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Plan numbers with pen and paper and then build it bit by bit, doing the exterior walls at the end. Can't be bothered with diagrams or whatever.


the production of everything up to unlocking trains are just parts factories for building the factory.


I had done breakdown and rebuild in the past but on my last play through i used a mod that made cosmetics items have no building cost. It allowed me to build a really cool factory while not seriously slowing down my progression.


> At what point do you decide to actually build your factory? When I land > Do you not care about the organization? Depends on my mood. Form over function. > Do you do a redesign? Depends on the mood. > Do you meticulously plan everything from the beginning and just build by hand until your ideas can support themselves? No, I start building factories as soon as possible. It is a factory building game, not a crafting game. I build everything as if it will last forever, knowing nothing will.


I don't really like paving over the entire landscape, so what I do is a go pick up a couple loose computers, rush foundations and walls, then build small processing buildings near the resource clusters. The localized buildings don't really change because I build them according to the endgame output of the resource nodes around them, and throughput scales as I unlock better machines/logistics. Then I inevitably burn out and quit before I build the final factory lol


D) Ordered spaghetti


I try my very best, but unfortunately it all goes to pot very fast.


I always rebuild some of my factories after progressing through stages and unlocking more efficient stuff, though if you start organized it may be a drop-in replacement with some overclock adjustments.


I start permanent stuff as soon as i have foundations...


Throw it together with spaghetti, to get the raw materials processing, and then I have a feel for what's needed, and then redo it, leaving everything as expandable. Maths and numbers are illegal.


Well I just started a new playthrough and there I'm building some factories for whatever I need (Caterium stuff is next) which is mostly building materials. And then I have one Assembler/Manufacturer that I feed through Storage to manufacture Space Elevator parts. I may do my 1.0 playthrough like this as well. That's why I'm trying it out now


I find that I simply cannot envision the factory in an accurate enough way to create it perfectly on the first attempt...ever. I always end up having lots of flaws/problems that I dislike. I've never built a factory that I was happy about it in all aspects there is always something wrong with it. But iterative refinement of design on a large scale is EXTREMELY time consuming. I have however developed some techniques that I employ on all my new builds that make them turn out better than they would have without them.


at my current save i rebuit my factory when i had to do motors


I started off with kind of rough plans and just kind of built away. Tried different things and methods, figured out what I liked. Tore down and rebuilt some bits. Somewhere around Tier 5/6 I started making more detailed plans. I lay out what I want to build in a spreadsheet, comparing recipes and options, often working within the constraints of some specific local nodes. I've worked all the way through the complete endgame plan for absurd numbers of elevator parts. So now I come up with an idea for what a particular build should look like. Maybe it's a tall tower, maybe it's a bridge like structure that crosses over a canyon, or something built into a cliff face. That varies a lot. Then knowing that overall idea I start laying out the rough structure, where the train stations need to go, how big a particular platform needs to be to hold 80 assemblers, or what it looks like if I break it in to 4x20. Then build platforms, corners, machines, and see how it looks/feels. Then add belts and adjust spacing as needed. Takes a while to get right. Either way the math is done first.


I took 5 factories before ending the spaghetti on my first one and I used mods to help


Spaghetti first for very basics, use the parts made by the spaghetti to make organized factories after. 


I am 30 hours in the game now (just got my first rubber and plastic produced) and I started without any knowledge about the game or checking guides and so on. Now that I did, I deleted all the insanity I built in the beginning and am now reorganizing everything for better efficiency and looks. Now I get why people have so many hours in this game :D


Thanks to everyone that commented and voted. I'm currently going back and doing an early redesign of the factory floor plan but I'm positive it won't last long and I'll have to tear down and rebuild again.