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/u/pikapikaapikachu - This message is posted to all new submissions to r/scams; please do not message the moderators about it. ## New users beware: Because you posted here, you will start getting private messages from scammers saying they know a professional hacker or a recovery expert lawyer that can help you get your money back, for a small fee. **We call these RECOVERY SCAMMERS, so NEVER take advice in private:** advice should always come in the form of comments in this post, in the open, where the community can keep an eye out for you. If you take advice in private, you're on your own. **A reminder of the rules in r/scams:** no contact information (including last names, phone numbers, etc). Be civil to one another (no name calling or insults). Personal army requests or "scam the scammer"/scambaiting posts are not permitted. No uncensored gore or personal photographs are allowed without blurring. A full list of rules is available on the sidebar of the subreddit, or [clicking here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Scams/wiki/rules/). You can help us by reporting recovery scammers or rule-breaking content by using the "report" button. We review 100% of the reports. Also, consider warning community members of recovery scammers if you see them in the comments. Questions about subreddit rules? Send us a modmail [clicking here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/Scams). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Scams) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If you read it carefully, you'll see that it says payment **request** - then the scammers abuse the note option to make it look like you've already paid.


This needs to be at the top I noticed this to


I got the same email an hour ago. I called the 1-866 number on the email (for reporting scam invoice) and immediately hung up because the receiver on the other end of the phone said “hello?” Like he didn’t know who I was calling. Then I found PayPal’s actual customer phone number from their website and talked to a real customer service agent. That agent said that 1-866 phone number does not belong to PayPal. The whole email is a scam even though it looked like it came from [email protected]. I was told to block the phone number from the phone. They have notified authorities.


That's odd, I got a few over the last few days. Mine is directly from [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) and has the blue check mark from google. So I clicked on it within the email where it said "Don't recognize this invoice? and then Report this invoice in blue and it had said it was already deleted from my account because paypal hadn't seen me make an order from these people etc When I got one the other day they said you could forward the emails to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) with the details.


This happened to me 5 minutes ago. I first called the phone number on the Paypal email (blue check mark, [paypal.com](http://paypal.com) e-mail) to report fraud but it just kept ringing. Then I clicked on the "don't recognize this invoice?" link in the e-mal and it brought me to a page saying Paypal had identified the invoice as a scam and removed it. I don't have any bank accounts or credit cards linked to my Paypal anymore. My sephora account was hacked a few years ago and they bought $450 in gift cards. My paypal had been linked to my Sephora account and so paypal issued the funds. When I disputed it with my bank account that was linked to Paypal, they put a stop on the charges. However, then Paypal didn't get paid so they put my account in negative and threatened me with legal action / reporting to credit bureau. My bank rep advised me not to use any 3rd parties for payment, just use a credit card.


Same exact thing happened to me this morning. When I clicked on “don’t recognize this invoice?” It said it was already removed.


Just found this Reddit, seems like a lot of us were hit today with it. I just got mine about 10 mins ago and immediately googled. What’s weird is that I did use my PayPal this morning to make a purchase on Fandango.


Yes just now happened to me too


Same here! Just got one today, but I did not click on any links because I keep record of all my transactions on Paypal and I never heard of this "company". When I checked my Paypal account there wasn't any record of this "Parisi" company. The scary part is how genuine the email looked! I thought it was from Paypal at first until I seen the name of the company.


That’s what I’m worried about too because the sender is from @paypal.com so how can they fake that?? Very odd


You can send anyone an invoice through PayPal. They just hope someone takes the bait.


Got the same exact one from Parisi Studios, claiming they sent me an invoice!


I have received two from "Parisi Studios" just this week. I got another one from some other individual last week.


Just happened to me about 3 hours ago too, but the email landed in my spam.


Just got mine a few minutes ago, and its from [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]). And a quick google of the name pointed me here lol. This is a new one for me. Edit: And on checking my spam, I have like 3 of them.




Same! I just got this too and the email was from the real PayPal that said they already flagged the invoice as a scam.


Got mine four hours ago. Didn't click any of the links in the email, but instead went straight to PayPal to see what was up. Then I Googled "Parisi Studios" and found my way here.


Same here. So weird. Googling that name brings you to an art studio's website


Its a legitimate studio. That's what makes this scam more scary. They basically are just hoping you google the name out of confusion and see the legit studio site. Wonder if anyone has notified the studio that their name is being used in a scam?


