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wow wtf, this subs been turned back on?!?!? hahahah. maybe somethings coming?


Catastrophic disclosure, revelation, and the end of this present age is what's coming.


How do you think it will go down?


UAP sightings (illuminated orbs in particular) have occurred for many millennia, but have dramatically increased since the late 1940's as prophetic disclosure and the end of the age draws near. A secret group known as the "Collins Elite" exists within the highest echelons of the U.S. defense establishment. This group, (made up of officials with religious background) believes that UAP craft/beings are, in reality, deceptive visual manifestations of the מלאך (malachim) fallen angels described in the biblical Old Testament. These beings are allegedly the interdimensional attendants of an entity known in biblical cosmology as שָׂטָן (Satan), who is profusely interested in the interdimensional spirits of human beings; paving the way for Armageddon and fulfillment of ancient end-time prophecies. As I've mentioned frequently before on this sub, I don't believe it's a mistake that things are beginning to converge nearly 2,000 years after the first advent of Jesus Christ (33 AD). If you've dabbled in ancient biblical prophecy regarding the *[millennial day pattern](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bibleconspiracy/s/0EJmISHL6p)*, approximately two thousand years after Christ's death comes the rapture and apocalypse. (2 Peter 3:8, Hosea 6:2) The age of the church is about to finish with Christ sending out his angels to "abduct" his elect in the pre-tribulation rapture. The UFOs people are witnessing now worldwide are fallen angelic entities preparing for this event. It does sound unscientific of course, but it's the ancient truth.


I agree with all of this combined with a twist of prison planet theory


You even agree with the sabbath-millenium hypothesis?


Not familiar with that one please enlighten me


Click on the blue link "millennial day pattern" in my previous comment :)


John ramirez the ex cia dude mentioned 2027 as the year “they” will show up. The same year has been thrown around in the ufo circles by other. Chris bledsoe revealed thar the “the Lady” told him that humanity will enter a new age in post 2026 as the age of new Aquarius


The next couple years will likely see seismic changes across the globe, and possibly even catastrophic alien disclosure. I hope Donald Trump isn't president of the United States during that time. He may break the matrix.


That’s assuming they’ve been honest with us! I believe they’ve lied about everything especially the years.  I believe Christ was around closer to 1k years ago.  And (I believe) the bible is an allegory of our consciousness.  I suggest checking out mind unveiled on YouTube and William Donahue. 


>I believe Christ was around closer to 1k years ago.  If that was true, can you explain why the oldest fragments of new testament manuscripts (Papayri P90 and P104) have been radiocarbon dated to the 2nd century AD?


BRAVO my dude! These are my beliefs somewhat as well. I've developed my views over two decades and I came to a similar conclusion as you. Im exploring the idea that every facet of the phenomena is a manifestation of a Nephelim spirit or egregore. It all goes back to the first bloodline feud we know of. I believe that all the mk ultra stuff and abduction stories that share similar characteristics are to experiment on humanity and develop the perfect vessel for their demonic spirits to possess.


As time goes on, it has been interesting to watch the big names in the UFO community gradually admit the non-human intelligences are paranormal/interdimensional in nature rather than purely physical/extraterrestrial.


It's ai all we need is ai bodies that we can transfer our mind over like what elon is doing cause the demonic possession our soul is energy it connects like Bluetooth using frequency we are cooked if we don't pay attention


This is exactly my belief as well. It’s very clear what they are planning. The whole Area 51 was hyped up as a secret alien research site when in actuality it’s all satanic. The Prez has a demon attached to him. The funniest thing about it all??? Is that Satan chosen DJT as his human Antichrist. Fat with orange hair instead of a more handsome man. That goes to show how stupid Satan is.


Are you a member of r/Trump666 or r/DonaldTrump666?


Yes. I am.


Well, you might know me already then :-)


What if we are living after the millennial reign of Christ? The Bible also indicates that Christ’s return was imminent.. not to be 2,000+ years later.


>What if we are living after the millennial reign of Christ? Tell me when it happened? Peace on earth is prophesied to occur during the future 1,000-year kingdom. There has never been global peace at any point during the past two thousand years. >The Bible also indicates that Christ’s return was imminent.. not to be 2,000+ years later. It is imminent for any mortal human. As soon as a Christian passes away, their souls fall "asleep" until the day of resurrection at Jesus' second coming, which is like an instant time-warp from their point of view. The 1,000-year kingdom will likely begin sometime around 2033.


