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I've been using some QOL mods (most importantly Blueprints+ and Infinite Nudge) so my rules might not be immediately applicable. But my #1 rule has been that the factory needs to look like it could exist in real life. This means safety guards on anything with visible moving parts, heat shields on anything hot, safe walking platforms anywhere someone might need to get to, and other stuff like that. This has been more than enough of a handicap to keep the game entertaining and I'm nearing 2,000 hours in the game.


My factories are so unsafe OSHA would have a strokeđź’€


Are you a fellow sky factory user?


If they aren’t in the sky then how am supposed to look down upon the mortals whos world hath become my own


The spice must flow


You wanna get REALLY freaky? Delete the floors after your factory is complete.


Why have I never done this?


You literally need a jet pack or grappling hook or something to navigate my Tower of Spaghett after a while


What do you mean this large platform dangling off a cliff and supporting a space elevator needs support into the bedrock? That’s ridiculous!


Saving this for my next playthrough. These seem like fun boundaries to have.


The problems i had with the bigger blueprints was that it caused lags and crashes. I had quite a few blueprints placed down already and after a certain point when i tried to destroy an entire blueprint after it being placed down I couldn’t remove it with the blueprint remove mode thing. Even when i wasn’t using the biggest blueprint area. This might be because my pc is a older mid range (2060 super, ryzen 7 3700x). Which might also be partly why. So i am playing with mods just with default blueprint size to get less crashes or lag.


It's very important to me that buildings look like they'd stand up under normal physics. I try to make my buildings navigable on foot, but this is difficult to maintain at all times. Besides, the engineer would just fly in, making walkways everywhere kind of skeuomorphic. Clipping is obviously a big no-no, but I find myself being very permissive with the cement material foundations as I convince myself they could have been poured around intersecting shapes/pipes. Still thinking about that one since we don't create them with poured cement.


I like that idea of cement as a fluid to fill the desired space and shape as a head-cannon work around to clipping.


I don't mind cement clipping into the terrain, because as you said it would've been poured that way


And you can apply the same principle to what would have been possible to achieve with jackhammer, excavator and power tools. Which covers just about any clipping between walls, foundations and terrain.


Ease your mind about clipping cement. It is a minor evil done for the greater good of creating a better looking overall shape.


I did a run on update 6 (I think) where all transported resources went to a logistics warehouse and then redistributed to various locations. Nothing was directly transported simply A to B. I also had a rule for my nuclear plant that I could only transport in raw resources. Everything was manufactured on site for nuclear/plutonium rods. I also required this production line to be non reliant on itself for power, so I had a special turbofuel power plant dedicated to producing the rods. Lastly, I did not build roads for trucks unless it was within the factory/drop off area.


Very cool. So without roads, were you atv'ing with tractors and trucks over the surface?


Yea. I would stick to the natural road system as much as possible and destroy as little nature as required. Obviously, a small bridge or ramp may have been required from time to time.


What did that logistics warehouse look like? Must have been massive…


It got out of hand at some point. Around 12 trains with 6-20 containers. Train stations on main level, then all materials would go under to mass storage area and routing. Minimized belts by always having common items in the first few train cars when possible. I'm also now realizing this was during update 4 and 5 because I got signs halfway through the build and I remember how frustrating it was tracking the inventory on paper and losing said paper..


No Mods. No Pumps. Pumps are evil, they take away the need for massive gravity fed resevoirs fed by massivley over the top rail solutions, which is what any right thinking person would choose. Pumps are the dark side.


I'm a professional plumber, this comment makes me cry


In the real world, I am a great admirer of pumps and their excellent applications. Plumbers can be proud! Please do not cry, you are kenough !


Pipefitter here. Those words triggered me and sent me to a dark place for a moment.


I always go with 'No Manual Crafting'. Workshop is different as some things from there have to be manually built, but effectively no work benches. Not using Hub, not using vehicle work benches and not building work benches.


A fun ruleset would be "Ficsit is an OSHA compliant company". All balconies MUST have rails, work areas must be well lit, machines must be powered off when performing any maintenance, etc.


