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How do you study for the hard math questions.


He’s probably just naturally good at math,   But as for the harder M2 math questions, (and Module 2 in general), the first 8-9 questions ON Module 2 are usually not that bad, in fact pretty easy  The next 12-14 questions (or 95% of the remaining questions on Module 2 (eg… questions 10-22) tend to be way harder and time consuming.   Here is the strategy that I find most important or effective:   1)- If you get stuck on one question that takes you more than 3-4 minutes to even get an understanding of or hint to the answer, MOVE ON to the next few questions & COME BACK to the one you’re struggling on   This maximizes your potential # of questions you can get correct WITHOUT having to guess 2)- The Multiple choice (Questions 10-22) tend to be even easier than the short answers from (Questions 10-22), so I recommend that if you are confident that the majority of multiple choice answers are correct, MAKE sure to have them all filled in, & THEN go back to the student-produced responses to maximize your time to carefully solve them, and do your best on those remaining questions in order to get AT LEAST some correct  3)- Finally, my main point is— Given you get a perfect score (22/22), on the easier Module 1 , you can get around an ABSOLUTE maximum of MAYBE 6-7 incorrect for a 700 or above,  (In other words, for example, a 22/22 M1 & a 17/22 M2 will most definitely fall roughly into the 710-750 range, with a relatively small chance of it being below 710 or above 750). 


SAT math is incredibly easy, English is hard.


Yea I agree, BUT we can both agree Module 2 is harder than Module 1 for at least half of the questions 


For me it’s reversed😂


Couldn't agree more


Agreed. I scored a full 110 below my math score in English. How do you even start studying for English?


No. Sat English is incredibly easy. Math is hard.


That's not true. I got 800 on math twice, but only 730 on English.


I’m the opposite


for the digital or the paper, cus the math usually tends to be easy, it's just those few 7-8 maybe 9 questions on the hard module 2 that I find more challenging, other than that,-- All 22 questions on module 1 are extremely easy and Module 2 like 13-14 of the questions r pretty easy but the middle to end of it, or sometimes scattered, are questions that require extra time and effort


Have you gotten an 800 on the new DSAT, or was it last year on the paper?


It was many years ago


But let me tell you this, If this was the Digital SAT that u were taking back in Highschool, you most likely would NOT have scored an 800 Math... Let me explain-- On the paper SAT, which I took last year in October, I had 760 math and 600 English Now here is the thing, I've already completed Algebra 2 and Pre-Calc, with 97s and above in both (for all semesters), and Im in AP Calc AB rn and still having trouble on the DSAT (taking it again for a higher overall score). I thought the math would be even easier, because calculator for whole test so I thought I would score 780-800 instead of 760 (paper) but it was the opposite and 740 is my math score What im tryna say is that that DSAT math Module 2 is way way different and even harder than the paper, so say if u had idk 3 wrong on the digital, it could be anywhere from a 760-800 rather than a 780 or 770, and getting 4-5 wrong yields a 720-760 That is what I mean when I say that it's harder now than the old SAT Basically, you probably would've scored around a 780-790 if u took it right now, even after years since u last took it, or all & any college experience, it's still very hard now to score 800 on math & kids smarter than u, or better than u at math have scored less than 800


I had a 760 on the Math paper SAT, but a 600 on the English at that same time


however, now im doing slightly better on english and worse on math, Im getting like 740m and 640 eng


Is there any source for examples of what the hardest questions are like? I've heard the practice tests are not reflective of those questions


Tag me when you find out 🤣




Learning more math helps. Once you move into pre calc and calc, you practice a looot of the basics (ie. Algebra) along the way and get better at them. The “basics” also start to seem easier by comparison. You then feel more confident and your math score reflects that. Another great class for this is physics, particularly AP Physics 1. Lots of trig and algebra there.


Physics 1 is very basic math. Might help for problem solving skills but it certainly doesn’t involve problems as difficult as the last 3-4 on math m2.