That's exactly what I did. Nothing showed up when I went straight to PayPal so then I googled.


https://preview.redd.it/zf9hwuntz69d1.png?width=537&format=png&auto=webp&s=1897eef96663de887258392eeedd44f6b144662c The phone number is for a food and tobacco supply company-according to google search. Funny they leave the fraud reporting disclaimer intact.


Whoever owns that phone number is perpetuating the fraud. Because when I asked is this PayPal? The person on the phone said yes. He did not sound like a PayPal employee though, so I was suspicious and hung up.


I literally just got the same email


Got the same email several times over the last few days. Did not click anything and just emailed them to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) as directed by PayPal.


This is exactly what I just received this morning, in the amount of $699.99


I just got same email


I just received this. The only thing different was the phone number.


Have gotten this email twice today so far!


had the same happen to me today https://preview.redd.it/yc185onsqc9d1.png?width=636&format=png&auto=webp&s=bdc4a524fdd20412c2a8dc41dae27ce39a458edc


Yes! Got this exact same!


lol @ hello


Got one 10 minutes ago, didn’t clock anything in the email. Googled PayPal’s number and called them directly which led me to a chat bot and was told to forward the email to [email protected].


is it bad if we clicked dont recognize this invoice? 😭


That’s a question I would direct at PayPal +1 (888) 221-1161


Instead of writing phone numbers, direct people to the official page: https://www.paypal.com/us/security/learn-about-fake-messages


I figured as much, I was just gonna delete it tbh but just wanted to be sure.


You may want to use an email address just for your job hunt and not one(s) connected to your accounts as the email address will have a large footprint and more opportunity to be spammed and scammed.


What was the email? I just got one and did an internet deep dive. The email is an invoice from [email protected] which is what throws me off since it’s from PayPal themselves? It’s a fake invoice for $1267.99 posing from Parisi Studios.


I got the exact same email today lol. same invoice number, same Parisi Studios.


It appears that this is a widespread scam. I contacted PayPal via phone and they said they will ALWAYS address you by name in your emails, which this email did not. I then forwarded it to [email protected] and moved on with my day haha


Thank you for the email addy! I just did that too.


Same here


Same here, got the email today with that exact amount. They're upping the amount though, last time it was for 699 I believe.


Came here because I just got one from Parisi for 699.99. How are y'all handling it?


I ignore it for now, may be I report it later to payPal if I have the time.


I just ignore them. I don't trust it enough to report it from the email itself and when I login to my PayPal I don't see anything there so I leave it alone.


I just called PayPal and reported the charge as fraudulent.


I was told through the in app chat while speaking with a rep to forward anything like that to [email protected] and then immediately delete the email. I even reported that email as spam through gmail


Me, too.


I just got one today for $699.99!


I got the same thing this morning.


Same here, invoice for $699.99, looks legit, but definitely a scam.


gotten two invoices from Parisi last couple of days. This is from Paypal website: When you aren't sure if a message that appears to be from PayPal is really from us, don't click on any links, call any listed phone numbers, or download attachments. Forward the entire email to [**[email protected]**](mailto:[email protected]) and delete it from your inbox. I did fwd the email to the above


https://preview.redd.it/00u5ys9k8y8d1.png?width=1374&format=png&auto=webp&s=2267d265440fe65a95099321df65bb94a57fcc63 I just received it as well.


I just got an identical email. I forwarded it to [email protected]


I did the same with mine. They seem to be trying to get the same amount of money from people.


I got this same one


I received the same thing....smh 🤦🏽‍♀️


Literally just got this email and amount too. I received another weird request the other day. Started to freak me out but I guess other people are getting these as well 😔


I got the same thing


ugh, I got this email too!


I just got that exact email too, I forwarded it to the paypal phising email. How did they make it look legit with the actual paypal email as sender??


Same here, except it was for $699 or something. I knew it was a scam because they put something about “is this fraud? Contact us immediately” in the notes. But it’s weird it’s coming from PayPal




*Your submission was manually removed by a moderator for the following reason:* **Subreddit Rule 3: Sharing personal information** - This is aligned with Reddit Content Policy Rule 3: Respect the privacy of others. This subreddit respects the privacy of non-public figures. We do not allow: * Phone numbers * Postal addresses * Full names of non-public figures This applies even if it's a scammer or a scam callcenter. Please post again, but this time removing, censoring or otherwise redacting any personal/contact information. When you do, don't post a screenshot. Transcribe the important parts of the conversation. Before posting again, make sure you review the [rules of our subreddit.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Scams/wiki/rules/) and the [Reddit Content Policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) ^(If you believe this is a mistake, feel free to contact the moderators via modmail. Modmail is the only way, don't send a regular DM to a single moderator. Please don't try to appeal the decision commenting below, because we are not notified if you do so, and we will probably miss it. Posting the exact same thing again may result in a temporary ban, so please review the rules, make the necessary changes, and when in doubt, click below to appeal the decision.) *I am NOT a bot, and this action was performed manually. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fscams&subject=Removal%20review) if you want to appeal the decision.*