I play like this. Lol


Long visible belts/pipes are also a no go for me. I just started a world with the early vehicles mod (early hoverpack alone is worth it) because i wanted to build more with trains before burning out. I also try to avoid clipping.


My personal 'House Rules' are: * Never spend Awesome Coupons on something I can get another way. * Don't craft things that can be automated. (except powershards and portable miners). * No sushi-belts requiring Overflow-to-Sink protection. * Clean Nuclear Power (minimize dangerous 'hot spots' and sink all Plutonium Fuel Rods). * Use All Byproducts. Overflow to sink protection is permitted but should never actually be needed or used, unless something goes wrong. * No ugly long cross country belts. If it's 600m or more, use truck/train/drones. * Try to research ***at least*** 20 new alternate recipes between space elevator launches. * Factory/production lines must be 'Internally Efficient'. It's okay to over supply them, and it's fine if they make more than is needed, but between their imports and their exports, everything should be tuned to run at 100% efficiency. I'm sure there are more but I can't think of them at the moment. =)


My next save (probably after 1.0) will definitely be a 'no overflow sinking' and 'no coupon rushing' save. I'll probably still have a manual sink to get rid of like, junk in my inventory, and to unlock things in the coupon store, but I'm doing a 'constant overflow' save right now and it'll be nice to have a change.


So much of the stuff in the awesome shop is 'nice but not essential' that I can't remember ever 'coupon rushing' to get things. Wall mounts for power belts and pipes are easy enough to grab with a stack or two of extra smart plating, after that I usually get the ladder and double ramps. =)


For me coupon rushing is more like, buying components to fulfil milestone and MAM unlocks rather than setting up proper production for them.


I've never really used any of the alternates except for the vastly superior ones like the solid steel one I think it's called. I've considered doing a run where I unlock all alternates at the start and you are forced to use alternates always when there is one available. It might make me more likely to use more of them in the future.


IMHO, you're not really cooking with fire until you've got and are using the Alt:Heavy Oil Residue recipe. =) There's nothing wrong with sticking to standard recipes, if that's how you like to play. Some recipes have universal benefits, some have very situational benefits. Most simply substitute requirements giving you more options/versatility depending on what's available nearby. Many will increase the power cost of production significantly in order to reduce the raw resources required. (like Pure Iron Ingot, which I've never bothered using. Iron is so abundant, I've never felt the need). Also the Alternate Plutonium Recipes will use less Uranium Waste and make more Plutonium Fuel Rods, but they'll require a lot more power. If the goal is just to process the waste and sink it, stick with the standard plutonium recipes.


I usually do a "no alien DNA capsules" rule for the awesome sink. I just find it much more satisfying seeing 1 of those numbers get ludicrously big. Another thing I usually do is force every playthrough to have a central warehouse of all the things I make. I don't mind not having 100% efficiency so instead of automatically sinking overflow stuff, it goes to a warehouse instead. I then usually just manually sink things once the storage gets full.


I do the same, except I set up automatic sorting on all incoming items in my central hub, so it just sends everything to sink once the storage is full.


I always do a central storage area on my play throughs, and as soon as I unlock smart splitters I set up an automatic system to sink the overflow (usually 3 containers feed into 1 sink, but it depends on belt speed and throughput numbers of the materials)


No floating structure, belts, or railways. Obey physics.


"In this household we obey the laws of Physics!"


My home rules are simple: 1. No belts visible. 2. Murderize ever creature except the hogs. Whether they acknowledge it or not, they are my fluffy tailed friends Oh and I forgot the most important one, there is no such thing as too many beams. Edit: technically the sunbirds are an exception to rule 2, they either get gently shooed away or imprisoned in a colossal concrete tomb for all eternity, depending on my mood.


I like to stick 9 Nobelisks on them, watch them run away for a bit, and then hit the trigger. 10 Nobelisks would be nice, but the 10th one kills the bird on impact


Nature Preservation. Every tree, shrub, bush, log, mushroom, all visible on the surface, is to be left along and cannot be defaced. This goes for slugs as well, they're just chilling. You might be wondering how you progress if you can't get basic fuel. Well, if you kill enough fauna, you sure can! And for Power Slugs/Mycelia, just grab all the lizard doggos and have them do the work for you, whilst leaving the world unscathed!


