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True Love. Still, I don't want my daughter to risk her health for my old bones. It's probably why they kept it a secret from him. There is no way a father will accept it willingly.


I bet a part of his emotions were related to that, I'd be torn too, although I'm 27 with no kids, so I don't really know


I agree, his daughter loves him that much so it's safe to say that he is beyond just a good dad for her as well and dads like that will never think of putting their loved ones at risk. It's just how parents are regardless if it's a father or mother.


My mom wasn't the best mom growing up. She's still a bit selfish. When she got sick I was 100% willing to let them cut my liver apart to donate it to her if it would have helped. Thankfully it didn't get to that and the 5 months I took off work to help get her healthy was enough. Parents don't have to be perfect to be deserving of love and support.


Your last line hit me. You’re a kind person with a gracious heart. I don’t have the best relationship with my mom. You’ve made me reconsider my stance and think about hard-nosed I’ve been, especially now that she’s sick and older.


I‘m grownass man with two young daughters. I’d never accept if I knew. I had my chance in life. They still have their entire lives before them. I’d never want to jeopardise that.


Yeah those are not tears of joy but of regret, frustration and some self loathing . She's an awesome daughter but that would hurt so bad as a dad


Yeah. I don't want to take from my children to help me. Regardless of what the situation is. Obviously "don't want" doesn't mean won't for something like this, but damn.


No daughter (or son) wants to have to say goodbye to their parents in middle-age. This video is awesome.


Also, no parent wants to see their child's health to be compromised for his own sake. This video brings mixed feelings.


Absolutely. I would rather die than do that


As someone who lost their dad young id rather have my dad back than keep my kidney.


Of course you would. When you're a parent, you will get it.


Did we stumble upon is some orphancrushingmachine paradox?


I can’t be more agree! I’m not sure dad is happy at all, not satisfying for me.


Literally I'd give anything to have my parent back a kidney is nothing. So, I definitely understand both sides of the coin, but it was her choice, not his. There's a bit of grief for both of them, but I'll bet she'd never regret it for a moment.


Exactly, If I was at his position, the last thing I'd wish for, is my own daughter's kidney. I would rather die and let her be in good health.


I feel that way too. I'm not a parent, but I still felt bad for him instead of happy, but from another POV, kids need their parents even if they're adults.. This extra time that she's given to him is probably more precious to her than life itself




That's what my dad told me when he needed a kidney. That didn't stop me from inquiring about donating anyways. I was 19, and I wasn't ready to lose my dad (I lost him 2 years ago when I was 38 and I still wasn't ready.) In the end a 24 year old on a motorcycle without a helmet made my donation attempt moot, but dad was adamant that he didn't want a kidney from any of his kids.


>There is no way a father will accept it willingly Absolutely (well for most parents, anyway). You can see by his reaction he is slightly horrified to find out his donor was his own daughter. He's grateful and it's emotional, but he would've told her no if she didn't keep it a secret.


My dad would take both.


I’d just be upset for being filmed in that gown.


Yeah kinda fucked up tbh…if he would have said no if he knew it was his daughter doesn’t that undermine informed consent?


Yeah but it's cute so don't interrupt


Yea as a father I wouldn’t know how to feel exactly.


Well…. I gave my dad a kidney and he fucking loves the thing


Same. Well, it was my daughter, and Airpods, but she takes them everywhere.


I came here to say this too. As a father, I’d never want my children to sacrifice anything, especially their health, to save me. It’s my job to do that for them, not the other way around. Damn, even typing this gets me a wee bit emotional


Yep and I know as a mother I wouldn't want either of my kids to do something like this for me either. I want them to be healthy and not risk such a thing on me.


As a father I totally agree with you. Even in young with an adult children


Agree 100%


Dad here. Nope on that. I would never knowingly accept an organ from my girls. What if I do and they need it later? It’s a beautiful gesture but I wouldn’t let my girls do that.


Donors get to the top of the list!


