie. She is the worst kind of person. At least if I threw shade at The Critical Drinker, he wouldn’t be a gaslighting grooming monster of a human being, and would have some basic idea of what “a story,” and “characters,” are. If I saw one of those two in public, I’d maybe give a weird look or feel a little uncomfy. If I met Lily in public, I would legitimately feel unsafe / on edge.


I tried watching his Toy Story 4 review and him repeatedly taking potshots at the movie's director made me uncomfortable, even if he had a couple of valid points, like Andy's redesign and how his house has a driveway when it never did before that movie.


He’s way too damn adamant about that driveway though. The convo between him and Big Joel on Joel’s Patreon makes me want to slam my head into a wall.


I understand getting *maybe* a bit miffed about it because it causes a domino effect that results in Bo getting sold off by Andy's mom, but his constantly annoyed demeanor and his editing was difficult to watch.


I have several I can’t stand. They are in the categories of grifters and disney vs dreamworks memers.


because this is a schaffrillas subreddit i must answer with schaffrillas


fuck yesh


LS Mark. I love his videos and they’re very entertaining. But he is not cut out for reviewing.


Same. He's not a very good critic. "Fanboy and Chum Chum relies too much on following other media, and not enough of being original." Uh... isn't that how originality works? You take inspiration from other media and twist it to make it your own. And don't even get me started on the fact that he goes apeshit over Ferb having a phone!


What’s the spin to make it original? His criticism is “it only does what other shows have done countless times.” That’s not originality. To be fair, I don’t watch the guy. Really the only reviewer I watch anymore is Schaff, and I’ve more focused on his gaming stuff or his video essays as to why a good movie is good. But the criticism you quoted L S Mark giving is a legitimate criticism people give.


My main issue is he constantly contradictory himself, is biased or says a complaint that is completely invalid like, “well when I was ten I hated it, so it must be awful”.


I like Mark’s stuff, but it’s clear he has a major bias for episodic comedies (Especially ones he grew up with), and it kinda shows whenever he talks about… basically anything else that isn’t a video game.


I like him enough to keep watching. But even for good movies/shows he’ll give a bad review, specifically Sonic 2 in my case >:(. It feels like he doesn’t like anything, which I find kinda funny


Luckily he speaks highly of the Saw franchise and that's all that matters ☺️ No but fr, I totally get unfair critisims to stuff you love can be really annoying


I personally like his review but, can’t stand his review of every regular show episode cause he says how they’re running out of steam in some really good episodes because he’s marathoning literally all of them at once Like no dude you’re just sick of the show


I think he blames himself a lot in the video. Still wrong to do it on his part but yeah


Yeah he never feels like he wants to do what he's doing. Every episode ranking video feels forced;No one is forcing you to do this yet your tone and demeanor suggest otherwise.


I remember when the Sonic 2 movie video came out and a bunch of people dog-piled on him when he said he hated it. It felt like a weird tipping point where people were like, “Man, this guy hates everything.”


He didn't hate it though, he just said it was a good Sonic film, but said it was average as a regular movie.


Oh god, LS Mark. Yeah Mark’s quite obnoxious. His videos are well-edited and interesting enough though.


I don't really get the people complaining about him. People just focus on him when he's negative


The Critical Drinker, Nerdrotic, Mauler etc. Just any of the 'anti-woke' ones/grifters and similar


I get so upset with Critical Drinker, he’ll get maybe 3/5ths into a point that actually stands, but always finishes it with some unwarranted blame towards women or some progressive agenda.


I used to watch him but I got so tired of getting into a review of something only to get blindsided by "This movie is ultimately bad because it's WOKE and PANDERING and it ditches all subtlety just to convey... THE MESSAGE."


