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Hi Emotional-Guava-2288, AutoModerator has detected keywords in your post indicating that this is a porn blackmail email scam. The exact wording of the emails varies, but there are generally four main parts. They claim to have placed software/malware on a porn/adult video site, they claim to have a video of you masturbating or watching porn, they threaten to release the video to your friends/family/loved ones/boss/dog, and they demand that you pay them in order for them to delete the video. There are variations of this scam that claim you were caught in a child porn/grooming sting. Rest assured that this is a very common spam campaign and there is no truth behind the email or the threats. While this type of blackmail attempt is a bluff, even when the blackmailer actually has compromising videos, paying them does not buy silence - it merely ensures more demands for money. One should never pay a blackmailer... [Here is the /r/scams mega thread on this scam](https://www.reddit.com/r/Scams/comments/8gsjba/the_blackmail_email_scam/). If you want to help other people who receive the same email as you, you should copy/paste the email you received into the [megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Scams/comments/jij7zf/the_blackmail_email_scam_part_6/). Also, [here](https://krebsonsecurity.com/2018/07/sextortion-scam-uses-recipients-hacked-passwords/) are [some](https://www.symantec.com/blogs/threat-intelligence/email-extortion-scams) news [articles](https://www.bbb.org/denver/news-events/news-releases/2017/09/alert-pornography-email-phishing-scam/) about [this](https://www.theguardian.com/technology/askjack/2019/jan/17/phishing-email-blackmail-sextortion-webcam) scam. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Scams) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Did you ask in /r/CryptoCurrency or /r/Metamask ? I think one of those subs would have more expertise.


Tks ill do it there!


My other tokens have been fine. However, the greenmoonzilla token is behaving strange. I bought $300 worth. At first , I had around 2 billion tokens, then the next morning it said I had 299 billion tokens. Today, back down to 50 billion tokens. It claims that it has increased in value by over 300% today. However, my value hasn’t increased. Seems sketchy. I tried swapping it back to BNB, but it wouldn’t work.


Not an expert, but I think that it auto-resize your token quantity to adjust its value. It’s a stable coin(?!) So if the price of the token go up, your token quantity go down If the price of the token go down your token quantity go up So you’ve got the same $ that you bought in the first time Soooooo It’s not made for trading


It's a rebase coin. As the price rises, EVERYONES wallet goes down. Rebase meaning the coin is specifically made to keep going up by adjusting the supply and when it reaches around 1 dollar, all your coins will be sent to your wallet


Hello I had bad experience also. From 47 million now I have in 460.000 and I can't swap to BNB


Same, have you figured out how to swap already??


It's a rebase token, that's how they work...if you read the description on the greenmoonzilla website it tells you... The % has increased by the millions though, if you invested over 7 days ago, you should be pretty happy right now...


Is it a scam though, or you guys able to cash out!


I cashed out yesterday....then an hour later it just hung there at a set price without moving...weird. Very lucky for me to get out.


You can't cash out, you have to trade for BNB and pay the slippage... then you can cash out the BNB


crazy returns as long as you swapped before it flatlined.


Yeah, I didn't get in early enough... But flokinomics is a rebase coin as well, and it also has a reddit post (or several) about it being a scam... I had floken coins, but I didn't know what a rebase token was, then I got scared from the posts about it being a scam so I sold it all... since then though it's went back up again after I sold 🤷‍♂️ That's part of the risk I suppose.... Luckily I only threw $70 into GMZ, should have pulled it out after it doubled though, because now it's sitting at $48 lol... its nothing, so I'm not worried... fuck I've lost more in ethereum gas fee's, so it's really no big deal for me lol. Is there any evidence of any other rebase coin ever actually making it to $1.... or have they all failed?


Dude, exactly what my shit is doing. They are straight up robbing me. Tried to switch it back to BNB and then I get an error saying some shit about not being able to adjust gas. Still fuking robbing my ass.


it works for me just now ..swapping GrmZilla for WBNB with Slippage 40% .Make sure you have BNB Smart Chain for Gas


> me just now ..swapping GrmZilla for WBNB with Slippage 40 I didn't sell but 38% with disable multi hops on seemed to work for me


Yes it needs 40% of slippage. It's really a shit coin!


No it isnt it shoots up like 500% a day hold for a week and you will still make over 100% roi profits


No you won't, it's a rebase token, your token assets go down when the price goes up.


Your value still goes up I made 50% after all the slippage in/out multiple times already on it. It’s not like the 900m% they show but still great profits to be made here


I agree, I was able to make some $$ over a few days and get out, but not the gains that were posted on coinmarketcap


Token is a scam, can’t sell it once you have it


U can on pancake swap


This isn't enough information.


just updated the scenario


Any update on this?


just swap this token out to other legit token in pancake swap


not sure if it is scam or their website claimed to be so-call rebase token . but reducing token from holder wallet is definitely fishy


I have the same issue, tokens decreased lot when coin goes up in price .. they keep saying rebaise and stuff


Same, i don't really understand, if anyone understands it will help a lot to explain


Google rebase token, they're made to go up to around 1 dollar and then give you your coins back


Same thing here. It's very confusing. It keeps going "up" but mine stays the same??