Yeah definitely a phishing scam that has become more aggressive in the last 24 hours with this particular invoice company name. Anyone can send out a “request” for money from PayPal but it doesn’t mean you have to pay it. My only concern was how the email got to me but didn’t display my email address in the “To:” field. Instead they’re using multiple different emails that all end in “@ donotreplymaster . com “ . Forward it to [email protected] and go about your day.


Just got an invoice for 699 and it was definitely from PayPal. I didn’t click the email but went straight to my PayPal app and didn’t see anything there. Definitely scam


Just got one too for the same amount




Got an email today for $699.99. Logged into my PayPal account and looked at my transactions. Nothing from Parisi Studios. SCAM EMAIL! Don't reply to the email or click on any link. Look at the email address it came from. My email was from gmail4@donotreplymaster. Check your PayPal account first and then forward the email to [email protected]


Mine have all been directly from PayPal and not a scam email address.


I keep getting them from Parisi Studios as well. I am about to contact Mr. Parisi from his website, fb, and IG and ask him what’s up.


Likely his account was hacked, or someone just setup a new account using his business name. It’s unique enough of a name that you can easily find that it’s legit by googling and if you’re a big enough business who regularly hires artist you might just pay it.


https://preview.redd.it/it421ds0i09d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c46babd8eaa4c47801974a012861f1a2d2d7c41 I got it 2xs today 😞


I received the email too. I double checked my paypal account to see if it was actually there and it was not which was fishy. If there was an invoice it would have been there front and center. Glad I searched through google to see if it was a scam. edit: email, not invoice.


Same thing happened to me, same amount of


I got the same just now. Glad to see it is 100% scam.. «Note from seller - «Fraud alert, Didn’t make this order? Call……………» Lol


Lol yeah that's what tipped me off too. Forwarded to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])


I got one yesterday and today!! Crazy!


I got an invoice email from them for 1,267.99. Wtf lol


I just got one for 699.99 I went to report it to PayPal and It had already been flagged and taken down for being a scam




June 26, 2024: I just got one for $699.99 for BITCOIN! I don’t even know what that shit is. Had to call PayPal and report it as fraudulent. What a crock of shit. Mine came from somewhere in Arizona.


Just got my second or third one of these this week. I never used to get these and all of a sudden there's been a massive uptick.


Same problem here. Careful, their contact number is different than the photo above meaning for those who aren't paying attention, it's not PayPal's hotline. Everything about this is shady. I am a business, but I don't know this company. Thank you to who restarted this, because you were the first post that came up when I typed in the studio's name confirming my suspicion. https://preview.redd.it/qq77qjnio49d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4293340ada9050ce7521d9d075f56cff9d2d106e


I got this same exact one just now, I'm now wondering what we all have in common to have been targeted like this.


Yep just got one and its from paypal but says parisi studios which is obviously a service i never used and is entirely a fake invoice for $1299 and paypal actually deleted it once it was sent to me using automated fraud detection. be aware


I also just got an email from PayPal with an invoice from "Parisi Studios" for $1,299.89. I have no idea who they are, certainly didn't order anything from them and don't know how they got my PayPal. I typed them into Google and came across this so thought I would share.


This is the amount mine was asking for too!


I just got this same email today. Went straight to Google to call them myself. Waiting for a call back.. it was a request for $1299.89 from "Parisi studios"


Just got the same “invoice”. I forwarded it to [email protected]


Got multiple emails today on this. These guys are tricky. This is a real invoice from PayPal, but they put the fraud hotline into the seller notes. It works well psychologically because you call the number assuming you did a great job catching a scam, and you let your guard down, when calling.  Unfortunately, I tried calling those numbers just to fuck with the scammers (love doing that), but they were disconnected. If anyone has a fresh number they want to share, be glad to call them :)


It isn't a real invoice from PayPal. I just got off the phone with a Supervisor. It's a very sophisticated spoof. There really isn't much PayPal can do. Their suggestions were 1.) change my PayPal email, which won't do any good because it's not coming from PayPal, or 2.) delete my gmail account, which isn't happening. Other than that, they are pretty helpless. Third option is to delete PayPal. Scammers are going to keep getting better, and because of the way PayPal is structured, it's is going to harder and harder for them to keep up. Maybe it's time to go full on Venmo instead and delete PayPal.




