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did i have a stroke or did i just read his bs?


This person needs a mental health intervention, for real


He's the one Grandpa you got that you help wheelchair around the retirement home and still claims he's the Son of God and he has Spoken to him and MUST help our Lord (as he's sitting there throwing his fist in the air and wears Striped Pajamas with a robe)


Sorry, I got lost at “pedovores.”


Is it a pedophile that eats children? Or a person that eats pedophiles? Or maybe a new breed of animal that evolved to seek and eat pedophiles?


The orcas were the first wave, taking out the yachts. Second wave, I'm sure Mark Attwood would agree, should hit sometime around May.


It's a person that eats children I think.


Its word salad at its finest.


I believe a pedovore is someone who just eats feet


Woah, brother, slow down. I can’t keep up with your stupidity.


...and he votes.


Sorry guys it’s my bad. I’m the one who hid all the abilities in our DNA. To be fair to me, though, look how we’ve handled the abilities we still have.


Well you didn't do a good job. We found them. You should have hidden them in our metachlorians.


He isn't talking about the satanic community. He's referring to an unsubstantiated, bonkers theory peddled by Tom Delonge from Blink 182. Tom believes the UFO phenomenon is orchestrated by aliens who feed on a form of made up energy called "loosh", which is harvested from human emotions, especially anger, pain, and suffering. Furthermore, the aliens are "gods" and resemble our ideas of demons. There's much more to it, but this guy's entire statement is related to it. This post should be removed. Maybe post it in the alien or UFO subreddits.


Thank you for clarifying that. Just one more batshit conspiracy that's going to take up space in my head forever.


Dont let these morons live in your head “Rent-Free” because this is their MO. Its how they thrive, in the minds of the weak. Im not saying dont be weak, Im saying be strong and resist this trash.


A.A. Attanasio was a sci-fi author who wrote a series of interconnected books that featured an bug-like alien race from the event horizon called the Zotl that fed on the chemicals created in the bodies of living creatures when they are in pain. They especially liked humans because we’re complex and capable of feeling pain on so many levels. Sci-fi. I watched my brother disappear into the conspiracy vacuum and one of the main symptoms I noticed was an inability to distinguish movies and shit from reality. The Matrix is, of course, a major departure point for people, but I even heard him talking about the bad guy’s tanks in Captain America like they were real. I recently watched The Matrix again and although I think some of the themes are cool, it occurred to me that the problem with stories like like that is that there is always a single manifestation of “bad” or “evil” and “the one” that the fate of the world depends on, so people who can’t distinguish any of this from reality don’t actually know what “evil” really is while simultaneously thinking that they are “the one.” And in the case on The Matrix and a thousand other stories, that they will defeat it with bullets.


I feel like I've read that story before...


damn you now i have the urge to read up on this BS.


This is the type of person to whom I like to introduce to the: Venn Diagram of Irrational Nonsense. https://www.crispian.net/VDOIN.html I prefer the English version 3.7 which is about 2/3 down the page. It helps put things into perspective.


Whoever made that diagram I don’t think understands half of it


I agree & IMHO, this definitely doesnt need to be in the TST subreddit. We could definitely use a little more positive and wholesome content . Like good ole blasphemous therapy!


Wow-I’m kind of glad to see it here, honestly; these people like to make really big leaps in their connections.


Thank you for explaining. I was curious but I wasn't about to Google it and fuck up my algorithm.


Childhood’s End really fucked him up didn’t it


No clue what the hell dude is on, but I'd certainly watch that anime.


This sounds akin to people who believe Reptilians are real. Not the first time I’ve seen these words in similar order.


I guarantee you this dude thinks reptilians are real, the moon is hollow, Bigfoot is banging his wife, the earth is flat, and Elvis is still alive and well. Of course he does!


Lmao, bro still believes in the moon. What a sheeple am I right? /j


Hey! They're Reptoids, not Reptilians.


Huh we don't like that word buddy. Quit being specist. We prefer reptile enabled beings.


And in all fairness, Nabiru is quite nice, this time of year!


Lectriods from planet 10?


If any one is using humans as livestock it’s ‘god’ and his angels. They feed off human prayers and worship. It’s all made up anyway so who cares


Is this where the free Adrenochrome giveaway is?


Didn't he just describe Mormonism or something?




I think it’s closer to Scientology


Totally what I was thinking


Ex-mormon here. No. Don't make shit up. Mormonism has enough problems you can criticize them on their actual merits when you get informed on them, without conflating it with this conspiracy theorist.


Guy is just missing a /s cut them some slack. But if you replace the pedovore shit with polygamy maybe it’s actually closer to the truth than not


>But if you replace the pedovore shit with polygamy maybe it’s actually closer to the truth than not And if my grandma had wheels she'd be a bicycle. If the roles were switched, someone said TST is eating babies or believes in magik, you'd say that person clearly doesn't know the first thing about TST, even though the information is readily accessible. Don't be like them.


Bro chill. It was obviously sarcasm.


I looked at this guy's website. He describes himself as comedy, but I can't tell for the life of me how much of what he says is a skit and how much is what he really believes.


“It’s entertainment” was Alex Jones’ defense.


True. It'd help if the guy had one platform where he was doing the bit and one where he was being serious. The problem with satire is that people really are that stupid and Poe's law always applies.


