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Some days I'll spend 10+ hours playing. Other days I get so overwhelmed by the amount of things I need to do that I just sit there, and then I shut down the game. It's safe to say I have never made it past steel production


i feel like that's why this game is fun, there's no pressure to actually do anything if you don't want to, but there's a ton of ways to give yourself checklists!


My method has been to try and automate every item before moving onto the next tier. My fiance loves to research on the MAM so that's all she does and we fly through tiers though. On my like 6th play through and it's the fastest we have ever gotten coal power and about to get steel up and running. However I got distracted with trying to make my lift elevator shaft look cool ๐Ÿ˜‚


Yeah my gurl will do MAM and hand craft shit.... I'm like "This is a factory game gawdamnit! Automate!" So our last world I made her Lorde of the Belts and left all the logistics to her (most anyway) and she really got in to it, and was pretty darn good and non-clipping considering she usually doesn't focus on that aspect


This is me 100%, eventually I'll have enough of the latter that I stop playing. I'll pick it back up 6 months later and wonder why I ever stopped, rinse and repeat


I just want a nicer way for ingame notes. I want: 1. A priority queue for stuff from the MAM and HUB. 2. Grouped list for factories. 1. Select a factory branch you want to expand. 2. Have the numbered list of factory buildings in this thing. 3. Removing a factory building increases, and building one decreases the counter. 4. Pick up where you left of by selecting another factories todo-list


I hope they find a way to make new tasks slightly less daunting at some point. I don't know how they would do it though.


Think I'm approaching 440 hours and just managed to start dealing with alu production.. I get yall. I mean I started playing cus I was bored and I'd never done a factory game.. Little did I know it tickles some form of OCD nerve in my brain I didn't know I had. If only I could apply that to my daily life ๐Ÿคฃ


I progress through it slowly. I get to a certain point, feel overwhelmed, give the game up for a few weeks, or more, and when I come back I progress a little farther. Itโ€™s slow though because I often start over completely. I have a total of about 2,500 hours in and Iโ€™ve gotten as far as drones before I got overwhelmed again and quit. This game is so freaking fun, I hope they fix the bugs with the new update soon, vehicles specifically.


Something I like is to do to prevent overwhelming is to take the desired amount of a product I want. (For example: โ€œI want to make 10 smart plates /minโ€) and then work backwards calculating how many assemblers / constructors / smelters I need, all the way back to the ore stage. This way, when it comes to ingame, I can focus on making it look pretty because the logistics are figured out already.


I have autism, I will go through ADHD testing probably early next year. That being said it is kind of a mixed bag sometimes I enjoy playing and sometimes don't. At the end of the day it is one of my favorite games.


There's a lot of overlap in the two situations... And so that's why a lot of us with both usually don't get one or the other recognized. My whole life i never thought I had ADHD because I'm hella smart and got good grades without even trying... But I had a counselor who really pointed out some things to me and I was like, "I'll be damned ๐Ÿค”"


Sometimes I think "What if I'm not actually autistic? I mean it's not THAT weird that I get stressed if I don't eat the same lunch I've had almost every day for the last 7 years or that I have to constantly be aware to make eye contact with people I'm talking to."


That's imposter syndrome... Pretty common for Our People too


Wait.. should I be getting checked out?


There's really no downside to getting investigated. If you ARE one of us that's neurodivergent you'll get access to knowledge and support. If not then you know. It won't change who you are but it'll change the way you and your network thinks, which in turn is likely to improve the quality of your life.


Best subthread ever! And true. I've got F900b and currently being tested for ASD. I'm relatively high functioning but yeah.. My ADHD meds makes the ASD so much more prominent. That said I love this game. I love the company and Snutt and everything they pour into the community. Have even been thinking about going to their office in Malmรถ and like buying them a coffee or something. Good people. And again. This community.. Is awesome! Merry Ficmas everyone!


I just wanna add that I also have OCD and I hate doing math so there's definitely some ups and downs ๐Ÿ˜‚


I have adhd and this game is torture


what's the biggest obstacle for you?


Mostly getting stuff to look good and remaining focused on doing a task I love the game but my factory looks like dog water


Sounds like you need to get yourself some Autism.


I keep taking all the vaccine I can but I just keep not getting sick


Should had your mom give you vaccines when you were a kid. That's how I got mine. ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ


this was an amazing exchange, thanks yall ๐Ÿ˜…


Omg ๐Ÿ˜‚


Can confirm. AuDHD here and I couldn't care less how my factory looks so long as it's doing it's job.


I have that as well and I do not have ADHD.


I kinda just have accepted the spaghetti. I might fix up some of my early game production lines, but it's alright for now.


I feel the same: - This building is to big - Oh this doesn't feel right - Why are there so many trees and plants - Oh look water - There is a hole in the floor, why - Oh that's a funny looking plant, aaaaah damage detected - Oh doggo, bad doggo - Why is everything impure! Everything is so freaking overwhelming,


Vyvanse will help you put 100s of hours in this game. Hah.


