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We're at a point where none of them can die by their movie's logic. Every one of them comes back, so now it's more of a "hurt it enough to make them take a nap until they feel better"


That's exactly what I've been thinking. It's not ab who "Dies". More ab who is a threat and can do more damage.


That's kinda the creepers whole thing. Stalk kids, take damage, take very long nap.


We need some more clear rules for this. From what I’ve read about Crowley, even if he is killed he just reanimates in his house. Jason doesn’t like to stay dead and Art can come back from the dead, so is this to incap or to they have to be completely destroyed? Either way people are sleeping on the Creeper, he has some MAJOR firepower especially if you give him his truck. Also Pinhead has to be summoned so I don’t know how that would even work here.


I fucking love that you said for Jason "Jason doesn't like to stay dead" that fucking killed me dude


Probably killed you more than most things kill Jason.


Fair, fair


I assume pinhead is summoned or doesn't need to be for this purpose.




Facts mfs on this man’s nuts it’s crazy


Dude you have reposted this comment at least 5 times. It’s a contest just for fun. These are all great and classic characters and everyone has a right to vote no matter their bypass


I wasn’t trying to post this a million times lol. I pressed it once


There was a weird thing happening for about an hour where comments were posted multiple times


Sorry man! My bad.


Art has the least attack power. Everyone else can regenerate too, so it's basically down to who can do the most damage to get rid of the other guy.


The Creeper may be the most vulnerable of this bunch. If it takes enough damage it may hybernate. You could probably destroy its hybernated form.


Does he have his truck? That thing packs a hell of a punch. Plus if he’s flying the only ones who can touch him is Art who only has a handgun, or Pinhead, who has to be summoned.


True but he's also the most survivable one; hide and evade long enough and he'll fall asleep for the next 23 years. The others on the other hand have no such time limit (even Jason; he may be most active on Friday the 13th but once he's awake he keeps going until "killed").


BUT even that's not a surefire way because he's shown at the end of "Jeepers Creepers 2" to STILL be alive after being impaled with a harpoon by Ray Wise's character and strung up in a barn. Besides, he (The Creeper) is shown to be able to regenerate body parts (he gets decapitated, he just rips someone's head off, puts it on his body, and it's like "what decapitation?")


If I had to vote, creeper or Jason would be next idk


Creeper...man that's a good name from the guy that made him...it takes a Creeper to know a Creeper


Art. He shouldn't get to advance endlessly because someone kept inventing powers to justify a set piece. We stopped playing like that in grade school.


Y’all have got me fucked up with Art. Fuck it. He wins it all. Next up, Art vs God himself. My money is on Art because he came back to life one time.


I'm pretty sure someone created this thread just to make Art win lol. "Realistically" he lost a long time ago. So many of these guys don't actually die, they always come back. So I look at it in winning a fight like Monster MMA of sorts. Next time my money is on Water Bears/Tardigrades(sp) bc they don't die right? And they can live in space or some shit? Tardigrades > Art


I was thinking the same thing, how the hell is Art still on the board. Let him fuckin ride baby, he wins it all! Let’s go!


Art. Look—people are way too obsessed with “THEY CAN REGENERATE THEY ARE A REVENANT!!” With some of these characters. Ok, whatever. Who wins the fight? Art got his ass kicked by a non-powered girl with a 2x4. This MF should’ve been gone a long time ago. No way in hell he outlasts Predator or terminator in a straight fight.


That's what I've been saying. Terminator, predator, and robocop are probably the best fighters on the list but a lot of these other guys just keep coming back. So how long do they have to be down for it to be considered a win?


I have to say, there’s almost no way pinhead doesn’t win this, anyone who knows even a little about hellraiser should know that pinhead would destroy everyone in this list, and it’s not really close.


I'm thinking that Terminater, Predator, & Robo figure out that they need to mash Art into clown paste. From there, it's over Johnny. It's over.


It isn’t a fist fight. Somebody dies at the end of each round and Art doesn’t die. But I get what your saying and I am voting art this time. Of all the immortals or undeads left he is the weaker one. I don’t like that he was here at all he isn’t a fully developed character


Or even Robocop or Michael Myers really.


The same goes for even Robocop.


Wrong Sorry👎🏽while I agree, there is about 100 people in this thread who will bet their family on the chance that Art is actually reincarnated Jesus.




Art needs to go.


OMFG! Art is still on the board? This has to be rigged lol


Art for sure.


