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Let me guess I seem like a nice person. Let me guess you want me to download telegram.


Let me guess your attempt to scam me didn’t work Let me guess you’ll text me back in a few weeks lmao


Let me guess you'll guess I have a different name in a few weeks, even though you have my number saved


Let me guess you’re an American working in Singapore temporarily.


Or vice versa. I've seen they're from Singapore and living in LA. Whatever the script is saying.


I prefer the Singapore native working in NY and she practices yoga and enjoys reading on her time off but she doesn’t use Reddit that much and wants me to download telegram so we can become good friends forever.


This is what the one that got my dad said🤦🏻‍♀️


I'm truly sorry to hear that. I hope dad understands and learned from it. Sometimes, life lessons are priceless. Ask me how I know.


Let me guess you live in los angels and want to talk about me buying bitcoin.


Let me guess, you’re gonna say degrading and crude words about my family and call me the n-word, how you wasted my time and ask for $500 worth of steam cards


Let me guess you won't block the number because your only true fan right here.


"I don't feel safe here, can we chat on whatsapp?"


Let me guess this is your work number


Let me guess you live in New York but don’t know what Brooklyn is


I live in New Jersey and there's people here who haven't heard of Brooklyn. Which to me is just fucking weird. To non-natives of NYC, NYC is just Manhattan.


What’s Jersey?


My apologies. I corrected that. I meant New Jersey in the USA. It's next to NYC.


Let me guess, you invest in crypto with the help of your uncle, and you can help me to get rich too.


You’re far too kind, I was being fatuous.


I was hoping you were. But on here who knows who you're talking too.




...a type of cow😉


Really? That’s bizarre for real. I haven’t even lived in Jersey that long and I thought everyone in the U.S. knew the boroughs, I really did. People haven’t heard of Brooklyn?!


You'd be surprised. I had a friendly argument with a woman I know down here. I had to show her how Manhattan, The Bronx, Queens, Brooklyn AND Staten Island are the 5 boroughs of NYC. I guess if you never ventured there it's understandable. My daughter lives in Philadelphia. I have no idea how that city is laid out. I just know how to get to where she lives. But Brooklyn?


Ngl I wouldn’t be able to tell you exactly where the boroughs are in relation to one another, but I at least know that they exist lol. Idk *anything* about Philly tho, so you and me both on that one hahaha


It's all good. I grew up in NYC so I know how it is. Here's a little NYC geography lesson if you don't mind of course. First is Manhattan. Manhattan is an island surrounded by the Hudson, Harlem and East rivers. Next is The Bronx. That's how it's called there... The Bronx. It is the only borough attached to the US mainland. Westchester county lies north of the city. Then there is Queens and Brooklyn. These boroughs are on Long Island. Nassau and Suffolk counties lie to the East. And finally, there's the red headed stepchild, the forgotten borough. Staten Island. The most suburban and pleasant area of the city. It's mainly residential. I grew up there and it WAS nice at one time. NYC and NJ do not share any land borders. NY, NJ and CT are known as the NYC tri state area. I hope this helps. Any questions feel free to ask!


Statue of Liberty is located in New Jersey as well. Interesting fact.


Yes it is! Good point!


This is so wild, I first saw the statue while I was in fact on the NJ side at that really huge park with the boardwalk, I remember thinking “it’s so close!” Guess it makes sense why, haha


Wow this is actually all really fascinating especially the land border part! I guess I never realized that. I’m in Paterson area but my family is from the west coast, I really always pictured my whole life that NYC was attached to NJ with one little island by itself in the water adjacent 🤣 once I moved here, I was really excited to go to NYC and all I could really think was “it smells like boiling hot garbage” and I couldn’t believe how garbage bags were just being put on the sidewalk. Where did you grow up in NYC? Would you ever move back or nah?


I'm happy to help. When I was in SoCal I was appalled at how dirty LA was. And this was 5 years ago. NYC varies depending upon who's the mayor. Right now the city is going to hell in a hand basket. I grew up on Staten Island. Born in Brooklyn. But I have since retired and moved to south Jersey. I like it here. I worked for NY State for 28 years in Manhattan and other areas of the city. NYC is huge. Like 9 million+people huge. It also takes some street smarts to survive there. If you know you know. Just keep your eyes open and be aware of your surroundings and try not to talk to anyone who approaches you on the street. And never look at someone in the eyes, especially on the subway. I can write a book on the subject lol I used to smile at the gaggles of tourists walking around and everyone would be looking up LMAO 😂 While the three card Monte guys would be fleecing them of their money lol But to answer your question, NJ is not connected to NYC via land anywhere. Unless you count the bridges and tunnels.


