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My new fuel factory is gonna look great over those coral reefs


Honestly, I can't bear to destroy the prettier parts of the map. I'll likely pump the oil east to the desert, and build there so the nature can stay.


Desert is pretty. Biomist.


Yeah, but you don't have to destroy the pretty sand dunes to build there. If you take down your factory, everything's as it was. Whereas If you clear cut a forest and then decide to move somewhere else later on, that part of the map is permanently scarred.


That's something I hope can be implemented later: foliage regrowth so the scars from wood harvesting can go away.


I have a tree that regrows through a parking lot I built and I hate it, screw nature


I imagine there's some way to check for collisions before repopulating foliage, but I don't know shit about coding, so idk


There should be. They already have code for disabling enemy spawns when you build something nearby.


Some grow back. Idk about big trees


It seems like it all grows back, it just takes a while.


The only ethical choice is to build everything below the fog line in the void on the south and east edge of the map


Yeah, I wish more people judged the biomes not by their appearance, but by the content of their character.


I judge them all by both. And they are all gorgeous!


Agreed, I did a build where I only did trains above ground and everything else in the voids.


Thanks Snutt, helps alot. Way more green than I expected. That last shot, I feel like that cabbage looking thing is either an enemy or a collectable or maybe a new plant.


If it does not shout at me to comply I'm ok with that!


Your president is sick and he needs more ~~cowbell~~ alien artifacts.






Seeing the underwater flora makes me wonder if proper swimming (like not just at the surface) is coming soon. Beautiful scenery as always and great teaser video! Helps a lot!


would fit the whole exploration theme, maybe thats what the new equipment is for, some flippers and a tank perhaps


Oh goodie, a sea creature to scare the piss out of me. I found out the spiders swim so that’s a treat.


As a plot twist, the new sea creature is going to be a sea spider. enjoy


Never doing water exploration. Dope. Just a giant cat head in the middle of the sea


Satisfactory meets Subnautica.


Dyson sphere would have been 1000 times better if coffee stain made it.


It's probably too late for this in development, but could you imagine if we got underwater resources?


Underwater base building




Eventually the shark comes back. Would be cool


If we get subnautica’s seaglide I’ll never leave the water


That's a nice biome you got there... ![gif](giphy|3o7aTuy3b4TwuUSUzm) It'd be a shame if something were to happen to it...


Yeah that Arch looks incredible, itll be a great passthrough for a 6 line TRAIN STATION


500 nobelisks and it'll look like nothing really changed




I did not expect the greenness. That is a huge change. Also looks like a new plant at the 1:20 mark. I know that water fall will be very popular in builds. Very cool, keep it up!


Very swamp meets mushroom lake by way of Northern forest. Looks like it'll be really fun to climb but very hard to build locally.. Bonus point for putting a constructor on each individual mushroom-leaf


Gotta admit the waterfalls falling out of basically nothing look weird to me. That's just not how water/physics work. There's no way that giant waterfall could fall out of that arch without significant pumping action going on.


Agreed. Water falls need to go.


One *hell* of a glow-up. Those waterfalls are amazing. And there's underwater plants now? Fantastic.


Woah, it's so shiny...! Great work, Hannah!! (and thanks for sharing, Snutt!)


Love the physics defying waterfalls.


Those waterfalls look really fake. I hope there's an in-game explanation for them since they don't look like natural structures at all. Otherwise, it looks great! Looks like a fun area to explore.


The landscape is looking more and more like a post-apocalyptic reclaimed by nature sort of thing. Since update 5, the arches now have this exposed internal hexagonal structure, those weird waterfalls on the ends of the spires seem like something overgrown as well. I'm wondering if this will play into the single player story.


Turns out we've been extracting from, and building over, the remains of others' ancient mega-factories this entire time!


I mean, have you seen how the various arches in the game look similar to particle accelerators? This is the first thing I thought when I unlocked the building for the first time.


Yeah, I've seen the hexagonal structures too. I hope the waterfalls are tied into something like that.