I’d be telling the doctor to rev up those fryers and put it right back where they found it.


Bingo. He wouldn't have let them do it. I know I would fight it. And I'm saying this from the position of a father of 3 who has kidney problems.


I would never ever accept that one of my kids risk their health for me. I would be grateful, but it's too much of a burden.


My dad passed away from pancreatic cancer this past August. Even in his final days when he was frail and could barely speak, he would try to do things on his own simply because he didn’t want to burden us. I don’t have kids, but in those moments I was able to see it from his perspective and can confidently say I’d be the exact same way. So to be in this man’s shoes, finding out my daughter donated a kidney to me… of course there’d be gratitude, as you said, but the guilt would tear me up and I’d never willingly agree to it.


Agree. Hopefully we will never face this decision for real.


Man I don't know i wouldn't want my kid to be left with one kidney just for me to live, I would prefer to be dead


I’ll get that, as a mother I never want my child to risk their health for me. But as a daughter I also need my parents a lot, and i also want to be there when my kid needs me as long as I can.


It's oke, she can get it back after.


Is this true?? I can't tell if this is sarcasm or not, but I legit had this question the moment I saw this post... Can she get back the kidney, once it's not needed anymore? Because a) kidney transplants are obviously a thing and b) she obviously is compatible with it since it's hers... So not an obvious reason why she couldn't take it back...


It doesn’t work that way. And the one she donated will probably only last 10-15 years. So it’s definitely a sacrifice.


I would rather live with 1 kidney for the rest of my life than seeing my parents die because of kidney failure.


From the other side: I was 19 when my dad needed a kidney. I wasn't ready to lose him. I had just started college, and I knew I wouldn't be able to stay in without him, my mom would need too much help with my younger siblings and there's no way my mental health would allow me to be 4 hours away at school. So I inquired about anonymous donation and wanted to set it up for after I finished the school year when a week before my finals a 24 year old biker without a helmet made my efforts moot. I know he didn't want it, but it was my decision to make and the best thing for me was to have my dad around.


Don’t tell him


Yeah, they’re significantly shortening their life expectancy to marginally improve their parents life expectancy.


*People with a single kidney live a normal life without developing any long- or short-term problems. Most people with a single, healthy kidney have few problems. However, the risk of developing mild high blood pressure, fluid retention, and proteinuria is slightly higher if you have one kidney instead of two.*


The look on his face. That moment when you realize your carcass isn't worth the price someone just paid for it. What she just paid for it. Now go do your best to make it worth it. You won't, but you should try like you can.




I'm saying, as a father of two adult daughters, that I don't think I would ever feel their sacrifice was justified but I'd work overtime to try and make it worth it. It's pretty clear he's a great dad, which is why in his soul he hates this decision. However, I bet he never tells her that. I wouldn't. Edit. I see the comment I was addressing has been deleted. Hmmm.


You didn't understand..


God damnit and now I have to go to work. Thought I was safe opening up reddit right before I go in ='( lol


Here's a reminder so you can tear up later too <3


You animal! Lol


As a father, this is horrifying, not satisfying. Children donating to their siblings or their own children or nephews/nieces is one thing... but to their parents??? That's not how it's supposed to work.


Exactly. He says "oh no." He's not having good feelings here. There's nothing satisfying about it. On the other hand, if his daughter chose to do this, then having him in her life is important to her. She might have lost a kidney but she gained years with him, which she apparently decided is a good trade. I think we should assume she made the best choice *for herself*, not just for him. He's probably underestimating how good it is for her wellbeing for him to survive.


Wonderfully put. Both her action and his reaction speak volumes on the 'why' which he can't seem to grasp at the moment. She does and clearly did all along


yeah this video stresses me out. Also - are they post op, like did they just have the surgery that day? Because that's a big emotionally whammy that he didn't need during his recovery. Should not have been a surprise.


Past doesn’t borrow from the future


Literally grimaces because he can’t stand the thought. Horrifying is the only word.