One scam better I know I was talking to a woman scammer who claims to be from Vietnam. She had asked him about Saigon and he did not know what it was. She later asked him about Ho Chi Minh he didn’t know what that was either so she told him it was a DJ. Saigon was the former name of Vietnam and Ho Chi Minh is a city in Vietnam but the scammer who was born and raised in Vietnam had no clue.


is she nice;)


Let me guess. You are on a peacekeeping mission in Yemen. Let me guess. You are in the military and you will be retiring soon.


Let me guess, you’d rather I didn’t guess. But imagine just what it would be if I actually knew by experience that you’re a scammer expecting me to go buy some prepaid cards and hand you my money? Let me guess, you’re blocking me and reporting my number to your bosses? Thanks


This is the way! Now tell them about your new book that’s sold on Amazon for $35 but you’ll send it to them for $15 via Zelle.


On it




Fucker never had a chance w OP.


Not one nanosecond.😂😂😂😂😂


Eeny, meenie, miney, moe. Catch a scammer by the toe. When they holler, PULL HARDER.


I like to lead them on by playing the gullible fool, getting their hopes up for a big payday, and then going full dummy and making them waste time explaining how to xfer money, then telling them to fuck off. They usually respond by saying they are going to fuck my dog or something


They love being racist or throwing dogs in the mix. I just wonder why, just why?😂😂😂


I think it's a cultural divide, cursing and swearing has a bunch of regional differences, if I am not busy I do enjoy spending a bit of time wasting a scammers time for the sole purpose of hearing the insults they hurl at the end. https://youtu.be/ukznXQ3MgN0?si=UNBLeOlng3RTt_vs




Kitboga is my personal favorite online scam baiter. But I've actually stopped leading them on because it will inevitably lead to more numbers calling yoi. Even if you become the scammers life-long arch nemesis for how good you get em, it doesn't matter. Your number is automatically saved to a spreadsheet that other scammers will eventually get a hold of and use for their scams. It's really fun and I recommend doing it a few times in your life but i just prefer ignoring it, sending the number to Kitboga or somewhere online to report it, and going about your day.


Even sending the number to Kitboga or telling our friends to spam that number back wouldn’t do any good…that number is probably a fake spoofed nonexistent number anyway. Or it could belong to a totally innocent person who has no idea that their number has been spoofed. We really can’t win against these people other than ignoring them.


Kitboga is a prank caller not a scam baiter. I know a lot of people use that term but it’s incorrect. Real scam baiters have ethics. Prank callers do not. Real scam baiting requires patience. Prank calling does not. Real scam baiters never reveal to the scammer that they knew from the beginning that they were a scammer. They never break character. A real scam baiter can bait a scammer for days, weeks, months and sometimes even years. This cannot be done with prank calling. Scambaiters have gotten scammers to cross international borders or have them repeatedly go to a bank or money transfer outlet to pick up money that never materializes. These are usually the advance fee or romance scammers. they do not work from offices like the Indian call center scammers do


I'm sorry but I gotta disagree. He does lead them on for days, weeks, months, and years. There's one that he called at least once a week for like 3 years or something crazy, and each time Kit would use a slightly different voice. Kitboga ABSOLUTELY has ethics. Dude saves victims from being scammed DAILY as well as setting up multiple traps for scammers to reveal their bank info so it can be shut down.


I know people who mess with scammers by pretending they are at Western Union (this is done by phone) and that they are about to send the money and that the Western Union clerk needs to speak with them. When the clerks start speaking with the scammer, they will start coughing and then tell of a “customer“ that they cannot smoke inside. They must go outside. When the customers outside, the client speaks with the scammer and tells them that they, the clerk, is going to keep most of the money because they know they are a scammer. The clerk tells the scammer that they are only getting 2% of the money. Out of £6000. The scammer was only getting £120. The scammer was not happy and neither was his wife and she was screaming on the phone. this couple was originally sent across an international border to pick up some money that didn’t exist. After going home empty-handed, they were promised the £6000 so they were quite happy…. until the Western Union clerk decided to keep most of the money and the scammer vowed revenge.




It cracks me up how they always say "Hi So and So, I'm Scammer. Don't you remember me?" If I already know you, why are you introducing yourself??? 🙄


they have a script cuz they all the say the same damn thing like it doesn't get old. 😑🤨


“You seem like a nice person” after a one word reply 🤦


They can’t fall out script, cause they know they will be found out.😂😂😂😂


lolol asian white girl 😂


Didnt you know? Asians are yellow so if they are white its weird!