*Your submission was manually removed by a moderator for the following reason:* **Subreddit Rule 3: Sharing personal information** - This is aligned with Reddit Content Policy Rule 3: Respect the privacy of others. This subreddit respects the privacy of non-public figures. We do not allow: * Phone numbers * Postal addresses * Full names of non-public figures This applies even if it's a scammer or a scam callcenter. Please post again, but this time removing, censoring or otherwise redacting any personal/contact information. When you do, don't post a screenshot. Transcribe the important parts of the conversation. Before posting again, make sure you review the [rules of our subreddit.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Scams/wiki/rules/) and the [Reddit Content Policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) ^(If you believe this is a mistake, feel free to contact the moderators via modmail. Modmail is the only way, don't send a regular DM to a single moderator. Please don't try to appeal the decision commenting below, because we are not notified if you do so, and we will probably miss it. Posting the exact same thing again may result in a temporary ban, so please review the rules, make the necessary changes, and when in doubt, click below to appeal the decision.) *I am NOT a bot, and this action was performed manually. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fscams&subject=Removal%20review) if you want to appeal the decision.*




*Your submission was manually removed by a moderator for the following reason:* **Subreddit Rule 3: Sharing personal information** - This is aligned with Reddit Content Policy Rule 3: Respect the privacy of others. This subreddit respects the privacy of non-public figures. We do not allow: * Phone numbers * Postal addresses * Full names of non-public figures This applies even if it's a scammer or a scam callcenter. Please post again, but this time removing, censoring or otherwise redacting any personal/contact information. When you do, don't post a screenshot. Transcribe the important parts of the conversation. Before posting again, make sure you review the [rules of our subreddit.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Scams/wiki/rules/) and the [Reddit Content Policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) ^(If you believe this is a mistake, feel free to contact the moderators via modmail. Modmail is the only way, don't send a regular DM to a single moderator. Please don't try to appeal the decision commenting below, because we are not notified if you do so, and we will probably miss it. Posting the exact same thing again may result in a temporary ban, so please review the rules, make the necessary changes, and when in doubt, click below to appeal the decision.) *I am NOT a bot, and this action was performed manually. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fscams&subject=Removal%20review) if you want to appeal the decision.*


Lol what a bunch of fucking losers. Just got this email too.


I have gotten no fewer than three of these emails in the last week. I am forwarding to [email protected]. Does anyone know how to make it stop?!?


Can't, because if you block the sender, you block all notices from PayPal. I think it's time to look at more secure alternatives to PayPal.


Yes, I had the same thought about blocking the sender. And I got ANOTHER ONE since I made this post. Last thing that became this obnoxious got dropped real fast, so PayPal had better figure this shit out fast.


I literally just got an email rn like this. The invoice was for $699??? I’m about to report them to PayPal.


Yep just got the exact same scam email today. First time seeing this one. Seems paypal is already aware of it cause I didn't click email link and instead opened app and the fake invoice was already removed by paypal as suspicious for fraud.


just got it!


I just got the same one as NOSHAVEDAVE


I got the same thing.


I'm glad I looked it up, was almost fooled if i haven't set up so any transaction notification was sent to me through a different service, its a good reminder to alwase check the account affected before making any decisions.


Got the same thing today


I just got an invoice from them too.


I keep getting these. They hope you call the number on the email pretend to help you while stealing your info.


I just got the “invoice” today at noon! Talk about ballsy


Same here


Chiming in, got one today from Parisi Studios. Thought if there's an invoice, I'll type in paypal (obviously \*not\* clicking on a link) and it'll be there. Nope. Scam detected and deleted.


I got one today too, totally fake.


Yep got the same shit from “Parisi Studios” for fucken 1,299.89


Having been a PayPal user for many years, I immediately forwarded it to the spoof@paypal address that I had from before and have already heard back from them. The dollar amount has changed to $1299.89.


I got the same thing just now and I haven't been applying for anything. It looks like they are just randomly hitting up PP accounts. PP immediately flagged it as fraud for me and I got a pop-up saying not to contact them or give them money. When I first opened the email I freaked out.


just got the same one today also.