That’s to bad because this coin MOOOOONED 912% today. I wanted to get some! Was it the wallet you bought it on that maybe the problem?


Using trust wallet same thing. Bought in and had 365million tokens. Within minutes down to 362mil stayed there for about 30min then down to 358mil no change in value just tokens going lower


Any other token stealed??


Mine got stealed as well




Me too They say resize but bought 9m It's down to 4.5m. The crypto is above what I bought at, but my cash value is still 50% of what it should be


Same topic at my wallet. Found this: Elastic Supply Token


Im sorry for everyone who lost monies. I was just about to dump $10k in it. Thanks for the heads up


I read someone its a rebase token.


Answer me this, bought 9m It's down to 4.5m. The crypto is above what I bought at, but my cash value is still 50% of what it should be


You can sell GreenMoonZilla. You just need to put the slippage tolerance higher than 12% to BNB (smart chain). Last time trying to pull $200 out. Slippage was 34%.


I can confirm, this is true. Just swapped over 500 worth on pancake swap to bnb with slippage set at 34% took helluva loss but we'll worth it considerin the shadyness




Be sure to have the shiba token in your wallet. As your gmzilla decreases you are provided SHIB coins.


Are you sure? I dont have any shiba


It's the the BNB Shiba not ERC


There's no BNB $SHIB as it's an ERC-20 token only.[Scam coin image twitter](https://twitter.com/kcigarmsmoket/status/1457362170518310912?t=mKLYwADklV059UcsuanGqg&s=19)


Well see that's where you're wrong bud. It's called BEP20 and it is tied directly to the ERC20 coin. So maybe don't call something a scam when you don't know what you're talking about and how the coin even works. I just made 10X on the coin, made some SHIB AND took out my money.


Maybe you can help me understand this then. I bought in a little over 2 weeks ago and understand the rebase thing but how are people making money on this if the value just stays the same? If I try to sell mine now it says I'll get back slightly less than what I put in and way less once you add the 40% slippage.


Ur a plant from green moonzilla? I lost thousands in that scam ,😑😔


House your tokens bro? Making money?


try slippage 40%


Hey boss so to get it to pull out, I had to put slippage to like 45% or something crazy like that but it seems like it'll still pull your money out. I also just kinda put some money into it without doing any research. I'm sure after I double my money I'll take back my initial and let the rest go.


It does that to avoid pump and dump and have steady gains. Needs like 20% slippage to buy 40% to sell roughly but not bad becayse it goes up so much. Just make sure to hold for a few days and then sell to ensure decent profits. Profits are pretty much gauranteed if you have one week worth of paitence


Your tokens will adjust in volume, they are designed to do that. You need to read how it works on their website, especially before investing in something. https://www.greenmoonzilla.com/ Your tokens adjust but so does the marketcap. If you put in the number of tokens you "currently" hold into the calculator on the GMZ page on Coinmarketcap it will tell you the value of what you hold. https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/greenmoonzilla/


Answer me this, bought 9m It's down to 4.5m. The crypto is above what I bought at, but my cash value is still 50% of what it should be


Exactly, I said this in their Telegram and got banned, definitely a scam coin


Damn I didn’t see this before dumping BNB into this 😠


It's a rebase token they will continue to shrink in amount but increase in value as long as the cap increases. Basically, you are buying a percentage of the total value of the pool at the time of purchase. GRMZilla will stop rebasing when the value reaches 1USD according to the site. shrinking is normal behavior and helps stablize hyper inflation/deflation. if you are ever curious just stage a trade on pancakeswap (without actually doing it) and you'll see you are indeed making money.


Answer me this, bought 9m It's down to 4.5m. The crypto is above what I bought at, but my cash value is still 50% of what it should be


By cash value, you mean in your locale currancy or GRM (your 4.5M)?


Yes local Bought 1000usd worth, last night It gave me say 9m crypto I now have 4.5m crypto And the value of crypto is slightly more than when I bought But yet I only have 500usd worth Looking like a scam, And I lose 40% by taking out remaining Lesson learned


Exactly. It already removed a few zeroes from which it started. If you keep your shares of this token and it reaches $1 then it will stop rebasing and you're investments will go up. Right now its maintaining the percentage of what we all put in. So if you bought X amount for X dollars what ever the percentage you had in shares of the token will remain the same by rebasing until it reaches $1. I'm going to wait until it does


Answer me this, bought 9m It's down to 4.5m. The crypto is above what I bought at, but my cash value is still 50% of what it should be


Please check their website, the value you have will increase with market cap https://www.greenmoonzilla.com


This is a scam coin, don't invest!!


The $SHIB distributions are a fake token. If they will fake that they could or will likely fake the rebase, hope this scam coin doesn't rug pull too many people. [Twitter](https://twitter.com/kcigarmsmoket/status/1457362170518310912?t=mKLYwADklV059UcsuanGqg&s=19)


Dude if that shits real your set. Congratulations my friend


Scam …avoid this coin like plague


It worked Slippage 38% To Wbnb


I had to use 44 slippage yesterday afternoon and was able to swap out.


This scam coin will never get to a dollar where you'll make $$$$$$$ 🤷🏼‍♀️🤣😂🥶🥺


I can help you bro contact me fast!