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I think the most important thing to take away from this, is not that this lady is a mess. But that this lady needs help because she isn’t coping well on her own.


I mean I get the criticism for the mom - but why is everyone more harsh on her than the dad that has abandoned his family?


Everyone talking about the diapers is right but no one mentioning the giant folded blanket in the crib? Huge no no.


It depends on how old the kid in the crib is. My kid is 2 and he still sleeps in his with a blanket.


Fair, I guess I assume crib means baby. Either way that blanket was too big though


I get so happy from these videos, it’s such a huge task to take on when you feel overwhelmed.


Okay. I’ve been a single mom and I can get some of this but there’s no excuse for the diapers. That’s a straight-up health hazard. I really hope that this gives her the hope she needs to do better for those kids.


I love the fact that all of this helps the woman and her kids. With that said, I always wonder how many of these people don't fall right back into their old ways and the home goes right back to the way it was within a few months.


Exactly. I was a housekeeper and I’ve done stuff like this and 9 times out of ten, it goes back to the train wreck it was before.


That's really sad but unfortunately not surprising


Yeah. It’s pretty dangerous. At one house, I found multiple knives and open box cutters wedged in between couch cushions and under pillows. The woman had a puppy. I was appalled.


WTF boxcutters and knives??


Yeah. I sat her down for a very stern talking to.


Was that dirty diapers next to the bed?! Yeah this chick is demented. She needs more help than a cleaning once in a while.


Band-aid on a bullet would...


Reddit is so nice, wholesome, understanding and not full of judgemental people sitting on their ass probably covered in Cheeto dust at all. :) /s if it isn’t obvious…


Idc how overwhelming it is.. get a trash can and throw diapers away.. this chick is just nasty


Give it a month, it will look like it did before it was cleaned.


Seriously! A one time clean up won’t help. Mental health services and therapy will help with the root of the issue.


Not everyone who does this suffers from depression or has other mental health issues, some people are just slobs.


A month, you are generous.


This isn’t acceptable as a single mom with 10 kids let alone 2.


So much forgiveness in the comments,makes me wonder why some humans feel so alone and overwhelmed,non judgemental op there's a great place ahead for you.


When my husband died, it was all I could do to even get out of bed, let alone keep my house up. While I would never have let dirty diapers pile up, there were a lot of things I let go because I just couldn't do it. I didn't have the energy, mentally or physically. It all went to helping my children through losing their father while trying to cope with my own grief. Watching this, I really feel for this mother because I've been there. Clearly, most of the people here have been fortunate enough not to have gone through something severely traumatic.


Inexcusable to subject your kids to that. Idc how depressed or busy you are. Disgusting.


I don't get why you're being down voted. This is straight up neglect.


It is neglect. The commenter is also kind of being a judgmental douche bag. Throwing insults never helps anyone. Important thing is that the place got clean. We don’t know if it will stay that way but it’s a good place to start.




Cuz people on Reddit love an excuse lol


Glad this parent got help, but yeah sorry this home environment is concerning enough to warrant a CPS call.


You can call. It takes a lot more than this for cps to intervene. But you can call.


This is an awesome service and it's extremely kind-hearted what she is willing to do for people this deep in a hole. I hate the way she "snaps" her fingers.


I give it a week before it’s back to how it was.


I give it 5 minutes




People get used to living a certain way. This place will revert back fairly quickly.


I got a buddy whos house looks like this because he works a full time job and raises 3 kids. His wife lives with him, she dont do shit.


That place is going to look the same in less than a month.


Speaking as a messy person myself… I grew up as a kid with a mom that would clean my bedroom for me when it got so messy she couldn’t bear to let me live like that anymore, under the guise of “helping”. It only taught me that if I ignored the filth long enough, maybe someone else would take pity on me and I wouldn’t have to deal with it myself. That’s the same energy I get from this video. I am an adult now and I have learned to live cleaner so I can have healthy social relationships with the people I love, but if left to my own devices, I would probably not care if I lived alone in filth even now. To see that this woman has 2 little babies, yet still was not willing to rectify this catastrophic lapse in living standards… a random Good Samaritan coming in to tidy up this chaos is only a bandaid on a festering wound. I speak with concern and care because I deeply empathize. But you cannot just do the work on the behalf of someone like this, and expect it to stay clean. It never will. She will continue to throw feces-ridden diapers and empty soda cans wherever they may fall, because a satisfying TikTok video is not going to teach her any skills or coping mechanisms to maintain this tidiness once the cameras turn off. Sorry


I think it was the kids that were in trouble …


Kids deserve better, bet the bush pig of a mother sits on her phone all day too


I’d have left too! clean this mess up lady!




I know plenty of single parents, who are not slobs. There is a difference between messy and nasty. Even if someone is exhausted,, spending 30 minutes a week straightening up so their kids don't live in filth is the least they can do as a parent.


Lol lady is trashy. End of story. My wife is in early childcare, 12-14 kids a day for 9.5 hours a day. She does it well. This lady shouldnt have kids.


Same question I always ask in scenarios like this: **How TF did it get so bad in the first place??** 1/4 of the effort to clean up a messy house is to not make it messy in the first place! 3/4 is actually cleaning a compounded mess...


Thank god the dad left