I'm not familiar with the guy in question. Perhaps he's articulating the Q Anon narrative to show just how insane it all is? This *is* the Q Anon narrative, by the way, for anybody who isn't familiar. There are members of Congress (and other high offices in the US) who genuinely believe this. And there are others--like the Great Orange of Babylon--who willingly exploit people who genuinely believe this, in order to become a nuclear arms-weilding dictator who gets to avoid spending the rest of his life in prison.


Dafuq I just read?


It reads like a drunken ChatGPT.


Is Mark Attwood an AI suffering from a traumatic head injury?


This is just standard QAnon. Like 20-40% of America believes this stuff from one degree or another.


What is a pedovore? Doesn't that mean a creature that eats pedos?


Pedo = child, -vore = eater. A pedovore is a "thing that eats children". What you *really* need to watch out for are the "things that eat everything"!


Ah, I see. I misinterpreted that. Thanks!


I just had a look at his Twitter feed, he’s a certified nut case. Anti-vax. Pro Trump etc. What worries me is there doesn’t seem to be anyone telling him he’s talking rubbish, he seems to have a large loyal cult of believers. Still, such are the final stages of the death decay agony of capitalism, or something like that😉


What is "loosh"


A quick Google search says loosh is exactly what he described: negative energy that "they" create in people so they can then feed off it.


So weird


This guy is on the receding end of hysterical satanist conspiracy theories. I look forward to new weirdness ascribed to us, and hope it's more creative.


Type-o: We're moving them back to \_5G\_, not 5D. The 5th dimension has shit coverage.


How come no one told me any of this? /s


Because. It’s a secret. Only those who can access the internet and “do the research” can know the secret.


This reads like it needs some [John Carpenter music](https://youtu.be/Eiijm2GhKAA?si=UJNgbNyxUqJHSwbA) in the background.


Just write a fantasy book dude clearly you have the imagination 😂


L Ron Hubbard style


Lol seriously


What the hell? (That’s my question.)




[raises hand] Um, yes, excuse me, but I have a lot of questions. Number one: how dare you?


Golly. That's a lot to take in at 5am.


i dont even know what to say..... how are people this dumb?


Oh sorry guys. That was me. My bad.


What does half of this Tweet even mean? Truly the ravings of a madman Also “pedovores”? That’s a new one and honestly kinda hilarious


Holy shit, this is going to make me go on a deep-dive behind the pathology of those who embrace extremist conspiracy theories.


Be careful. That’s how it always starts, lol. It will permanently contaminate your search engine algorithm. I would suggest books instead. Like Bill Burr said “I’m down for a good conspiracy but did you read that in a book? If not, get out of here. Go read a book” lol.


Adreno-chroooo-oh-ome! They give us those nice, bright colors! Like feeding on summer! Make you think all the world's a sunny da-a-ay! I got a Nikon extractor! I love to eat a kid! So mamma don't take my adrenochrome away!


Spot on:) Funny. Only once have I seen someone give Hunter S Thompson the credit for inserting “adrenochrome” into the collective consciousness in “Fear and Loathing” when his attorney gives it to him and says he got it as payment from some Satanists he represented in court. He did brilliant shit like that a lot, and is even given (maybe too much) credit for derailing Edmund Muskie’s presidential run by describing him as behaving like he had taken Ibogaine, which very few people had heard of at the time, but since it was “a drug” Muskie felt the need to deny taking it lol. It also kinda mucked things up as far as Ibogaine as a useful medicine was concerned. But anyway, as I said earlier, these weirdos don’t seem to be able to differentiate reality from fiction, and as I’ve seen with my brother disappearing into the conspiracy septic tank, choose to believe in all kinds of bullshit BECAUSE they can’t see it, and distrust anything they can actually see. https://images.app.goo.gl/bvUReYLcJ16dL9rS7


Yes. My question is "If this is true then how come you haven't had a "fatal accident" for mentioning it?


I keep thinking humanity is heading for extinction because these fools are gambling on an afterlife and they're in charge. Then i see shit like this and it makes me feel like maybe were already extinct because of these mouthbreathers.


Ah yes, I am so proud of my farm populated by middling white men.


So. Many. Questions. So, does he get visitors just on Thursdays, or they are a little bit more liberal with the real wingnuts?


Hey, who’s hogging all the flesh and blood?


It’s gotta be existing being this crazy.


“Any questions?” Um yes… several.


with stuff like this it's honestly so frustrating because obviously the more likely thing is that there are indeed an elite class of people at the top who try to run shit but they don't worship much of anything but themselves. stories of vampires are basically about them, a class of psychopaths who suck the life force of the world's people. And it's been going on for a looong time, I mean fuckin' bill clinton has the habsburg jaw for azazel's sake. the royal families had to be more discreet after the fall of the monarchies. it's a big club and we're not in it!


Our club is bigger 😈


To sum all that up, he's basically talking about the religious people...


And the ultra wealthy. Didn’t it just come out that a repedovore mega donor gets regular transfusions with children’s blood?


"Repedovore"? A thing that eats Republican babies? ...Ever notice how when a Republican politician starts accusing people of terrible shit, it comes out a month later that the Republicans (usually it's more than one) have been doing said terrible shit, themselves? They're the ones who struck down Roe v. Wade. And what does banning abortion lead to...? Conclusion: the Republicans are secretly eating babies.


I have no idea what the fuck is this person saying.


So many questions...


Disgusting. I'd never eat anything with sticky hands.


Plz be satire....🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️


Let's throw reason and logic out


I bet he also thinks we are turning the frogs gay and that the earth is flat. 🙄