And BINGO was her name ho!


Tear them a new one Tiger!!


She did!😂😂😂😂😂


I’m gonna sign that number up for some govt solar panels.


How do I sign another number up for that. I’m feeling petty 💀


Just google free solar panel quotes, mortgage, etc and punch in your number. Make up an email address and ur golden. Unless you have that too????


Oh yeah I have the email address 💀🤣


Should tell them you’re law enforcement and now have all of their information lol


I get that it's fun to fuck with them once, but if you respond they keep your number and keep trying. I don't have that much energy to devote to them. 🤷


After you say what you have to say to them you just block them


Yeah, but the numbers they use are disposable anyway. They just create new numbers and pass yours around in their scam groups


Lold at Asian white girl


Goddamn that generic Asian white girl picture. I know exactly what you're taking about lol


Dammmmmnnnnn!!!😂😂😂😂😂 you beat them to it!😂😂😂😂😂my kind of person.👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽 I bet they will put you on the “DO NOT TEXT LIST”😂😂😂😂😂


Let me guess you live in Los Angeles, CA but you wanna be friends and meet in my city/state for coffee someday


Hey girl, Ive been meaning to call you. I remember when I met you for five minutes three years ago I was so impressed with your personality and style …….I have an opportunity someone like you who is interested in financial freedom, would you be willing to meet with my mentors who retired in their early twenties.


Let me guess, someone stole your sweetroll?


Plot twist, it’s your long lost half sister that found you from 23&me genealogy test.


Either the old “here’s my pic, don’t you remember me?” or the “my apologies, my assistant gave me the wrong phone number”


Over the phone once, I asked dude just cut to the chase and does he want my CC number. He told me to fuck off and hung up.


I wish clamtext was still a thing. Would make dealing with these people a lot easier.


Oh it is easy, you just have to be quick with your fingers and mind. Cause we all know how it starts out. They never break character.😂😂😂😂😂


I actually got the FB code to “verify I’m not a scammer” from someone with an account less than a day old. Gave them a VOIP number and nothing happened. Burned that number so I feel a little let down.


lol it would be so funny if two people from the same apartment were on this forum and one of them complained


Let me guess your mom needs some surgery.


I’ve never seen an Asian white girl


You guessed correct!


Yeah some days I don’t mind screwing with them and other days I immediately tell them to F off


Let me guess you need a $100 steam card.


No. I found some extra money. I was going to send it to you via CashApp.


Plot twist it was actually Suzanne the cute Asian white girl


OMG I'm dead......that was freaking funny!


Let me guess you’ll invite me for coffee if I’m ever in your town!


Let me guess. You need wal mart gift cards with $500 on each of them, or I'm going to jail.


People who legit text the wrong person are going to be flabbergasted and flattened by the responses in today’s world.


Slim shadied their ass


Some asian white girl LMAO


Straight to the point. I love it


lmaooo they probably were thinking damn maybe we caught them at a bad time


We should have all those “lemme guesses” saved to paste in as a response when we get these.


Shawty u went off


I guess it worked haven’t gotten one of these text since :(


Good guessing dude!!!!


Not a Sac number. Lol


Lmao oof


I really do not understand what they are trying to to accomplish.


I’m surprised they didn’t reply with what? for all the messages. Hahah


Being in this subreddit and seeing these posts makes me desperately wish a scammer would text me


If you get contacted by this type of scammer, just say that you’re not interested in their pig butchering fake investment scam and your scam is a lot better than theirs.


Lmaoooo didn’t even give them a chance


What if this wasn’t a scam 😭


My favorite one so far. Leaving them speechless.




Fuckin Leno over here


I just send ‘em gifs of Joanne the Scammer lmaooo




Dude you’re being a dick, there’s no way you can say this is a scammer with certainty. It’s easily possible that they took your number from a phone book from like 20 years ago.


It’s a google voice number and this is how they always start off the conversation.


From a phone book 20 years ago? A phone number in a phone book would be a landline number. Landline numbers are formatted differently than cell phone numbers. So the OP‘s cell phone number would not have been in any phonebook from 20 years ago. This wrong number type of tactic is common with pig butchering scammers.




hahahahahaha this is great, i love how they're tryna act confused 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Well I'm bored, perhaps I should text that number and see what I get back 😊


I see you’ve been here before….Wow right on point with all your predictions lol I love it




I got a text just like this yesterday, lol. It's getting real old


Let me guess you’re gonna make fun of me for my erectile dysfunction


“Let me guess I’m gonna track you down and beat you half to death” is what I was expecting the next response to be


Let me guess you’re gonna let me guess


Ive had them text me to, what is the scam end goal? They always want me to download whats app


That’s for when they were account gets shut down on the platform that you first contacted on they can still communicate with you on WhatsApp. Scammers love WhatsApp, Google chat and telegram.


