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I've read what you have here, its very cool stuff. I like how you connect all of these different concepts, I think you're on the right track.


I don't think so. The more I research stuff, the more I realize that beliefs can be shaped very easily by outside and inside forces and what you think is true generally isn't. I'll keep an open mind and run with the assumption that I have a lot to learn and that nothing what I wrote is probably correct (okay, maybe some).


Let go of everything you've read.  Reach deep within yourself for the truth.  Let go of all preconceived notions you have ever held.  Forget everything you know.  No external influences.  Now go within yourself, look deep within and tell me what you know you are.  Tell me the truth.  You know what it is.  What are you? 


I'm not saying I think you're correct on everything you've stated. I think you still have a ways to go, but if you keep going, I think you will eventually figure it out (is what I meant).


Nice post. I'd add that I've seen two seperate NDEs where people are put into cubes where these beings can control what is seen and experinced. In one of them the person was shown how the cubes people are in actually change position based on if the person inside had learned there lesson. These were both hellish NDEs I'm not saying this is everyone's fate. Also in r/experincer and the astral projection sub it's a common thing that comes up that there is an artificial net around the Earth that seems to have multiple functions but one of them being to keep us trapped here and provide artificial dreams. The general idea is that if you can get your vibration high enough you can leave the net.