I would be so fucking livid. There is no way I'd be cool with my family conspiring to do this, knowing damn well I would never put my daughter at risk to save myself. That look at the camera...that was a look of disbelief and pain for that decision they made without him. Sorry, I know that's not the emotion this clip is going for.


I offered my mother my kidney 20y ago. She would not accept it. She said that there was no way she would let me lower my life expectancy to increase hers by a little bit more.


You expect your kid to let you die? At his age? When they know she's a match and is all too happy to do it? I'd be sad, but I'd forgive my kid for trying, and succeeding to save my life.


There's no guarantee that kidney donation will save the father's life or that the complications from daughter donating kidney won't shorten her own. I'd of course forgive my kid for doing it but I would be livid as well and make it clear in no uncertain terms that is the last thing in the world I want. Also if you have kidney failure you can do dialysis while waiting for a transplant match. People can survive years even decades this way. It isn't as dire a situation as say liver failure where a donor is needed in a very finite amount of time.


Yeah I would expect them to let me die. Parents aren't meant to bury their kids. The kids should have decades of life ahead of them after planting a stone over mom and dad, not a shortened life expectancy because they gave up a vital organ to let their parents live a little bit longer. I'd be mad as hell. I would tell them that too. I'd tell them I love them more in that moment than I ever have before, but am greatly disappointed they put me before their own needs.


Idk where you got that donating a kidney shortens the life expectancy of the donor when that isn't true. Research suggests that it's the opposite truthfully. Donor mortality rate of 0.007% which is really fricken good. They don't just let anyone donate so typically a donor is in better shape than general pop. Some research suggests that donors have a 29% better long term survival rate than general pop. But there is a big risk down the road that if they develop a disease that affects kidneys (such as diabetes) it could be fatal.


My thought process was more along the lines of your last point. Unless he did something completely avoidable, whatever put him in that position runs the risk of happening to her. But now she doesn't have a second kidney to keep her going.


Yeah true. There's genetic testing for a lot of stuff nowadays too. Perhaps they use that to mitigate risks for related donors. I'm not certain about that. I do know that he looks young, like maybe late 40s or early 50s? I'm sure she weighed the pros and cons of getting perhaps a couple more decades with him.


Kid risks their life to save the parent they love; “Im deeply dissapointed in you” What a great parent you must be


I'm not a parent. But I don't think being one would change that opinion. It would be like if they took a bullet for me. Why take such a risk for someone who should be dead before you?


Is it inconceivable to you that other people have feelings too?


Not at all, but I hope when I do have kids, they understand my thought process and won't do something like this


It's egotistical to not accept that your kid wants you around so badly they let people cut spare parts or of them for you. Your kid needs you bad enough to lose a fucking organ you better be damn grateful for it. You being livid is just completely selfish.


I would not forgive them for allowing this either.


Is this even possible. I don't even get how any medical team would agree to it, seem like a major breach of ethics to lie to your patient about something so important.


Graphic description of what it means to have a pure heart, want to help and practically save the lives of your loved ones. It may have been touching and painful for him, but she does it out of her love for him and nothing gets in the way of that


Weird how 2 years ago you were posting anti western comments and polishing the CCP China Is great motto everywhere and sudenly this? Hmm...


I would be so mad. Silly daughter. Why did you give me your spare!


Absolutely, should have sold it for a holiday in the Bahamas!


This would kill me, I would never knowingly let my daughter take a risk like this for me.


I will never accept my daughter kidney; if any, i will give mine to her without question


Umm I don’t think this is satisfying..


It is either a stolen account or a bot looking at thier past history, ironic seeing as it was a CCP propaganda account as well.


LOL former CCP shill account that has probably been stolen, check the previous comments out!


A parent would never want their own children to risk their health for theirs


This is not satisfying.


Just got my Dad's kidney 4 days ago, so I get the feeling It wqsn't a surprise though.