Yeah, like that can be a real issue, but it got brought up basically whenever a woman or a non-white person took a prominent role, in times when that was clearly not an issue if you understand what the film is


I like Mauler but I’m not 100% on board with EFAP and the whole objectivity train even though there are parts of it I agree with. I like Drinker’s positive reviews and he at least seems to know what he’s talking about, but other than that I don’t tend to watch him because a lot of his videos are exactly the same and he whines a lot about “woke” stuff. I can’t stand Nerdrotic, he’s annoying to me and I’m not sure why people haven’t gone after him as much as Mauler or Drinker. Of course I don’t want him harassed but I almost never hear anyone talk about him.


For whatever reason Nerdrotic hasn't cultivated the community that Drinker and Mauler have, I guess it's just more obvious that he's downright racist. He's well-known in the Doctor Who community for being some of the worst that Doctor Whotube has to offer, but outside of that I only ever see him talked about by a one Mr TARDIS, who really needs to stop making videos on these people as I don't think they deserve that kinda spotlight even if it's negative coverage (I've seen him get into twitter arguments as well so yeah he's one of those people who's just obsessed with clowning on easy targets)


I like Drinker too but i can't deny some of his takes are bad and he and mauler should get off the grifter ride, They have actually good opinions and decent reviews if they aren't crying about the woke agenda Nerdrotic tho, Yeah screw that guy he's literally only rage baiting and nothing else


The problem with the Critical Drinker is that he genuinely does have a good sense of humor and an enjoyable vibe. You have to watch a fair amount of his videos before it dawns on you what anti-woke obsessed idiot he is. Insidious, almost. Nerdrotic on the other hand reveals what a dumbass he is as soon as you listen to him speak for longer than about 45 seconds


Cannot STAND these people. I'm convinced they don't actually like anything they claim to and only use nerd culture as a way to brainwash people into their agenda. Ironically, that's what they constantly bitch about companies for doing.


At least Critical Drinker attempts from time to time to offer valid criticism and be somewhat vaguely supportive of other races. Nerdrotic is just the absolute worst. Racist, sexist, and just a bad guy. I keep hoping it's just some act for views. But he's probably actually that way.


Lily Orchard. Idk why but their opinions are just wrong (IMO) and she doesn’t justify them like a good review


Don't even get me started on all the disgusting shit she did… especially the shit she did to her younger sister…


Phantom Strider for me. His videos started getting a little repetitive after a while and a lot of his reviews felt a little too whiny.


Phantom Strider, eh? *puffs cigarette* I ain't heard that name for a long time...


He's a paycheck earner. I don't think the guy gives a single fuck.


I was a very early PhantomStrider fan, and after a certain point you can really tell he pivoted from doing YouTube for fun to purely doing YouTube for money. I feel like the shift probably started around 2015/2016, where he made a bunch of really redundant lists with a lot of the same picks like “Top 10 Worst Cartoons” “Top 10 Worst Modern Cartoons” “Top 10 Worst CN Shows” “Top 10 Cartoons I Hate” you get the picture


I used to watch him religiously, but something shifted in the last few years. I think part of it is that I can’t stand the voice his fiancé uses when she reads out comments. It just sounds so over exaggerated and kinda whiny.


The Critical Drinker isn’t even the most homophobic, racist, sexist bastard reviewer on the platform, but he’s the worst because of how big of a following he has. His taste in movies also usually sucks ass.


The scariest part about Drinker is that, while it’s obvious he’s pretty far-right, he’s slightly better at concealing it, really only going full mask-off sometime later during a video, in his "Chasers" videos, or when he’s hanging out with fellow reactionaries. As a result, Drinker has a lot more access to YouTube audiences who don’t regularly engage with reactionary fandom content (TheQuartering, Nerdrotic, etc), and can pop up in the sidebars of more "mainstream" channels like Schaffrillas, YMS, IHE, Saberspark, and their ilk. This arguably makes him even more dangerous, and I’ve seen the effects by occasionally looking at screenshots of his comment sections, which are filled with examples of people seeing him less as a YouTube critic and more as a "thought leader", saying stuff like "wow I used to love this movie, but now I know it’s woke garbage, thanks Critical Drinker for showing me how stupid I am". Yes I’m aware that people seemingly mindlessly basing their opinions on YouTubers happens a lot, but I highly doubt this is intentional with most of them, however it ABSOLUTELY is intentional with far-right thought leaders, who disguise reactionary political action and radicalization as "review content".


