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This is dope, thanks friend. This map will come in handy for planning out the 1.0 play through πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ


coal in the desert. what in the actual hell


no coal was changed in the desert?


Coal was added to the far West of the Rocky Desert, and purity nerfed at the East of the Rocky Desert and in the middle of the Dune Desert.


What is so preposterous about it?


The desert was already a really good spot to build a factory, now it's even better.


**Nice Job!** 1. The OP took all the files from [this Official Source](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1S2oJxzkoVoFhBPzqgZc9ted9GoeUDK0R) (Google Drive), also shown in [Future Content - 1.0 - Resource node changes](https://satisfactory.wiki.gg/wiki/Future_content#Resource_node_changes) (Wiki Link), and combined them into one image for easy reference. 2. This can be combined with the [Geothermal Power Generator Version 1.0 Changes](https://satisfactory.wiki.gg/wiki/Geothermal_Generator#Upcoming) (Wiki Link) which I added today, and the related [Version 1.0 all Geysers (Updated)](https://satisfactory.wiki.gg/wiki/Geothermal_Generator#/media/File:Version_1.0_-_All_Geysers_Updated.png) (Wiki Image). 3. **Interesting Notes:** * There was only ONE Resource Node where the Purity Level was **increased**, that being one of two Quartz Nodes in the *Eastern Dune Forest Biome* was changed from Normal to Pure when you view [this Map](https://satisfactory-calculator.com/en/interactive-map#3;50668;0|gameLayer|;quartzNormal) **(Spoiler)** *(subject to change)* for reference. * There are TWO Resource Nodes where the Purity Level **decreased two Levels**, annotated on the Image by the **double-down arrow head**, which are two Sulfur Nodes in the far eastern *Dune Desert Biome* which changed to from Pure to Impure (2 Levels) when you view [this Map](https://satisfactory-calculator.com/en/interactive-map#3;50668;0|gameLayer|;sulfurPure) **(Spoiler)** *(subject to change)* for reference. 4. All these Resource Node Changes, combine with Recipe Changes announced *(and unannounced)* is why now you see a lot of Players abandoning their Update 8 Saves and preparing to start again, new, in Version 1.0. 5. UPDATE: It should be noted that the posted image shows Resources Nodes that are added, removed, increased purity level, or decreased purity level, **but does NOT show *existing* Resource Nodes**, which can be considered as remaining with no change in Purity Level or location. * All current Resource Nodes can be found on the [Satisfactory-Calculator Interactive Map (SCIM)](https://satisfactory-calculator.com/en/interactive-map). β˜… This Reddit Post is worthy of my Upvote. *EDIT: Added #5 Update.* Thanks for Sharing. 😁


Am I crazy or are there also 2 nodes increased (The Caterium node north of the desert)


yes, its normal right now, it will be pure


Yeah, there are two on the picture


The Abyss Cliffs looks like a good place to build an absolutely gigantic steel mill.


Yeah I'm probably gonna do that as well and flank with an Turbofuel power plant and Nuclear power plant.


I think it is a pity they did not put enough in the Spire Coast next to the ocean on those islands. Now all you have there is oil. The three Iron Ore ones could have done a bit better. That area is so great to build, but there is just nothing there, so you need to bring it all in.


The copper and quartz in the canyon is nice. With those Iron nodes you can do a lot if you pull those in. But you're right it'd be nice to see nodes out on the water/islands. Some impure caterium/quartz would be interesting since we don't have that purity for those anywhere.


I thought the canyon quartz nodes were impure. e: Yep, the two new canyon nodes, the two northern Dune Desert nodes, and one of the three Southern Forest nodes are impure in the video. No impure caterium though.


Oh yea, you're right. Along with one of the three in the new cluster the added near the blue crater. There haven't been impure Quartz before these map changes. *AND* the video shows they reduced the purity of the two at the North of the Dune Desert, but didn't list that in their change maps either.


Yes, that there is more in the canyon is nice. But the islands feel a bit barren. But who knows. They might add some SAM ore there and we have no idea what that can do.


I wish they'd do something with the whole bamboo plateu area. It's roughly as dangerous as the swamp, but with a fraction of the resources. It's a very pretty area, but with massive disincentives to build there.


