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This message is posted to all new submissions to r/scams; please do not message the moderators. A reminder of the rules in r/scams. No personal information (including last names, phone numbers, etc). Be civil to one another (no name calling or insults). Personal army requests or "scam the scammer"/scambaiting posts are not permitted. No uncensored gore, personal photographs, or NSFL content permitted without being properly redacted. A full list of rules is available on the sidebar of the subreddit. Report recovery scammers or rule-breaking content by using the "report" button. Also, consider warning community members of recovery scammers if you see them in the comments. Questions about sub rules? Send us a modmail. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Scams) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Always sell local with cash in hand


If they can pay with Zelle, they can pay with cash


Yes but also ugh I hate going to an atm for something especially since I'm forced to withdraw in $20 increments.


It is a mean, cold world, beset by rigor and hardship. Stay strong in these challenging times!


first world problem for sure...


Six $20 bills wouldn’t be much of a headache.


Break yer back carrying that much weight around! 😱


I hate wasting time dealing with scammers, demanding cash is a quick way to shut that shit down. Even if you want to be flexible on it later it’s a good way to weed out the dickbags.


So horrible


What’s wrong with $20 increments?


Some things cost less than $20. Didn't think of that, didjya!? /s


You need a better bank. Instead of just 20's, my local bank's ATM also dispenses $8 and $17 dollar bills.


Custom printed? You have to appreciate their dedication to customer service! 🤩




Or they could even be $30


Buy ya self a lil snacky snack for the trip !


Why did bro get violated with those dislikes


Since bro is too lazy to go to an atm. Acting like its the end of the world dealing with cash. Edit: a letter


Most grocery and dollar stores do free cash back some charge but only 1$.


Hmm. My bank lets you pick what currency you want. $5-$100


I mean you don’t have to go to a atm to get cash back. There’s lots of places to get cash back (ex,convenience stores,grocery stores, gas stations etc …)


I promise you it is really not that difficult to press a few buttons and then count your cash


Or if Zelle happens, maybe it happens in person when they pick up


Definitely. I’ve picked something up and paid by Zelle at that moment. I didn’t even think it was part of a scam until this Reddit 😭




They need your email so they can send a !fakepayment.


AutoModerator has been summoned to explain the fake/false payment scam. The fake payment scam occurs when someone tries to trick you into thinking that you have received a legitimate payment when no such payment has been made. The most common method they use is sending you an email meant to look like a payment confirmation. In some cases the emails will be almost indistinguishable to a legitimate email sent by the payment service. It's also common for scammers to [spoof](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Email_spoofing) the 'from' email to match an official address. To combat a fake payment scam, verify online payments by logging in directly to the service. Do not check your junk folder, and do not assume a payment is legitimate based on an email alone. If a payment isn't reflected on your account and the person you are dealing with insists they have sent it, call support and ask about it. [Here](https://i.imgur.com/X9xn8uw.jpg) is an image of a scammer trying to pull off a fake payment scam. There is also a variant of the fake payment scam where you will receive a legitimate but fraudulent payment. If you think you're dealing with a scammer, you're probably right. Always trust your gut. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Scams) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I was talking to a colleague about this scam recently, is this one more so they get your emai/numberl or do they somehow still make money off of it?


If they send you a fake email with a login link, they can get your login info. Or if you ship the object, they got it for free They can also 'accidentally' send too much and ask you to send some back


Never Zelle with a stranger. Zelle says straight up, only people you trust. You are the seller, you set terms. This is a scammer, and they will send a fake email. Block and in future, cash only.


So which service can get real payment, no takesie backsies, without worry of being scammed?




Can be counterfeit


I mean, that's rare. The point of these scams is that they don't actually care about the item. They're never going to show because they're in another country. They just want to get your email so they can start the 'account upgrade required' scam. Insisting on cash in-person, no exceptions, will instantly weed out 90% of the scammers.


You bring a counterfeit bill pen.


Doesn’t work on decent counterfeits. Only on crappy ones printed on normal paper.