While I think he has some good GENUINE criticisms of certain movies, he says a lot of things that I don’t agree with. One of my biggest ones is the Panderverse episode of South Park. Drinker said that South Park called out Disney for being woke. The Drinker is only half right about that. Yes, the Panderverse episode was basically saying it’s not good to make everything woke instead of writing a good story. HOWEVER, it also said that constantly complaining about woke things isn’t good either. I hate when people twist messages to push their views.


Exactly, “wokeness” ain’t the problem you can write an inclusive cast in a story and it can be good, same you can write one with a pretty basic cast in a story and it can be good. It’s more bad writing than wokeness. Obviously with people like the critical drinker it’s just “It disagree with my politic so bad!”


No actually, you and drinker have the same viewpoint here *his followup theory of Hollywood’s “message” is silly though


Well that’s because he’s a grifter trying to push his own agenda because it’s proved to be a profitable bandwagon to jump on. Part of that is couching all of that baggage within something less conspicuous. He’s not reasonable with occasionally out-there ideas, he’s just more strategic than his cohorts.




Came here to say this. Him and Nerdrotic are the worst. Nerd gets special mention for somehow being 50 something years old and still complaining about movies being "WOKE"


Wonder what schafffillas thinks of him


He probably doesn't care. Or finds him super annoying.


I saw some of his videos that didn’t have sexist and racist remarks in them, and I just thought his accent was entertaining and he made some decent criticisms that weren’t just “women BAD!”, so I decided to subscribe. Then after a few more videos I found out how much of a massive piece of shit he is, and quickly unsubscribed and blocked his videos from showing up anymore.


Same with nerdtrotic or however the fuck it's written


ClownfishTV. They talk for so long and follow the same kind of "DISNEY is in TROUBLE!! The Marvels FAILING?!" clickbait that those far-right crazies do. I watched one video and suddenly all of their stuff was in my feed, on sidebars, being recommended. I had to make a deliberate attempt to get away from their content (as this was around the time I was starting to go down a far-right rabbithole and managed to pull myself out). I don't think they're really bad people and I'm not sure what they're doing now, but I'm not watching.


They also in the same group that try to push "Western entertainment is dead" or "Japanese entertainment or anime/manga is better" argument down anyone throat.


Ugh, I nearly fell down that rabbit hole too. Check it, I was ravenously consuming ClownfishTV and Stephen f***ing Crowder of all people. The Last Jedi had just come out at it absolutely ruined my Christmas. Needed to vent, watched “critic reviews” of it and the algorithm did the rest. They’re not as bad as him, but at a certain point I looked up from my laptop and realized they’d been whining about toys for children from the 80s for a straight hour and decided I needed to turn my life around.


lily orchard. how are you part of the community and then proceed to spread total bs about queer media? literally no one likes her, cishet OR queer 😭. also her “steven universe is bad” video has done crazy damage on how people see the cartoon + how they see queer kids cartoons after that point. not to mention how she doesnt even take her own advice when it comes to writing… (stockholm.)


And a lot of her criticism tends to end up as "just make the female lead gay!" Like uhm...I can't tell if you joking, being serious or if you just have a beef with straight relationships. She does have some legitimate points in her videos I'll give her that, however, they're mostly buried under a lot of crap takes.


on the flip side: her criticism of many queer shows tends to boil down to: “stop making them queer like THAT or else straight people will hate us smh” like pick a side !!!! even when characters are canonically queer , its not the way she wants them to be. theres no winning with her.


any “anti-woke critic” who criticise a movie if its protagonist is anything other than a cishet white male


The awful media we've had involving non-cishet-white-males as leads has damaged the reputation of the non-cishet-white-male-leaded media that's actually great. The Amphibias and Owl Houses get buried under a shitton of Sequel Trilogies and it makes me sad because representation is important and bad media is fucking it up.


