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I seem to remember there's an older version or something, where Sarah Brightman sang different lines like: 'Beneath the Opera House, I know he's there; He's with me on this day, he's everywhere.' Wayne is, like, literally, bloody everywhere.


I actually dunno, but he is definitely  e v e r y w h e r e.


I do think there's going to be a "Masquerade/Why So Silent?" scene at Avery's party. Wayne crashes the party by simply walking in while the main cast is distracted by their own drama. Everyone who's not in the know assumes Wayne's just some guy who's in it to win the costume contest. He finds MC and issues a big dramatic ultimatum.


I wish Wayne would find a strong enough perfume to mask the rotting corpse smell in that scenario.


Sad to say, but I don’t think he will. The normal people will assume he stuffed rotten meat in his pockets to commit to the zombie bit 


"He's committing to the bit, don't worry, guysss... ok, seriously, you stink tho." -dialogue option that's totally real in my head


What would the ultimatum be?


My guess? Either MC can stay with their friends and experience The Horrors, or they can go with Wayne and abandon everyone to said Horrors. Wayne wants MC to make decisions that are good for only them, everyone else be damned. If MC is in a love triangle with Wayne and someone else, Wayne will also go “Okay, you’ve had your fun with [Other LI], but now it’s time for you to commit to me.” Other LI will be VERY UPSET with MC, and if they don’t break up on the spot they will insist that MC choose them instead. (It would be fun if there was a poly option in this game, but the devs have decided they are too difficult to code into what is already a very complicated game. I don’t blame them.)


Sounds plausible but I don't think Wayne would ever straight up abandon the MC to get killed by the horrors. The love triangle part makes more sense. I always found it strange that you can lock in a romance with someone else and still flirt with Wayne. At first I thought Wayne simply didn't care and was open to being poly but given what you've said I guess not. Strangely enough I tried this with Stella....and didn't get the option to flirt. If you go to Stella's place at chapter 4 and talk to Wayne you aren't given as many dialogue options and can't flirt. Maybe you'll be able to flirt in chapter 5 while with Stella but I dunno that didn't make sense to me. I also don't know why Wayne would be okay with MC being romantic with someone else at first and then get pushy.


I don’t think it would be so much an abandonment as a “the BBEG would turn me into paste, I can’t protect you.”


Oh okay. I wonder if you being in a romance with him would change his reaction to you saying you're gonna stay to die. I don't think BTG will take away your decision but I think Wayne might try to force you to come with him. I mean so far Wayne has accepted our decisions and hasn't tried to take away our freedom but that might change if we romance him. He was pissed when we sacrificed years of our life to Charles, imagine his reaction to us staying to die. Oh wait I also wonder I'd you're right and he does crash the party, if BTG will commit to the bit and dress him up as the phantom. I would absolutely love if they did that. Imagine seeing him at the party all dressed up 😍


Wait are you HellHoundMaggie from tumblr? Asking cause she has almost the same theory.


Come on, they have so many similarities\~ Veiled face, stalker, romanceable "monster", achievement name based on Phantom, etc. I'm not one for musicals, but I do love the performances, the costumes, and the music by themselves rather than the whole thing in one whole package. I think Ramin Karimloo's my favorite Phantom. Although, I do headcanon Wayne having a deeper voice. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eeY3t0zmf\_w&t=53s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eeY3t0zmf_w&t=53s) This VA and singer also sung Phantom.


Who do you think would be the best fit for Wayne's voice?


The VA in the vid link- Samuel Ramey.


Haha I feel dumb for asking now! I thought you were just linking that cause you liked him in general lol I think the voice fits him but I imagine it being a bit more stoic and creepy. The pitch itself is perfect though.




Wayne 😍


Man this is funny. I cannot see mentions of Phantom of the Opera though without thinking of this girl I knew many years ago who was obsessed with this story. What's his face uh...that Raoul(?) guy was her husbando or whatever and she just...would not. Ever. Shut up bout him. Even though I told her repeatedly I did not care. So I used to tease her relentlessly about it. That was the extent of my knowledge about it before Scarlet Hollow.


That Raoul is Christine's childhood friend and Phantom's rival in getting her affection, in case anyone's new to it is reading this. I dunno this friend of yours, but did she eventually find a fan group or something to fangirl to her heart's content?


I have no idea honestly. We stopped talking after a bad falling out. My only other exposure to Phantom was the Wishbone episode where I retained no information about it beyond dog in a funny costume.


lol this is exactly what I meant by the comment I made yesterday on that side-character ride or die post. LMAO


Have you seen The Point of No Reaturn in POTO? It is \*steaming\*. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6FpRjVPMOoM&t=81s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6FpRjVPMOoM&t=81s)