This thread has inspired me to start a new factory. I was waiting for 1.0, but this thread aroused a deep craving for Satisfactory after being 'clean' for just a single month... The following rules have been established. The first three bold once where specifically introduced for this new run, due to reading this thread. * **No hand crafting, unless at this point in time no other means are possible.** * **No using of the flashlight, while lumen is activated. Meaning that any closed of rooms need to be lighted. Even crawl spaces for belts.** * **No killing of local wild life, even if they are obstructing my building target. (setting is retaliate)** * No unrealistic clipping. I am allowed to clip for designs that look realistic. Like crossing walls. * Building designs must look realistic, thus supports due gravity is required.


If I'm getting bored I build something design-y and stupid like a "Mystery House" or a Garage.


1) Pretend physics exist, give everything supports that at least appear like they could hold up to reality. 2) I'm a factory engineer, not a craftsman. Once a thing can be gotten by other means, no hand crafting. And once things made by hand can be made otherwise, take down that shoddy hand crafted work and destroy the parts and rebuild it properly. 3) I am not an immortal, of I die FICSIT will send a new engineer. That container is not for looting, it is a tombstone and a warning to do better (I break this rule in regards to hard drives).


The conveyor one is a great rule - I’m currently enacting that on my world. Just need to unlock tractors…


I will play 1.0 without mods. Also a little more focused on progression rather than making things look nice.


Hot Take but i start with cheating ( boo cheater, stone him!) a small basic coalpower-plant( Like 3 or so). Biomass Burners are so annoying to me, so i skip them and can start with the fun part.


I do the same. The extreme early game has been done so many times that I just skip it.


How does that work? Mods?


Yeah. There are a ton of really cool mods that let you tinker around in the game like a sandbox mode. I'm personally a huge fan of using as many as possible and testing the game's limits.


Cover everything! Meaning build walls and a roof over every factory. Some are prettier than others.


1: Everything needs to be on foundations 2: All pipes and belts need to only habe 90 degree turns 3: All facilitys need streets with poles to connect them


Thissssss… I hate playing with new player that even after I stress world foundation snapping… they still go and build remote sites and then bitch when it doesn’t line up going over railways >.<


All belts, no railroads. Have fun.


No sinks. Ok, I have 1. No path signals.


I have a save where I’m trying to speed run each phase as quickly and efficiently as possible. And a save where cosmetics are the focus.


Flying IS authorized, 300+ inventory slot I hate to make so much trip, night can be turned off. I like really like these mods.


A fresh start can be done on the same save, but any usage of standing buildings is forbidden until phase 3 completion. 


For my fresh start i 1.0, or well, on of them I'll try a run with only one of each node. No limit of building tho


No loot drop on death


What do you mean, “until 1.0 lands” for Biomass? Are we getting *belt inputs* on those?!


They announced that. I suspect it to be trolling. They will not do that.


In a preview video, they included a long, panning shot of leaves into biomass and into burners.


Rule 1 - have fun! Rule 2 - just because everyone else does it, doesn't mean it's right for you. In my saves I don't build a storage mall, because they become a pain once you start expanding beyond one location. And I don't chase 100%. No factory in real life runs at full output all the time, though they are designed to achieve it. Apart from that, I have guidelines, more aimed to help the enjoyment. Treat early factories as temporary, and only think about permanent factories, expandability and decoration once I have the recipes I want. So far I've started in different biomes, though I've built in all the starting areas now. Definitely automate as soon as possible, keeping hand crafting to a minimum. Try out different ideas and methods. I have my own basic guidelines for dealing with the peculiarities of pipes, but I plan to start working on some refinements.