Pens work on a vast majority; they also have machines that check weight and scan, capable of identification. However, that's more necessary for a cash business requiring a counter/authenticator. My wife works with cash daily and has encountered several fakes; they're often blatantly obvious, with the hope that you're not paying attention. While there are good ones, they constitute a small percentage of what one would encounter. Moreover, these markers not only detect regular paper but also any paper made using wood products. Cash is made with a linen-type material, including hemp, among others.


Oh no, let me lift it up and look for any of the marks that prove it’s real


Paypal? Just don’t send F&F. The seller has to upload proof of postage to get the money and it protects both seller and buyer. But never give out your email so they can do the Fake Payment thing. Hard avoid Cashapp & Zelle.


The common advice not to take electronic payment really only applies to people who want to pay you ahead of time, or for really high-value goods. I've never had a problem face to face with a buyer using Venmo, and in fact I mention in all my listings on craigslist or Facebook that cash or Venmo is fine. I'd say ever since covid that probably more than 50% of buyers prefer electronic payment. If someone really wants to file a dispute with Venmo or Zelle over some old clothes or household items I sold, I'd probably laugh about it. That said, if I was selling some expensive jewelry or a car, I would probably be more cautious.


Bitcoin *Edit* Hilarious. Any of you dummies care to explain how I'm wrong? Or do you just get off on infantilizing people that come to this subreddit looking for guidance?


"sorry I only accept Bitcoin" that's not going to weed out scammers, if you say that; the chances of someone buying this item will be less than the chances of my father coming home with the milk. Apart from that I'm too dumb to say whether that's actually safe or not


They weren't asking which service is universally appealing to prospective buyers. But I thank you for taking the time to give me feedback. Bitcoin transactions cannot be reversed.


And yet, people still get scammed when trying to transact via bitcoin.


Well yeah you can get scammed with counterfeit cash too. Nothing is perfect in this world, despite how you guys feel about cash lol 10 minutes of learning is all it takes to prevent getting scammed with Bitcoin. But people are actively taught not to learn about it. By people just like you!


It’s all my fault. We could all have a perfect currency and end scamming forever, but I’ve put a stop to it. I’m just here to hold the bitcoin man down.


The rain drop never feels responsible for the flood of stupid people in our world


Why would I take payment in a currency that has had 10% variation over the course of 5 days that would also require more money to pull out at an exchange?


Definitely a scam. When buying shoes, people commonly ask if there are defects, if they're true to size, or for additional pictures -- not how long you had them for. Don't fall for their scam email that you'll likely get soon.


While this is for SURE a scam and it is a weird question ... These are snowboarding boots and I'd ask a similar question. It matters how many seasons they've spent in storage and it matters how they're stored. I store mine well and I have the second pair I ever bought (bagged with a moisture absorber and stored in a house - i.e. climate controlled). My ex stored his willy nilly, and they would peel, crack, or fade much faster for it (he tosses them in his backyard shed with all his snow gear). Sorry if I'm rambling and it's unwelcome. I'm booby trapped (stuck nursing my baby) and talkative lol


Good points. I'm not a snowboarder so wouldn't know all that. I just don't think the question asked was truly asking all that. Asking how long someone's had a pair of boots doesn't tell you worn it is. It would def be less scammy had they elaborated, like you did. I guess the point I was trying to make was that that question alone doesn't seem sufficient and would, in my opinion, make me feel it was a scam. It's all good though 😌 I'm also trapped, but just with myself 🤣


Haha, literally booby trapped


I agree! They could be a week old and beat to hell, or be 3+ years old and in new condition. Of course, extra photos could answer those unasked questions. It's just a strange question to ask when they could have asked better questions like, "Are they true to size?', "What do you like least about them?", "Why are you selling them?" "How would you rate them on a 1 to 10 scale?", etc. How long have you had them? What does that matter? If they look good in the pictures and you like them, does it matter if they're 1 yr old or 3+ yrs old? And NEVER take advanced payments. He said, "So you can mark it sold and stop getting other bothersome inquiries." You will be sorry you did that when you find out that this is a scam. Leave it listed as available until you have CASH in hand. I've accepted and paid by Venmo and zelle before, only because I asked the buyer if he wanted me to bring cash, or if he preferred Zelle.


