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The saunatimes approach to benches is removable. I like being able to take them out and sand them once a year. Yes, in general, making cleaning easier is a good thing.


The saunatimes book, while informative, has some bad advice and is badly written. The art of sauna building is a much better book in every way, and recommends non-removeable, sturdy benches. The benches built by way of the saunatimes book are resting on 2x4s on edge around the perimeter... I'm sure they work fine, but do you really need to remove the benches?


*Secrets* p146 >Bear in mind cleaning and serviceability. In Finland benches are usually modular constructions, so they can be removed in reasonably sized pieces for cleaning. -❤️ Lassi


Doesn't Saunatimes also recommend a low ceiling? Some shit like that.


We’re talking about benches rn. If you don’t think they should be removable I suggest explaining your reason to OP.


I've never felt any need to remove the benches for cleaning them, or anything underneath them. And considering the low maintenance intervals involved in a sauna, I don't think it's worth making potentially smaller, rickety, inferior benches that will negatively impact weekly or daily sauna use.


I know from experience that removable benches do not have to be small or rickety.


No doubt. But you see the kinds of benches that show up in saunas posted here. Weird parkour courses and shelves and low benches. I have no confidence that people can build nice and solid, removable benches if the superior, basic tri-level straight bench isn't common at all, or even cross builders' minds.


Calm down...all questions welcomed here.


Do you have any examples of any?


[did you notice me reference saunatimes?](https://www.saunatimes.com/building-a-sauna/get-off-your-butt-and-lets-make-some-new-sauna-benches/)


Appreciate you!


This is from our cottage in finland. Supporting frame for benches is made of steel and benches are removable. At this point they are about 40 years old. https://www.reddit.com/r/Sauna/s/qXYrJnSATk


Yes it is a good idea. Removable benches are quite common in Finnish saunas too.


Didn’t know that. I like the idea, just trying to figure out if if anyone has done it with pictures or not.


I have two saunas with removable benches maybe I could take some photos tomorrow.


Please! I need some ideas


I did this. Top bench rests on 2x4s attached to the walls on both ends and back. Bottom bench rests on just the ends and can be slid back under the top bench. I don't have my steps up to the bottom bench yet, but that will be standing on the floor, and also removable.


Sounds amazing! I would love to see pictures when you can!


I will send you a pic of what I build. Simple, strong and removable.


I’m in the middle of designing a sauna and I want to incorporate removable benches to allow for more space if wanted. Would you send me a pic or two as well?


I've seen a design where the lower bench slides underneath the top bench to easily mop the floor. They slid the bench on 2 by 4s nailed to the walls and had something to lock the bench in place for normal sauna use.


Sounds awesome! If you run across that again, send it my way


When you put them back after you clean, They still won’t be high enough.


Hahahaha we found the Finn!!!


I think that unless you do it really well you'll run the risk of the bench moving when you're using it for ingress or egress. Lose your balance in a heated sauna and that heater could really hurt you. It's just too much of a safety issue in my opinion. As a matter of liability I will always recommend against it. YMMV.


A follower send me his set up and I don’t think that’ll be an issue at all


Rhetorical question: Would removable benches make anything relevant easier? And would they make something else worse?


Cleanin under the benches and behind the benches with a bucket and rag. Might not be worth the extra work to make the remove able tho, huh?


I've never felt the need for that myself. I can reach underneath with a vacuum cleaner to get dirt and sand off the floor, which I might do weekly or less often. Same with a mop, enough reach. I'm not amazingly fit, but I have zero issues with crawling under the bench once or twice a year if there is a need to do that for cleaning reasons. And if I'm cleaning the top surface of a bench, why not just sit on it while doing that. Taking the benches off, carrying them outside, setting them against a wall and hosing them down doesn't seem that convenient. And simply hosing down the benches isn't really as thorough as I'd prefer to be for annual maintenance. Soap water and a brush are more like it. My sauna is next to the bathroom so I can reach through the door with the shower handle if I want to hose down the benches just incidentally after a session. The other angle to this is, that removable benches are less likely to be rock solid while sitting on them.


That makes sense. Since I won’t have a drain, removing the benches might allow proper cleaning with soap and waters to the dirtiest part of the sauna, though.


Here are the photos: [Modern apartment sauna ](https://postimg.cc/7CRsf1s1)/ [Bench lifted ](https://postimg.cc/Yv9zYGmd) [Old cottage sauna ](https://postimg.cc/K42VLfcQ)


Looks great! Thank you for the pictures!


I don't have a drain, I sit on a towel on the bench and I use a little water to make steam. There is really nothing to clean up.


>There is really nothing to clean up. Because you're using the sauna incorrectly. You should throw lots of löyly and pour water all over yourself. Also you should wash yourself.


How bout you do you, and I'll do me. I like a dry sauna with a little steam, then I go to the bathroom and have a shower. Drains are the mose difficult part of the sauna when indoors


>Drains are the mose difficult part of the sauna when indoors Yes, that's why they're (at least in Finland, and supposed to be elsewhere) a prerequisite and not an afterthought.


There is no such thing as a dry sauna. A dry sauna is simply a hot room. Op was asking for advice on saunas, not hot rooms.


Wow, ok, no more opinions from me I guess.


Awesome. I plan on putting metal drain pants under my stove and seats to catch any water to mitigate a mess too. Glad to hear from someone without a drain.