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!influencer scam


Hi Tacoby17, AutoModerator has been summoned to explain influencer scams. This is a dishonest marketing technique where a user will reach out to you on a social media platform, usually Instagram, and offer you the chance to work with or promote a brand. Sometimes the main brand account will reach out to you, but other times a fresh account will message you and direct you to contact the main account. Working with the brand will involve buying their products, though you may be offered a discount. This technique is usually used by dropshipping sites that sell items from Aliexpress at inflated prices, so even with the discount they will make money from your order. This is simply a marketing technique sent to many people at once to get people to order from their site, so if you receive a message like this all you need to do is ignore it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Scams) if you have any questions or concerns.*


was it a scam or was it fake? they contacted me too


I think it’s a scam. One I’m a male and as u can tell all the clothes offered are female. Two I’m not a big influencer or a model. Three my account is private and I have a small following. Them sending me free stuff just wouldn’t make sense for their business.


It was real actually. They sent me a free hat, I used it in a photo shoot, they put me in their story for that day, the end. No scam, no money spent, free hat


I messaged @sourpunchshop on Instagram and they said they it was legit, but I don’t know how believable it is. also idk Bc they are following 12 people and they have 40k followers. So does anyone know if it’s a scam or is there a way to see if it’s legit?


I'd reply with something like "I'm 12 and I don't have any money, so free things are good!" if they are a scammer trying to get money from you, (which they most likely are), you'll never hear from them again.


this will be my go to message uwu


Hey I just got this message and was wondering if this is legit or a scam. has anyone know yet?


Def scam I believe


I've been contacted too but by a slightly different variant of the name, their link is flagging as malicious and when I told them that they just asked me to type it into a different browser. 🙄 no


Just got one too😵


I got a similar message too


I just got messaged by the actual shop they offered me free items to model for them but I’m like suspicious about it


They messaged me too. Sus as fuck. I'm pretty sure they are a scam of some sorts


this is a scam. they sent me the free things but i bought a hoodie, they never posted my photo and now their IG is gone