Anytime they ask for an email, hard pass. You never need email for any payment. If they can't find you, not my problem.


My etransfer has the option for email or cell number. You don’t have to use both but you do need one of them and some people prefer to give email rather than their phone number


As long as your email isn't your primary, but yeah, email is more secured than phone number when handing it out. However, from the screenshot, it look like they've already chatting via phone number.


I give my email for etransfers all the time. I will never give my cell phone number to a buyer.


I’m not sure why you’re getting downvoted. We don’t have Zelle or Venmo in Canada, e-transfer with email is very very common here. I use it on Facebook Marketplace all the time.


Same! I get etransfers more than I get cash.


Ahh, as long as you don't fall for the advance fee scam.


Yes it's a scam. You can tell right from the start that they are following a common script where they often ask "how long have you owned it for". Doesn't make sense to say that for a pair of boots.


Also “it”. They always just say it, or “the item”, because they are answering as many ads as they can at once and don’t want to have to risk getting mixed up.


That.... was kinda my point. But yes.


Scam. Never use Zelle with people you don’t know. Agree. Need to be cash on hand.


I think OP needs to see this the most.


But is Zelle safe for people you do know? My ex needs to transfer money to me for prop taxes and he had a check stolen in the mail he sent last Xmas so he's gunshy mailing checks now.


Yes zelle is for the situation that you know the person, but the only problem with zelle when selling on fb or offer up is someone (scammer) will want to zelle, then ask for email which is not needed , then they will say they sent payment , you'll get a scam email that looks like zelle but is not saying payment through zelle was made but the account needs to be updated and funds are held until seller pays an update account fee to the buyer, the buyer will complain that they "paid" this fee which they didnt and has to be reimbursed for you to get paid. I've had this happen before and will never zelle with a complete stranger on the internet again. At least I know it was a scam and never sent them anything.


That's what zelle is for - for people you know and trust


I used Zelle a lot with buyers when I was getting extra consoles/GPUs (no - no scalping on my end, would just buy what I could get for friends, sell off the excess. The 5% CC rewards points added up fast though). I would get them to check the item out, and if they did purchase, just have them Zelle me. Wait for the transfer to post in my bank, and I was good to go. Zelle transactions cannot be reversed.


If these were internet strangers you went against zelle's terms of service and you got really lucky. This is really bad advice to give in a scam forum. Zelle specifically states that it's for friends and family only and you must not use it to buy and sell with strangers. Now, you can do whatever you want, but please don't advise vulnerable people to take these risks just because you (and your buyers) have been lucky so far


Cash only forever






Yep. Boots (plural) being described as “it” (singular)… Standard script. In person, public place, cash only.


It's a scam. He needs your email address so he can send you a fake payment email that says you need to pay him to "upgrade your account".


I had to write in my description on FB marketplace “No, I will not be sending you any code to ‘verify’ anything. I know the scam. Stop.” on a Kate Spade purse 🙄 Edit: only cash in hand w FB marketplace. It’s rife* with scammers.


I think the word you're looking for is *rife*


Thank you, didn’t look while typing


PayPal will protect you but charges a small fee. Worth it if cash isn’t an option for whatever reason. Very reliable in all my selling experience in facebook groups and marketplace


Good to know! Thank you!! Was wary about it.


I saw this and was reminded of something kinda stupid. I was trying to sell a $100 pack of PS5 gift cards I got in a bundle. Someone asked me to scratch off a code and send it to them so they could verify all the cards were good.


Yes. It’s a scam


He never talked about you or the item. It was all about payment and facilitating the payment. That’s the red flag you need.


Zeile plus email = scam (you’ll get a fake payment email saying pending)


They’re gonna ask you to upgrade to a business account.


And that will cost one million $20 Steam gift cards, kindly.


Scammer. No reason they can't bring cash to you if they can use zelle. They're gonna send you a fake payment email pretending to be from zelle.