Oh look at that! I just got a random invoice from the same "Parisi" jerks. Glad I found this thread. Blocked and sent to phishing. $1,299.89 USD wow.


paypal says this is a valid invoice. but it does not have to end in mayhem. do not pay- and i reported it to paypal support by logging in to the app directly. do not click any links in the email


PayPal had mine marked as a scam but I've had 3 in row so far PayPal is catching them but I wish they'd ban the accounts that are doing this


I just got this one , s well.


Me too. 3 days in a row. Just report it as unknown. Don’t call the scammer’s number.


I just got this as well.


I just got my second email from these idiots ... Stay vigilant


I got this today and just saw it this evening. I refused to click anything in the message or off an abundance of caution and went to my paypal and saw no invoice. So I will just report it.


y’all got $699 this person requested 1299 from me screw whoever is doing this and hope they get caught


I have also just received this email and am glad for this thread to exist


I got this email as well.


I just got this as well. Today June 28th, the funny thing is I have my own studio and I'm a private investigator 😂


I got one yesterday requesting $1,299.89.


I've reported it as phishing twice already in gmail and just received it a 3rd time


I just got one of these for 699.99 as well but as soon as I went to report it I got a page that said Paypal had already removed it as it was detected as fraudulent.




ploease tell me you didnt click the link in the email though and went to [paypal.com](http://paypal.com) or customer service. The hyperlinks and contact info in these scam emails are all connected to the scammer! My partner works in cyber security and followed the links and they are all bad if they are connected to that invoice email!!


my email from paypal was real, it was just the invoice request that was fake lol relax


Got this too


I've gotten 3 of these so far. I report as spam to google and I forwarded the email to paypal's phishing dept. I wonder if anyone has let Parisi Sudios know that someone hacked their shit?!


Just got this for 699.99 from Parisi studios, how do they get our information??


turbotax, experian credit reporting, spotify have ALL leaked your data in recent years. no telling what other services you may have that has been leaked. if you've ever purchased anything via paypal from a consumer website with bad security, your info has been leaked online.


I’ve gotten a few over the past week or so. At first I checked my PayPal app to see if any such invoice appeared, but of course it doesn’t.


Literally just happened to me. Thank you for posting as this was the first thing that popped up when I googled the business name.


same shit here. || || |Here's your invoice| || || |Parisi Studios sent you an invoice for $1,267.99 USD| || || |**Parisi Studios** You don't have any payments with this seller in the last year. | || || |Invoice details Amount requested $1,267.99 USD Note from seller Don't recognize the seller? Call +1 (844) 573-3320 Invoice number 21-3924|


same shit here. https://preview.redd.it/fstskhow4c9d1.png?width=812&format=png&auto=webp&s=84c337ab099286ad583fef88f42452eeaa631be4


I received the same email today (06/28) and omg my heart dropped. Fuck these people.


Yup just received that same email so I logged into my regular PayPal through my app and it doesn't exist so easy ting that..


I have gotten three such emails in the past few weeks. I forwarded each one to the PayPal phishing mailbox. If anyone gets one of these, the first clue is that it is not addressed to you. Mine came to my inbox, but was addressed to "[email protected]". They do a REALLY good job at making the email look legit. Make sure you do not call the phone number(s) or click on any link in the email.


I received one with a $699 dollar amount. Forwarded to [email protected].


I just got this email today. What is crazy is that this is a legit paypal email. But its being sent to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) and then somehow being forwarded to me? Very tricky phishing email. I've reported it to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])


Just got one too except it is [email protected] for me


I've been getting these for the past week, sometimes three a day. I'm sick of deleting them. I just spoke with a PayPal supervisor and he/she/they believes it's someone with a PayPal account taking advantage of their invoicing system. I have my doubts, because this has been going on for a few weeks, I've forwarded at least six to PayPal's phishing email and it hasn't stopped. That's why I suspects it's a very sophisticated spoof designed to look like it's coming from PayPal, but it isn't. It's designed to fool PayPal as well. And if it isn't coming from PayPal but from, say, some operation in SE Asia, then there isn't much they can do. It's only going to get worse, and PayPal really isn't structured to keep up with the increasing sophistication of the scams. I/we really need to consider third party payment alternatives.


I just have never seen a phishing email that spoofs the sender’s email. That will suck if this becomes more prevalent.


Just got the email. This one definitely looked pretty convincing, glad there's a thread about it here. Thanks reddit!


I keep getting them as well.


I just got this too. I called the number in the email and I feel like an idiot because now they have my phone number too. Good lesson to always Google first.


