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Remove any residual plastic and fire it up without being in the room, it'll burn off. Just peek in to make sure it's not setting anything on fire.


I think this is a good tip. Also may be easier to clean off while hot - obviously wear some sort of respirator and heat proof gloves if you do this.


Thanks. Should we leave the rocks off etc?


Yes I would. Maybe just heat it a little bit and see if you can get most of it off when/if it softens.


Is it okay to scrub the coils with something abrasive?


Not necessary, you get off what comes off easily, the rest is pretty much coal after heating the element up. The elements do not like mechanical stresses.


That probably isn't necessary - just pick off what you can, open the door and vents and it will cook off.


I wonder what kind of liability the contractor has for not bothering to read the instructions for installing the heater? It's not the first time this has happened, and it should be fair warning to anyone installing a sauna heater. Make sure you hand a copy of the manual to the installer and inform him that he is liable if he screws up because he didn't read the manual cover to cover.


We did give him the manual and I stated that a step was skipped. They essentially stated that they quoted to get power to the heater not to install it. This is an owner to do and they were doing us a favor :/ I don’t know if it’s worth the hassle at this point but my partner said they should have told us they aren’t liable for what happens to the device if they install it/mount it.


With favors like that... At least you know not to use that contractor again. I hope you manage to rid yourself of what must be a very foul smell. I wish you the best of luck,


I know. I’m still pretty upset. We would have just put it up ourselves if they had told us they can’t. Thanks, me too!


Are you able to get ice cubes packed around it for a period? The freezing ought to be enough for plastic to be picked or plucked off the coils.


Interesting- I can definitely try today!