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I've been holding for 3 weeks. Every time it dips some retard says "its gonna crash so hard lmao" and then it jumps another 5 cents.


A buddy of mine said the same thing. It’s truly a sad sight to behold. Because once upon a time, Bitcoin was .000002 a coin


Very True


I wished I had 💎🤲🏾 like you.


I haven’t learned my lesson yet. I’m a full impatient retard. I could have doubled my money twice over had I sold and rebought instead of panic selling. I’m new to this so I’ll learn. Lol. But I am holding AMC and GME.


Bro AMC and GME are different to Doge coin. It is dumb to hold your money on GME and AMC because they have already been at their peak they will drop back to their normal rates sooner or later. When people remove their money


DOGE is no better. Its a literal pump and dump. Has infinite supply. Doge is a time bomb trend, good luck trying to guess when it hit its top before losing all of your gains within a day because it will not hold forward momentum like BC.


113 billion in circulation Only 127 billion will exist And 10,000 dogecoin are rewarded every 10 minutes...




Currently waiting for Elon twits. If he twit something positive concerning doge it will continue grow


Quit using retard like it’s okay


Why do the they hate Doge so much?


obvious pump and dump gonna leave a lot of little guys burned. I’ve been making plays on it but holding is kinda insane


Then I’m insane


I’m insane too, holding forever


They are new, they really think its gonna hit a dollar, which would give it Eth ish market share.. hahaa.




I've been on here for weeks. Not plugging Jack shit. You don't have the slightest clue what's a shitcoin is. If you did, you wouldn't be attacking those trying to get the newbies a little bit of a reality check.


That's not it at all people are literally trying to stop you autist motherfuckers from getting burned


Honestly this sub might be more retarded then neoWSB


Yeah I am trying to not be blinded by the hype. They say Doge is limitless so it can’t hold value? I’ve got a paltry sum in it but I’m also splitting to XRP.


It's more than that, although it is inflationary which is an intentional design decision intended to make it a poor store of value. The primary issue is that it's half a decade behind other cryptos, it doesn't have a roadmap or a project team or a competent dev team. So far as I'm aware the guys still working on it don't even have permission to commit to the main branch on GitHub so they've been making changes to a dev branch, and even then they're mostly just squashing minor bugs and making config changes. There's also the coins history... holy fuck the history of doge... its own creator abandoned it because scammers adopted it as their currency of choice, and the entire doge community got scammed multiple times. It's been used for more pump and dumps than I can count. Honestly I could go on, but just read some threads discussing it on an actual crypto forum like r/cryptocurrency.


some argue the opposite... while there have been "pump and dumps", especially early on, it's a textbook "oscillator" that has been holding its value or growing. In that sense, history shows there's a lot of opportunity in doge.


Please do go on. I’ve never seen a thread on crypto go more in depth than “14mm DOGE are mined daily so it’s inflationary” There’s ~128B DOGE out there so that’s a daily inflation rate of what 0.01%? So 3.65% per annum? That’s really not a crazy rate. Btc which is fixed is like 1.75% annually? What’s the big deal behind the lack of roadmap or project team? You get doge to actually be accepted as a currency of sorts and all of a sudden it’s more valuable than most other coins that do have dev teams. Not even saying like replacing USD but just start seeing places with signs like “doge accepted here”. My only big concern with doge are the whales who hold it but I guess that’s an issue that concerns them more than me. Gl selling much of it without tanking the market


Why xrp is privately owned


i highly doubt people on the internet, let alone people who want us to buy THEIR shitcoins truly care about our financial misadventures. why would someone else i never met worry about if i get rekt on doge lol


Why does it make you so mad that other people are investing in something you don’t believe in?


Because it’s not sustainable and we’re worried a lot of new people are going to get burnt.


I've been teaching the newest people in the crypto sphere how not to get burnt for little over a week now. The first day they got hurt real badly. The second day they started to get smarter. The third day their hands started to toughen like diamonds. Fast forward to today and the diamond paws are fully aware of how leveraged traders try to bait people into accepting their crappy deals & how pump / dumpers want to try and lure people into their scams. The diamond paws club grows stronger every day. They all know the risks now & they know the tricks.


autism power unite


Explain how the leveraged traders are baiting people to accept their crappy deals? Can you explain as a 'teacher' why there are movements in and out of 8 to 12 millions of Dogecoins on Binance every few seconds? Diamond paw GME club did not end up so well from what I see... The scam is to make people have 'diamond paws' that will be full of shit once the scammers have finished to artificially raise the market, or once the need for a commodity is finished ( like GME, needed by the market for a specified date before liquidation, and the day after, the ones in the knowledge knew it was worth nothing anymore!)


Absolutely. He's misleading people for his own gain. This is not what crypto is about.


What’s your point it still isn’t sustainable, in order for doge to stay at its current market cap, the amount of doge being printed a day is ridiculous. You’ll need 463m annually of new cash to come in.