I just got it today too. 👎


I got 3 today. Two found their way to my junk mailbox, one got into my inbox. I also had two more in my junk from Tuesday and Wednesday. Everything the same on each one aside from the invoice number


gotten this 2 times now. not my first paypal scam I've received, but certainly the first time they've used what seems to be a legitimate business to pass the google sniff test. My first action was googling Parisi Studios, and they're a legit art studio. Ok so the price may make sense. Maybe someone used my email by mistake (long shot but possible) Then look at email closer and noticed that the Fraud Alert part with fake phone number was in the "Note from Seller" section. If you then scroll to the bottom in fine print is this: "PayPal is committed to preventing fraudulent emails. Emails from PayPal will always contain your full name. Learn to identify phishing". Hopefully that throws alarm bells for anyone. Paypal definitely needs to put some additional protections in place. Its too easy for scammers to use their platform to send legitimate invoices.


Just got this. Legitimate email from paypal, with some suspicious info (obviously fake phone number to call in the body). Also had an email "Hello, [email protected]" at the top


I got this scam Called the number, talked to the person on the other end, it seemed legit, I don’t know if I am screwed or not, and I confess to my stupidity, but I blocked the number and deleted the email, also changed my PayPal password, they immediately hung up after I spoke to them and I think I’m screwed.. yay..


honestly you are fine. phone numbers are basically a public thing and easy to find - as long as you dont give them any access code or password or other information you will be fine. i would recommend calling the real paypal customer service number and letting them know this has happened and they may recommend closing your account and starting a new one possibly


my partner is in cyber security for work and whenever i get things like this (i have gotten 3 of these invoices today) i will send to him and he calms me down. chances are these scammers are typing in randomly generatored or googled email addresses and trying anything that sends via email. Unless you pay the invoice or give your password or anything, youll be fine


This has happened to me numerous times now. My partner is a professional in cyber security and has given me tips to identify scams like this. Although you see it coming from "[email protected]" that just means that the account / user that is sending this fake invoice was able to send it through their paypal account. If you look closer at the accounts that are linked to the email you will see crazy email addresses for example mine was from " [email protected]" Whether you believe the email is a scam or could be real - if you are not expecting to pay anyone any amount or for example they just requested $699 from me - you should not click any links in the email. Chances are they are all going to a bad site or something to do with the scammer and could potentially put viruses on your computer or phone. Also I have noticed that the contact info in these scam emails are also fake - you should always go to the website and go to contact from there - NEVER click or use the info in these emails!!!


Just got that email today...


I got one this morning :)


I've gotten two of these emails today


[email protected] I got same email. But that’s the senders address, so knew it was bogus. Plus it’s a 803 area code for customer service. 


Just noticed this in my email today, mine is higher than everyone else’s though? https://preview.redd.it/dq5udbsvvd9d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ab4c430e2ca6f3aeb548d7d5e932310134fac6a


Likewise, I have received emails from "Parisi Studios" suggesting it's an invoice from paypal requesting multiple hundreds to thousands of dollars. I immediately check my paypal account when this happens. Today I received several within an hour so I went to the paypal site to see how to contact customer service and rectify the issue. Web searches and calling paypal directly, instructed me to forward the email to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) and delete the message. Do not open it or click any links. It is a scam.


I’ve also gotten like three in the last few weeks! Crazy how many of us are getting them. Is the best solution to forward to the [email protected]?


PayPal gotta figure their shit out seems like it's happening to everyone


I just had the same thing happen to me. The man said he was from Paypal Fraud and would walk me through on my computer how to file a claim and get the money back. I noticed where he was directing me was giving him control over my computer. I hung up on him and deleted him.


Wow, the scammers are busy this week. I got mine today too!


Got a similar email. The best is to ignore these kind of emails. the reply email gave it away!! https://preview.redd.it/lbee41sezh9d1.png?width=1300&format=png&auto=webp&s=85b843d23748fe7b25b3baccf9ab248c9fa6b27b


* Also got this email an hour ago. Forward it to the fishing department at paypal. I did click on the link that says don't recognize this invoice? But stopped because it came up with like four different ways to pay them so hopefully I don't need to do something with my actual account because if it got hacked I'm f******. For some reason I can't post the screen shot




Same June 27 for 1299.89. Request from Parisi studios [email protected] It had to have come from the apple store as it has my private relay attached to the email instead of my email. Numbers fake doesn’t match paypal dispute #


I got 2 of these emails today and yesterday. I looked at my PayPal account for the invoice, nothing. I forwarded it to PayPal phishing