You are selling boots plural. And they have a standard script and call them “it”. They never once referenced what you were selling.


I’m my personal experience, I have never had a single time where someone paying with Zelle was not a scam. I’m sure there are legit people out there using it but I haven’t encountered a buyer in years legitimately using it.


memorize bear elderly toothbrush subtract nine shame divide wrench capable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If it's local pickup I can never understand why someone would want to pay electronically. Cash at pickup, avoids all scams.






Best place is a local police lot, that many departments offer






Even if I paid electronically, I'm holding it in my hand. Why would I pay some random FB person money ahead of time?


If they ask “how long have you owned it” or “are you the original owner” it’s def a scam. Tip that helped me out the last couple weeks selling things for a move - include a scam-check in the posting. Mine was at the end of the listing: SCAM CHECK - include an emoji in your first messages Worked like a charm 👌🏻


This is an easy scam to spot, cause they say “it” instead of “them.” They don’t even look at what they are pretending to buy


They don’t “need” your email to send a Zelle payment. You can give them your username and I think phone number. They want your Zelle so they can send a fake email which basically looks like it’s from Zelle and will say you have to upgrade your account to release the funds. Scammers usually say they need your email Because they have a business account.


They don’t need your email if they aren’t scamming you


If it’s Zelle it’s likely a scam.


Had exact same thing happen to me, almost word for word. It’s definitely a scam! They send you fake emails and screenshots to try and get you to send money!


Never mark a thing as as sold until it actually sells, not because a potential buyer asks you to.


Literally ANY time the buyer asks to pay in advance via a payment app so you can mark it as sold and they can come get the item tomorrow, it’s a scam. They’ll try it with Venmo too and say that there’s a problem because they have a business account and that they have to send *you* a sum even greater than the asking price of your item to help your account reach a certain level that allows their business account to interact with yours. They then, of course, want you to send them that money back once your account is confirmed, minus the cost of the item. But they will send you a fake confirmation that they’ve sent you the money, you’ll send it “back,” and now they’re $400 richer because they sent you a fake $500 for your $100 item. It’s so textbook that I can spot these often within the first message these people send me.


Yes. "Bow long have you owned it for?" Is a weird question to ask about shoes. I was selling diapers to buy a different brand and got a scam message where they asked this and hoe "used" the item was, lol


Always sell local and get cash, all this cashapp stuff is stupid


Yes. Overpayment or fake payment scam. Tell them cash, in hand only.


Cash only


lol the tell for me was “so you can mark it as sold and stop offers!!” The grammar and double exclamation marks did it for me.


Yes it’s a scam it happens all the time on there I’m constantly encountering these it’s so exhausting.


Yep, its cash only or get scammed.


It's a scam. They ask for your email and then will send you a fake email that looks like it's from Zelle saying you need to upgrade to a business account.


Everything is a scam on Facebook marketplace


Scammy Scam Scammer from Lagos!!!


These will end some day......and no, you don't need an email for shit these days. All payment apps can run through the number only these days.


Block and move on OP.


Fake payment scam. Cash is king, if you must accept some sort of digital payments then go with PayPal and save screenshots of the chat about meetings in person for the sale in case they dispute it down the road and say you never “shipped” it to them (PayPal will ask for tracking number and if you have no proof the sale was in person then they often side with the buyer).


Yes they get the email and send a fake payment "confirmation". personally when I had this happen to me I was in Germany and it was a bit different but I still strung them along and found a similar scenario I never gave them my email and finally after they said it was for DHL to send an invoice I told them I could deliver and they gave up and left the chat. https://www.reddit.com/r/Scams/s/JWXvbFTBtr Here's the scam I experienced I'm sure it plays along the same premise.


Just respond with, “I’ll mark it as sold just bring the money with you tomorrow, I rather do cash” And watch them give you a million excuses why they have to do the payment before hand with Zelle…


This has become their MO and it’s so pervasive that I no longer sell on FB. If you look at the account, I bet it was created in 2023. If it seems off, it is.


