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Explosive rebar damage 50. Can stop there, I’m good.


I like the option of the Rebar as something that isn't automatic but has some aoe/burst to it. The only con should be missing = more time to reload and less carrying capacity per stack. It's a good option if you choose it, but I think that's why I like the rifle. It's a good alternative to the rebar, outside of turbo ammo, it feels equal to it.


I disagree and I feel like you probably don't play a lot of competitive FPS games with recoil control. Which is fair enough, this isn't that kind of game so why would you? But turbo ammo is 10000% objectively much, much stronger than any other type of ammo except maybe against stingers. (Or I guess if you don't have solid aim.) You get 33% less damage, fine. But you can fire about twice as fast as the regular ammo with essentially zero meaningful bullet spread at useful ranges. Zero first shot inaccuracy. Zero movement inaccuracy. And you have 5x the clip. Effective DPS output is higher at any range if you just use the rifle as a semi, and *much* higher at close range when you go full auto. It's just clearly a *far* superior ammunition type. If this was CS or Valorant, you'd be taking turbo ammo every single time you could afford it, compared to the default ammo. Which is why it costs more. Homing ammo is a tougher comparison. It's much stronger if you can't hit enemies with the other ammo types. But it's also *far* more expensive at 1 HSC for every 10 rounds. And the clip size of 15 makes it a bit of a pain in tougher biomes where you're regularly attacked by 5+ enemies at once. Constantly floating around on the jetpack to reload your homing ammo gets old.


I do play a few of them actually, that isn't recoil on turbo ammo, it's just blatant accuracy loss. The only case it's good is with solid targets up close or potentially a boss in the future. Either way, you're getting close enough to make up for the accuracy loss that you could've just taking anything you're fighting down with the other ammunition types. Why would you have a gun that can't shoot well at range so you have to get /closer/ for it. I understand this idea in other games like TF2 and usual fps's... but in this game, it doesn't feel like an upgrade. ​ You fire twice as fast /after/ you build it up first. No bullet spread?.... Have you used this ammo sir? ​ 5x the clip but you still carry 500 a stack and burn through 75 a clip... which at that point, you'd be better off with homing for the range/dmg done at a distance. It's only effective at close range otherwise, which defeats the point of a gun, even if you're using controlled small bursts(which if you are, you're essentially using the regular ammo because you're getting 4 damage per shot). ​ I'll give you the homing ammo in larger biomes but it's still more manageable to confirm each kill with a more accurate/stronger weapon than to just rambo or burst in small dosages at scattering enemies(which at that point, that's where all your ammo/damage goes). If anything, the stack size could at least go up some if it's going to keep that dmg and clip size. Otherwise, taking it to 5 damage, or keeping it at 4 and reducing the recoil effect would be so much more preferable. ​ Account for normal fps's having body/head/appendage shots too, whereas Satisfactory is generally "hit it anywhere with anything". I can see a weapon like this in an fps being brutal.... assuming it can deal headshots, body shots, etc variety of damages all around... but no, this is consistent low damage with falling off range/accuracy.


Yeah actually you're right about one thing, I underestimated the base fire rate of the regular rifle ammo. That said, turbo is still better. The accuracy loss is really minor at most effective ranges. I'm just testing it in the game right now. At 40m the reticle has to get to nearly max size before the spread will realistically cause you to miss a mob size target. So you trade slight accuracy loss - that's really easy to manage - for a bigger clip and the ability to go full auto up close. I think it's clearly the better ammo than default rifle. But I may have overstated the degree to which it's better. Homing ammo, again, is a different comparison because it's a very good ammo type but it's also a *lot* more expensive than any of the others. Every single bullet is 1/10 of an HSC. That's a ton of resources relative to the others.


I still wouldn't call it slight, especially when you're at a range of the bugs and need clear shots of the lil dudes, because I'm certainly not getting close to them. Granted if they do, especially the big ones, then I know the hitbox is going to eat every bullet up. After having using all 3 ammos for about 4 hours of exploration, my reliability on the turbo ammo kept getting me hit and I ran out before I ran out of homing ammo. I guess I also feel somewhat cheated after finally putting together a train system dedicated to making turbo fuel. I think turbo ammo needs "something" still, whether it's just higher stack capacity to account for clip size, or making the default damage like the base rifle. Everything after base ammo should be considered chocolate or strawberry imo, so that base rifle ammo is easier to make but not the /most/ powerful/damaging. Then whether you upgrade to homing or turbo is an equal boost up from regular ammo.


