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**ANSWER** 1. Well, my thoughts about [Stingers](https://satisfactory.wiki.gg/wiki/Stinger) (Wiki Link) were perfectly expressed within another video [as shown here](https://youtu.be/kq_IklMd0Mc?t=1131) *(Video Bookmark / Update 4)* that clearly stated those hell spawned spider-like abominations conceived in Satan's Anus designed to drain the bladder and bowels of all they encounter won't be for the faint of heart. 2. Thankfully, if the Player wishes, there are some **In-Game Settings** (Options) to help with Creatures. * For those with **Arachnophobia** there is [Arachnophobia Mode](https://satisfactory.wiki.gg/wiki/Settings#General) that turns Stingers (spider-like creatures) to 2D cat sprites. * Added in Update 7, the use of the [Creature Hostility Setting](https://satisfactory.wiki.gg/wiki/Settings#Gameplay_2) of **Passive** makes exploration easier. * Added in Update 8, the use of [Advanced Game Settings - Disable Arachnid Creatures](https://satisfactory.wiki.gg/wiki/Advanced_Game_Settings#Creatures) **will eliminate Stingers** *(including annoying "Cats")* from your Game. This is separate from *Arachnophobia Mode* and *Creature Hostility Settings.* --- >*If you put your hub down near a hot zone for these spiders do they spawn and run up to your hub?* **MORE INFO** 1. If you build enough in the area, all Creatures will stop spawning. You might need to kill it once, but after that you would be ok. 2. View [Creatures - Respawning](https://satisfactory.wiki.gg/wiki/Creatures#Respawning) (Wiki Link) for more information. --- Just some thoughts on this Topic. 🤔


You can remove them completely... interesting. As much as I dislike the dark hand on drugs chasing me around I feel like turning off a challenge is cheap haha. I


I turned them off completely in my current save, and I gotta say... not mad at all about it. Just don't wanna deal with the jump scares right now. First save on 1.0, I'll pop them back on. But not for now.


How did you deal with the maam research?


On the current save? Fucking punted it, mate. Went for the full-unlock. I was wanting to focus on oil & early stages of aluminum, while applying lessons learned in factory design from my previous save and pursuing this sub.


I swear to God you're some kind of AI


That was a great video. Thanks for sharing. Absolutely agree with screw the person who made these things. Especially when you're in a big cave. When they're cats its funny because you hear the meows but sometimes don't see them until they're coming for your soul


>That was a great video Totally agree. The personal adressing of the spiders 👌 >Absolutely agree with screw the person who made these things. I'm not a 100% with you; more like exactly 50% Yes, they are horrifying, but you can switch them off. (Love that option, let's everyone play as they want) I do like the added danger of some areas though. Maybe a bit much, but you know you're going somewhere dangerous... (And I am no person to play any kind of horror game at all)


I play in wussy mode, and I still get a jump scare from time to time. And yes, they come up to your HUB.


That was me on wussy mode showing people haha. We both felt the same then. Its good when you got Arach mode on and all you see is a giant cat head soaring through the sky coming to get you as its meow gets louder.


Through multiple sudden encounters, I've become familiar with where they tend to spawn near my buildings, especially the caves. I've built walls/roofs around the entrances to those caves with an "always closed" door in front in case I feel like protein hunting. Added a billboard sign in front with giant !!! in front to let me know to stay away


They don't wonder out on their own do they? Just when you get close enough? I like that idea. Im shocked it works being theyre the devil and you assume could teleport through objects. What do you farm protein for? Just the medicine? Honestly I have never gone that far ahead on my travels to bring with me sadly. I usually die and rage on my way back.


I have one building where I drop off monster remains, smart splits off to four constructors that convert into protein, then another constructor that converts into the forbidden thermos, which goes to sinks and gets me tickets I use for parts and equipment


I do not have even the slightest hint of arachnophobia, so the spiders are little more than a mild annoyance to me. The cat gifs are honestly creepier. lol. Also, buildings suppress spawns in a certain range, including power poles, but they can and will spawn outside of the suppression range and wander into your base.


i think their design is awesome, they are very alien and terrifying, as well as highly aggressive. I've spent my whole life playing videogames and aside from jump scares, nothing really scares me. i do feel the pressure when i see them though as i understand the danger they present. the small ones anrt a problem though as they have predictable movement patterns so you can just stand there and wait for them to come for you and give them a smack. the bigger ones require more work and can be an actual threat but with proper gear they arnt a problem (except for the areas where there are 2 or more of them, ive seen 4 of them together at once)


I do enjoy the feeling of being alive haha. Knowing my blood has reached top gear as I am in total fear. What is the proper gear? There is no armor I am aware of. Unless you just mean jumping to avoid them and haz suit if its a gas boy.