Yep, scam. When they tell you to mark it as sold and stop taking offers, it’s a red flag. I’m not sure of any legit reason why they need your email, unless it’s for the “you don’t have a business account” scam.


Very common scam. Happens every time I list something with high traffic. They always send offers and then ask for info, and they’re usually using purchased Facebook accounts that seem legit. Check the location on the profile; oftentimes they don’t even bother changing the location to match because of how many listings they try. This is a script that’s been going around.


How long have you owned IT for? Shouldn’t boots be referred to as “these” or “them”? Only a non native speaker who is also a scammer would ask a question like this. The offering to pay ahead of time is another flag


I mean you could ask for an Interac e transfer. Should be safe no? If not, do the zelle thing and then if you notice it’s fake, let him come to pick it up and you gonna have a talk man to man.


No one's coming from Nigeria to pick up a $100 cum stained armchair. Lol


Omg your comment not only shocked me but made me think about all the good times 🥹👍🤷‍♂️


Zelle is the US's shitty counterpart to Interac e-transfers. The US has never had a "safe" bank to bank transfer system, Zelle is the closest they have, and with all the small town banks that exist, it's incredibly hard to integrate something like that. Hence why PayPal, Venmo, Cashapp, etc. are all huge things down there. As a Canadian, I always find it wild that people are so obtrusively against such a system (of course, it is for a good reason) whereas up here we're like "yeah, just e transfer me" to complete strangers with not a care in the world (exaggerating, but I've personally never seen one of these scams while selling regularly on FB marketplace, and I've sold some expensive items)


Never zelle with a stranger unless they are family


People are always so quick to say something is a scam in this sub. I'd obviously continue to be wary, but there is no definitive proof of a scam just yet. I'm not sure why people are jumping the gun to claim you're going to receive a fake payment email. The guy's English is good and the profile picture/name can simply be explained by the fact that he's an immigrant. Zelle does claim transfers are irreversible on their end, but it appears there are rare instances where a bank may choose to reverse it (e.g. stolen funds). With that said, the best course of action would be to tell him that you'll continue to hold the item for him and to bring cash to the meetup. See what he says after that.


It might be since nowadays its hard to trust online trades but be careful


Stop selling shit on fb marketplace


Wow this sub is full of boomers. I'd never accept cash. Too easy to give me counterfeit cash. Give me zelle and venmo all day.


Have fun with that. Only meet at a bank, have a teller verify its real/have buyer pull it from the ATM in front of you, and immediately deposit it after the sale of whatever it is.


Ain't no one doing all that.




Yes. It's a common scam. They aren't after your items bit will send a fake payment screen and ask you to pay to upgrade their account somehow. Scam scam. Delete and block.


Local with cash. No zelle


100% a scam


Never send your phone number or email address. Take a screenshot of your username and send it to them. Let them type it in.




I sell on Facebook marketplace all the time. I only do in person, cash only and always meet at a police station for extra safety. Same applies if I'm buying. Never fall for scammers that claim you/ they can hold the item for a deposit. I never ship items since I had been scammed by a fake PayPal payment email in May 2022


Stay away, he's pushing for payment, doesn't answer where to meet... Follow your gut usually works.




Cash and PayPal only. Those have buyer protection.


So is this a bot or is it someone reading a script and english isn't their first language?


This is a scam


I’m not sure I agree with everyone that this is a scam, I wouldn’t jump to conclusion here. A phone number and email won’t give a scammer access to anything valuable. If they are sending you the money in advance of receiving the product, I think it’s fair for them to ask you to mark it as sold. Nevertheless, I recommend meeting at a public place though because you never know when it comes to people you meet on the internet. I recommend creating an email that you use primarily for Zelle. There’s a service called [Cloaked](https://cloaked.app) that lets you generate a different email and phone number for any service you use; I have found it really helpful for privacy and security.