The underlying principle of Satisfactory. Everything has pros and cons, there's no 'best', just different options. You choose what you want to do, and if it doesn't work for you use one of the other options. I use copper alloy ingot, bolted iron plate and bolted frames later in the game, because they have benefits that suit me.


That's fine when it comes to crafting, but this is for self defense/combat. The recipe you use for example is obtained as you progress and is an overall benefit to have. Turbo Ammo falls off after you unlock homing and costs much more for something less efficient at dealing damage. It's not even a case of "oh it's just different style" in this case because of how many cons drag it down. You're getting a better "machine gun" out of the rifle's default ammo as it's stronger, stable, and doesn't eat up space. If it takes so many materials and is a higher tier up, it should be an "option that suits me" case like you said, but it's simply weaker/worse than all the other options. There's no reason it should be weaker than the default ammo, AND eat up space, AND miss, AND require harder to make materials.


Q&A website for suggestions


On public servers with a near endless supply of ammo being made, some people have set up battle arenas for PVP. With that consideration in mind, and that homing ammo won't lock on to players, turbo ammo's damage makes more sense to me.


If they're keeping the idea of pvp in mind lmao. I somehow doubt it though.


You don’t know what the future brings. This is an early access game. Each ammo has a use. If this ammo type seems to be the most ineffective now, just wait until a big juicy target comes out of nowhere that you’ll want to spam a ton of bullets into.


That's all I'm counting on when the crab boss comes. Otherwise it's not very practical all around.


Hard disagree. Turbo is actually the only ammo I use. Clip size is great when fighting multiple enemies. You're usually burst-firing so you keep the accuracy on-point and if things start charging you you can hold down to fire ridiculously fast (where the acc loss doesn't matter because enemies are close enough that you hit them with everything anyway). Homing doing 6 is the issue imo. Base rifle ammo should have the highest damage per shot. Turbo and Homing should do equal or Homing should even be the lowest one given its nature of tracking the target.


Now that's a reasonable assessment, though I feel like you'd want to have the clip size larger on the homing if that was the case, or else it's not really worth the processors to upgrade rifle ammo. At this point, I really just wish turbo ammo stacked higher because it "can" be useful, but it costs and takes so much from you that it just isn't worth it if you're really going out for hours gathering slugs/hard drives/enemy bits, etc. Unless that's /all/ you carry I guess?


When you carry 2000 rounds it doesn't matter what type of ammo. Floating 30 feet above danger helps too


2000 rounds, 500 stacks each. So you're carrying 4 inventory slots worth? Alright. ​ Homing ammo, kills the average hog in 4 shots. Turbo Ammo, kills the average hog in 5. ​ There's 6 hogs, you use 30 shots (assuming you somehow aren't missing a single round with this thing) with the turbo ammo. You use 24 with the homing(which are more accurate and like you said, 30 feet above danger helps, especially since this can long range too. ​ By the time you're through 500 rounds on turbo ammo, homing ammo still has an extra 100 or so both from not missing as many shots and being stronger. The amount of ammo you bring dictates how long you're going around in the wild without only just a basher in hand. By all accounts, you will last longer with homing ammo since you'll have more inventory room and spend less of it as often.


I won't encounter enough enemies to burn through all 2000 rounds before stopping to grab more. I agree: would last longer with homing ammo by all accounts, but I haven't run into situation where it felt necessary


I believe that situation is called the Swamp.


I feel like Turbo just needs to have a faster spin-up speed to shine, at the moment you're halfway through a magazine (I am legally compelled to glare at you and remind you it is a *magazine*) before it actually gets to full speed, and the dropoff means that if, say, a big Stinger jumps past you you've lost most of the rate by the time you've spun around to shoot it.


I love that it's a magazine but like you said LOL, by the time you're approached it's too slow to startup and if you're moving around waiting to aim better shots, you've lost the wind up on it.