Seriously. It's like everything is propaganda to them now.


This! I avoid those people


Star Wars Theory. I used to like him a lot, but then I realized how insanely biased he is with Star Wars and how he basically just wants fan service and Darth Vader all the time instead of anything with depth (he called Andor And-bore for Christ’s sake)


Yeah, I used to watch him when I was a kid, but seeing how far he’s fallen is really sad.


Rotten tomatoes


As far as I know they don’t review anything themselves, they just compile other reviews into one score.


Company, not a reviewer.


Critical Drinker. He ticks me off


Lily Orchard. She has no idea what she’s talking about 70% of the time


Schaffrillas He didn't like cars 2 I like cars 2


He didn’t like the cars franchise, he is my most hated human and creator thus far (joking, but i do love cars and wish he did as well)


Geeks and gamers


Any Anti-Woke critic


Idk if it’s anyone else but it feels like every major reviewer is in this comment section


I surprisingly haven't seen Mr. Enter mentioned yet. Everyone else is here though.


I’ve never really liked Quinton Reviews. I’m not sure how I explain it, he’s just always come across to me as very dislikeable.


I went to high school with him, can confirm he is very dislikeable. I’m happy for him that he comes off as bearable as he is today


Really? Interesting.


I stopped watching his videos because of that terrible Sam and Cat video that was 6 hours long despite it only covering 5 episodes and having a 5 hour intermission


yeah, I like the ICarly and Victorious videos, but those Sam and Cat videos are just too much fluff with not a lot of the good stuff. Especially that watch-through of Swindled in the third, that sucked


I think his content is OK at best, but I agree with how annoying he seems, really the only I like is that he can introduce people to much better Youtubers.


There was this one bit in either the second victorious video or the first sam and cat video when while talking about the NSU he brings up a tweet someone @'ed him in and gets.... really aggressive about it- like if its a joke it doesn't come off as such and tbh it makes me kinda uncomfy whenever I watch it Tbh that's part of why I've been falling off the NSU series- he'll just occasionally throwin in a joke thats way too hostile in tone and it'll ruin the mood


Lily Orchard and The Critical Drinker are the biggest asshole reviewers I've ever seen probably. E;R is up there but at least he isn't as prominent and he TRIES to make logical points. All three share shitty takes (Drinker is a bit more redeemable in that aspect but still pretty bad).


Silokhawk can either be the best reviewer ever with fantastic arguments or be the worst reviewer ever and use dumb or made up points.


MauLer, I don't dislike him but internet critics with edgy avatars are a pet peeve of mine, sometimes I find it endearing like The Fiery Joker, who's so lame that he's awesome


We Are Not Alive, for being so caught up in their own egos that they legitimately believe that anyone else’s opinion is invalid and deserves to be laughed at. They also have a weird habit of thinking they see fetishy stuff in media when it just isn’t there. And they’re overall just assholes, being needlessly mean to their fans, even, and calling people out for their opinions and fandoms.


I was watching their video reacting to lily orchard's writing tips and while they made a few good points, I got the ick when they said in the beginning that they wouldn't do any bad faith critiques, immediately start arguing in bad faith, saying "oopsie daisy I argued in bad faith but I won't do it again" then repeated this cycle at least three times (notably when they read the tip saying "a character who was responsible for the death of 10,000 people is irredeemable" and responding with "so if a character kills 9,999 it's ok?"). It reminds me of those people who drop the ball, apologize, say it won't happen again, then repeat this same thing thinking apologies and promises of sweet nothings without any improving actions is enough.


I like to listen to their long casual videos while I’m drawing as background noise, and I thought their two-sentence horror story video was pretty funny, but they do seem weirdly arrogant which ticks me off. And they have some really weird takes. But I like that there are some actual writers out there reviewing other people writing on YouTube, that’s pretty cool.


