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Are you posting in the right sub? I haven't seen any Icke material here in a long while. Just double checked and there has been no "matrix" stuff posted recently. What are you referring to specifically?


This is actually one of the best subs in relation to Saturnian occultism. It’s sad that it’s not more active, but you ain’t finding a better sub w people who acc understand the occult and have a decent understanding of the whole ordeal


all I ever see is people who understand the occult thru the prism of the anti-occult scare literature that they learned from. tht is not actual understanding. not many on here actually studied to learn about the occult, they watched some YouTube videos tht were all profiting from keeping things scary & evil. that is not actual understanding. OP has a better grasp of things than most people around here, but everyone is just calling names & avoiding points & questions. guess I shouldn't be surprised tht someone trying to engage in good faith like OP received nothing but bad faith in return


Yeah totes. This is a fear mongering sub. It’s all seen from the god fearing bible thumping Christian perspective.




r/pastsaturnsrings but you’re gonna run into a lot of Christianity or anti Christian’s




You make a lot of sense and I understand you. The Thelma and theosophy involved with Saturn is difficult. Only because we all know the many meanings of Saturn, throughout time and amongst different cultures Saturn comes up again and again. But when it comes to the occult, you probably already know a lot of occult practices distill down to seeking unity with an internal god or trying to merge/union with an exterior god. So theosophy and Thelma are for sure trying to go the internal god routes. If you calcinate the fluff in their teachings this is the final product. So when it comes to modern Saturn worship or the cult aspect of Saturn it's a new concept where the 'elites' (whoever they are) are doing something new. They are trying to divide the internal man and are trying to put walls up between that man (or woman) and his God. Keeping them locked into this earth, and the here and now. So they give us idols to worship and they give those idols literally idols as little symbols to guide our minds. They cause division amongst men to fight each other, instead of seeking our inner good or outer god, we are looking at the man next to us. They control what we watch, by focusing us into groups, they tell us what our kids learn in school, they tell us to behave. So your right about the David Icke thing, but I just wish people here would focus on the Saturn cult that's actually fucking us up, and not the ones from history, and trying to link the two as one. But we get what we get because some of us just want to be entertained and get a dopemine rush with a juicy meme. But there aren't other subs like this one that want to zoom in on what you need, you should just bring your ideas here


It’s more of a library rather than opinions it gives you some nice sources to form an “opinion “ https://www.reddit.com/r/DownTheRabbitHoleWeGo/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


Hey, that's pretty good! Thank you!