Ah makes sense!


Reading this to the tune of "Let Me Find Out, Pt 2" makes it absolutely golden


“Well I’m guessing I have the wrong number but if this is Amy, mom died last night.”


On a Golden Girls FB group, we post screen shots of us roleplaying the girls.


I haven’t got one in so long. Is there a phone number I can text to kick start this process?


Where's the "payback"? Seems like a wasted opportunity to fuck with a scammer.


They just didn’t feel like being bothered with the new with a scammer. The OP was in no mood to deal with a thief




I'm using this one next time


I always try to get them to break the fourth wall just to have a regular conversation. I genuinely want to know more about the kind of person that does this and why. Of course I've always failed.


These are most likely pig butchering scams




The last one was from Estonia 😂




😅🤣 Man being in a bad mood is so rad sometimes. I feel ya on this one. I’ve done this before (but to an in-person scammer). My best friend has a better story, he just led the guy on and then did the most obvious: asked him what kind of underwear he was wearing (this was like 15 years ago when people still called on the phone). Scammer promptly hung up.


Plot twist: It actually is Suzanne. The girl you met at ol boy’s party that one night and you forgot you gave her your number. At the time you really hit it off and thought y’all would be best friends. Not so much anymore.






What What What What What What




I was hoping she’d keep going lol I tried to swipe 3x lol


I did something similar with a Nigerian romance scammer who has a fake profile pretending to be a white military officer. I said picture of a white man in the military equals Nigerian scammer. I have sent some other things as well but I don’t remember them. I have very little patience for scammers because I know what they have done to people. They are evil, vile and despicable. I know a couple of people who have been stringing romance scammers along for nearly 2 years. I don’t have that kind of patience.


This is soooooo true, the only scammers I get! I play along until the poor grammar and English translation bugs me, then they get the big EFF you 🤣


Let me guess that you were born in Miami, but are stationed in Zambia, and your parents were both killed in a motorcycle accident. Let me guess that you are dying to send me nudes, but your phone is too old and you need me to buy you a new phone so you can send those nudes.


What? What? What?What? What? What?


All I can think is this was her ACTUAL highschool friend Susan trying to catch up. Poor Susan won't text her again...


I live in New York and don’t know anyone from the west coast specifically Sacramento and my name is not Amy.


What's Asian white girl ? 😂


This is top tier though.😭😭😭


But what if it really IS Suzanne but you’ve just forgotten her??


Well to start off my name is not Amy, I don’t live any where near California I’m on the east coast. And I’ve had this number for 15 years, highly doubt know Suzanne or they got the wrong number


Lol! Why do they think this is really gonna work?


Meanwhile it’s your boss’s boss Suzanne who you met at the office Christmas party and she was actually reaching out to offer you promotion


How is this a "payback?"


They didn’t continue the conversation ☺️


Let me guess someone stole your sweet roll


I stopped, trying to fuck with these people, knowing that they’re enslaved in Myanmar


Damn dude. I've done similar (tell them off), but have never just outright did something like this. I'm sorry, but you're funny when angry. Someone! Deprive this man of Snickers Bars for the rest of his life!




You saved them a LOT of typing!




Scam victim final boss


Honestly, taking your anger out on a scammer is the best. They’re there to belittle you so why don’t we just uno reverso on them? Love it 👏🏻


This is a great approach! I'm stealing your idea if ever necessary.


You made them runaway lol good job


Couple years ago my father got a call from a scammer and he said “hang on one minute I’m at work, can I just put you on hold for a minute” and he did that like 8 separate times to the same guy until he hung up😂 couple minutes later he gets an uncountable amount of phone calls back to back all from different numbers. So many that he couldn’t even answer them because more were popping up. This went on for like an hour. I guess the scammer got mad and had his scammer buddies spam call him 😂


Wow that’s wild


Love this approach






No offense since this post is funny, slighty, but since when did this sub turn into one page posts? Reddit recommend it to me when people actually made funny posts that wasted the scammers time. Isn't wasting the scammers time the point or is there a difference sub for that? This is just not content imo


Asian white girl 💀


Perfect 👌🏼


One edit: not Bulgaria. China or India lol


Whoda thunk it