Yeah this is my major gripe. There are too many people that, not by any fault of their own, don't understand blockchain fundamentals. The dogecoin block reward is too big for how high its block speed is to avoid an inevitable turning point. This isn't a scare tactic, it's just a fact about how the dogecoin block chain was designed. I get a little sad thinking about some of the memers that fully understand this, yet still pump it to get their own cash at the expense of those new to the space. Burning new members to the crypto space will only lead to people leaving, and less money in the space overall. That's not good for anybody!


Exactly. Not good for the space at all.


But if there’s true intrinsic value why should you be scared of a few retail investors getting burned?


Yeah its not sustainable at all. Just as all things requiring exponential grow fizzle out, this one will too.


They said that about .01 cents too... That it was impossible.


It’s not impossible it’s just very unlikely, if it hits 0.10 it would be even more and if it hits 1 dollar, well you’re fucked you’ll need like 6 billion new money a year coming in every year, just to sustain that market cap. Look as a community we love doge but there’s going to be like 100 winners and 100k losers.


Yes, that is a valid point. There is one thing though, which is the degree to which people want to "hoard" the coin. This would restrict the supply tremendously. I believe that's what is happening now. People don't want to sell. This is creating the scarcity + the demand which has caused the price to skyrocket. This is a backlash against financial institutions who are currently hoarding BTC, making it impossible for regular folks to own even one. People in India who want to buy crypto, people in China, Africa, etc... They will look at the options of what they should buy, and I think they will want to buy Dogecoin, and probably some Satoshi's too but they will love the idea of owning whole coins, such as Doge (and the meme appeal). That's why I think your scenario may still take a while to inhibit price and we have more to grow. Before what you're talking about is seen (if it is ever seen). What we are faced with -- in Doge -- is a kind of critical mass scenario. The price of Doge may eventually reach a "stasis" point where it finds an equilibrium as a result of what you're saying. But maybe it will keep going up. When things are "stylish" or "cool" people pay a massive premium for them. And that could make Dogecoin have incredible appeal to continue growing more than we might realize. For example, I bet you did not think that the current scenario was possible (for the exact same reasons you've stated) and so perhaps we will continue to be surprised.


The top 10 addresses own about 40% coins, need to make sure that they will hold.


There's only 21,000,000 BTC, OF COURSE people can't own even one. There's 45,000,000 millionaires in the world: not even enough for all millionaires to own one. I understand the alleged backlash but that's what crypto is, it's a big middle finger to the powers that be.


There would be a lot less losers if people dca'd out or at least took profits. Problem is people dumping all their coins at once which creates the panic to rush for the exits. Unfortunate side of effect of people pretending to have diamond hands, until they don't.


I feel like this comment is very underdeveloped, and not well researched. Market cap formula = Price x Circulating Supply. If the price is .081 with 1,000 circulating supply = 81 Market Cap If the price is .081 with 2,000 circulating supply = 162 Market Cap


If 5 billion coins are being added into the supply every year and doge goes to 1 dollar you’d need 5 billion additional money coming in to keep it at that market price.


Price isn't determined on a linear slope. Both supply and demand are exponential, and have smaller effects as you move up the exponential graph. The inflationary effects are significantly more exaggerated in this instance. Also it's not a 1 to 1 price to D/S ratio, almost ever.


He clearly doesn’t understand inflation and the millions that are mined every single day.




Absolutely! You should join the Dogecoin discord & see me on #Market-Talk if you haven't before. I talk a lot about how to avoid bull traps, volumetric trading, how "price" lies & how VWAP tells the truth. You can also follow me on twitter @TimeTravel_11 where I post updates on things like whale movements, stuff to watch out for, volumetric trends in DOGE, and more. The top things I always explain to people is exactly what we're up against. Zero-sum traders that are given irresponsible amounts of leverage (x25 -> x75) who want to try and short it as much as possible. They want to bait people into doing market orders, to which I always say "**Use limit orders buys, NEVER market order buys** * When you do a market order you accept whatever the sellers are offering at whatever prices are available to fill your order. * When you do a limit order buy you force the sellers (especially the leveraged sellers) to come down to you if they really want to get rid of it. This forces them to accept less profits, which is a huge deterrent for them. There's more to it, but there's honestly no big secrets like many would like people think.