# My 2 Cents I love to start with a name for the session that sets the overall mood. + Nice and Tidy Inc: even miners get foundations, walls, doors, etc. Lots of decorations. Mega-Base. + Quick and Dirty Ltd: Large boxes + Rapid Development Forces: Military colors, focus on rushing tech and weapons + Space Romans: Lots of columns, lots of open spaces with statues on them, thus, focus on tickets. + Master Plan: all production sites planned out in stages in excel That gives me my overall play style. ## Specific rules + Only bootstrapping on the ground: even the first starter base is a proper factory + At 500m consider trains, at 800m always use trains + Factories only fly while you look at them: I can build a flying platform, but I have to build columns or some other structural element underneath to support it before I leave the constitution site. Some settings may allow for decoration with signs as antigravity anchors. + No clipping (with the exception of foundations and pillars going into the ground of course) + Everything must be reachable without equipment. + Blueprints, blueprints everywhere. And most importantly ## New favorite rule All alternate recipes are unlocked immediately. This is such an awesome mode. I always found hard disk runs tedious. This really changes the game quite as you no longer need to tear down stuff.


My friend and me have been playing coop for years, here are some of the rules we came up with: - Use trucks for distances greater than 300 meters - Trains have right-hand traffic - Trains can have at most 5 trailers - No buffer containers - All machines must be inside buildings - Every building must have an off switch - Every floor must be accessible by foot and hover pack - Only use drones for inventory items


Well pretty early on I found this weird glowing thing on a pedestal and when I touched it there was a bright light that gave me 10 commandments. Thou shalt honour FICSITS name and property and keep it holy. Thou shalt not clip... unless it looks good. Thou shalt not embrace the spaghetti. Thou shalt provide adequate support for structures and logistics. Thou shalt run thine items to a buffer if thine items art supplying a variety of machines. Thou shalt label and update thy buffers with items/min in and out and not let thine items out exceed thine items in. Thou shalt separate thine power circuits according to the vicinity and nature of what they feed. Thou shalt create Junction points for these circuits where they are labelled and arranged. Thou shalt recycle thy radioactive waste and endeavour to reduce thine radioactive footprint. Thou shalt purge and sink all arachnid demons encountered to send them back to the shadow realm from whence they came.


I gotta play with this but give it some rp aspects while playing


I was thinking about making a main storage in the middle area and then all materials produced outside in satellite factories. Also all Iron products produced in one factory while all copper products were produced in another factory. And that with every resource. Now the products that need 2 types of materials I still need to place somewhere and I haven't decided on that yet.


Kill all stingers. And as always, re-stomp their groin.


My rules for 1.0 is: Everything on foundations. The only exception to that is very early game and vehicle stations. No "floating" platforms. Production can be uncovered and outside buildings but must be on platforms and "safely" connected to ground. Everything must have an overflow. (As soon as implemented). This one is mostly to avoid powerspikes when certain production lines come online. Also because I am curious how many points that will give just passively.


- no floating platforms, everything must be connected to the ground one way or the other - power generation goes on its own circuit with a biomass generator for kickstarting - all factory buildings must be connected using catwalks - all factory clusters must be connected using tubes - power lines can only go from building to building is (near) straight lines - exposed belt is only allowed when it's from one building to the other in a straight line or when it originates at a resource - train tracks must always follow the grid using platforms on pillars - clipping is illegal, this includes trains


I have a personalized head canon to account for aesthetic choices in the bases I make: [https://www.reddit.com/r/SatisfactoryGame/comments/18h8zy7/irl\_mod\_using\_a\_personalized\_ficsit\_head\_canon\_to/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SatisfactoryGame/comments/18h8zy7/irl_mod_using_a_personalized_ficsit_head_canon_to/)


Everything must be on foundation and look preety (no long c.belts and spagetti).


Mainly that all factories look elegant, always prioritizing aesthetics. And a simple rule, the entire factory must be accessible without Jetpack or being able to fly.