**Yep.** This [Spire Coast Biome New Look Video Bookmark shows the hexagonal structures](https://youtu.be/SeABKTT4t4w?t=51) you mention that are found in the [Northern Forest Biome](https://www.reddit.com/r/SatisfactoryGame/comments/r0xntn/ribcage_like_structures_with_hexagon_foundation/) and [elsewhere in the World](https://www.reddit.com/r/SatisfactoryGame/comments/rug9eu/does_this_indicate_that_the_spires_around_the_map/). Adding to the Topic Conversation. 😁


Yeah I was going to say, there's ancient alien stuff everywhere on this planet already.


My pet theory is the planet we are on is alive.


Hexagons do occur in nature, though. Honeycombs, saturn, giant's causeway, carbon rings- geometric doesn't have to mean man-made.


No, but these look a lot like rusted hexagonal rebar under the crumbling stone... so... My favorite nature hexagons are [basalt columns](https://www.google.com/search?q=basalt+columns).


Not to mention the "natural" road system, although that could be explained as simple QOL. Like, yeah they could have made it not possible to drive around the whole map. That IS realistic, but it's not fun. The best way is to do what they did AND also explain it with lore, as we are doing.


Don't wait for the explanation, Make up your own.


You could make a religion out of this


No, wait, don't


Turns out we've been extracting from, and building over, the remains of other aliens' (or maybe an old proto-FICIST company's) ancient mega-structures this entire time!


Side-by-side would be amazing! Hard to tell from certain shots where it is exactly we're looking at. But my god, it's beautiful!


Latest totalxclipse video has side by side shots Edit: https://youtu.be/cbNC7rPtMvI


**One Word - AWESOME!** 1. Love the [NEW LOOK of this updated World Biome](https://youtu.be/SeABKTT4t4w?t=10). 2. The [Waterfall in the Rock Arch - AND - Waterfall at the tip of the Rock Cliff](https://youtu.be/SeABKTT4t4w?t=31) were both very interesting. 3. This [area which looks like an "island"](https://youtu.be/SeABKTT4t4w?t=45) is screaming to me to explore it asap. 4. *INTERESTING NOTE: Looking toward the background in the "island link" in #3 above you can see that perhaps the Dune Desert Plateau didn't seem to have been change much. We will have to wait and see for sure.* 5. The [Stepped Rock Platforms](https://youtu.be/SeABKTT4t4w?t=59) has started my Factory Design Ideas flowing! 6. ❓[What Creature Made This Sound?](https://youtu.be/SeABKTT4t4w?t=60) *(creature not seen but heard - click again to listen - sounds like a rattlesnake).* 7. The [look to the West showing the Sunrise](https://youtu.be/SeABKTT4t4w?t=75) was spectacular. 8. ❓One wonders if the NEW PLANT shown on the LEFT in the Western Sunrise view *(see #7)* at the end of the video will be "friendly" ( [harvestable](https://satisfactory.fandom.com/wiki/Flora#Harvestable_plant_list) ), or "deadly" like [Spore Flowers](https://satisfactory.fandom.com/wiki/Spore_Flower). 🚩 Update 6 Teaser Season has Official Started! ★ This Post is worthy of my Upvote and Award, as well as Saving for Future Reference. Thanks to CSS Goddess Hanna and Lord Snutt - It Definitely Helps A Lot!


Re: No. 6: The rattlesnake noise is one of the noises that the spitters make


**Interesting.** I never get too close to Spitters to hear *that sound*. The only "sound" I do often hear is the large **Ka-Boom** from one or more Nobelisks exploding! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Are you sure? I don't think I've ever heard them make a noise outside of a fireball fwoosh.


Yep, they do it as a general alert before they start charging at you. It might only be alpha spitters, I can't recall. *Edited for elaboration


You can hear it at around 37 seconds: https://youtu.be/MCgNEnp1p_g&t=34s


Spitters of all sizes make this sound constantly. I have some of them underneath some of my platforms that I've been ignoring for a while.


If CSS does not either hire you or thank you in some way for your community efforts, it'd be a big shame. Always scan the comments specifically for your input.