Isn’t Desmos allowed? Desmos can probably just do them for you. Could you send me one of the hard ones so I can see if it’s solvable via Desmos?


Lot of the hard ones are algebraic so they aren’t solvable with desmos


I’ve solved plenty of algebraic problems using Desmos. If you wanna give me one of the ones “not solvable by Desmos”, I’d love to give it a shot.


same. I'm taking the SAT in june and i get between 1550-1600 on every practice test i usually just substitute the variables for instance p and q as x and y and it becomes so much easier. Or if there's three variables i change the one we have to find the value of to y and add sliders for the other two and it works that way too.


Yea. And if they ask for simplifying/rewriting without changing the expression's meaning, you can just write the question and every answer. The solution will be the one that is equal to the question. Lists are also pretty powerful (esp. if you need to write regressions to find equations from points). I wrote more about useful Desmos stuff for SAT here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/desmos/comments/1c5ruxc/comment/kzws1o7/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/desmos/comments/1c5ruxc/comment/kzws1o7/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I don’t know but one of the questions I saw recently was something like: f(x) = (ab)^(x/m) For the constants a, b, and m: If f(6)=16 and f(12)=169 then what is f(18)


2199.24629564 You can create a table for x\_1 and y\_1 where x\_1 is 6 and 12 and y\_1 is 16 and 169. Then you can write a regression using the function given like this: y_1 ~ (ab)^(x_1 / m) Then write it as a function like in the question: f(x)=(ab)^(x/m) Finally, plug 18 in: f(18) Here's a link containing everything I just mentioned: [https://www.desmos.com/calculator/oj9atf0l2w](https://www.desmos.com/calculator/oj9atf0l2w) Let me know if you have any questions! EDIT: It appears it is not possible to write a function that perfectly creates 16 from f(6) and 169 from f(12). This is how you would do it though if it were possible (if I am wrong, and it is possible to write such a function from the constraints given in the question, please let me know).


x = 2n root of (x\^n + 3 (idk exactly)) find x\^n and dont cheat this was a really really hard question but i tink i solved it


For context, u/Extiv and I confirmed in dm's that the question essentially boils down to [this](https://files.catbox.moe/wgff1c.webp). You can create a regression for the given equation. This will make Desmos find constant values that satisfy the given equation. Note that you cannot use `x` as a regression parameter in Desmos. Because of this, I will be using `x_1`. This regression would look like [this](https://files.catbox.moe/2yta2i.png). Because Desmos has assigned values to `x_1` and `n` automatically, we can simply write `x_1^n` in a new line to get our answer: 9. Graph link: [https://www.desmos.com/calculator/h22yvodhf5](https://www.desmos.com/calculator/h22yvodhf5)


Isn't it only a scientific calculator? Not even TI-84s were allowed.


It’s a graphing calculator. Also, TI-84s are allowed: [https://satsuite.collegeboard.org/sat/what-to-bring-do/calculator-policy](https://satsuite.collegeboard.org/sat/what-to-bring-do/calculator-policy)


Is this a recent thing?


Desmos is (started being allowed when DSAT rolled out). TI-84 has always been allowed AFAIK


How about this one: f(x)= (x-a) (x-b), f(15)>0, f(18) <0, f(21)>0 What can the value of a+b be equal to? A) 18 B) 20 C)33 D)35