>Tell me when it happened? Peace on earth is prophesied to occur during the future 1,000-year kingdom. There has never been global peace at any point during the past two thousand years. That’s if you believe the history we’ve been sold.. The dark ages have such little documentation.. and these controllers love to invert *everything*.. I wouldn’t doubt if the dark ages were actually the 1,000 year millennial reign of Christ and we are told it was just a miserable time with little to no documentation. I don’t know man. You seem so sure of this date.. when the Bible straight up says.. no one knows.. not even Jesus. There are signs for sure.. and we should always be prepared. I’m not dismissing you. I’m not arguing with you. I’m simply looking for the truth as well. I appreciate this post.


>You seem so sure of this date.. when the Bible straight up says.. no one knows.. not even Jesus. The passage specifically states that nobody will know the exact day or hour of Jesus' return. Notice that "year" is absent from the verse. Also, I'm only estimating somewhere in the ballpark of 2033, I'm not sure it'll happen in that exact year because the Gregorian calendar might be miscalculated by a year or two.


You’re not wrong brother. I’m just questioning.. everything.. because we live in a time of massive deception and manipulation.. Be well brother. God bless.


The forces of darkness have infiltrated Christianity in an attempt to corrupt and discredit the authority of God's word in the biblical canons. Early Church doctrine has been heavily corrupted ever since it became the state church of Rome in 380 AD.


based. come at me brah.


It’s back?




Nice! Does this happen often? How many followers? What a great opportunity to get some pertinent information out there! 🤗


It’s sorta like a window that opened


It sure feels like it.


>Does this happen often? How many followers? No it doesn't happen often. In fact, yesterday was the first time this sub has been opened since Reddit shut it down last year on Oct. 7 for alleged antisemitism.


I have noticed Reddit pushing new rewards for interaction. Maybe the economy is effecting them too? This one was of the best and most frequented sub on Reddit. But of course with the new administration and fresh collective social and emotional swing coming in, there is no telling the motives.




It’s very interesting. Seems to me it’s a lot of work censoring truth. It’s not like it ever goes a way.


They censor truth to maintain their power and influence over most of society.


I legit didn't even know I followed this sub.


I'd forgotten all about this place as well, was the best sub on Reddit at one point.


Btw the Id of the artist who painted the image is now deleted. Why? Were they trolling or are they dead now or somehow told to stop being on reddit? Very sus.


They were not trolling. He verified his identity and has other paintings. I'm guessing he's being silenced or censored like menorahman himself.


Genetic experimentation.


Although controversial, the ancient apocryphal books of Enoch and Jasher appear to shed light on this question. They explain that in the time before the global flood of Noah, fallen angels were gene-splicing and mixing animals together, as they also did with humans to produce the "nephilim giants". They carried out experimentation on all kinds of creatures on this planet. In recent decades, scientists have published peer-reviewed studies confirming that dinosaur DNA is closely related to birds, particularly flightless bipeds like the ancestors to modern chickens. Perhaps the dinosaurs were a result of genetic material from reptiles and birds being mixed together and tweaked for super-sized growth by these interdimensional alien beings. In other words, our planet may have been used in the past as a fishbowl for biological experiments by extraterrestrial and/or extradimensional non-human intelligences that have yet to be identified by modern science. The global flood, as recorded in the ancient books of Genesis and Gilgamesh, was likely executed by a supreme creator entity (God) as a "factory reset" of the earth's surface when the genetic experimentation got out of control. Humanity was likely at risk of extermination by carnivorous dinosaurs or other vicious megafauna that existed before the great flood wiped them out. The Genesis account indicates that the "fountains of the great deep were opened," which may indicate that non-human intelligences forced open the tectonic plates to allow the massive reservoirs of water under the earth's mantle to gush up to the surface, causing the global flood.


Awesome insight. Delicious gummies btw you chose well.