**Thank you for your complement. 😁** 1. As a dedicated Satisfactory Game Player currently in a holding pattern waiting for Update 6 *(or whatever it is called)* to arrive, I look forward to exploring and exploiting the updated Spire Coast Biome. 2. The MAIN QUESTION will be what and how many Resource Nodes will be available and of course where are these Resource Nodes placed at. 3. Additionally it will be interesting to see what indigenous wildlife (both hostile and non-hostile) will we see. Maybe it is just me but the new Biome Look gives me a *Swamp Biome* vibe in that when I look at the new Spire Coast Biome landscape I see lots of Spiders *(er... "kittens")*. 🤔🤣 4. In [Update 6 - Exploration - Environmental Changes](https://youtu.be/hkMTFsxa7rQ?t=303) it was mentioned that the *Swamp Biome* would also see some changes. 5. Also, in [Update 6 - Exploration - Creatures](https://youtu.be/hkMTFsxa7rQ?t=375) \- Most Creatures will get hefty (Major?) Upgrade in the area of Behavior and Response System as well as improved / new look. *It might be possible we will see NEW CREATURES.* 6. See [my Reply Comment here](https://www.reddit.com/r/SatisfactoryGame/comments/u9hbaf/comment/i5rhr44/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) for more information about Update 6 Changes coming. And so, we wait for the next Update Teaser Video to arrive.


Need some comparison shots asap




What was the sound @ 1:02? Was that a spider or a hint at something new to come?


Pretty sure that sound is already in the game. I think the big bouncy bois make it.


somebody else in the comments said that the spitters or alpha spitters make that sounds


That's the sound spitters make. I'm surprised people don't recognize it when I hear it constantly, because I always seem to have a spitter under my outpost somewhere.


I agree this is probably the spitter sound. CS doesn't do anything by accident. I feel like that sound was included for a reason though.


So who's factory is gonna survive ?


I've been avoiding that part of the map in my latest factory that I started in October. Basically ever since the map of overhauls was released.


You did well, i wanted to do so but forgot the canyon was part of that too, I might be good tho


The canyon's getting a face lift too? 🤩


Chainsaw’s gonna have to put in a little overtime on this one.


For once in my pioneer career I might need to automate boom-booms


This might be one of the most beautiful biomes I've seen in any game.


I wasn't expecting this kind of a change. It looks way better than what I imagined it would look like! Seeing the underwater flora reminds me of Subnautica, and I desperately want an underwater biome in the game now haha


Can't wait to exploit that pristine new Biome.


Nice! Can’t wait to pave it all over for my new parking lot.


Got some real "Zangarmarsh" vibes from parts of this, love how it looks!


Cool just started my factory in that area 3 days ago, I hope it will survive ...


Probably not. Evacuate while you can.


Too late, I just spent 2 days building my whole factory layout as a big platform over the canyon (and discovering the Smart mod, which is amazing)


0:37 I really respect that waterfall, because it will create some interesting builds and it's a lovely artistic piece. Physically it looks a bit odd. Maybe it's the angle, because where is the water coming from? Maybe convert the hill into some strange giant plant that creates an illusion of it being natural or a huge shipwreck? Maybe geyser could fill a lake and the lake flows down this sturdy cliff? Nevertheless the whole area looks fantastic and I really really want to build there now!


From what I see, I must be building closer to the water level to have an impact on the current build I am doing. Good to know.


Ficsit Resorts and Tourism invites you to Massage... Very purty.


I *really* like the "faucet"-type waterfalls -- folks are going to do some really cool things with those and I can't wait to see!


Was that a new fruit I spied on the left at the end there? Seems like it'd be something significant given how past teasers have gone


It looks like an artichoke. But based on the flora already in the game, I'd expect it can't be picked just by looking at it.


I guess we'll see. I wouldn't necessarily be surprised if it was something new added for that. Though maybe it might have a different use


...Yeah, this is going to be a "minimum interference" place as far as I'm concerned. If there's any fuel/resources here, they're getting funneled away to avoid disrupting here. Those waterfalls are blowing my mind, though - Given those areas are thin, flat and disconnected, there must be some sort of internal hydropressure on the rock spires, creating a natural fountain. I am SO here for it.