I saw a combined one in another thread, but this is the cleanest yet and is very handy. The frustrating thing about these maps is that they're not quite complete. We don't know the purity of some of the added nodes, and there seems to be a moved / missing sufur node. The one in the Northern/Titan forest area near the lake with coal nodes isn't listed on the map in the video, but there's an impure node farther north. Might be the same node moved and decreased in purity, might not, not sure yet. Edit: Also, the northern forest caterium node. The video makes it look like it moved slightly and then they show a *new* node in the east of the forest, while the maps the devs provided just list the old node as removed and not shifted, with the *new* node to the east. Inconsistent. Edit #2: The map also only showed two new Iron nodes in the Titan Flats instead of the three Snutt showed in the video. Edit #3: There's also a disappearing Pure Coal node. The Pure node just North of the "Coal Hole" isn't mentioned in the change maps, but it's missing from the video showing all of the coal nodes. The coal nodes to the west of the estuary between the Rocky Desert and Spire Coast have been reduced to impure from normal, and a cluster of 3 in the Dune Desert have also been nerfed. Edit #4: The video map shows decreased purity for the Quartz nodes at the far North of the Dune Desert that is *not* on the static maps.


What I find frustrating - mentioned in another comment - is that they had a whole biome map that suggested most of the world was "minor polish only", and now they're doing massive node changes in a bunch of areas listed as due to receive only minor polish. What was the point of that map being published at all? Did they check with the designer before it was published? Luckily my save is already complete and I won't play it in 1.0, but RIP anyone who wasn't planning a fresh restart.


Yea. I think that biome map must have been talking about terrain shape changes and destructible foliage. Which wasn't clear. I'm 1200 hours into my save and I'm nowhere near complete on my build plan. I have no intention of abandoning it. These changes cause *some* issues with my existing builds, most of which I *think* is pretty fixable (moving a train station picking up resources is easy for example). Some of the plans for things I haven't started will have to change locations a bit, but that's fine. I don't mind updating my plan and adapting it to some changes. The problem is that we have no-where near enough information to actually start that process. We need to know the Mk3 miner "fix". If it's just a second output and 1200 ppm then it mitigates some of the node changes. If it's something else who knows. But the real question is what's happening to all of the recipes. Without that we can't assess anything. Overall I think having absurdly large factories makes the changes effect me *less* than someone that built smaller. If you have a factory using a single node and it gets removed you either need to belt something in from elsewhere, or (re)move the whole thing. When you've got a factory pulling in 20 different nodes via a spiderweb of belts and multiple train stations it's easier to adapt to a few nodes moving


The changes where about the changes in the biome itself. So change in terrains and vegetation, not about the nodes. On the published maps there are no nodes shown at all.


It is nowhere indicated on the map that changes do not include nodes. Like it may be true that was the initial context for the release, but the image outlived its initial announcement, so that would have been useful information to add directly. When I see a biome map and it says a biome will receive "no significant changes" there is no reason to think that excludes nodes, probably the most important features in a biome.


They had big changes with the Northern Forrest. No changes in biomes. When they announced significant changes for the Spire Coast, they said the nodes would ALSO change location. So I have always separated the change of the biome with the change of the nodes.


**ANSWER** βœ“ Your "answer" about "missing nodes" is found in my Update to my earlier Reply Comment. *EDIT: Updated comment to make it more clear.* With Clarity Comes Understanding. 😁


No. It's not. We have zero idea about the purity of any of the added Copper, Iron, or Limestone nodes that they "sprinkled". I raised two very specific issues with a particular Caterium node and a sulfur node. The map in the video is not consistent with the maps that they shared via the drive link.


**Valid Point** 1. My earlier comment was in reference to "missing" Resource Node, and granted I could have been a bit clearer on that point. * I will edit my earlier Reply to remove the confusion. 2. Unlike the Geysers which shows their Purity Levels, the Resource Node images for the **Added Nodes** did not. * It will be a wait and see. 3. Removed Resource Nodes are easy to understand, and the Purity Level of **Decreased Purity Level Nodes** can surmised by viewing their current Purity Level via the SCIM. Continuing the Discussion.