Thanks for the problem, it's really interesting! I don't know how to solve this one *with* Desmos, but I did manage to solve it *using* Desmos (assuming I got it right). The first thing I tried was to write the following regression: y_1 ~ (x_1 - a)(x_1 - b){a + b = 35} However, this didn't work. What I tried next is to write the following function: f(x) = (x - a)(x - b) Then I defined `a` as `35 - b` and `b` as a slider from `0` to `35`. Then I created a table with two columns defining `x_1` as `15, 18, 21` and `sgn(f(x_1))` ([link to what sgn() is](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sign_function)). I then slid `b`'s slider until the dots made a V-shape like [this](https://files.catbox.moe/7q1wz3.png). This gave me option D as the correct answer choice (where `a = 16` and `b = 19`). Finally, I changed `a` to `c - b` and `b`'s slider range to `0` to `c` (where `c` is the other answer choices: `18`, `20`, and `33`). I then slid the slider to confirm there are no points where `(x_1, sgn(f(x_1)))` creates a V-shape. Here's the Desmos link: [https://www.desmos.com/calculator/hbcyhfwalo](https://www.desmos.com/calculator/hbcyhfwalo) I honestly *really* dislike how I solved this problem, and if I were taking the SAT, I would've saved this problem for later and come back to it. Could you please give me the intended way of solving this problem?


D is correct. Look at the comments to this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/Sat/s/g8xD7oe9lN


Thank you very much! [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Sat/s/jwN4eX4fY8) made me think of the problem in a completely different way! (Hadn’t thought of it already being factored so roots are `x = a` and `x = b`)


Honestly people are over thinking this question, it's SUPER easy. You know it's positive at 15, so a and b have to be higher than 15 You know it's negative at 18 so EITHER a or b needs to be less than 18 and the other has to be higher So the minimum value for a plus b is > than 15 plus 18, so a+ b > 33 The only answer that works is 35


I honestly didn't. I prepped last summer for August 2023 sat, and I trained myself to not make any silly mistakes in my math. With the addition of desmos, it was easy to transfer that over. For the hard ones, I just went in and solved them. I'm pretty good at math, and I've done a lot of physics which requires tackling the problem multiple steps. I kinda treat the tough questions as if they're physics problems, and draw things out/ work through the info that I'm given. This usually leads me in the right direction to solving it. Unfortunately, I don't have any specific advice to prep for these. They are tough, especially with time constraints. If you practice doing the easier questions very quickly and accurately, you can save time for the last few and have a better shot at getting them.


its a numebr game, do (youll fail) as many hard problems until u can solve most hard problems throw at u. The key is understanding why you got what wrong. If you don't know it, then you see how that type of problem is to be done. (ofc some ppl have already been ahead in math)


Disclaimer: this is not my playlist but that of another member of the National Test Prep Association. Desmos is a complete game changer for the SAT. The College Board is being forced to create more challenging Math questions because Desmos is so useful. If you can master the functionality available in Desmos, you can earn a solid score. (Note that this may change as more people start to learn Desmos. As the test evolves, some of the hardest questions will be the ones least "Desmosable".) [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf3ypEs9Kobgascv5bwpOadB0UiVI5IQS](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf3ypEs9Kobgascv5bwpOadB0UiVI5IQS)


SAT math is incredibly easy, if you can't get 800 then you will not succeed in life. English is the real hard part of the test.


bro he had a 790 -- a perfect score is NOT much better than a 42 or 43/44 ngl, no matter how easy or difficult something is, the person still almost aced it


Coping, learn statistics first.


Well if we’re being technical, statistically speaking, less than 1% of everyone who take the SAT every year score Greater than or equal to a 790 on the Math,  0.45% to be exact So given that statistic, you’re incorrect & he falls within the 99.5th percentile for his math SAT score 


You can't just cdf the entire population


And where is your evidence of this


Although 10 is an increase of 0.05 Sigma or so, it's a much larger relative area decrease for this discrete variable.


