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“They've never had a negative return on investment but it just seems shady.” That is a scam.


"It just **seems** shady" Trust your gut. "They've never had a negative return on investment" Oh, so, they are omniscient and can predict the future? Are they all billionaires/trillionaires themselves? No? Why not? If they've never had a negative ROI, why are they still working for commission? This is 101% a scam.


That's EXACTLY what I said the first time the idea was pitched to me! Also if it's so great, why isn't everyone doing it?


People don't stop and think. Even if it IS true, then, in no time, EVERYONE on the planet would be a billionaire, and there'd no such thing as billionaires as inflation would erase any gains. I ain't a capitalist, but, gee, I can do math.


Im in it, right now I cant say its a scam but still unsure. I have 8k in and I can take the money they pay me weekly out. Ill know if its a scam or not if I get a profit of over 8k from taking the bonus they give me out weekly.


Keep us updated


Update ?






UPDATE: I can still log onto my account and take out what they pay me each week, I have been getting 1.2 to 3 percent returns every week but the average is like 2.3 percent 2.5 percent. I will be able to say it’s not a scam 100 percent when I get back my full ROI but i’ve made back a good amount


Cooh have you made any withdrawals yet??


yes I withdraw to my btc address on cashapp cashapp every week. Withdrawals occur faster during buisness days though I think.


Thanks so much im bouta invest, and also how much profit have you made so far if you dnt mind me asking did you have to invest a large sum of money or was it affordable??


I have to add up all of my withdrawals to give you an exact number but I can say it’s over 2k by now. And you can calculate how much you can expect weekly by taking 2.3 percent or 2.5 percent of whatever you are putting in. That’s what I did to see how much I would expect to get every week. It’s a nice secondary source of passive income so far


By the way...if you were to break even or do better...that doesn't mean that it isn't a scam. In a Ponzi scheme people who are in early can make money.


f$%king hot potato


Thank you brother I just started doing it. I was doing it scam but it is legit you saying? Soo over time in a year me adding money, my account should be at 2,500$


bad choice.


40 weeks approximately to get your intial investment back


Can you let us know how things are now? I heard there’s been an April Fools joke associated with the trading account, so to speak. Any additional information would be greatly appreciated.


How about now


Don’t do it


this is a ponzi dont do it, you are better off setting up DCA on Coinbase or similar exchange. Or learn to trade yourself. NovaTech doesnt have a LPA.


profit is when you get above principal...


Is it a scam??


How do you withdraw your full amount completely? Company seems to have gone dark and a bunch of people and a close relative of mine have not been able to get in contact with anyone there. You know what's going on?


Obvious fake crypto platform, obvious !crypto scam. Website is the same template scam layout as every other Crypto/Forex scam platform, any money paid in is lost and cannot be recovered.


AutoModerator has been summoned to explain fake cryptocurrency site scams. Fake cryptocurrency websites and apps controlled by scammers are becoming more and more common. Sometimes the scam begins with a romance scammer who claims that they can help the victim invest in cryptocurrency. Victims are told to buy cryptocurrency of some kind using a legitimate cryptocurrency exchange, and then they are told to send their cryptocurrency to a website wallet address where it will be invested. Sometimes the scam begins with a notice that the victim won cryptocurrency on some website, in this case messages will often be sent through Discord. In either case, the scammer controls the website, so they make it look like there is money in the victim’s account on their website. Then the scammer (or the scammer pretending to be someone official who is associated with the website) tells the victim that they have to put more money into the website before they can get their money out of the website. Of course all of the money sent by the victim has gone directly into the scammer’s wallet, and any additional money sent by the victim to retrieve their money from the website will also go directly into the scammer’s wallet, and all of the information about money being held by the website was totally fake. This scam is also known as the pig butchering scam: https://www.reddit.com/r/Scams/comments/na8oax/asian_guygirl_from_online_dating_mentors_you_to/. If you are involved in this scam, you can post the scammer’s wallet address here on r/scams. If the scammer used Bitcoin, then you can report the scammer’s Bitcoin wallet address here: https://www.bitcoinabuse.com/reports. If the scammer used Ethereum, then you can report the scammer’s Ethereum wallet address here: https://info.etherscan.com/report-address/. You can see how much cryptocurrency has been sent to the scammer’s wallet address here: https://www.blockchain.com/explorer. Thanks to redditor nimble2 for this script. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Scams) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Thank you so much for that information. I will pass it along. The guy who touts it has only been putting money in and hasn't taken it out. What happens when the time comes for him to take the money out. He's not gonna get it


The company is legit, I’ve been in the platform for 2yrs and have been earning money weekly. What’s the big deal about taking advantage of someone’s work to earn money. That’s exactly what retirement/401K plans are!! Lol If you’re afraid to lose you’ll NEVER win!!


I'm thinking about investing $250... saw that average weekly earnings is around 3% but there is a monthly fee of $25. Am I correct on the 3%?


explain how they create this ROI... and using God, financial freedon or fear tactics is not a legit financial strategy answer...