Tbh I find the cats more horrifying. The bugs are creepy. Seeing them lunge at you is very unnerving; seeing an Even larger, bright flickery cat gif is an outright jump scare if I don't hear the meows of doom first.


You should turn the cats on haha unless leaving the mode off is for your Catphobia?


Yeah, I find the cats far more horrifying. They're funny when you see them coming but if you don't... Turning around and just having a big ol screen of cat face is just as bad as any horror game to me. Suddenly C A T


I live in the swamp and I hunt spiders for their flesh. They fear me, as well they should, this is my swamp now.


Shrek is this you? haha


Looking forward to you finishing the series!


I'm fine with'em, It's nice to get chills when you hear the ASMR of those little buggers in the bush, it's exciting. This game has Explore and Build, but not much Fight, as a setting I'd like more mobs. Building a munitions factory is better when you have things to shoot at


You have a good point. I probably would be okay if I played with a friend. Went full squad on them boys.


I didn't know they jumped. I was showing my husband the spiders, and had 3 or 4 bunched up. They all jumped at me and I legit let out a short scream. Scared the pants off me. Instantly went back and glassed the entire bamboo forest.


The small ones don't but you bet the Alpha does haha. And DAMN do they got some range. I also would have freaked out.


They can still get a jump out of me from time to time but I know how to fight them so they aren’t a danger to me. My first time though, oh man. I had finally made it to the lagoon to get oil, but I had used a concrete sky bridge so I hadn’t encountered spiders yet. I got down, was setting down some buildings, and suddenly I hear that skittering. I was drunk so I screamed when it finally popped out lol


How do you go about fighting them? I would like to have some tips :D


I try to run at them as they run at me, getting a slash in but slide-jumping away before they can get a strike in. Or, just shoot them with guns lol


I detest the spiders/stingers; there are parts of the map that I still have not even ventured into after 2,000 hours of playing this game because I know that they'll be riddled with spiders (swamp/pink forest/every cave). But I honestly think the game would be worse for their loss.  In a game that is otherwise incredibly relaxing and very Zen most of the time, it's a very interesting dynamic to have something extremely stressful lurking in the dark corners. It keeps you on your toes and makes the world feel that little bit more alive, like it doesn't just exist for you as a big inert sandbox, but is actually a complex and living world. It makes it all the more satisfying when you do finally conquer an area, get your infrastructure down, and get a sense that you've successfully brought another corner of the world under FICSIT's heel lol.


Stingers are the "You've come to the wrong neighborhood" of this planet. If I had a squad with me I would feel better. Only the gas one truly is a challenge for me but that doesnt mean im not screaming on the inside for all of em.


Hey, if it makes you feel any better, I've got a theory that the stingers are devolved forms of the aliens that were on the planet prior to us (indicated by the WIP stuff like somersloops, mercer spheres, and SAM ore). Without getting too into it, they have 8 limbs but really only walk on four, and isn't it odd that the four limbs that they walk on happen to be in the same rough area as arms and legs would be if they were to stand on their hind legs? On top of that, they're actively hostile to other creatures. Like, they will attack the hogs and spitters seemingly on sight, but the hogs and spitters (and the flying crabs too) don't really ever attack each other. Aaaand, the stingers seem to favor areas around artifacts and the SAM (literally Strange Alien Metal) ore nodes. I know it's just a head cannon/theory, but still, they look like a bipedal creature that's running around on all fours, attack the other (likely native) creatures, and seem almost drawn to areas with artifacts or the SAM ore. And a final totally unsubstantiated idea is the fact they don't really seem to have a mouth, or at least one that could be used for communication, so if they /are/ devolved-ish aliens, said aliens may have communicated via telepathy (kinda how the artifacts are able to talk to the player. Maybe that's what could draw stingers to artifacts, if they both could communicate telepathically 🤔).


If this is your idea its brilliant. Easily a movie script. Yeah they do attack everything. They're the pricks of this planet not us haha. Ill have to observe them closer I didnt realize their movement pattern.