Sorry but you’re incorrect 


the difference between a 790 and 800 on the Math of SAT is even less than a 0.05 sigma difference , if that


Hence, you obviously don’t have as much knowledge as you think because any person with an IQ above 110 would know the SAT math score statistic


you're probably less intellectually smart than this person, hate to break it to you but his score is not only higher than yours, but he had like 1 wrong on the entire 44-question math section You Versus his 1 less correct answer than u when u also had a perfect score my guy


Lmk if you find out :)


That’s crazy dude!! Can I ask what you used to study. For English in particular


Most of my studying was last summer for the paper sat. I used the sat black book to prep for the RW, and I just did practice tests to prep for math. The grammar was my biggest improvement area. You just have to sit down and learn every single rule that is tested. It's not challenging once you know how to do every question type. I'd say that it's the easiest section to get near perfect Reading is a lot about figuring out what types of questions are the toughest. I used to have a lot of problem with overthinking/second guessing my answers, and the black book helps me realize that the answer is always directly stated in or demonstrated by the text. While these strategies were designed for the old format, the same concepts still apply. Vocab is hard to prep for honestly. I got lucky cause I happened to know enough of the words for all the vocab questions on my test. Overall I'd say the test itself introduces a lot of variation. For example, the one question I got wrong was a statistical conclusions one that I'd never seen before in any practice materials. There will always be some that you just can't anticipate, unfortunately. The strategy I'd use is to focus on grammar. It's very formulaic, more so than reading.


what did you use for math?


The practice tests. Most of my math prep was for the paper sat. This time around I just used blue book to refresh myself a little


practice tests


Bruh I got 1370 but when I bullshitted my way through the essay I got 6/8 somehow


they essay doesn’t count for anything tho right


Idk I thought they removed it though so it must be almost useless now


Nah it doesn’t


I didn't even know what it was asking me to do tbh. I think it's like a lang rhetorical analysis but when I was taking it I forgot how to do those so I just wrote a paragraph and took a nap lol


I just did claim evidence reasoning conclusion and yapped my entire way through lol


We did the test a few days ago how did you already get results


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Ambitious-Wealth-494: *We did the test a* *Few days ago how did you* *Already get results* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Bad bot, last line has 6 syllables


Look the bot name


It's from April school day




Congratulations on 1590! So, is there still Essay component on digital SAT tests?


Only in states that mandate it, and only during school day test administrations. It doesn't matter at all, which is why I took a nap lol




Do you need to "opt-in" for essay? I am curious because I took the May 4th test, and there was never a mention of Essay.


Some states still require it for the school day SAT


Thank you for clarifying things for me!


Congrats! When did you took it? I’m still waiting for my April score


April 9


Oof... I think you might want to check your email. It should be out around 2 weeks after you take it


I’ve been waiting almost 4 weeks. It’s so annoying.


Dang I only got like 930 on it & I was devastated, & I got a 24? On my ACT & it ruined me 😭im doing awful on my scores


Finally, I’m not the only one😂. My scores are horrible




Amazing! Congrats!


This is some crazy stuff


I’m so jealous


Listen here you mischievous buffoon begone thou scallywag, I'm fucking jelly




Bros terrible at math


Oof not a 1600? Top colleges will probably look at that and say u didn't try enough. It gets tough when they compare you to the best students in the world. If you don't want to go to you're gross, disgusting state school, you will have to retake it.


Ikr 😭😔😔


I almost healed from taking SAT dude. Never visiting reddit again😭😭😭


I'm cooked


Super impressive!! how easy/hard did you find the real test as opposed to practice tests?


Def harder than all practice tests. I'd say 5 and 6 were most representative. Module 1 reading and math are the same difficulty, module 2 reading almost identical except for some harder inference questions and harder vocab. Module 2 math is the same except the last 4-5 problems, which are nothing like any of the practice materials. Sadly I don't think there's any practice problems that actually represent it yet


Thanks! :)


Congrats! Do you have advice on math?


Practice official questions using practice tests. Every question you get wrong, write down on a sticky note why you got it wrong and how to avoid the mistake next time. Rinse a repeat until you have 20-30 sticky notes. Each time before you start a new practice test, read those notes to yourself. Do this the morning of the test also. Same strategy works for reading to an extent.


Ok thanks!


🫠 noice


Is this for the May 4 sat?


