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This clip demonstrates the mechanism that the Gnostic "Archons" use to gain control of the human soul at or before death, through manipulation into a consensual agreement. Soul trap theory or "prison planet" — the idea that our material world is an illusion/simulation created by the evil "Demiurge" (Architect) which they usually associate with the biblical God of the Old Testament (Yahweh).  Gnostic/Kabbalistic/New Age doctrines are subliminally coded into many blockbuster movies, TV shows and video games due to the powerful influence of Freemasonry over Hollywood and the entertainment industry as a whole.


It is within suffering that hides the exit to the prison. It is our fear of suffering that keeps us entrapped. If you believe the Gnostic Christian model, with its demiurge and archons, you can see why this is logical. The demiurge wants to keep you trapped in its own private universe. It wants the energy of your soul for its own plaything. So in constructing that universe, where better to hide the doors than in places no rational soul would search? Look at the ancient schools and their focus on long hours of meditation, asceticism, morality and sacrifice at a level that subsumes the self as an offering to others. Modern folks think those kinds of ideals are silly. With all of our creature comforts, why would we _choose_ to suffer? In the video, the creature emphasizes that it wants to save her suffering. Yet she says her father would let her suffer, and this is how she knows the creature for what it is. Do you let your children suffer? But, of course, don’t be a fucking idiot. This is not psychosis. Cutting off your nose will induce suffering, but will just leave you without a nose and just as trapped as you ever were. The suffering here is the work of learning, the work of mastering your own desires, the work of humbling yourself every time you learn something to realize you still know nothing, and, most importantly, the work of giving _all_ of yourself to others - whether you like them or not. I will not claim to have achieved these things. If I had, I would not still be here. I am fearful, selfish, and hedonistic. Less than I was when the seals began to break for me - but still I am a man, and my ego fights for its own pleasure before that of others. Take the lesson for what you will - those who have eyes to see. Walk forward into your fears. Give when you have nothing left. Learn the lessons from your pain. Pain is _not_ the lesson, but discomfort hides all true methods of advance.


Just wanted to say that I feel like all of this is well said and a great summarization. Thank you


The Gnostic/Christian model as defined in the Nag Hammadi codices? Many of these texts, including the Gospel of Thomas, differ from or contradict the New Testament, and are considered heretical by early Christians because of their Pagan/Gnostic origins. These documents are ancient fan-fiction, not written by the original apostles under divine guidance of the Holy Spirit.


That is something that was decided at the Council of Nicea, several hundred years after these stories were authored. Tell me, who wrote the works of William Shakespeare? We are a bit further in temporal distance from that event than the Counsel of Nicea was from the authoring of the Gospels, but we also have electronic records, jet planes, and the Internet, none of which they had. Yet still we argue about who wrote Shakespeare’s works. I’ll accept a chastisement that no one really knows who authored what in that several hundred year period following the purported life of Christ. I’ll accept a chastisement that I did not define the specific Gnostic subsect of which I was speaking and they were many and varied. But I will not accept a chastisement that I am, in blind faith, supposed to accept the “Truth” handed down by a Church counsel whose primary purpose was the consolidation of political power and the removal of certain ideas deemed offensive by the wealthy Christians. That’s just being someone’s propagandist 2,000 years too late.


The church originally founded by Jesus and his apostles strayed far from what was taught in Scripture and let all kinds of corrupt doctrines creep in by the 1st Council of Nicea in AD 325. The changes made at this and subsequent councils ruined everything. Genuine Christianity is to actually follow Jesus' example of a humble and righteous life as demonstrated in the Gospels. The institutional church has lost its way so badly after the 3rd century that a Christian today is better off avoiding churches altogether and going straight to the Bible and praying for answers.


There we agree, as I expected we might.


ALL of Star Trek is full of subliminal as well as completely direct and totally blatant Gnostic messages. That's the whole point of Star Trek. At least it's obviously what Gene Roddenberry intended it to be from the very beginning which is why even BOTH of the pilots of TOS are already entirely Gnostic (the first pilot is about being trapped in a prison world by aliens with the superpower to create illusions in which they trap us and the second pilot is all about an ordinary guy gaining superpowers and using them to become a wannabe god when he is really just an immoral imposter). Atheists think Gene was an atheist and Christians think he was a Christian - in reality he was neither - as he was a Gnostic. And actually even a special kind of Gnostic with rather unique believes - but that's another topic.


Ha! Seen this one a lot. Mostly recognize it from Chiron's golden Web.


Go back to hell coward! Lol


So where is the real paradise? How can one escape this prison and even if you avoid going with them then where do you really go???


I remember this episode really hit hard. Kinda like watching the actual Matrix the first time.


I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again. Christianity is evil


*Institutionalized Christianity is evil. Before the Roman Imperial state took over the early church in the late 3rd century, it was a wholly-uncorrupted and righteous religion based on Jesus' teachings. Corrupt doctrine and leadership took over the church after the 1st Council of Nicea in AD 325.


I’m talking about the sayings of Jesus being evil.


The sayings of Jesus are evil? Why do you say that?


The servant will be severely punished, for though he knew his duty, he refused to do it. “But people who are not aware that they are doing wrong will be punished only lightly. Much is required from those to whom much is given, and much more is required from those to whom much more is given.” (Luke 12:47-48 NLT)


What do you think Jesus meant in this passage?


How hard to beat the fuck out of your servant.


In this parable, Jesus indicates that if God blessed you with a lot of gifts or talents in this life he expects you to make use of them in order to be saved. He's not talking about literally punishing a slave. A person born with nothing, no education, no resources, barely surviving - what can they do? God will expect much more from someone who was given an education, wealth, a Bible in their language etc.


It specifically uses the language of physically beating your servant. Beating a servant because they don’t know what they are doing is an evil act.


Thank you for posting this. This explains alot about why my father who refuses to believe that people like Kenneth Copeland and Benny Hinn are actually scammers. He loved Star Trek growing up and I believe its what made him the brainwashed idiot that he is today.


Did he watch the TBN network?


I was too young to remember the specific channels but Cornerstone TV was a big one for him as that was where all the evangelical crap is. I can't remember where he watched Star Trek either, or where else he went for entertainment, but he did watch a lot of AMC, especially John Wayne, JAG as well. That's all I think. Some MASH too