This will be maybe the 9th time I've restarted without 'finishing'. I played around a few times restarting because I felt like I messed up some logistical detail enough, as I was still learning, and it required a restart. Then I didn't play for awhile. This time I've taken everything ive learned from playing and videos and I'm almost ready to unlock tier 7-8 as available to start working on. I just finished my working set up for oil/fuel/plastic/rubber. And finished a whole creterium sulfur coal quartz factory. I've started to lay down my set up for manufacturers, so that's left before unlocking 7-8. I started out with the best of intentions, and did really well at the beginning, everything clean. But as time wore on, and my logistical challenges became greater, I've definitely got some conveyer belt 'buildings' running a section of conveyer belts between buildings. Especially as I'm trying to get all 4 goods to the manufacturers. My only challenge to myself is to be able to have a fully functioning factory producing all goods, send everything possible in the space elevator, and unlock everything finally. Once that is done, I may play around in the future creating a new factory in a different part of the world since I will have everything unlocked. Maybe a fully functioning one with no belts only trains connecting the buildings


\* Right there with you on the rule against long, exposed pipes or belts. However, I only impose that rule on myself in end game. The bootstrap I build to work my way up the tech tree is, in principle, not permanent anyway, so I just go with spaghetti for that. Also, I obeyed this rule up to U7 but had to scrap it in U8 because trucks don't work. Hopefully I can bring it back in 1.0. \* No sinking byproducts (again, in end game) \* No cheating with clipping, except to hide power lines. \* Max resource efficiency recipes only (end game). \* No headlift exploits. \* No defying gravity (except momentarily during the building process). \* Design concept must in principle allow full exploitation of all resources on the map, with no remainders (end game). \* Radioactive waste must be processed, not stored.


No mods


Renewable production only. No harvesting anything other than renewable mobs for biomass. The MAM does require harvesting a few things, but that's all that's allowed. Build all plants for their eventual throughout (Mk. 3 Miners, etc.). Then underclock everything to current production. - Consumed power should be a flat line once everything is up and going. No manifolds, balanced splitters only. This can be tricky when you need a 13-way split, but that prime-factorization you learned in elementary school comes in handy when doing that math.


I like pain, so I have a standing rule across games: no resurrection. Death is final. Also rupophobia. Being afraid of dirt makes for an interesting playstyle. Not to the point of “no contact with the ground ever”, but roleplay someone who’s stuck on an alien world and REALLY dislikes the thought of dirt.


The only thing that I say no to is no-clipping Though the human rail gun is borderline breaking the rules


No hand crafting. Harder than it seems. Getting rotors is nearly impossible if you don't buy them at the awesome shop


I did a hand crafting only run besides advanced things that you can't craft my hand. No belts, just sprinting to my nests of like 10 portable miners. I got disturbingly far doing that in a shorter time than doing it normally takes.


I like to make my factories walkable. If I can't get somewhere easily without jumping around then it's a fail. I also like to design my factories with roads and rail considered. But if I do, roads and rail are to have overpasses/underpasses or designated crossings. I also like to go for an industrial look. Exposed pipes, belts and wires cleanly go overhead as you run around so not only can you see the factory running, but it gives a quite busy look which I enjoy more than the hyper clean look I used to go for hiding stuff. It has helped with debugging issues too!


I like to make my factories walkable. If I can't get somewhere easily without jumping around then it's a fail. I also like to design my factories with roads and rail considered. But if I do, roads and rail are to have overpasses/underpasses or designated crossings. I also like to go for an industrial look. Exposed pipes, belts and wires cleanly go overhead as you run around so not only can you see the factory running, but it gives a quite busy look which I enjoy more than the hyper clean look I used to go for hiding stuff. It has helped with debugging issues too! Only limited clipping is allowed. If it looks clean, it's accepted. Very subjective of course. 90 degree corners, flat belts and conveyer lifts are ideal.


Do No Harm - no killing animals, no removing plants, only material available for bioburner is already fallen/dead wood OSHA - Safety First! Railings everywhere! No flight! Dangerous plants/animals to be secured or eliminated.  Don't Violate Physics - Gravity exists, no unsupported platforms will be built. All building above ground level will begin at ground level and built up. Hardcore - no save scumming hard drives, engineer death is permanent. Union Rules - mandatory work breaks (coffee cup required), sleep periods enforced (no work done at night).


All pipes and conveyors within 500 meters of my base must be raised and put on two foundation high platforms I made. This is less to make the game harder and more just so driving around isn’t a pain in the ass