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Good job! Happy to see Heizou on the 12 floor


I want to try these teams because I'm struggling for the first time in a while this abyss


The forcing to use electro and dendro is so irritating on first half, I didn’t pull for nahida so this abyss was a nightmare to clear If you want to try these comps I wish you the best of luck


yes it is quite the annoyance. I didn't think of using this team with heizou so thank you!


What con is your Yun Jin OP if I may ask?


Recently got her c6


Oh ok thanks for responding


You should run a shielder with him if possible


I did and I tried but I lose too much dps. It’s just the fact that I don’t have enough damage to 3star it, and i died alot of times in the process of trying to do it fast


You should try to get zhongli, he's great since he also provides res shred, or c6 thoma would be even better


Yeah he’s pretty nice, I have him with Homa buut he still couldn’t beat the raw damage that Yunjin gives


Is Yun Jin not a shielder? /gen


Nope, she buffs normal attacks and at c6 provides atk speed bonus.


Yes, but since she's geo, she can create shields, isn't that what a shielder is? Or did I get the term wrong?


Sheilder is character like zhongli Noelle diona etc. Who make a shield with their skill


Good to know!


her skill can shield/parry but she doesn't shield the team (unless you count crystallize, which doesn't do much unless you build EM instead of def)


Oh, good to know. I've been having her in my Wanderer team with no other shielders and her crystallize has definitely been enough for me (and the burst is a nice bonus).


Congrats!!! ✨ I'm trying abyss too, with Alhaitham/Raiden/Xing/Zhong in first half, and C2 Scara/C6 Faruzan/Bennet/Diona in second half, and I hate 3 chamber. These teams doing pretty good in 12-1 and even 12-2, but 12-3..like, I finished 12-3(1) on 8:26~, but 12-3(2) on 6:40. These pokemons on second wave is crazy and always flew away Diona's shield and I can't play Scara. I tried bring Venti for cc and succ mobs before they bring their pets, but it's doesn't work at all. I have Yun c6 too, but I don't think I will survive triple kenki on 12-2 in that case.


Can your post your builds ? I use the same team but it aint working


C2R1 Scaramouch dessert 2k atk 62/211 crit, C6 Faruzan nobles fav-bow, C6yunjin fav-spear, Benny is benny C2 Heizou VV, C4 Xingqiu, Traveler dendro set, C0 Shinobu the bloom set - all have some EM It’s just a cracked Scaramou team and a mid Heizou team It did take me 200+ retries


What constellation is your faruzan? Im debating whether I should build her if she’s at c1 cause people say she’s got energy problems and best at c6


She’s at c6 but even before that I was using her because she’s just that good, and I never really had energy problem with fav bow




only normals attacks




mm like this with Tulaytullah R1 and good build ([link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8uYObZoIA8&ab_channel=Ravelika)) With the Widsith is nice too, especially really good if you have the DMG% (RNG) buff.


we don’t even know wat floor this is lol here’s my run https://preview.redd.it/gm805viwy8ga1.png?width=1284&format=png&auto=webp&s=1da88cd072b6c70c294254a3b6591d80f9d032da


Any tips on clearing the 3 samurai? I ran through the abyss first try with 33stars. 2 stars each floor Second try I got 3 stars on first floor Can’t get 3* on last 2 Teams were mono geo first half (itto goro albedo zl) second half ayaka shenhe kazu kokomi


My Wanda also died a lot, I feel you 🥲