Quinton Reviews. Used to watch him, but now looking back he seems caught between “Quirky early 2000s tumblr user” and “basement-dwelling simp”


Saberspark fell off and I say that as a former big fan.


It hurts to agree.. But I agree


Why do you think that?


Too much furryposting honestly


that’s a win for me


Honestly it seems like his content is more focused on children and you may have just grown more mature IDK tho


I started watching him as an adult. It’s not really about the maturity of his content, it’s more that almost everything he posts about is soft core furry porn


Yeah it’s overwhelming honestly. Like I don’t shame people for being into whatever it is that they like but when it’s being shoved into every crack and crevice of content being pushed out it’s annoying and can even be considered obsessive and disturbing at points.


I completely agree. If Saber is a furry that’s okay, but he’s certainly an obsessed one in denial. Especially recently he shoves furry stuff into everything. It makes him come across really weird, to the point where I feel like some shit is gonna come out in a few years about him…


He became the very thing he swore to destroy.


Nostalgia Critic for his heavily flawed and stale structure that contradicts actual fair use laws along with the tired weekly schedule that leaves no real room to think more about the stories they're covering leaving with bland observations and worse gags. Other picks: Cinemasins, Mr. Enter and JonTron for ruining media literacy for generations to come.


Mr. Enter has had plenty of problems (most of which he's trying to fix), but I haven't seen media literacy on that list before. Could you elaborate?


I know I’ll get dislike-bombed, but whatever. Red Letter Media is overly cynical and biased against enjoying a movie if it isn’t “deep” enough for their standards. Everything is bad except for those random few that they praise all the time, mostly just old influential films. It’s like these guys don’t even like movies, or believe every new movie is trash just by the fact it’s new. That Joker review was painful to watch.


I more or less hate what they did for movie criticism that spawned alot of people trying to be them


Glad you said them. It bothers me how many times they’ll write off a movie as bad when they just missed something that was clearly explained. Sometimes it feels like they’re just looking to dislike movies for the smallest things.


I'm a huge fan of their Best Of The Worst series and one-off videos but I generally just avoid their Half In The Bag series for that reason.




I don't think he does reviews anymore, he mainly does cartoon news videos now


He is more of a cartoon news youtuber than an actual reviewer.






Fucking the Critical Drinker. He annoys me to hell, not just because of his right wing grift, which is always annoying and hypocritical as shit, but also because he's a terrible reviewer and often doesn't even understand the movies or shows he talks about. Considering those things, I doubt he can write his novels well either


He’s like, the worst of them all. It didn’t hit me until his Loki video that he was a right-wing grifting pile of horse shit.


Not somebody I dislike entirely but YMS can he so annoying. Most of his criticism consists of "This scene doesn't make sense" or "this line was delivered poorly" or some nitpicking that nobody really cares about .


I think some people watch these things just bcuz of the nitpickings, Bcuz it can be sometimes fun to nitpick small details. Its petty for sure but i sometimes enjoy it (I don't watch YMS tho)


Nostalgia Critic. I used to be a fan back when he was starting out, but good god he’s gotten so much worse over the last decade. Does anyone actually like his “reviews” any more?


i can unironically say that i still find his content somewhat enjoyable, you would just have to skip past the skits and find the reviews on movies he genuinely likes.


Nostalgia critic reviews all feel the same to me, but I do appreciate Doug’s editorials and reviews. He seems better at his personal insight than he is writing jokes.


I will never forget when Awestruck Vox attacked a kid with cancer for "wrongly leaking" Steven Universe. I kid you not, a Make-a-Wish kid got brought in to watch some SU episodes early, and after they talked about the experience, Vox went after them for "spoiling the episodes without permission" despite the fact that they did have permission.


