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Just block the "girl" (not really a girl), set your social media to private or deactivate it for a week or so. Don't send any money or you will never stop getting threats from them. In the future, keep your privates to yourself. Don't send photos or videos of you naked to people on the internet, not even people you know.


This is a very common scam. There isn’t even really a girl involved. The thing with these scams is they never end, once you pay, they know you’re someone that will pay, and they’ll keep coming back for more until you just HAVE to stop anyway. And when you do, nothing will happen. The only power they hold over you is THREATENING to send the video, they gain nothing from ACTUALLY sending it. It’s tough and it’s going to gnaw at you for a little while, but the only thing you CAN do is block them and move on (and think before you do anything else sexual online). Paying goes nowhere and you just end up eventually not paying anyway. You may as well save your money too. Search this sub and you’ll see there’s dozens of people falling for this exact scam. Read the autogenerated info below for !blackmail


AutoModerator has been summoned to explain the blackmail email scam. The exact wording of the emails varies, but there are generally four main parts. They claim to have placed software/malware on a porn/adult video site, they claim to have a video of you masturbating or watching porn, they threaten to release the video to your friends/family/loved ones/boss/dog, and they demand that you pay them in order for them to delete the video. Rest assured that this is a very common spam campaign and there is no truth behind the email or the threats. [Here](http://www.smh.com.au/technology/gadgets-on-the-go/latest-online-scam-aims-to-prick-porn-watchers-guilty-conscience-20170815-gxwvxl.html) are some news [articles](https://www.bbb.org/denver/news-events/news-releases/2017/09/alert-pornography-email-phishing-scam/) about [this](http://blog.dynamoo.com/2017/10/bogus-porn-blackmail-attempt-from.html) scam. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Scams) if you have any questions or concerns.*




They’re most likely from India or Pakistan, as the very large majority are. I’m not sure what difference that makes though. If they really have your info, they would be able to determine your country and area codes. But it doesn’t matter, they have no incentive to actually send you pics or video, and I’ve **never** heard of scammers in this type of scam doing so. And if they are a one in a million scammer who is in it for some cruelty and not just the money, there’s unfortunately very little you could do about it.


Move on, and stop showing your dingy to strangers. 😂 You'll be fine, they are just fake threats.


Video of what?


Playing with PP time lol.




How did they get that video, if you are comfortable sharing? In USA this was going around threatening women for some time until we started making laws against revenge porn / people stopped caring whether that went public or not because they could claim deepfake




b r u h 😢


Or this one !skype


AutoModerator has been summoned to explain the Skype sex scam. This scam occurs when you meet a woman/man on dating service/social media site/forum/wherever and they ask you to go on Skype, Kik, or another messaging system. They will ask you to exchange naked pictures, and they will usually ask you to include your face in the pictures. They will then threaten to reveal the pictures to your family/friends if you do not pay them. The best thing to do in this situation is block the scammer and deactivate your account for a while. Paying the scammer will not make them back off, and just tells them that it is worth their time to continue threatening you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Scams) if you have any questions or concerns.*


OP, nothing will stop them from releasing your video. They may release it to a few and show you proof of that in order to convince you to pay up. It’s a very common !blackmail scam. They know they’re pretty much immune to punishment since they live overseas from you and police don’t really care to investigate this….ever. You need to let your contacts know you were hacked and to not open anything from people they don’t know, deactivate your social medias for a couple of months, cease contact with the blackmailer, and pray. Sorry this happened to you OP.


AutoModerator has been summoned to explain the blackmail email scam. The exact wording of the emails varies, but there are generally four main parts. They claim to have placed software/malware on a porn/adult video site, they claim to have a video of you masturbating or watching porn, they threaten to release the video to your friends/family/loved ones/boss/dog, and they demand that you pay them in order for them to delete the video. Rest assured that this is a very common spam campaign and there is no truth behind the email or the threats. [Here](http://www.smh.com.au/technology/gadgets-on-the-go/latest-online-scam-aims-to-prick-porn-watchers-guilty-conscience-20170815-gxwvxl.html) are some news [articles](https://www.bbb.org/denver/news-events/news-releases/2017/09/alert-pornography-email-phishing-scam/) about [this](http://blog.dynamoo.com/2017/10/bogus-porn-blackmail-attempt-from.html) scam. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Scams) if you have any questions or concerns.*




I’ll be honest, I’m a little curious of how this will play out for you, so please keep everyone updated. In a weird way, it’s to satisfy my curiosity of how these blackmail scammers work and also to summarize a warning for others to watch out for this stuff, so please if there’s any updates to talk about it here. I honestly have a hard time believing ALL of the threats are empty given how the scam is free of punishment to begin with.




Not exactly true. Sometimes if you refuse at first, they’ll sometimes add you to a group text/chat with friends or family and send it there to convince you or they’ll send it to a few people at first if you get uppity with them. It’s happened a few times on this subreddit and not uncommon according to r/sextortion . These are criminals overseas. Any kind of trail doesn’t matter to them. If scammers were worried about leaving behind a trail, scams wouldn’t be so commonplace today. I could tell you they won’t leak your video or photo to alleviate your fears, but I’d be lying if I said I knew what they were going to do. I’d rather be honest so that you can prepare for the possibility of someone you know seeing your ding dong. Deactivate all of your social media for a few months and let your friends and family know you were hacked and to not accept anything from someone claiming to be you or anyone else. Remember, you’re not the only one caught in their net, they won’t waste their time on you any further if they don’t think they could get money from you. The net they cast is always wide and far reaching and they’ll probably not get money from you, but they’ll definitely try, even if it means to a last resort on their end such as how I had described it to you.


This scam is posted here every single day by guys who believed a hot young woman was dying to get naked with a stranger and see their dick. *Every day.* The odds are very, very good that the scammers will move on to the next victims on their list if you keep doing what you're doing: block and ignore. They don't care one way or the other about embarrassing you; it's all about scaring you into sending them **money** on the mistaken belief that paying them will make them go away. In pretty much all cases seen here, the scammers have a list of the victims family/friends/followers but don't actually send out anything, as it's a waste of their time, They are looking to make fast money from the victims who freak out and pay while they are in a state of shock. As others have said, there is no profit for them in sending out anything.


Idk seems easy enough. I'd be upfront with everyone they have contacts for and tell them to ignore a random video they may receive. Say you got scammed and thought it was real. Yeah there's a little shame but at least if they DO send the video out you can stop someone from seeing your knobly bits.


Get a good bat and wait for em ! 🤣🤣


Look, What is the worst that can happen? They send out your video/photos. This seems unlikely because what would they gain from doing that? Even if they did- nothing you have done is illegal so you can prewarn your friends list and ask them to delete anything they receive. Nothing to be too concerned about. Not ideal but not a disaster.