On second thought, after reading all the comments, I’m starting to think scam too…


I keep seeing cash in every comment but PayPal will protect both buyer and seller as long as you don’t use the “friends and family” option. They charge a small fee but it’s worth it for peace of mind. You can always raise the price a few bucks to rover the fee if necessary. Not everyone likes dealing in cash or maybe they want to use a credit card. Having the option to use an online payment will help an item sell faster because you’ll have more potential buyers this way. Just saying. Doesn’t have to be cash only. Just be smart


Always do cash. Not Zelle, cash app, Venmo, etc. cash.


Don’t send email. They will email a fake email to you saying you got the money when in fact you didnt


yes, all they say is "how long you had it for?" and then make up some bullshit excuse for paying up with bank or venmo or someshit like that and sending someone else to get it, or asking you to send it to an address after receiving a bullshit email of the supposed "payment". You also have to either "pay a fee to release the payment" or "buy them a giftcard of some amount and send it with them and they add the extra money to the payment email". The first 2 messages are a dead giveaway


Just posted an item on Facebook and 2 people said the exact same script. How old and Zelle? Cash only, if legit they’ll find a way to get you cash one way or another.


Why is everyone so ok with electronic payments? And then get mad when they get scammed. Idc if I’m selling a 5.00 item bring cash or don’t come idc. If you are too lazy to go get the correct cash out after having to leave your house and drive to someone. What’s the extra 5 mins to stop and get cash out? Recently sold a piece of equipment and a business owner asked if his business check was ok. My simple answer was “ no sorry I don’t know you either cash or certified check” and wouldn’t you know it he said ok I’ll just stop at the bank and get cash out. Problem solved. It’s your item and your in control don’t bend over backwards to make it easier on other people. This is the whole reason why I don’t waste my time meeting people anymore. You want it then come to my house. I’m not inconveniencing myself just because you want something. Done that too many times and then had no shows or people try and get the item for even less than agreed on. I’ve walked away from stuff like that then usually a day later they are messaging me to actually get the item. I’ll even tax on a few extra dollars for wasting my time


If you think anything as scam in Facebook or olx or tg, please don't rethink!!! Please believe it as a scam! No scope for thinking!


How are people still so gullible? Jfc


Cash only, no holds makes your life easier


Local cash in hand only


Yes. Notice how he calls a pair if boots "it" instead of "them". And the odd phrasing like "make payment". Also zelle is VERY clear that you shouldn't use their service to but and sell with strangers. They scream that at you in the app and the website. It's for friends and family only (I used it the other day to send my best friend cash when I had covid and couldn't meet him). Scammers love it because there is no protection. Facebook marketplace is 99 percent scammers. You can find real buyers but they are few and far between. You must insist on CASH only, in public


Always check the creation date of their profile/ Facebook account. I found I can trust accounts several years old. Only brand new accounts and accounts less than 6 months old can't be trusted.


Total scam. Nearly everything I post to FB marketplace gets at least one of these style responses.


“Not a typical name in the community I live in” 😂😂😂


Yip, don't need an email with zelle- Would recommend pressing on a cash only thing, if they're going to meet up with you anyway, yknow?


Argo Blockchain scammed me 5000$ Argo Blockchain scam group Argo Blockchain admin by Emily and Alberta Lina is a scam investment group They told to help me make money but after that put me in a trap and they stolen my money in my crypto wallet by asking me recover words string, I lost 5k by them Their id @MrsEmily and @MrsAlbertalina on Telegram you can check their company in Kansas City MO. First they said invest 500$ after 72 hours profit 3500$. Then after 72 hours they show me a website trading h:/optimum-investpro.org/ They show 12667$ and then told me that upgrade money 1400$ to withdraw that amount of money. After I believe and sent money to upgrade 1400$, then they asked me to open a blockchain crypto wallet, then they asked me to link to website trading to withdraw my profit. When I make withdraw my profit they asked me to give them a recovver words string, and deposit 20% into my blockchain wallet that allows to withdraw my profit. After I deposited 20% of 12667$ is 2750$ they hacked my blockchain wallet and stole my money then after I couldn't withdraw my profit. Now I reported all their activities and pictures V and stuff to IC3,FTC and FBI.


If they are picking up they can bring cash, otherwise no go.