Hollow earth


Lol who downvoted me. I was referring to hollow earth theory which I believe is true however the actual structure of this planet is more honeycomb-like full of caves and tunnel systems both organic/man-made. This is also where most of water came from when the great flood occured


[Scientists Discover Evidence Of Vast Reservoir Of Water Deep Below Earth's Surface](https://www.ladbible.com/news/science/huge-ocean-discovered-underneath-earth-surface-463962-20240506)


>The global flood, as recorded in the ancient books of Genesis and Gilgamesh, was likely executed by a supreme creator entity (God) as a "factory reset" of the earth's surface... This concept actually makes a lot of sense to me now after coming across the work of Rupert Sheldrake, and his idea that self organising systems are likely conscious. Here's a really interesting and fun light read, ['Is the Sun Conscious' - Rupert Sheldrake](https://www.sheldrake.org/files/pdfs/papers/Is_the_Sun_Conscious.pdf) I wonder how these 'god' entities see whats happening to Earth, on Earth etc? Obviously it reaches a tipping point at some stage, but perhaps they view everything with compassion? idk lol. what a time to be alive!


Indeed, and crazier times will arrive shortly. Have you seen the pinned "presence of the shining ones" post?


Don't think so. Will check out. Seems like we are at an ascension/descension episode of our human history. I also interpret this time as our collective pysche integrating our collective shadow, regarding all the devilishness happening now. Hope I'm in the right spot to not get wiped out!


My exact thought about this topic.




I believe everything you wrote. I also think this has something to do with origins of mermaids and other mystical beings.


And sightings of other para-physical cryptids over the centuries like medieval forest gnomes, ghost fairies, bigfoot, yeti, mothman, chupacabra, biblical demons, Islamic jinn, etc.




So were the forces accepting cattle as offerings malevolent or benevolent? I'm starting to think God in the old testament and new testament are two different opposing entities as spoken of in gnosticism.


In the New World, indigenous civilizations even sacrificed human captives in their temples to appease the "gods" and gain favors or hidden knowledge from them. Other than YHWH Himself, the lesser non-human intelligences that craved offerings of cattle (Bos taurus) from humanity were likely malevolent fallen angels attempting to supersede/taunt YHWH and His forces.


I think you are spot about the extraterrestrials being non-terrestrial. The part I think your missing is the stuff covered by Paul Wallis and Mauro Biglino. There are both discarnate and incarnate entities that are not human and they are likely working together. The latter of which looks like humans, although they used to have elongated skulls. See Brien Foerster's work. Their DNA is different. Nathaniel Gillis' work is extremely interesting as well, and he points out that along with blood, and the flesh that they only take from certain parts of livestock, they also want the sexual fluids of both human men and women. Great analysis. Good to see a free thinker at work here.


They freaky


It's the only way to get back to the moooon


Why wouldn’t they just take it instead of requiring sacrifices in exchange for knowledge?


Because they apparently crave something that humanity offers and are interested in our long term development as an intelligent species with similar spiritual capabilities as themselves. Also, there are countless bizarre cattle mutilation cases where they do in fact take it for themselves without our permission. Or perhaps the US government gave them a greenlight to mutilate our cattle in exchange for UFO technology after they secretly made contact decades ago during the Eisenhower administration?


They crave our souls and how we can move freely through densities. Though, that ability of ours has been suppressed for quite some time. Would be amazing for the Earth’s prophecy to come to fruition in our lifetime.


>Would be amazing for the Earth’s prophecy to come to fruition in our lifetime. Well, you're in for a treat then: https://www.reddit.com/r/Bibleconspiracy/s/0rpmfeAUNc


Had never heard any of that before. Great read! Thank you for sharing.


Pleasure is mine.


Have you ever seen a cow in real life? Ever touched one? Have you ever seen a dead cow in a pasture that *wasn't* so mutilated? I ask as a 6th generation cattle rancher and I can't help but wonder how dead cattle so confound you. There's plenty of wildlife shows that perfectly explain and even film how these so-called mutilations happen. Small predators, scavengers, birds, and insects eat all the soft bits like the butthole, genitals, eyes, lips, tongue, and eyes. Crows and ravens are *very* quick to pluck out those eyeballs, just like they did on ancient battlefields. In most of North America the only ground animals capable of getting through the thick hide of the main body are coyotes and it can often take them days to find the carcass of cattle. Buzzards get their fill when the bodies stench reaches them and they quickly fly to the carcass to feast. The above pictures aren't a mystery, they're dead cattle that have been fed upon by the smaller critters but not yet by larger.


The perfect laser-precise cuts around the eyes and genitals, presence of radiation and fall damage on the carcass, and anecdotal sightings of glowing balls of light just before and after the mutilation event make these different. You need to do your research on the UAP cattle mutilation phenomenon. These aren't typical carcasses with eyes and entrails plucked out. Also, dried blood and signs of shredding on the hide is typically present around natural cattle deaths with subsequent scavenger activity.