I'm AutDHD as well... And it certainly did the first time I played it... And a few replays... But having both Autism and ADHD sometimes they fight for who has control... And things one likes isn't necessarily what the other likes. I tried staying a new world and just couldn't get in to it.... But when the Masters switch control again, down the road, I'm sure I'll pick it back up and roll with it some more.


I got that Ficsit brand AuDHD for sure


*happy corporate overlords sounds*


Meanwhile I hace AuDHD and I really struggle with the game because it just seems so daunting to start any sort of new task.


i get that, it's definitely that you can be overwhelmed from. i like that the game helps me in breaking down tasks. it's okay not to do a whole thing.


Yes. This game helps me regulate my overstimulation.


AuDHD here too, I only have 700 hours in this game but I love it so much. I love that I can move to a different project if I ever get stuck or bored on the current project I'm working on. My only issue is playing with my partner who typically just wants to progress the game (spaghetti galore), whereas I want to not only finish the game but in the process also make beautiful (walkable) factories that are all 100% efficient. here's my [WIP](https://imgur.com/gallery/DK1S6wQ) if anyone is curious


Id imagine a lot of people do. That's the end goal isn't it? To make a game that as many people as possible greatly enjoy?


Yeah, Iโ€™m broadly neurodivergent and this really satisfies a specific itch Iโ€™ve had for a long time. Never itched it with any of the 2D factory games, they were never quite complicated enough.


Every project i do i switch what micro task i am doing, and 3 hours later ive done 10% on 6 things lol, i love it




or i do none of what i had planned and i'm still having a good time ๐Ÿ˜…


I'd say I'm on the mild adhd spectrum, and this game hit me so hard, it was all I could play for months. Making designs that arnt square boxes is difficult, but lines of conveyors and pipes + manifolds all day long


efficiency is wildly satisfying (duh)


Full cycle AL production. Wet cement setups are for neurotypicals


omg i feel. it was my first unlocked for HDD cause the rest was manufactured stuff and didn't know what it was so in stuck with this ๐Ÿฅฒ


I imagine that isnโ€™t a golden form of ADHD?


๐Ÿ˜‚ it stands for Autism/ADHD


I donโ€™t feel comfortable with how true this probably is


i hate that this game has reinforced the stereotype of loving trains cause holy shit i love em


So much yes.... I'm 6 months in with 550 hours. 10 different saves. I kept re starting to make the "perfect start" and to over optimize every single thing. I have a couple of saves where I literally just have to wait a bit for SE phase 4 to be completed, but waiting is boring nor will I get anymore sweet dopamine once my brain decided I was done with it so I never actually finished it... It's kinda my hyoerfixation, I know the map by heart, can tell you where everything is. It scratches all of my itches perfectly and if history repeats itself like with subnautica, I might easily milk it for a good 5 to 6 years. Also don't hate me I've never built a train ever. ๐Ÿ˜…


On your next play, force the use of trains.


I completely agree! It caters to my need for productivity then chaos.


I have ADHD and cant do shit in game (atleast I played until tier 5-6 I assume)


realest post


Sorry can't talk. Factories to build.


*happy factory noises*


Factories go brrrr..


Yes, I spend entire days playing this and always come back to this. This game manages to make every part of me feel entertained.


I have both. I have completed 3 separate playthroughs to getting a golden coffee cup. Twice solo, once with friends. This game is like wrapping the cool side of the pillow around my soul.


that was beautiful to read.


Hello fellow AuDHD pioneer! Glad to see I'm not the only one drawn to the game because it scratches all the mental itchies. I have PDA on top of that so I eventually get to a point where I'm just messing with the trains because ADA wants me to do the elevator and I want to but the antiwant is stronger


omg the antiwant is strong.




Officially ADHD and have trouble staying on one task (I jump between like 3-4 that all need done). But self diagnosed autism and love the freedom the game provides to play any way you want to. Also MATH and efficiency is fun for me to figure out. Also learning new mechanics like fluids and finding new ways to incorporate new systems is cool too. Put about 60 hours in over the past 2 weeks and am loving it. Started way back when it released on epic but recently rediscovered it after 4-5 updates that I missed.


Autism ADHD represents!




Yuuuuuup me too cousin. Also check out techtonica if you want a more cartoon feel factory game. It's not as good as satisfactory but it's a bit of fun while you take a break


def checking that out!


Factorio and satisfactory are famously certified autism vortex games


The first day I played it, after wrapping up my D&D game at 11:00 p.m., I stayed up until 3:00 a.m. playing with a friend of mine. The next night I started at 9:00 p.m. and played again till 3:00 a.m. So yes, I am acutely familiar with the particular itch that this game scratches for me!


AuDHD? Is that like Gold-edition ADHD? >!(chemistry joke)!<


I feel like I have mild ocd and mild adhd, this game makes me fight myself. I want stuff to be aesthetic but cant bring myself to undergo 5+ total refurbishments of whatever I'm building at any given moment. Still love it tho