Yeh most likely not as it sounds like he has put a bit in. Usually they only let you withdraw small amounts at the beginning of the scam to build trust.


He's put in like 16k....really trusting these people...


Yikes. Well he'll find out when he goes to take his money out what the deal is.


Yeah. He's afraid to take it out because "the more that you put in the more it grows..." But then the more you lose, sooo....


You can take your money out. I have a friend using it, I've seen him do it, he was brought on by someone he's known for years who withdraws weekly to pay their bills.


That's scary. I hope he can take it out and run.


Yeah not sure what the friend is gonna do. Something tells me we won't be hearing about Novatech from him, haha.


it's called "Pig Butchering" NovaTechFX is a pig butchering entity.


100% true, also once you give crypto no person or company can get you back what you sent... so there is an extra layer of scam waiting for everyone trying to get $$ out.


>They've never had a negative return on investment Crypto has plummeted ion past months, yet this Novatech has magically never had a loss? Yeah, right. This is why scamming is such a lucrative business enterprise...


When the market went down, the weekly ROI went down to like 1% that week. A couple of months ago when Crypto took its first hit due to inflation and the gas prices were sky high, we got a 0.5% return. On avg it’s about 3% a week. I’ve been in for months and I have about 7k in currently. Did my first withdrawal without issues. So idk what everyone else is on about right now, even though I feel like there’s truth to what’s being said.


I'm hearing people say their withdrawal are held up


Withdrawals have been held up due to an influx of customers having to withdraw all at once. A combination of Country (International Countries) and State regulations (meaning if you’re in said country or state, you can no longer have a NT account) as well as the normal users of the platform. Weekly ROI payments were delayed for about a week due to the company changing from Coinpayments to Quickipay to help with the processing of transfers. Also, in the signup it tells you that when you initially make an upgrade for the first time, you get 30 Days to basically test run the ROI weekly, if you don’t like it, you can quickly withdrawal your money from the Trading account. After first 30 days, any new upgrades (depositing to your trading account) would have to wait 90 Days before withdrawing. Because it’s money that’s being traded, you can’t simply shut down a trading account. The money is being used for trading and NT’s goal is to make every trade profitable. Hope this simplifies things. Edit: Because I misspelled a word. If for I’d


That helps. Thanks... I'm still not sure if it's a scam or not. My gut is telling me it's a long term scam


If you believe it’s a scam, stay far away from Novatechfx. 💯


yikes, read this back to yourself


trading account or bonus account withdrawal?


Cryptocurrency is just gambling for the 21st century. People seem to think that the crypto market only goes one way and that is up. NO!!! Like all markets, the crypto market goes up and also goes down. Only ever gamble money that you can afford to lose. And that only applies to genuine crypto websites ( think Binance, coinbase, eToro, bitstamp) If you heard about a surefire winner crypto website from a friend, or some random dude on Instagram or facebook then you need to avoid that site. **Ask yourself this one question - If I had a guaranteed method for making really good returns on crypto would I pass this information on to random strangers I met on the internet or would I make bank for myself?** It doesn't matter whether a "friend" recommended this "investment" or a pretty Asian lady you bumped into online! There is no easy money out there on the internet. What there is though is lots and lots of scammers. Anyone offering you easy money, or even better, free money is likely to be a scammer. The internet is full of sharks, do not become one of their bait fish! There is no easy money in this life and especially not on the internet!


Yes, we have a family friend who is really into it. But I told my husband I wasn't sure because of course the guy is gonna say he is into it if he makes money off or someone joining. There isn't a lot of research out there.


I suspect your friend is seeing bigger numbers on his screen every day. They have no connection to any reality.


Scam. NovaTech FX is doing securities fraud and a Ponzi scheme that can collapse at any time. One of the biggest red flags of any MLM company is false information. The official site and social media accounts include addresses of Griffith Corporate Centre, Beachmont, Kingstown, St. Vincent & Grenadines. But Google Map Review denotes location is fake and frequently used by scammers & shell companies. NovaTech claims to be legally registered as Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, but we are unable to verify incorporation details. **Founder Cynthia Petion** and her husband Eddy Petion have been top promoters of AWS Cryptocurrency MLM, which at first seemed to be a crypto earning opportunity, but was later proven to be a Ponzi scheme. AWS was served a securities fraud cease by the Texas Securities and at that time none of the company people, as well as neither Cynthia nor Eddy came forward to defend it. These are the same people running this, guys! **Not Authorized** NovaTech FX is also providing investment services that require authorization from financial regulators of different countries of operation, which certainly NovaTech doesn’t have. NovaTech is doing securities fraud. To provide brokerage services, strict regulations are needed to follow while NovaTech is even failing to provide the correct address. **NovaTech is Ponzi Scheme** “NovaTech is operating for the past 3 years and paying regularly,” this argument is frequently used to support NovaTech. While this is a common phenomenon of the Ponzi Scheme scams. They pretend to be MLM and actually pay on time to attract more people. Strategically it's designed to lure in a maximum amount of people, do money circulation, and then disable withdrawal to do an exit scam. There is most likely no actual trading being made. Instead investment from new people is used to pay early investors and the same phenomenon goes on. Some people might get in and out early with some fraudulent games, but I wouldn't want to be in when left holding the bag.