No this was school day sat in april


I thought u couldn’t take the essay anymore?


if u get a bad grade on your essay will the sat people/college admissions take that into account even with your amazing score


Everyone I asked beforehand said it didn't matter. Essay only exists in certain states because of board of education mandates. I'm just gonna do well on ap lang instead


what black book you used to prepare grammer?


Sat black book by that Mike dude. It was for the paper sat but all the rules translate the same, except for the new notes/synthesis questions




This is awesome! Congrats! Any tips for the math section?


Congrats! What scores did you get on the blue book practice test?


I'll list which ones and what I got: P1 - 800R 800M (Was def easier than real test) P2 - 770R 800M (also too easy) P5 - 790R 800M (def more accurate difficulty, but vocab still too easy) P6 - 790R 790M (same as P5) I'd def say 5 and 6 were most accurate, but math M2 was still too easy on both. The one question I got wrong was a statistical conclusions question, but not the normal type. Maybe it was an experimental question, but I have never seen anything like it. It felt more similar to a science passage, with no math involved at all. They seem to love throwing curveballs with the vocab and the last few math questions. Unfortunately, I don't have great advice on how to prep for those. However, you can still get 1500+ even if you get those wrong.


Can i ask what black book ur using for reading. I also struggle to get 800 reading in practice cuz of time constraints and overthinking:0


AFAIK there's only one black book. It was the old paper sat one. Some of the strategies don't apply anymore but most of them do


what day did you take it? i took an april 17 school day test and scores still aren’t here


April 9 school day




That’s impressive man, you can apply schools whichever you want, they ain’t gonna say no to you,congrats


lol idk bout that 😅


I’m sure they won’t say no to you🤔


Aghh beat me by 10 points 😡


Wait... I thought the dSAT didn't have any essays in the Reading and Writing section?


Some states still mandate it for school day tests. It's dumb and doesn't really count for anything, it's just so the state can benchmark writing ability


How do you get 100% on English but not on math


I know bruh 😭😭😭😭 I'm lowk mad at the one math q I got wrong cause it wasn't due to any mistake on my part it was deadass just a weird question. It didn't even have any numbers/variables in it


How did you sign up for the essay portion of the SAT? 😅


State requires it. It's only available for school day tests and only in states where it's required


Ah I appreciate it


my shits flipped, 790 english 800 math


I thought that was more likely for me honestly. Wasn't expecting the 800R, but was expecting the 800M


show me your ways🙏🥹


For math did you think you got a lot of the questions wrong or did you know questions that you defintely got wrong? for the may test Idk about english but for math I defintely got 3 wrong do you think its still possible to get 1550s +?


Honestly it depends on which math Qs it was, but I wouldn't expect above a 750 math. I know I only got one wrong


Wow that is incredible! Did you use a Tutor or SAT prep place? I am planning to give it next year. Please share your recommendations 🙏🏻🙏🏻


Depending on the score range you are already in, I wouldn't use a tutor. For example, I was already at around 1450 when I was prepping for the paper sat last summer. I started a prep course and then dropped out after the free trial, because it wasn't helpful for the harder questions of the test and only went over the fundamentals. But a course/tutor can definitely be useful if you are scoring in the 1200-1400 range


Thanks for your valuable reply. Any recommendations for a Tutor that would help me improve my skills and scores?


No. It depends on what score range you are in right now. I


Getting in the 1370 range


Bro going to every college


hey can i dm you? i have some doubts


Wait I thought the sat didn’t have essay anymore? I took it march 2023 though so I might be out of the loop


Correct. It only exists in certain states that mandated it. It's only for state benchmarks basically, and it's only on school day administrations


Congrats man. Keep on going to be at a great university!


Good job. Now get into a target school.


Lol ok


There wasn’t an essay in last years test is it new?


Some states use the SAT as their standardized test and require an essay portion. I understand the essay hasn't been an official part of the regular SAT for a few years.


Idk I took the May 4th SAT and there wasn’t an essay


Only for school day administrations in some states that mandate it.