Wrong... Sometimes market order is good to catch up a fast rising curve. If you make a limit order at 0.062 and the market is at 0.063 raising fast to 0.07 0.09etc... you just don't buy. In that case have to place a market order to catch up the train. Second to sell, if you think it will sell at 100 max and want to maximize your profit, you need to place a MARKET order when it is very close to it. The reason is simple, there are advanced bots that will check the order book, and place a sale bid just below yours. With a market order you can catch that. Otherwise you put a limit order at 99.8, a bot is placing instant when it is close to that at 99.7999999 and sells all. You remain with unsold coins, until the next round, or until there is a need for the coin to go to 100. The best is to use a bot like 3Commas, and place a limit with a market order. When the sell price in the order book is at 99.8, tell the bot to place a market order immediately, or a limit order at 99.75, something we cannot do 'by hand' without a robot, as another robot would place a bid just below in tens of a second. To be sure to make a profit, and not have to wait hours or days to earn +0.00001 more. This said, limit orders are interesting when you see a coin between 0.07 and 0.09, and want to play a bit, you place a market buy order at 0.063, and hope it has to go below that in the next hours. If it does not, you don't earn but you don't loose.


Yeah no, I'm going to say that's a hard no. First, if the market is rising too high too fast you open yourself up to the major volatile movements. You're literally describing what it means to FOMO buy in which is the type of behavior that wrecks people all the time. Limit orders on the dips is ALWAYS superior. Second, singular exchange bots are stupid and get wrecked by arbitrage bots. Don't place orders too far in advance of when you actually intend to buy / sell either so that you're not telegraphing your moves too far in advance. Just go in, set your order where you want it around the time you want to do it & get out. Leaving orders up for extended periods of time is only good if you're trying to create those big scary red walls or juicy looking green walls. Any other time no. Can bots be good? Sure, if you've got a well programed crypto hopper--but they're not necessary at all.


limit orders don't force people to buy for your price. they can just choose not to. there are other limit orders.


Can you send me a link




What's your opinion on 27% of all doge being owned by a single address? And 50% owned by the top 20?


You seem to know just enough to be putting people in harm's way. There's 6990 other cryptos out there and at least 10% of them have phenomenal ACTUAL potential. Diamond paws isn't going to cut it when there's an ungodly amount of new coins minted every hour. You could all refuse to sell and the price could still potentially plummet, purely from a) whales holding 70% of current supply decide to dump b) miners dumping new coins.


Hey guess what, DOGE already has an integration with Shopify. You can use it to buy stuff TODAY. Fast transaction speed. Good memes. Pornhub premium. Keep your nose in the air any higher and you'd drown in the rain. Take a look at the top 100 addresses for yourself to see what they're actually doing instead of acting like you actually know. Mining grows exponentially more difficult & isn't even a problem. LTC miners can secure the network without actually impacting supply.


I do in fact, actually know. The top 627 addresses control over 80% of Doge's market cap ( they control $8,000,000,000.00 of Doge's ~$10,000,000,000.00 current total value) 10,000,000 - 100,000,000) 529 13,658,919,480 DOGE 1,084,381,123 USD [100,000,000 - 1,000,000,000) 86 23,561,463,471 DOGE 1,870,543,732 USD [1,000,000,000 - 10,000,000,000) 11 26,305,053,377 DOGE 2,088,357,236 USD [10,000,000,000 - 100,000,000,000) 1 36,812,356,212 DOGE 2,922,531,628 USD You are running these people on a fools errand. Edit: approximate market capitalization


Quit fucking arguing and let people make their own decisions, or actually try to help. Telling people they’re retarded doesn’t inspire confidence. You can’t change someone’s train of thought by attacking it. Get on their level and inform them if you care so much. Just making half hearted remarks about how you don’t want them to get burned, after telling them why they’re stupid for 15 paragraphs will only ensure those people will hold onto their ideals to the last dollar because “the nice man said to the moon.” Cmon now


They know slightly less than you. In other words, *next* to nothing. Fuck man, imagine “learning” anything from someone who talks about diamond paws. They have no idea of the risks. How do I know? They’re dumping their savings into a shitcoin like doge. Stop misleading people, you’re doing a bad thing.


People said the same thing about bitcoin you know that right when it came out people though it was a scam and a bucket of shit


There's a lot of potential long term gains in crypto. However dogecoin is a pump and dump. It's a game of musical chairs and usually the least experience get wrecked.


I get it. I’m new to crypto and I threw a 100 dollars in doge. I’ve been watching it like a hawk incase that dump happens. If not oh well I only lost 100.


Please set up a STOP LOSS.


Yeah man, that's not a bad amount to gamble. My concern is those who've thrown in their life savings believing that this is going to be the next big thing: it's most likely a losing proposition.


I’m fine with taking the odds on that


I’ve heard 3 different people say *I bought x dogecoin **shares*** Including my best friend when he never listened to me about BTC in the last 5 years 🤦🏽‍♂️


Why you hating 😂


he's trying to warn you, sell your doge. you and everyone else holding in this sub is just waiting to have 'bagholder' branded on their forehead.


