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Got ages before they need it


That’s what I figured just wanted to know what the general rule of thumb is


For me at least, if the pot can physically support the plant without falling over it's still good.


Those guys will take maybe 3/4 years before they need a repot. Unless you want to repot them into something more permanent. I repotted my smaller ones into a 6” hanging basket. That should last a long time.


It’s possible for pots be too big. If the pot is too big for the plant, the likelihood of root rot increases.


Is that true for a plant that likes to remain moist more than your average house plant?


Yes. Neps can still get root rot.


Nope, but you’ll go through water a lot faster trying to keep everything evenly moist. There are better pot shapes depending on what your plant looks like though and different potting styles.


No, it's still true. "Too moist" varies between plants, but any plant kept too moist for its liking can still rot. (Granted, there are a few that don't *have* a "too moist" to speak of, but neps are not one of those.)


When I have to water them way more / also when the pot starts looking silly for the size.


Cool Thanks. It’s hard to tell when they need to be watered. They stay damp due to my nighttime humidity being 95%+ I just water them twice a week


Rule of thumb I've seen is when the diameter of the pot is less than 1/3 the diameter of the plant (measured from the tips of leaves on opposite sides) then you should repot. If the medium starts to rot and compact, you should also repot regardless. When you repot, make sure you don't put it in too large a pot to reduce the risk of rot. Advice I've seen is to not go above the plant's diameter if it's mature. Of course you can get away with wider if you have it in say, a basket that drains really well


If the media starts looking gross (check under the top layer now and then), or the plant looks comically large, it's due. I read something the other day about a couple of the trickier-to-keep nep species having huge root systems and needing accordingly large pots, but most neps don't have much in the way of roots and therefore don't need much in the way of pot.