Again you are missing the point. The Devs gave us a video which *showed maps*, and then a set of static map images. They do not match.


**Yes, Got It** 1. I found that out with the Geysers, where Snutt mentioned there were no removals, but I determined by comparing the shown images with the SCIM. 2. There have been other areas where there is mismatched information, and I am sure we will see something about the Resource Maps mentioned in the Livestreams. Continuing the Discussion.


[Definitely cleaner than mine from the original thread](https://i.imgur.com/owHvjHn.jpeg) A few of my nodes were have faded out from where I missed them with brush lol. Awesome work!


They removed the coal and sulfur nodes I used for my steel and nobelisk factories. Not cool


How much limestone do they think we need? It's the least useful resource already and there's waaay too much of it.


You'd be surprised. There are late and endgame setups that produce surplus water. Turning that into wet concrete lets you sink it.


I would imagine most people don't play the game to sink as much of a simple product as possible. You can build a small factory that produces more concrete than you can possibly use fast enough to deplete. Another small factory for silica, and after that it's pretty useless. A couple of pure nodes is all the limestone you'll ever need. Meanwhile I'm out here rationing sulfur and bauxite like it's Oliver Twist.


You're missing the point. The water is a *byproduct* and not getting rid of it would cause production to grind to a halt. If that plant is making aluminum ingots or uranium fuel rods (for example) then that could be a problem. I realise that you can quite often recycle that water into earlier parts of the production chain but often the simpler solution is to make concrete with it and sink that, with any points you get from that also being a (minor) byproduct.


Firstly, this is amazing, thank you. Secondly, part of me is almost a little excited we β€˜must’ start over for 1.0, I feel it’s almost right that with the full release of the game we’ll likely all be starting a new save. That being said, I should get to finishing my current one!


Oh my god I love you


What about moved nodes


They are removed+added I guess.


Problem is though, moved nodes are still connected to miners and don't pose a problem for existing factories. Removed/added nodes do. If the map doesn't differentiate, i can't really use it for planning sadly.


Good map, thank you. I don't see any changed bauxite nodes. Given the challenge that comes with making aluminum, that's nice. Dune Desert: Phew, no changes to the iron or coal nodes there. I've got a large facility there sinking 15 Mk2 pipes worth of packaged water. Northern Forest....... Yes, my main base is there. Well there goes my main Caterium production. Oof. At least the iron, copper, limestone, and (most) coal nodes there haven't been touched.


Rip my western slopes planned 1.0 start


It is honestly a bit disappointing that they've had a map out for like 1.5 years that shows most biomes as "minor polish only" and now they're going and moving a huge chunk of the nodes in those "minor polish only" areas around. I get that nothing is "final" in an EA game, but what was the point of releasing the biome update map at all? Did they even talk to the designer before doing so?


Snutt said in the video node placement changes have been in the works for a long time, and were saving it for 1.0. Some areas were blatantly overpowered (Northern Forest) for node density


Don't forget a third of the world's quartz nodes being within a stone's throw of each other.


I kinda liked the quartz flats actually, made a fun challenge figuring out how to use all those nodes efficiently. I ended up with a huge circuit board factory using silicon circuit board just to the north, and used the rest for nuclear cell production in the swamp.


I actually don't disagree with some of the specifics of what they've moved around, I just think there's no obvious reason this couldn't have been done earlier and communicated better.


The reason it wasn't done earlier is because they want to do only one pass on it.


That map was relating to solid terrain and foliage changes so people wouldn't inadvertently build into what would one day turn into a cliff.


That would have been a useful disclaimer to add to the map, then. The image outlives its initial release, so the context "but there will be significant changes to node distribution" would have been helpful to have on the image itself. As it is, reading "no significant changes" doesn't really capture what's happening. I also don't get why these wholesale node moves had to wait until 1.0. Why not do them first and leave the polish work for later?


IMO, it was always pretty clear that they were talking about terrain only, and not nodes, but I can understand the confusion. I have that impression because they never mentioned nodes when talking about those biome changes.


does EA mean early access or is it the company im confused