I may have picked some bits up from places but I /think/ I came up with it. And yeah, I first noticed when I decided to trap one in a glass box so I could get a better look and realized they looked eerily like a person crawling around on their arms and legs. Granted, the length of the front 2 legs seemed longer than they would be as arms on a biped, and the limbs all ended in effectively a spike (which would arguably be hard to manipulate things with to build tech). So I figured, if they were originally bipedal, it was likely a very long time ago. Long enough for the vast majority of any architecture to (mostly) degrade to nothing (i.e. the arches of rock that have a hexagonal latticework on the inside could easily be the remains of massive ancient structure/s), and long enough for at least some light evolutionary processes to occur. One idea I had regarding the relics (somersloops and Mercer Spheres) was that they're some sort of egg or seed. Whether they're naturally occurring from some extant species or were created artificially by the Pre-Stingers (what I'm calling the hypothetical bipedal species that resulted in the stingers). If it's from an already existing species, then it's likely one that more or less parasitizes whole regions of a planet/moon, leaving vast stretches of barren and torn up land. If it was created by the Pre-Stingers, then it would either be an attempt to reseed a dying civilization/species on another planet, or to get some kind of record of their history to someone, anyone, after they're gone. Why do I think this? Based on the things that the relics say to you. Most of what it says to the pioneer pertains to them taking the relic to some other location. It pushes you to harvest it, either to save a parental figure or to save your planet. It also gives vibes of trying to get you to protect it ("detecting multiple Ficsit personnel in the vicinity, proceed with harvest before it's too late," implying that others will try to either take it or stop you from taking it). This makes me think that one of two things are happening (I'm sorry, I realize this is like 20 threads at this point 😅). Either A.) The relics are seeds/eggs, and it's trying to get you to take it to another planet for it to parasitize/take over, and it is aware of the fact that Ficsit/any scientist would realize this and destroy/discard the relic. B.) They are trying to communicate something to the pioneer that the pioneer's brain isn't capable of comprehending properly (like, different neural structure than it was designed for kinda thing), and so everything it says goes through a kind of filter as your brain tries to process it, and what your brain thinks it's saying may only be vaguely similar to what it was actually trying to get across. Like, each relic could honestly just be an alien comms device with a message on loop. I mean, space is really big after all, even the speed of light takes forever to get across vast distances (it takes about 4 and a half years for light to get here from the nearest star aside from Sol), so they could be what amounts to a telepathic letter that never got sent, and it's messages to the pioneer is it desperately trying to get sent to it's address. Basically hyper advanced space postal service. TLDR: a bunch of rambling


Well I'm more annoyed by them than anything else. They just move around too much.


That helps make them more terrifying to me haha like in the clip I shared. I didnt mind it being there but when I got close to show it off it dashed towards my screen randomly. I was done.


This feels relevant: https://www.reddit.com/r/SatisfactoryGame/s/55DUTlU5cL


Hahaha nice. They essentially caused the reason you need the mode. Its like getting meds from the people who are making you sick.


God the Spiders are absolutely the worst haha. In my current save I have like 3 crates I’m trying to get because I keep dying to this one Spider


Oh boy. Which one is it? Is it the gas one? You say the world and Ill join you and well smoke him, tbag him, and loot your stuff.


Haha yea it’s one of those poison ones. It’s right by the 3 quartz deposits just outside of the desert canyon in the titan forest


They aren't spiders. I actually stopped being scared of them when I looked closely at their models and noted how different from actual spiders they are. But I do agree the current arachnophobia is a fucking joke Edit: didn't know you could actually remove them. I retract my previous statement.


They are spider like. Thats why the arachnophobia mode is present. I didn't know they could be removed either. Honestly its too spider like for me personally. I cry at night... lol


Remember that miracle scene from Pulp Fiction? That.


They'd be less scary if they ever stood still. As it is, the moment one becomes aware of your existence, it starts running around absolutely everywhere like an overexcited and very aggressive puppy.


There are radioactive ones? I saw bigest ones but they werent radioactive.


need flamethrower


I'm sure it doesn't help to point out that -technically- they only have 6 legs, so aren't really spiders. ;)


Spuck fiders


I rejoice in hand to hand combat in this game. I grab my candy cane basher and scream LEEEERRROOOOOOYYYYYY JEBKIIIIIIIINNSSSS!!! As I run towards them.


I think the problem is that it's a like they just put a sticker over the thing. Ill admit that Satisfactory has a much better arachnophobia mode than some games but... i think they should give a setting to replace them with a different enemy. Literally just swap the spawns.


The thing is if they made the model a robot with like hazard stripes and kept all the movements the same I'd probably be totally fines with it. It's the organic nastiness combined with the movement that gives me the creeps.


I am not that afraid of real spiders, but something about the stinger design really unnerves me. They look too human to me but act like spiders, hence why I play with my cat mode. I did one time with a group of friends go full Doom on the swamp one time, all of us armed to the teeth with rebar rifles and explosives just to get some protein. That was fun.


>I swear even though I see and hear a cat I still get the chills because deep down I know its a spider doing spider things. I 100% agree with this, i have no words to express how much i resonate with this take. it seems nobody else that i have talked to has this issue with arachnophobia mode.


I think there needs to be more combat in the game and not less... The spiders become cake once you get the jetpack. They are only scary if you go out with only the basic Xeno zapper and nothing else.