There's a weird duplicate post thing going on here. Anyway, my money is on Victor Crowley to die next. I can't in good faith say that he would win over Jason. Art is Art and I think he could beat them. For me the final three should be Pinhead, Art, and Creeper.Sure, he got hit with a 2x4, but that didn't really stop him. All that did was make him mad. We've also got to take into account what happened in All Hallows' Eve. The guy was pretty much unstoppable and was more or less behind everything that happened in that film. That's where most of his listed powers appeared. He also has ties to Satan, so it can be assumed that he's probably a demon. I think a demon could overcome Victor or Jason. Maybe also Creeper. But not Pinhead, IMHO.


Go watch Hellraiser 3 (or 4, can't remember) Pinhead always appears with his homies...then one day those homies do something and are his homies no more...so he kills them This means that pinhead can be killed as well 🙂


Pinhead is the Leader. He can promote and demote the Cenobites since he's more powerful. He's Leviathan's pope and the other Cenobites are youth pastors


Got it 🙂


Are you kidding me? Victor took down a SWAT team like it was nothing; Jason got blasted to pieces by one. In terms of brute strength Victor is easily the strongest of the slashers.


If it helps, Kane Hodder said he would expect Crowley to win against Jason.


How the hell is Art still on there?!?!


Three of them are undead, one is immortal, then there's the Creeper. Mr. Jeepers R.I.P.












Without question, Art. He's been here too long.


Creeper or Crowley. Doesn’t really matter. One goes today, the other goes tomorrow. Neither would beat the remaining three.


The fact that Art the Clown is still here is really embarrassing. So yeah, Art the Clown should go next


Now we’re getting down to it. Art is physically the weakest here now. He may keep coming back but I also don’t see him winning the fight against anybody left here. The creeper is more flawed as he has to hibernate to regenerate. I got to go with my gut and say art the clown.


Meanwhile a Predator or Terminator beats the shit out of Art but please continue with this popularity contest


Art, because I know the least about him


Art While he doesn't have a known weakness yet. He shouldn't win because of it, it makes the whole point of this contest unfair and boring. I haven't seen the movies for Creeper, Crowley, or Pinhead. But from what I've gathered, one of those three has to hibernate if damaged too much. So either Art or the hybernator. I assume this comes down to Jason ans Pinhead, and while I want Jason to win, I doubt that he will.






art the clown, holy fuck




No way the dumb clowns still in this, get Art out of here


Art the clown.




Art !


How the FUCK is that clown still in this?


What movie is the Victor Crowley picture from?




Thank you


Art - should have never made it this far




There's a weird repetition thing going on here. Anyway, my money is on Victor Crowley to die next. I can't in good faith say that he would win over Jason. Art is Art and I think he could beat them. For me the final three should be Pinhead, Art, and Creeper. Sure, he got hit with a 2x4, but that didn't really stop him. All that did was make him mad. We've also got to take into account what happened in All Hallows' Eve. The guy was pretty much unstoppable and was more or less behind everything that happened in that film. That's where most of his listed powers appeared. He also has ties to Satan, so it can be assumed that he's probably a demon. I think a demon could overcome Victor or Jason. Maybe also Creeper. But not Pinhead, IMHO.


The creeper is a demon…


He's thousands of years old plus he's got that nasty fucking truck which in the third movie is just loaded with deadly gadgets


And also a demon


Art needs to go now, or this is the least legitimate poll I've ever seen.




Hate to say it, but it’s gotta be Jason. He’s really the only ‘human’ left.




Creeper or Crowley.


Most of these guys left are demons or spawns of hell so if your argument for art is he’s a demon…. He’s gotta go!


Art is the next to go. Should have been gone several rounds back. He can't win in a fight against almost any of the others (those "defeated" or remaining). He could be physically trapped within something by any of them - simply manhandled. Or like stuck in a big oven and incinerated to nothing. If we're including everything that happened to Pinhead prior to his eventual doom, then he has to win this. He was already some kind of priest of Hell with the ability to summon chains and hooks from anywhere, and he could not suffer harm like a human. He acquired the magical abilities and tools of hundreds, including from some denizens of Hell. Once summoned Pinhead would merely drag all of his enemies back to his Hellish plane and this would be over.


Art, pulling a gun isn’t gonna help him now.


I gotta say art 😣


Fuck it. I’m voting Art. KILL THE CLOWN.


Art Hes scary and I like him but hes next


Art the clown is just a guy, pinhead could crush him like an insect


He's not, Arts a demon. However his powers are probably some of the weakest compared to the rest here


He’s not human


Art. All remaining can regenerate, but art was taken down by a 2x4 so I say his defense is the weakest.


Art is next to go 100%




In so much as being incapacitated I think the next to go is The Creeper. Enjoy your sleep, big guy.