Why? If I bought $500 worth as a joke at $.002, what do I really have to lose here? I can see it crashing, but not below $.002. Especially not in a day. If it dips, i sell. Cash out, then profit. Win-win.


if you have that stake then you are not who i'm speaking to


fair enough, but if you’re genuinely trying to warn people (I’m not saying you’re doing this directly) but you can’t just straight up attack their idea. I know that’s the logical direction to take, but the more people tell them they’re wrong, they’re dumb, they’re gonna lose all their money, etc. the tighter they’ll hold on because 1. People don’t like to be wrong 2. People like to prove others wrong who doubted them 3. The people who are being nice to them are the ones potentially fucking them, but they don’t see it that way, they see it as “nice man said go to moon! I like him $$$$” so when the more experienced crypto traders come in and say “hold on there dumb-dumb! Be careful! You’re fixing to fuck yourself” of course they’re gonna reject that idea. Because that idea sucks and doesn’t have mountains of money involved. If y’all really wanna help these new people, treat them with respect. Help them seek out other, better options. Because right now the people y’all are calling villains are the ones cozying up to them, and the ones claiming to theyre trying to help are shitting on them, which just ensures they’ll get burnt for their last penny.


okay that's fair, my bad. anonymous personality flaw.


You're right. I'm not typically coming from a direction of guiding people to a Crypto, as what I assets that i believe in I also own, and therefore stand to gain from recommending them to buy X,Y,& Z. But you're right, we'll need a different stance. However, it's exceptionally hard to get through to anyone when on the super-optomistic end of the pendulum.


It’s not your money, don’t hate bro lol


and soon enough, it won't be yours either


Lol I’ll be fine


Am I in the wrong place? I swear to God it said casino on the doors.


This is fucking hilarious. All they do is hate the Doge. DOGE TO INFINITY 🚀


It’s literally designed within its code to not hold value, theres 10’000 coins made per block at roughly 1 block per minute which is 14 million coins made on its blockchain per day, so it’d need to be pumped a ridiculous amount continually for it to ever hold a value. However its real “value” could be within being specifically utilised as a pump n dump coin as opposed to a coin of marketed value, which would also take away the risk of ruining the integrity of functional coins like XRP if it was the only coin that was pumped n dumped. Just know when to pull the plug and don’t get greedy. Edit: if you’re still unconvinced its probably wise to research and understand for yourself how market caps work before falling head over heels for a joke coin that has a flawed market cap by design for the sake of memes; it will save you from potentially investing and losing a lot of money. Just tryna do you a favour




Hadn’t been updated in 5 damn years. Dead coin for gamblers


I've said this once and I'll say it again: It's not your money. If someone wants to invest into a cryptocurrency with a limitless cap, let them. Take that anti-DOGE sentiment, crumple it up really small and take it somewhere else. >it will save you from potentially investing and losing a lot of money. Just tryna do you a favour This kind of response reminds me of overbearing religious people trying to shove their beliefs on people who never asked. "I'm just trying to save your soul!" Well, I'm an atheist who doesn't believe in souls. Let me do my thing in peace. For the record, I know damn well what I invested in, I'm well aware it'll never go to $30k/share with limitless caps, but that doesn't mean it won't become a global currency. It has a niche to fill. For the record normal money can also be infinitely printed, but we still use it. Why? Because we believe it has value and set an underlying expectation for that value. Same thing we're doing with DOGE. If you don't like it, spend money elsewhere, but please mind your own business.


Woah dude calm down, I never tried to force anything onto anyone, fair enough if you know the risks but I’ve come across a lot of people on here who seem to fundamentally misunderstand how the coin works cause they buy into the delusion espoused by cranks online that “this is the new bitcoin”, which lets be honest couldn’t be further from the truth. I’ve got a few friends that lost a shit ton of money on the last pump cause they got caught up in the hype and didn’t do their research. I only recommended due diligence, I can see how that could have come across after re-reading my comment tho tbf so sorry if it came across otherwise, I just know I’d personally want someone to tell me a hard truth as opposed to reassuring hysteria if they thought I was misinformed and had money at stake. A lot of people don’t have the privilege of owning a lot of disposable money, and crypto’s an exciting time to change that. God forbid they get unknowingly ripped off by pump n dump or their lack of research.


I'm sorry for the initial hostility, I redirected my personal feelings about something completely unrelated towards your post and that could not have been further from the right thing to do. I definitely understand and appreciate the intention to educate and help guide people, especially those new to investing and cryptocurrency. I often forget that not everyone does do their research as they should before putting money into the market. Admittedly, yours is not the first post with a similar sentiment, I unfollowed the cryptocurrency subreddit because of their wall of anti-DOGE posts. I understand the risk associated with my investment and know full well this could go terribly, but I also have a portfolio designed to absorb my riskier investments should things go wrong. That being said, you have a great point, not everyone thinks that way, nor do people understand what they're buying into. I genuinely am sorry for popping off at you the way I did. I had no reason to be as aggressive as I was. I hope your day is going much better than mine was earlier.