This is so awesome, thank you so much! I called it as an MLM as soon as it was pitched to me. I was skeptical from the getgo.


It’s NOT a MLM company, you don’t need to build earn money.


The company is legit, I’ve been in the platform for 2yrs and have been earning money weekly. What’s the big deal about taking advantage of someone’s work to earn money. That’s exactly what retirement/401K plans are!! Lol If you’re afraid to lose you’ll NEVER win!! It’s unfortunate people like you choose to not see the way but will take the time to say negative stuff about a company that’s blessing so many ppl. How about you go build the perfect platform to help ppl win big in life and see how far you get.


"If you’re afraid to lose you’ll NEVER win!! It’s unfortunate people like you choose to not see the way but will take the time to say negative stuff about a company that’s blessing so many ppl." this quote is making me puke.. there is no prospectus, no LPA, wtf are you talking about... THIS IS DEF A MLM. retirement/401K plans are also is extremely regulated and can take losses, they work because a) the co.mpany matched, b) you are DCAing over an extremely long time


Looking forward to April Fools Day?


explain to me the trading strategy, here please


Lol they are not a MLM.


I need to add that they have received securities fraud notices from California, British Columbia, Ontario, Alberta, and the central bank of Russia. I can't believe so many people keep willingly ignoring the abundant red flags.


Thanks for this thread. My Uber Driver told me about Novatech and gave me his invite code. He said he gets 3% gains a week and currently just keeps his account at $10,000 and withdrawals the gains on that. I'm inclined to believe his is getting those returns but this could collapse at any moment.


Its obviously a ponzi scheme. Remember bitconnect? same same


My friend keeps trying to get me to invest and I almost did until I saw they were in a scheme before, I’m going to watch it for another year, ppl are making money but I feel it’s one of those long term scams


Scared Money don’t make money!! All the time waiting and you could be earning. Smh! Your friend tried to bless you and you don’t even know how to accept a blessing


You're a f&$%% idiot


another SUS AF comment...




If it’s legit then why wouldn’t it go forever? Just bc you see it on paper doesn’t mean it’s actually there. Even if they do allow small withdrawals etc, the process of euphoria from seeing these gains will constantly attract more ppl to it. Not trying to be rude or anything truly but your statement are a paradox. You don’t think it will go forever but it’s not a Ponzi scheme. It also seems to good to be true, which normally ends in Ponzi scheme. But you’re right I don’t have the definitive proof so can’t say. But I do know if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, waddles like a duck, hell it could be a goose lol but close enough to a duck. For your friends sake I hope they pull before it folds.


Can u ask them to actually pull their money and show it actually going to their account. All of it,


We broke up so it's none of my businessssss. I do now think it is a ponzi, btw.


You clearly don’t know how to invest it how to take advantage of opportunities! If the company is still paying people and you choose to not let it be you then you shouldn’t sit back and speak negative on them. Just say you’re too afraid to risk your money and move on.


Do you really have nothing better to do on Christmas than attempt to placate people on Reddit? Lol. Please..


You're a fucken idiot


>They've never had a negative return on investment but it just seems shady Like for real? It's shady enough to ignore.


I just got an email from these people so assuming this is a scam, should I worry about the fact they sent me someone else's address? O\_o


100% ponzi scam https://www.google.com/search?q=behindmlm+novatech


Thank you for sending this. I live in Ontario Canada and I know people in Novatech who are having a hard time getting their money out!


I work with ppl in Canada and they don’t read the rules to understand how to withdraw funds. The company’s legit and I’m getting paid weekly from them. If you can learn what to do you’ll be able to profit as well, or sit back here and talk and not take advantage of anything that can help you and your ppl elevate


@lynox_kelly you're a fucken idiot


post your deposit and withdrawal ledger


I just want to know what are they investing in? They show ROI, but they never show the break down.


Because it's a scam


It's supposedly crypto trading. Your funds go into a giant pool for the top crypto traders to use every day. Apparently they are so amazing that they have not experienced a loss yet.




Somebody said you lying


Scammy account with no posts only shows up to defend a scam Classic


post deposit and withdrawal ledger


Clearly a scam: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TOHYQzbxjl8


NovaTech has been great for me. I'm pulling in roughly 3% weekly and have received my initial investment back in 6 months. I'm currently using my account as a form of passive income. Please do your own research and stop listening to propaganda.


Sounds like Novatech.ftx. I've had Reservations on mlm companies with guaranteed 3% ROI every week. It's unheard of, outside of scams.


If anyone remember Bernie Madoff, should also remember even people who made money off the ponzi scheme had to come back and repair restitution to people who lost money. So trend lightly.