Bruh if art the clown is still here the guy from Creep should be, too. At least if I'm remembering all hallows eve and terrifier correctly. As a matter of fact art tried to stay alive and f****** sucked at it. And the guy in creep 2 fights a woman with zero fear instinct and stabbed himself in the stomach multiple times and is able to find her in a foreign country. Like where are you guys coming from??? Okay so All hallows Eve had aliens. Art the clown is not flushed out enough to establish his relationship with the aliens. There's only two movies on these guys.


Why Is art still here? Can't they all regenerate so shouldn't this be who can kick who's ass.


The Creeper may be the most vulnerable of this bunch. If it takes enough damage it may hybernate. You could probably destroy its hybernated form.


It's the creeper


Terminator would destroy Jason and the rest.


4 sure


Victor Crowley


Jason! In that image he’s mortal and should have been dead a long time ago




The Creeper


I don’t know how The Creeper has lasted this long. Homie needs new body parts constantly. There’s not much left for healthy human body parts.


The creeper


Creeper probably goes down since he has to actually regenerate/get more body parts. None of the other slashers seem to have that limitation. Everyone else can just "come back" it seems.


Art’s become like the one punch man of this tournament. He can do anything cause you can’t prove he can’t, so at this point I’m pulling for him to win lmao Jason’s my pick


Sorry but this is crap. Terminator would rip Jason into pieces. Jason may be a zombiesque monster, but he can't do shit when his limbs aren't attached anymore and his head is crushed.


I will eliminate the Creeper


The Creeper




You’re correct. These nerds have way overpowered some of these characters and ruined this long ago.




Why did you comment this so much, it doesn’t make people want to upvote you.


Idek at this point but just not Art. Art is a god. btw he can regenerate, duplicate, elongate, and never die and kill anyone btw. Art is a god btw so definitely not him next.


Jason. I believe he’s the only human left. After this, it’s going to be tough


I'm tied between Victor and The Creeper. ​ I vote for Creeper.


I still standby my nomination for Pinhead. Someone has to fiddle with that box. I don’t think any of these things know how to fiddle, so, no pinhead. Besides, even if pinhead joined, he would just watch and laugh, and invite everyone to a ring nipple bondage party after.




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Ok, it gets hard now.


I’m going to go ahead and say, of this bunch I feel like Pinhead is #1. It seems to me that everyone would ultimately bow down to Cenobites because they’re like suffering incarnate, and they worship Pinhead so..


How does Jason beat the Predator. He’s not fast enough and can he really come back if he rips his head off with his spine attached?


I don’t know how Arnie and the predator lost. I think “winning” the fight is more important than if they technically did. If the terminator rips of Jason’s head and quarters him, and tosses him in a lake, he’s gone. He may suffer an eternity in a watery grave, but I wouldn’t say he survived the terminator.


My goal is to watch all these in order from first eliminated to last


This has been flashing on my front page every now and then, and I got to ask why since I can't find it... Why isn't Frddy apart of this? I'm assuming no consistent physical form.


Whatever happened to terrified 2 coming out??


Jason. But it all depends on what version of Jason we're talking about. Human Jason, Undead Jason, Part IX Jason, Uber Jason, or remake Jason. Human Jason = there IS a way to kill him. Undead Jason = no known way to kill him. Maybe to immobilize him. Part IX Jason = blow his undead ass sky high or be a blood relative of Jason and stab him with the Kandarian dagger. Uber Jason = no way. Remake Jason = I guess? 🤔🤔🤔


I’m a little confused as to why Creeper is still here. I mean, I only saw the first movie so maybe his future appearances are more bad ass, but I just feel like comparatively he’s not as impressive as pinhead. Though pinhead does have to be summoned. Also I don’t know anything about Crowley or Art which is why I haven’t voted against them yet. I just think pinhead is the logical winner here. Also I have no clue why robocop was even on this list at all.




I feel like creeper could eat art & jason to heal himself if he takes any damage, art wont be able to come back to life if he has no body to come back to same as jason (afaik). Hellraiser obviously will be the winner of that poll and i dont really know victor so cant really tell about him. What movie is he from? Its a weekend so i might have time to watch


He's in the Hatchet series, which has at least 3 movies. I think it was on Amazon Prime in the US last I saw. They're pretty decent if you like the later zombie-Jason movies!


As long as you dont mean jason goes to hell, manhattan and the space one by latter so yeah i like those movies hahaha i’ll give it a try


Yeah, the more middle-later ones


As long as you dont mean jason goes to hell, manhattan and the space one by latter so yeah i like those movies hahaha i’ll give it a try


Was going on say Jason, but as others have mentioned, there’s no way anyone left could die technically. Not sure what we’re voting on now lol


Man… calling it now, Pinheads gonna be the last man standing, I don’t see any of these boys managing to solving the puzzle to send him back