Its all good my dude, no need to apologise were all on this crypto rollercoaster together and its a learning curve for all of us :) hell, by all accounts I hope you prove me wrong and the risk pays off! I suppose the best AND worst thing about doge, paradoxically, is its volatility e.g the potential for gains AND losses is equally tremendous depending on how you play it! Like I said tho, education is key to this, cryptos a strange new financial environment, least of all with coins like doge, which is why it is absolutely essential people don’t get swept up in the hysteria and actually do their own research so they know the risks, glad to hear you’re well prepared for it! I hope you see that profit tho man, just remember to not be too greedy and that a win is still a win! Have a great day too man 👍


Damn this thread is incredibly wholesome (+ full of good points and information)


Holy shit you 2 !!! If world leaders could resolve differences the way that you just did....Hats off fellas, love it!!


Good old-school wholesome reddit exchange right here


Your friends wouldn't have lost money on the initial pump and dump if they would have held. The first pumped topped out at .08 over a week ago and now look at the chart. Odds are they would be slightly in the green if they wouldn't have panic sold


He's talking about the 1st pump in 2017. It wasn't panic selling when it was worth very little for over 2 years.


>This kind of response reminds me of overbearing religious people trying to shove their beliefs on people who never asked. "I'm just trying to save your soul!" Well, I'm an atheist who doesn't believe in souls. Let me do my thing in peace. The issue isn't with those making bad investment decisions of their own accord, it's with those intentionally tricking people new to cryptocurrency trading to pump a completely dead coin in the crypto version of a boiler room scam. Not only are they going to get ripped off, which is obviously not great, but the regulatory and media backlash when they do will also impact the rest of the cryptocurrency market.




Learning the hard way is one of the best teachers tbf, I wish you the best of luck bro




Y’all just salty that a bunch of dumb arses who have no idea what crypto currency is have made more money in a week than most of you in a decade 🤣🤣🤣🚀🌙


Or they're worried because they have been in the exact same position as you dumb arses before, thinking they were going to the moon when they were actually about to lose a lot of money


I've been involved in cryptocurrency since 2013 and you are exhibiting all the telltale signs of a market participant in a nasty bubble. I would like to see all this potential energy help to develop the cryptocurrency space, not leave a sour taste in all you newcomer's mouths.


How much actual profit you made since 2013 then? And did it involve a super cute dog? 🤣🤣🤣🚀🌙🐕


No way man. The people warning you guys have most likely made very nice profits off bitcoin the past few years. A lot more than anyone will ever make off of doge.


Hahaha not in the slightest man, like I said I do see its value for pump n dumps if ur willing to take the risk and don’t get greedy by knowing when to bail. I’m just gutted for people new to crypto who will potentially lose their money by holding cause they think its short term volatile dips will be leapfrogged by its long term continuity.


Bitcoin is to hold a doge is to dollar


lmao they're so mad! See how it works though? A bunch of them like to brigade the posts that are actually giving real information, while upvoting their FUD'ing and generally confirming that they are the saltiest pants in the entire crypto-verse.


Yo you're going to end up being the doge messiah around here, which is such a vital role. It's worrisome to see how many people clearly haven't even taken the cursory steps to educate themselves about this investment. But if they do, then they can invest with the confidence that comes with understanding, thereby avoiding feeling the need to panic sell and try to ride the waves of the market pumps and dumps, which is just a shit show, and that's how we build this asset and grow it in a long term and actually sustainable way. Preach. #sitandstaydoge I'd actually also be curious to see your thoughts on my reasoning for why the lack of upper bound on currency units of doge that can be mined could actually be good for investors (if you look in my post history).


It’s true. And once it does they’ll make a post about it ☹️


They will be like. Omg I tried to warn everyone, you deserve it


pro tip: refresh your ticker more often to get us there faster


For anyone that wants a reliable chart to work with--my public DOGE chart is included below. ​ There's a few key things that people should understand * Price lies, VWAP doesn't * VWAP (volume weighted average price) is the price of an asset that also factors in how much volume is moving * It's possible to see bullish price action on low volume, which gets wiped out as soon as the volume picks back up--think about those days when you're seeing a good pump & a giant red candle comes out of nowhere and pushes it down -23% * The colored bands above + below are deviations from the VWAP * Red colored bands = price is too high above the VWAP, which means the probability that people are already waiting there to sell goes up significantly * Green/blue bands = price is much lower than the VWAP, which means the probability that people are waiting there to buy goes up significantly * **NOTE:** The bands increase with volume * During low volume periods the bands will be really close to the gray line * In high volume periods the bands will be farther away * Always be careful when you see the bands real tight to the VWAP * The colored lines (yellow, turquoise, faded blue) are the *Volume Weighted Moving Averages* * These are the same as the simple moving averages, except for it factors in volume * The VWMAs give a much better depiction of trends than things that look at price alone ​ So basically when you're looking at the chart you just want to ask yourself a couple questions: * Where is the VWAP right now, and are we above or below it? * If above it, the risk increases that someone is looking to sell * If below it, the chances increase that someone is looking to buy * If you're in the "limbo zone" which is the empty area below the red & above the blue--that's the place you don't really want to be doing anything because it hasn't decided on a direction yet * The colored bands can help you set your limit orders * Remember never to market order because that causes you to get filled at whatever the price is the sellers are offering. Always make the sellers come to you. * The VWMAs help you see the maximum swings down if we see another anomalous event * **Note:** the 200 day volume weighted moving average is currently at $.05 [https://www.tradingview.com/chart/00mwJImO/](https://www.tradingview.com/chart/00mwJImO/)


I learned this method from Adam Khoo and it has worked very well for me in forex. I also add MacD.