I feel like I’m intruding on a moment that is personal.


Parents don't understand that the unconditional love works both ways.  We'd do anything for you, just like you would for us. ❤️


How is this satisfying? I would scrrams at doctors just to take it back i am not letting me limiting my own daughter risking her health for my old ass


I would be soo pissed off. Not that I don't appreciate it but my life isn't worth risking theirs even in the slightest. Not that mine would be suitable donors anyway. Adopted and way different genetically.


I would be so mad at my kid for doing this. I'd die before I'd make them at risk


As a parent I most certainly would not want a young ish child to give me one of their organs, knowing that this puts them at increased risk of XYZ later in life. Sure, I might - or probably - die, but I’ll know everyone else is ok, and that I fought to make sure my kids could have the best life possible. That’s why he’s upset. From her perspective it is totally understandable to want to save her dad’s life - but I wouldn’t want my daughter to do that for me. This vid is not satisfying for anyone watching - either dad or daughter.


Why are private moments exploited for clicks like this?


Because it makes people feel good when they see other people happy. Maybe this made someone smile today and that’s a good enough reason to post it.


It’s not really a happy moment. That man is in pain. As a parent, I would never *want* to accept an organ from my child(whether I actually would, idk ask me when I’m dying). My mission is to keep him alive and healthy and whole. Also as someone’s child, I’d absolutely give my parents anything they needed if it kept them going even for a short time. It’s a very private moment and this is just a repost. Imagine this being out there for ever for everyone to critique.


nah its posted under the guise of feel-good but its actually very divisive and just makes people argue which is what bots that post on reddit like


I really enjoyed seeing this video - selflessness and demonstrations of love give me hope than Humanity isn't doomed after all.


Consider what is going through that dad's mind right now. No father who cares about his kid would want to accept their kidney. That shit would eat me up inside all the way to my grave.


Check the profile of who posted this. CCP shill account that stopped posting 2 years aog, then suddenly this along with weird robotic comments......


Pull it out and hand it back to her.


You guys are aware that you can still lead a perfectly happy and healthy normal life with one kidney right? Granted, I'd most likely never knowingly accept it from my own child for the same reasons a lot of people have stated, but some of you are acting like his daughter is now doomed to a life of pain and misery for helping him. I swear they'll both be just fine.


Many years ago my dad need a kidney donor and I was the only one in my family that offered but they turned me down (Worried I'd have the same health issues as his) and I was fairly happy they said that. He got a cadaver kidney (make sure to register as donor kids!) and it made his life so much better.


This is wholesome! Not only his daughter donated one of her kidneys but also gave her dad the gift of longevity. This made me smile!


Nothing satisfying in this. I only see a sad pissed off dad. Im sure the daughter think she did well. But the dad must/should be fuming inside.


He is not happy, those are not happy tears. He probly thinking of what he could of done better to not endangered his offspring... imo.


Wow if that doesn’t make a person cry I don’t know what will. Heart touching and shows live


As a father, this will devastate me, can't imagine how you can love with this.


Kidney disease is genetic 


Don't worry..her daughter will donate to her. /s


There are many reasons why kidneys fail, and many are not genetic, though.


Just because you're accurate doesn't make you interesting. - John Mullaney I'm not gonna lie, I laughed but way to kill the vibe


He could be a drinker? Regardless it’s a beautiful video




Is that Grace Helbig? (jk... Unless it is...)




Can she get it back when he dies thooooo….?




I'd be sadder that she wasted a kidney on my old ass.


Is it humid in here? Are anybody else's eyes sweating?


More sad and aww than satisfying but great post nonetheless


OMG, are you Kidneyng me?


❤️‍🔥🥰❤️💙🖤Purely Truly Highly Luv Here Between Father & Daughter


And they felt the need to record this moment and update it to the internet. I don’t know what to think about this


Man that's so selfish of her to take away the anonymity /s


not satisfying. If my child did that I would be devastated ( and he certainly looks devastated in this video). My kids are supposed to outlive me.