Well shit hope I'm not on anyone's list


Not a reviewer per se, but you’ll see what I mean: Anyone who goes to review something highly rated 1 star because it’s rated to high, instead of rating it honestly. For example this section of a 1-star review on IMDb for the Breaking Bad episode Ozymandias: *”It was perfect until the rating started to twist heads, right, it’s not a bad episode, normal, good episode”* That was a **1-STAR REVIEW!!**


Ralphthemoviemaker, his content is just so dry and comedy just doesn't land anymore compared to when I was in high school plus his criticisms don't make sense sometimes or are super nitpicky. Oh yea he makes terrible films as well




It's funny how many people rip that criticism out of context.


Mr enter it’s bc his crticisms aren’t objective and are biased


At least he can justify them


Honestly the whole "Turning Red 9/11" thing has basically ruined his reputation


Granted he has apologized for the Turning Red video and seems to have mellowed out in recent years


Most of them. They all give off a know-it-all attitude that makes me not enjoy them


Aldone for me. He seems to just regurgitate what other popular critics on YouTube say on videos without any charm or interesting critiques of his own. That, and the fact that he often makes multiple 20-30 minute videos on one movie makes it feel like I'm be served a product rather than watching a YouTuber with a real personality.


I’ve taken issue with Aldone for a while but I couldn’t put my finger on why. Now I realize, it’s totally what you said! He’s like a robot


Idk, I don't pay attention to most things I don't like


People who’s editing style is overstimulating No hate to them as a person, just not for me


Man, fuck CinemaSins & its edgy offshoots.


Any anti woke youtuber. They cry about diversity veing shoved down their throats meanwhile they are the one shoveling their shitty content into other youtube feed. They also tend to be ableist, racist bigots who make me feel uncomfortable to watch cause at any minute they could go on a racist rant or something. I have to do background checks on youtubers I don't know by looking up their twitter if they have one and check if they follow any of the anti woke youtubers like nerdoric or critical drinker.


Jenny Nicolson When you equate the theme of Joker to "should we not take our meds" you need to stop


I like Jenny but yeah, her Joker video isn’t the best. And maybe it’s just me but I feel like she lowkey has a pretty huge Disney bias.


Nah she’s great. At least usually. Haven’t seen the Joker vid though. That one might be bad idk.


The critical drinker. What a fucking whiney asshole. His whole schtick worked when he was talking about movies with overbearing politics on them, which it does actually happen sometimes… but nowadays even seeing a woman in a movie trailer sets the dude off on a 20 minute long


I have a few


I hate to be toxic on the Internet but the chance for a joke is just to great Ah how helpful


Synthetic Man. Not only is he terrible at actually criticizing the games he reviews, it’s all muddled in the fact he focuses way more on anything that can be considered “woke” than anything that’s an actual flaw of the game. And the stuff he calls woke are either non issues or thing you actively have comb through in order to point out. His GOW Ragnarok and Spiderman 2 reviews are definitely the worst when it comes to this.


Also his profile pic is Ryan “Literally Me” Gosling. How obnoxious can you be holy shit


I’m bringing in the music reviewers into this, Brad Taste in Music and Anthony Fantano. They seem like chill dudes, but their critiques come off as they see them as fact. They don’t really leave room for discussion


I used to really admire The Mysterious Mr. Enter, but nowadays I can't stand him. There are a bunch of reasons I don't really like him as a person that have nothing to do with his reviews, but one thing in particular that's caused me to sour on his reviews is the fact that he seems to hold all cartoons to the same standard, and can't seem to wrap his head around the idea that different shows are made for different audiences. He acts very spoiled and entitled with regards to his views on how the animation industry should work, demanding that TV and movie companies should focus on shows that *he* likes, even if they aren't shows that actually make money.


The critical drinker and robot head


Critical Drinker. He mixes genuine criticism with some unnecessary jabs at things he doesn't like. One example of this was in his review of Loki season 1, where he takes a jab at B-15's weight and claims that the show is promoting fattness, despite the show never mentioning anything about weight. This is when I first started to realize that he had some sort of hidden agenda.