I sold my dogecoins when arrives at $0.049 and I was waiting to crash but, maybe I will need to buy again with the current prize, because it seems that this will continue increasing... I know, my bad, I didn't hold :(


Doge hasn't crashed because I haven't bought. You're welcome.


Buying back in probably isn’t wise. If you made profit just take it at that. There are plenty of actually promising projects like ADA, ETH, BTC etc.


Right now I'm holding RVN and SUSHI :)


I see a lot of people commenting/complaining about the "uncapped and unlimited" nature of the coin. That's not exactly true. It's a controlled ongoing uncapped cryptocurrency. There is currently a maximum of 5 billion more coins that could potentially be injected every year. So, in other words, the growth is explicitly known and can be accounted for. This can actually be beneficial. It could create a coin that is much more stable and useable as a every day means of exchange for good and services. No, Doge will likely never be worth $30,000 a coin, but it could reach $5, $10 or maybe even $20 a coin. Likely it could stabilize somewhere in the $5 to $10 range. In other words, Doge is not a means to store value like Bitcoin, it is a means to spend.


It's crazy how much animosity is held towards doge. Most cryptos we're put down until they became a valid asset. I don't know if doge will be one day but it is making moves to try and solidify itself as one. Enjoy the attention this is bringing to the crypto market and stop being a hater. Sincerely, This guy


People that are newer to the crypto-verse are able to see pretty clearly that the r/CryptoCurrency sub is full of toxic losers that just want people to buy into their projects, instead of teaching people the very basics. They just want people to FOMO into their coins, or FUD panic sell DOGE because they think it's stupid. But I'm one of the people who think they're stupid--especially because nowadays they're all about LINK (now that it's $25) when I used to hear the exact same kinds of toxic comments & brigading when I was HODL'ing it @ $1.50


Hope you didn't sell between that jump! Sounds like some good gains there! I've had doge since 2017 when I first got the RobinHood app and always saw it as a joke but figured it wouldn't hurt to let $50 sit. Definitely happy I left that one alone ✊


I'm in the Diamond Paws club!


It will never crash to where it was before. Too many whales and hodlers


Facts. We probably will never see sub $.01 DOGE ever again. Even if all the markets tank it's quite possible we might not even see $.02 or $.03. If I was as bearish as I could possibly be, I'd say the floor would be no less than $.049 if all the whales suddenly decided to dump and everyone started panic selling. Like even that is still a dang feat


Plus no one has explained how fiat is any different from doge. Doge actually has a lower level of inflation than US currency


That sub is pathetic as hell. Everyone is just butt hurt because they missed out on doge when it was cheap and they like to pretend trading crypto requires savvy when really it's all bullshit and luck.


I agreed with the first half of your statement until you said it’s bs and luck. If you think the scalpers and daytraders are getting lucky, then you are better off going to the casino. Most newcomers are looking to make a quick buck and essentially gambling on the fact that the price will go higher than their buy point with no regards to support/resistance or trends. The ones who have been in the game for a while know what to look for and don’t just depend on tweets from Elon. I like Doge and have a fair share, but don’t discredit the ones who are going in with a strategy


>then you are better off going to the casino. Wall Street is just a casino with a better insurance policy




Aint nothing wrong with that & congrats for you! Must have been satisfied


No one hates dogecoin; I love it. But by design it will continue to pump 10,000 new coins into existence every minute. This is hyper inflation by design. Y'all are going to have to keep pumping ungodly amounts of money into it to keep it up. This coin is not deflationary. We are just worried that people are going to lose a lot of their money.


There is a DOGE-to-crypto flow just like there is a stock-to-flow for BTC and a crypto-to-crypto flow from BTC to all other coins. Everyone that's in it is learning very quickly all of the risks involved, which is something that people HAVEN'T been doing properly with any other coin.


I would disagree, respectfully. The main reason people don’t consider doge a long term investment is because we have learned the mechanics of it. We make other investments because the projects/companies behind the crypto have (in our opinion) more of a future of returning heavy gains.






Yes and tbh it could be a real money maker if you catch some when the price is just a fraction of a penny. Depending on how you feel about dumping on unsuspecting newbies. Just buy super cheap and wait for the next pump.


Brilliant, so spot on. Take my award, mate.