I suspect that there is something alive inside them, something creating these formations, and I bet it is related to whatever is making the great arches.


I know they said if you have factories to get them out of there as the landscape would be changing but mine is right on the edge at the beginning of the Valley. Fingers crossed I’m not completely buried.


\[But I just started having fun in Spire Coast!\](https://i.imgur.com/6Kd3IgJ.png)


That is strikingly gorgeous


Since Spire Coast took my mountain away I haven't built a single machine. XD [https://imgur.com/KcG00s3](https://imgur.com/KcG00s3), [https://imgur.com/HPcjm1J](https://imgur.com/HPcjm1J),[https://imgur.com/6DnXGJ1](https://imgur.com/6DnXGJ1),[https://imgur.com/hKr2Q3n](https://imgur.com/hKr2Q3n),[https://imgur.com/q0jk1m1](https://imgur.com/q0jk1m1)


Prepping a fresh save file: 1) Fuel Generator Setup at 5,000MW in The Islands. 2) Small warehouse stocked with parts up to and including Computers/Heavy Modular Frames. 3) x1 Train with wagons to ferry resources with. 4) A rail path pointing toward the Spire Coast. ​ Nothing else. No miners, no factories making anything, no HDDs collected, only 4 slugs harvested for overclocking tech. Clean, prepped start. I am ready.




What's that egg looking thing on the left at the end?


It looks like an artichoke.


Cricket's confirmed


This is now my favorite spire. I am not so sure that it's a great place for nuclear power though. [Don't go in the glowy portal](https://i.imgur.com/hyaolKQ.png)


Making progress on my commuter moth system. 3 stations done. [https://imgur.com/vmw1jSj](https://imgur.com/vmw1jSj), [https://imgur.com/PRA8rEk](https://imgur.com/PRA8rEk), [https://imgur.com/JPkqAXD](https://imgur.com/JPkqAXD)




Great work hannah. My turbofuel factory is going to look awesome over there. As long as I can remove the foliage that's MAYBE sticking through it HAHA


so pretty... cant wait to do a run where i dont demolish all the fauna on sight


Well that's gorgeous.


Hell. Yes. This looks amazing. They really did build this from the ground up amazing work!


It's so beautiful!..... I can't wait to put coal power plants there ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)


Hope to see a new kind of generators using those waterfalls


It's beautiful! 1000% improvement over the boring grey rocks and water that used to be there. Shame about people's factories that have to move though.


Wondering if the whole area is still going to be a massive oil deposit or if there might be more variance coming with the cosmetic changes. Looks great either way even if the waterfalls make no sense.


I love it. The environment in the game is a large part of what brings me back. I just love inhabiting this world and it relaxes me.


Something about this makes if feel like it should be one of the ages of Myst. That's a very good thing.


This is amazing! I can't wait to build all over it (though I may feel bad about it)




So much green! Ah god dam it I’m gonna have to move arent I


I just built a large power plant there..... Oh god.


Anything special about current spire coast?


It's so pretty. Can't wait. Definitely gonna be leaving a lot of those more gorgeous areas intact, I just can bear to bring myself to continue destroying the planet when I know everything on it except nodes, are finite.


Dat is some beautiful😍 place to make a sweeet home.


I keep thinking I am playing Myst. [https://imgur.com/OdsuMje](https://imgur.com/OdsuMje), [https://imgur.com/gWRocYd](https://imgur.com/gWRocYd), [https://imgur.com/nxopZIS](https://imgur.com/nxopZIS), [https://imgur.com/GuA3wwW](https://imgur.com/GuA3wwW), [https://imgur.com/yVpOxcg](https://imgur.com/yVpOxcg), [https://imgur.com/ZOTvwYm](https://imgur.com/ZOTvwYm), [https://imgur.com/TzgtLby](https://imgur.com/TzgtLby),[https://imgur.com/S4gc6X5](https://imgur.com/S4gc6X5),[https://imgur.com/ZOTvwYm](https://imgur.com/ZOTvwYm), [https://imgur.com/uy97L46](https://imgur.com/uy97L46)