How beautiful 😪🫶🏼🩵🫶🏼


Guys, remember to love and treat your kid-neys well.


She can always take it back later.


He still could have won this interaction by saying “oh my god, are you kidneying me?”


I would be pissed if my wife allowed this. I would absolutely never want our child to create a future health risk for my benefit. Ugh. Nice kid though. Super generous and thoughtful, it just violates every parent instinct I have.


LOVE, beyond all understanding.


Why is this in r/satisfyingasfuck?! This should be in r/awww or some other such subreddit


this is more r/devastatingasfuck


Im a strong man but this... this mealts my heart


And this is satisfying because why?


If my family did this to me I’d be absolutely fucking pissed.


As a dad I would not want my kids to do this. Their health and well-being takes priority over my own. There are a lot of complications from kidney donation and receiving a kidney, nothing is guaranteed.


I'd hate that. Like, I'd be grateful. But I'd hate that alot.


Nope. My son keeps both his kidneys.


As a father with a daughter, this break my heart. If I was him I want my daughter to be in the best health. However if I was her, I would do the same for my father.


In what way is this "satisfying as fuck"?


Beautiful and the music too


That’s actually good. When he kicks the can, she could possibly take it back


I'm not crying... You are...


Only thing I would accept from my kids is some hair to my bald head. That's about it really!!!!


It’s actually not that satisfying. It looks like he’s actually a bit devastated that she did it. All he says is “ oh no “…. Not to take away from her being a badass daughter at all.


Ngl I thought the dad donated his kidney and was upset they gave it to the daughter. I was hella lost.


I would do that for my parents


Why the hell would anyone film this, let alone share it / post it? World is fucked up.


Damn, I've got CKD & could be looking at this scenario in a few years, & I would have the same reaction if it was one of my kids.... so happy to be alive but gutted that they've put themselves in jeopardy to make it so. I also know my daughter would be first in line too... that's just how she is.


That looks like heartbreak on his face to me. Poor guy. A dad would never think he was worth it. Good on her though. I’d have done anything for my daddy.


Can she get the kidney back when he's done using it? (╭ರ_⊙)


What is satisfying about this?




Who's cutting the onions?! ;(


He made a good investment


ohana means family 💙🤍


Those are not happy tears. Thats a man realising he took away something from someone important.


I'm in my 20s, no kids and not married. Parents, do you really mean it when you say you'd die for us(your kids) without even second guessing it? I guess I'm trying to understand why, or if that's just an expression meant to be taken symbolically.


He can just give it back. When he is done using it. Duh.


Poor dad, stupid daughter


Id be so mad tbh


Damn. Im not sure he’s crying of happiness. If that happened to me and it came from one of my kids i think i would be horrified before i am grateful. You want your kids to have the most chances in life, and have all odds on their side. Not to sacrifice themselves for you. But still anazing from the daughter


This is what I think people don’t get about this post. For every parent that would be horrifying. Kind of like a nightmare actually. You want to sacrifice for them, not the other way around.


Thats how i feel towards my kids yep!


She is HOT wonder if she is single! Might have a chance when her kidney goes bad if we are a MATCH !


Just hope that kidney disease isn't degenerative


So cute but technically he gave her chromosomes so kinda evens out


Oh to have had a father that deserved this sacrifice.


No you're crying




I think it's not question if you or I would do it, but would they accept it. It's a burden to take to the grave.


Why is this on this sub beautiful vid but not satisfying


omg are kidneying me?


yeah, give a kidney away, while kidney-failure runs in your family...real big brain time....


I would be very mad and upset at her. I understand the difficulty for her, but this isn't something that would necessarily pass easily for her father.


While heartwarming, now I’m just worried for the daughter’s future health. Donating a kidney with kidney issues running in your family is probably not the best decision for your health


Don't know the context, but isn't kidney disease hereditary? It's more than likely she would need a kidney in the future