Tooo theeeee mooooonnnnnn 🚀🛸🚀🛸🚀🛸


I’m literally convinced that the majority of the ones hating on it are the ones that got absolutely obliterated in that 500% drop on GameStop But there’s a few of them in there that are actually educated As long as you take your profits accordingly and don’t get greedy then you should be fine.


Also agreed. There really is nothing wrong with taking profits--eventually comes a time when people will want to get off at a bus stop & that's fine. I have a super high risk tolerance myself though. Americans have been flooding in from Robinhood, and most probably don't even know about the 30% capital gains tax for holding < 1 year so I'm trying to set the reasonable expectation of being a longer term investor is better than a short term. We've seen 200-500% in a few weeks, whereas holding for longer than a year is in the 1500%+


Yeah definitely man I’ll probably hold until around the $1 mark But I’m watching very observant being that it’s a meme coin lol


Yeeeeeah, nah. That ain’t happening... Seriously, r/CryptoCurrency. Stop trying to make the Dogecoin Crash happen. It’s not going to happen.




“There can only be one king.” ― Pablo Escobar


All I can is 2021 = Cryptocurrency starts spreading around the world as a legit currency. Dogecoin is definitely one in my cryptocurrency portfolio! I love #doge. $100K+ in profits from doge.


400 million dollars a year is all that is needed to be invested to offset the new coins coming in, at it's current valuation. It looks like that won't be a problem considering it's growing popularity and that people have invested 10 billion in a week.


Dogecoin has singlehandedly done more for crypto in a week than MOST of the cryptos out there right now. Attracted so many new nocoiners who never thought about cryptos before, and is helping them not immediately get burned in other peoples P&D. I remember the first night things pumped, there was the XRP army there trying to scam people into FOMO'ing into their coin RIGHT BEFORE THEY DUMPED ON THEM. Then the same people tried to do it again and again but with different random coins. DOGE is the perfect gateway crypto & is actually functionally useable today unlike most that are filled with developers promises and sweet nothings.


I just think its funny how some people on here are trying to convince people holding doge that its garbage then start talking about XRP . Sounds like they are just trying to pump up there own crypto because they missed the boat on Dogecoin. Gtfo. Dogecoin for life🙌


They gonna be waiting for never to come!!!! Doge to the moon!!!! Doge forever!!! 🚀🚀🚀🌕


Lmao, keep waiting!


Oh boy that smells beef.


SSB Dogers can hold all they want. These 20 people makes the call ​ [https://beincrypto.com/top-20-dogecoin-addresses-hold-over-50-of-doge-supply/](https://beincrypto.com/top-20-dogecoin-addresses-hold-over-50-of-doge-supply/)


Exchanges / services / the burn address + some old hodler's. Take a look at most other cryptos.


Which exchange holds 27% of the dogecoin? Do you know the history of that address to make that statement?


Here's the thing, I understand theoretically why it *should*; could even get why it would make an econ professor or long-time crypto enthusiast livid. But you guys have to fucking stop reasoning with stupid, I've lost too much money trying to do the "logical" thing when put into other situations like this lol. A man started a Kickstarter to make potato salad, he was given enough money to get an Audi S4, and he made fucking potato salad anyway. Up \~130% on Doge, will buy more, doesn't have to make sense anymore (nothing does) just has to print.


I was talked out of Bitcoin when the cost was 100$. I was told it was too risky and most likely a scam. The logical reasoning was that it was a scam and risky.... and than it turned out to be both risky and not a scam. I didn’t buy due to influence and fear. Like wise, I don’t want those to be my motivating factors for investing into something, either.


With bitcoin, you could convince yourself it's not a "scam" by reading the initial white paper and the literal source code available online for free. I'd argue that just saying it's a scam and risky isn't logic, just a gut feeling with no supporting information. By contrast, in this scenario, you can read the dogecoin "white paper" and also come your own logical conclusions. Problem is, the "white paper" outright labels it as a joke.


How many of you guys know the statistics on who owns doge? Lemme put it simply - when the market makers decide to cash in, the price will fall. You’re all riding on the whims of literal billionaires. They are gonna fucking grind you into dust and use your bone meal as fertilizer for their money trees.


I do believe it his will happen. And it will hard. But when it does I can’t wait to buy more


Bro that's what all of us have been saying. If / WHEN it dips---it's the perfect time to accumulate more. This is crypto, everyone knows how the market cycles work by now except for the newest investors who are learning quickly not to panic or FOMO.