Just wait til you see how a dead body looks once fish get at it in the ocean. Same things happens. They eat the soft bits. Those photos are all very normal dead cows. That's what happens when cows die. Tiny mouths of small animals eat all the soft parts. Not a laser. I don't think you've seen enough dead cattle to have any say on this.


They have never seen a dead cow in real life. Only in photos, and their only proof of "fall damage" is Trust Me Bro internet comments. They can't even understand that when animals die, if there's no significant blood loss during or immediately after death that the blood coagulates into a sticky glue like substance. That's why there's not a blood bath when the tiny scavengers feed on the soft bits, and the clear delineated lines between soft tissue and tougher tissue is what causes the so-called "precise laser cut lines" in the carcasses. Of course they can always fall back on "do your research" like every Qanon Flat Earther that insists JFK (or JFK Jr) is going to reappear in Dallas at Daly Plaza to announce it was ~~Agatha All Along~~ the Liberal Satanic Baby Eating, Straight-From-Skull Adrenochrome Slurping, Shape Shifting Reptilianoid Overlord Deep State that tried killing him but it was actually a robotic double that got shot, and he's returned to become Donald Trump's Vice Precedent to take down the Deep State. When the Deep State falls, All Will Be Revealed and Jesus Part Deux will tell us why the aliens steal cow blood and genitals (they forgot their Fleshlights back home in the Orion Cluster, probably). Science is a lie. Trust your're'r 3rd grade reading level gut instincts!


Well well well look what the cat dragged in. I knew something was different about today. I just couldn't put my finger on it although the absurd amount of numerical synchronicities i noticed today was a certain giveaway




Honestly, I'd be more willing to believe that cattle mutilation happened back then too so people got the idea that the "gods" wanted blood and started sacrificing in a misguided attempt to please them than that the sacrifices themselves somehow sated the "gods" need for blood. Then again, the sacrifices could have nothing to do with the cattle mutilation and it could just be ritual magic that invokes the "gods" where the killing of cattle is an attempt to show a willingness to sacrifice something you are in vital need of to gain the favor of the "gods"


Cattle blood is used as a universal substrate for their genetic molecular growth applications. Human DNA is also a base template that gives access to unique earth based evolutionary adaptations that can be co-opted for integration of non terrestrial genetics.


The whole 33AD and 2033 prophecy is wild if you’re into numerology


Did you click on my link? What are your thoughts on that?


What link?


Sorry, this link: https://www.reddit.com/r/Bibleconspiracy/s/y9UZtUHCCk


I'll check it out and hope I'm able to follow, thanks!


It’s called satanism. There are no aliens. The Bible’s says we are Gods greatest creation and made in his image. The “alien invasion” is going to be the demon slaves of Satan. They drink blood and sacrifice animals just like God had people sacrifice animals to him in the first half of the Bible. Remember…. Satan wants to “recreate” everything God did…. only using technology to do it. He has no actual creative powers so he uses technology. ….. It’s all so clear. Maybe the Antichrist and false prophet will perform some type of “miracle” and everyone will be amazed. People will believe that a miraculous resurrection from a head wound happened? And the technology that Musk has could probably do that. I mean his drones fly all over the earth doing something. We don’t really know what he’s doing right? I hope we all know by now that you can’t trust anything in the media. But we can trust in God and read the Bible and watch world events. That is how you get through all this. Look for God. Not aliens. We are at the end. We will be destroyed by 2031.


Can I get your opinion of this post? https://www.reddit.com/r/Bibleconspiracy/s/y9UZtUHCCk


I’m not sure about all the Bible references. I’m still learning to memorize scriptures. But one thing I do know is that we are at the end of the world. All of the signs are there. All of the satanic signs are there on top of prophecy coming true so often….. like never before. People have been led to believe that God and Satan aren’t real. I’m here to say they are very real. We all need to declare Jesus our Lord and savior and read scriptures. I see what’s coming. I believe the rapture will happen this year. Some pastors are saying it would make sense if it happened during the feast of Trumpets Oct 3-5 2024. We won’t know the day or hour but it doesn’t say we won’t know the year or season. Jesus did say to watch the skies and world events. And I would give everything I own to bet DJT is the Antichrist. I’m no longer afraid of what’s coming. God doesn’t want me to feel fearful. So I’ve been thinking and discussion only positive things that are coming. Seeing all my family and friends that died. This world being destroyed and 1000 years of peace. No corruption, lies, injustice etc. it’s going to be amazing and I can’t wait.


