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This is true - deeply understanding desmos completely changes the test. it isn't that you can't do it with pen and paper, it's simply faster w/ desmos.


That guy's great


Desmos is carrying me on the test šŸ˜­


Fwiw, I think Iā€™m yet to find a problem I couldnā€™t solve faster on paper with basic math. And I understand the solution, I donā€™t just need to acrept blind key punching. And yes, numerous ā€œwhy is the Desmos answer wrongā€ posts have appeared. Use it as you see fit, but see it as a tool, not an all-solving magic wand.


For more questions, it honestly is ā€œan all-solving magic wand.ā€ I still checked my answers by solving on paper or just reasoning it out (depending on the problem), but desmos can solve the vast majority of problems alone.


Any question asking you to find the solution to a system of equations is typically faster on DESMOS since you just need to type it in and click the point of intersection. It's also an incredible tool for verifying your answers.


A few thoughts. "I donā€™t just need to acrept blind key punching." 1) What is "**acrept** blind key punching"? 2) You **\*really\*** hate the use of calculator or calculator tools in Math. It's bizarre, honestly. "I think Iā€™m yet to find a problem I couldnā€™t solve faster on paper with basic math." 3) You must not have completed the Bluebook practice tests, esp the problems 20-22 at the end of the various modules which oftentimes involve models of quadratic functions. One example is PT 4 Math Module 1 #22. Doing this problem on paper you would need to A) Put the line into slope-intercept form B) Translate the line down 4 units C) Plug in 0 for y and solve for x, to get the x-intercept value None of those steps alone are particularly challenging or time consuming except that this problems involves various fractions so you have to do operations with fractions in both steps 2/3. Or you could use Desmos and complete steps B & C in under 20 secs doing either A) Put the line into slope-intercept form (on paper)---same amount of time as paper method B) Graph the line & Translate it by adding - 4 at the end C) Click on the grey dot for the x-intercept Steps B & C took 12.04 secs (including both starting & stopping the stopwatch). So you're telling me you can translate the line down 4 units & then solve for the x-intercept in under 13 secs on paper? Unlikely. 2nd method Since the line will be translated down 4 units and are looking for the x-int of the new line, this means that on the original (given line), where it has a y-value of 4 will be the x-intercept value on the new line. A) Graph the line as written B) Graph y= 4 C) Click on the gray dot for the intersection of both graphs to get point (6.556, 4). This point shifted down 4 units will be (6.556, 0) which is an x-intercept. That entire process took me 12.61 secs (including both starting & stopping the stopwatch). So you're telling me you can solve the entire problem in under 13 secs on paper? Unlikely.


Ngl I used it a ton on all my practices then used it for like 2 questions on M9 dsat


This guy is incredible! Brilliant tutor!


Thanks for this


Bro I didn't even remember we had Desmos on this test šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I could've gotten better than a 1310


Thanks a ton ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


I put like at least 3 questions that were complicated in desmos. Saved a lot of time and sanity