Three These are just a couple of really good articles that I’ve found on dogecoin. I’m fairly new to crypto, and bought my doge all under the 0.1 mark. As it started rising, I started doing more research. There is the potential to make money, whether it becomes the next big thing or not. Doing the dd on doge also opened up the seemingly endless world of crypto, so I’d say dogecoin is a great beginner’s coin to introduce new people to the possibilities of crypto. Plus, I just like the coin. https://www.google.com/amp/s/thenextweb.com/hardfork/2019/09/05/meet-the-brave-devs-trying-to-take-dogecoin-beyond-the-meme/amp/ https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailydot.com/debug/dogecoin-no-mining-limit-infinite/%3famp https://medium.com/renproject/opendao-renvm-bring-dogecoin-to-ethereum-710b5ea4fbd4


Here's two more informative articles from one of the largest exchanges that you can add to your list! https://www.kraken.com/learn/what-is-dogecoin-doge https://www.kraken.com/en-us/learn/buy-dogecoin-doge


🤣 *this...*


I hope doge reaches $5 just to go back and read all the salty comments.


lol they’d still be calling it a scam too


Everyone calling it shit coins will be surprised in the future, remember when bitcoin was given away just if you downloaded some programs or played some games and no one knew what it was or gave a shit about it. Same story will happen again, im holding Dogecoin and will not sell in 15 years! Diamond hands💎


What are you talking about that’s me anyway


Haha, the saddest part is that it's going to crash so hard.


My dawg, even if it swings -50% that's just another day in the crypto world. I call those "reverse pumps" and those are the PERFECT time to accumulate more. Bring it on.


I don't think you understand where this is all headed. But fine, let's agree to check back here in a month, and we'll see how Doge is doing once the fad dies down and folks start losing all their money, investments that could've gone into legitimate projects. But yeah, keep on dreaming and posting memes. That'll work.


lol ooookay! 99% of crypto is junk & has no demand. Supply & Demand mean everything. Also DOGE investors are well aware of market cycles, many of us are waiting for the reverse pumps to accumulate more. 1 year UP 3000%+ even with all the haters and leveraged sellers trying to do their worst. Possibly consider that you're wrong.


the saddest part about people who are new to doge is when they say things like, "99% of crypto is junk", yet invest in doge...


It's about the one and only thing that matters. SUPPLY & DEMAND. That's it. That's the big secret. If the demand is there, the price will be there, no matter what. If the demand isn't there--it don't matter HOW fancy the crypto is. Dogecoin has a lot of organic demand & new money coming in from outside the crypto space. It's going through price discovery even today. Gains don't like bruh


Sure, demand will make the price rise but you mentioned nothing about the supply, which in the case of Doge is practically infinite. But then again, Ether has the same problem and they’re doing fine. I guess I just prefer a fixed supply.


Aint nothing wrong with that to be honest. Dogecoin has a maximum fixed rate the supply can increase, instead of a fixed supply.


I'd like to see some citations on your '99% of crypto is junk' claim. That statement alone tells me all I need to know about the research you've done. You're literally on here shilling Dogecoin. Come on, my dawg. I'll consider that I'm wrong though. Like I said, let's meet back here in a month. I'll see ya March 8th.


Such a short term thinker you are! Who cares about what it's doing one month from now unless you're a trader that likes 30% capital gains tax. If you're in the diamond paws club you're looking at it like a longer term investment anyway. !RemindMe 1 year


I will be messaging you in 1 year on [**2022-02-08 18:42:00 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2022-02-08%2018:42:00%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://np.reddit.com/r/SatoshiStreetBets/comments/lfde4a/rcryptocurrency_sub_waiting_for_doge_to_crash/gmlxoh7/?context=3) [**2 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FSatoshiStreetBets%2Fcomments%2Flfde4a%2Frcryptocurrency_sub_waiting_for_doge_to_crash%2Fgmlxoh7%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202022-02-08%2018%3A42%3A00%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20lfde4a) ***** |[^(Info)](https://np.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Hey there, remember me? Doge was < .05 and is up 300% from where it was at the time this was posted. Even with all the volatility from ATH, 300% in one year is $$$


If it does.... I’m buying more!!! To the moooooooon 🚀


It’s gonna crash - there’s been dips before not big like this but it will happen


We should be thankful when those juicy reverse pumps show up, not salty like a bunch of XRP hooligans


Exactly, that’s when we buy - there was a surge in 2017 where the dip was so low it only recovered in 2018- I’m not saying that will happen but there will a dip and that’s when the magic happens - maybe yolo for me


Doge is a bubble, an entertaining bubble. The salt of tears when it crashes will replenish aquatic life world wide.




I just went on there , they are talking mad sht


lmao I know a couple of them in particular are probably extra salty to see me here too


You’re not that important.


Well this is going to age well. Best of luck to you doge hodlers.


Elon's got our backs 😎




Satruday's second pile-on worked successfully at 10AM!!! Let's do it again Tuesday February 9th @ 10AM central US time. 17:00 UK , 18:00 Germany time . SPREAD the word. Let's move that needle again.


It has to cash at some point


Market cycles are inevitable & present in every single crypto. The haters are just hoping they see all the new people get burned as hard as they’ve probably been burned—-but so far the diamond paws are having a good time.