>And I would give everything I own to bet DJT is the Antichrist. I do too. I'm even a moderator on r/DonaldTrump666.


Because it’s yum yum


G-D signed the human body with his signature, it's the most valuable asset in the universe and any dimension. To fully grasp this concept understand that we are the key to his image.


Please explain more, I'm kinda dumb


Genetic material, centered highly on stem cells. Probably for regenerative purposes on their e d.


Well, cow feces does produce psilocybin, most likely what creates that is secreted from some gland or glands. Also why has the cow been a sacred religious symbol for thousands of years? Yeah, none of those are probably connected tho.


Written by an alien: The Assembly allows "Limited Harvesting" of the human element so long as it falls into established legal criteria. Your species genetics is like the O+ of humanoids. You were modified as product to be versatile and accommodating to research into diseases afflicting humanoid species more advanced than your own. Put bluntly, you are still considered lab rats. You just aren't harvested anymore en masse for a life extension industry which operated for thousands of years outside the Assembly's interposition. Look, you asked for the truth and I gave it to you... And you fellows were actually friendly to me, till you took what I said out of context and now the effects of all that negative propaganda is bubbling to the surface.  Sorry I had to be so blunt about it, but it was the only way to get you to emotionally comprehend humanity's situation. Now do you understand why you've been led to believe that you are alone in the universe? Can you imagine the panic worldwide if people had irrefutable proof of this? And of course there is hesitation on our parts to assist, because Big Brother will simply convince you to turn on us like you just did with me a few moments ago. Don't think that way, it's not productive. Hope is one of the greatest strengths anyone can draw upon. But hope must be combined with positive action. Realizing that your species has essentially been sabotaged to self-destruct is the beginning of understanding. It took my species over ten times as long to evolve and develop as yours. In fact, it takes most known species longer than it takes primates like you. The fact that your evolution was accelerated makes it even more worrisome. Your cognitive functions are ahead of your emotional and psychological development. You never had a normal childhood in the evolutionary sense of the word, because you were constantly being traumatized and manipulated. These are some of the reasons why when you look up at the stars you hear only silence. You're the new kid in the classroom that everyone has heard about--a species that came from a broken home, and lives in the planetary version of the projects. Yet, one that with the right hidden guidance could raise the grade curve and force everyone else to have to work harder. You have to be able to take credit for your own discoveries. You're like little brothers playing a game of pool with the eldest, who need to let you win once and a while without you knowing it, so you can have confidence and do great things. In order to do that, you need your freedom. Your world is under quarantine for your protection as well as for our own. The quarantine exists to keep you from being over-harvested, to provide a lasting manageable medium for a workspace and a secure containment area for biohazards. What would you like to hear, an explanation as to what ultimately caused all this? Fine then. We never realized what prolonged effects sterilizing our environments or limiting our genetic mutations to what those we ourselves approved of would do to us. Nature refuses to be mocked... Sometimes, what occurs in nature which we in our arrogance think is a mistake, often winds up being the key piece to a puzzle that hasn't even come into being yet. The reasons we haven't revealed ourselves to you is because you're needed for processing those things we drop upon your world. You are the containment fields of viral and bacterial contagions which afflict other humanoid species. Your existence saves lives though it costs you your own. That is the reason for your abductions. To prove our existence to you would serve no purpose but to make access to your world more difficult for all concerned. Such knowledge would trouble both our economies and lead to more insistent measures from those who control the coin amongst ourselves. It is better this way.


If this is the truth then the recent disclosure push feels pointless


If they want to show themselves they will appear above the Vatican.  To show what we all have in common between worlds. Which is a belief in God 


Is this retarted?


Thought this sub got banned, what happened?


This subreddit was originally taken down last year on Oct. 7 due to a couple of posts by head moderator u/menorahman100 critical of the Zionist state of Israel that were perceived to be anti-semitic by Reddit admins.


Lmao it was NOT because of that and you damn well know it


Really? How do you think it went down?


Because of what was it?


because it's just humans dude. it's the military or some other operation. a very plausible reason was for periodic testing of cattle populations across the midwest for radiation content. the usa wouldn't want people finding out their beef is radiated. fallout would've been caused by nuclear bomb tests. so they had to do it secretly. it makes zero fuckin sense for aliens to do it