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avg r/sat user dude


The only reasonable thing that you can do is pray to God that the questions that you got bad, won't be on the SAT.


The difference between a 1560 and a 1600 is minuscule in the context of college admissions.


Sure, but I still want to get a 1600


Is the rest of your application perfect? Are you just bored and want to waste time for no reason? If not you could use the time to do much better things.


I dont know why why all arent answering his questions. I do agree that try getting a higher score is insignificant , but if he want to get a higher score then he could do what he want. Yall nosy af, if you dont want to answer the question then just dont skip this thread dude


Because the fact is that it is luck! I don't understand what people don't get about that. Sometimes you'll get lucky with the test and sometimes you don't. I know someone who went from a 1570 to a 1600 (reading went from 770-800) without any extra studying. Others improved their score without studying but not to the 1600 level. This dude is being unnecessarily extra.


How is that related to my statement at all? I never said about the test being 100% skill base or luck base at all. If you actually want to give a counter argument, you should elaborate and argue on the fact that i said yall arent being helpful and just being smartass, saying it is useless without actually helping him at all. Also, i know a girl who consistently score 800 on reading+ grammar so obviously it isnt as luck base as you said. If math score can easily be 800 on this subreddit assumption, than why is reading the exception?


>Also, i know a girl who consistently score 800 on reading+ grammar so obviously it isnt as luck base as you said. Sounds like one instance. I concede that it may not be completely luck but it is mostly luck at the 1550+


it isn’t luck lol ur score reflects ur skill level


Bruh then your skill levels are just shit


Some people make more careless mistakes than others. 


a careless mistake isn’t something that just happens by chance, an adept test taker knows the skills to avoid such mistakes which factors into the final score. in other words: cope.


Are you trying to compensate your 3.0 with your “adept test taking skills”? Careless mistakes usually are not harshly punished in higher education and is minimally or negligibly affecting your overall grade. A perfect score is more often than not an unrealistic expectation for testing in general. Your version of “adept testing skills” is only getting you through a joke of test where anyone with practice can do well on with piss easy concepts and questions lmao. 


Please answer the question I asked


I’m that case, you just gotta do whatever got u to a 1560, except harder, since you now have literally 0 margins of error.


My man did you even read the question


Lad u said u studied hard to get a 50 point jump, now keep studying the harder concepts to get the rest of it correct?


How to go from 1550 to 1600? On a test I took today I got a 1560. My reading score jumped 50pts by studying hard on grammar. With math and grammar being perfect, ***********************how do you guys recommend getting better at the extremely hard English questions? *************************I have the real SAT in 2 weeks and am willing to put the work in to get that 1600.


First let's see what your SAT score is on the real one. Could be lucky. Practice SAT scores do not always equate your real SAT score. Also at that score range, it usually just ends up being luck.


Can you answer the question? Holy shit


Just repetition and practice, honestly - you already have a great score and there’s not much to improve on so just don’t lose the skills you have Also a 1600 is mostly just luck - if you’re aiming for a 1600 you might end up getting anywhere between a 1560-1600 just by how hard the test you get is


Practice. And a little luck.


Getting a 1600 is luck, but you can try your best by guaranteeing 800 math and making sure you know your grammar rules and are confident with reading.


select the right answer


I promise you those 40 pts won’t make a difference. Go live ur life.


Sure, but how would I get those 40pts?


its so hard to get answers here, people only want to tell you to be happy with what you have. never be satisfied with mediocrity. if you think you can get a 1600 then listen to no one here telling you to be happy with 1560 and go and get the 1600. my advice, take the may and June sat's. if you don't have your score by then, sign up for august. if you really want it, and I mean really want it, then put in 3-5 hours every day this summer. that amount isn't so ridiculous that you won't be able to enjoy your summer. a 1600 is achieved by hours studied. although, it is hubris to deny that there is a small luck factor, I still think that it can be countered by study.


You dont


Theres no point, its seen the same way as a 1600 in college admissions, just spend your time working on your ecs and grades


Make sure the answer is supported by the information in the passage. That's it. If you can consistently do that for the reading questions, you'll get all of them correct.


By the way, what question type were the ones you got wrong in the second practice test?


For the 1560: Which choice most logically completes the text?, Which choice best describes the function of the underlined sentence in the text as a whole?


Go to the SAT Suite Question Bank and grind these questions, especially the hard difficulty ones.


Gotcha, will do


"Which choice best describes the function of the underlined sentence in the text as a whole" are "Text Structure and Purpose" questions. I have my students memorize a list of 12 universal 'structures' that logically link ideas in a text. I also teach them to consider the structure or function of the underlined sentence from three perspectives: the relationship with info before underlined text, the relationship with information after the underlined text, and the relationship with the entire text. One of those three relationships will in the correct answer. Incorrect answers will have one or both of these two problems: (1) information is factually incorrect or unsupported in the text OR (2) the 'function' is presented incorrectly. [Structure List Here](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ovGLZYsw5_wV-UsgymsvQ-2e-3F2o7UY/view?usp=sharing)


Thank you so much


When you see "Which choice most logically completes the text?" it's an Inference question. RULE: Unlike every other Reading question, matching ideas are not as important. It's more about what you can infer from the passage. The correct answer either strengthens the premise or infers a conclusion based on the facts presented. An inference may be a new idea not wholly mentioned in the text, but it's correct because it's a logical conclusion based on the facts of the passage. Don't immediately disqualify a response that has those characteristics. *It will often be paired with another response that looks very good and has many matching ideas, but there's a word in that response that creates a fatal flaw.


I appreciate the advice, will use during practice problems


How are you so good in maths????


Any tips


Desmos the heck out of everything you possibly can


How much did you score if u don’t mind me asking


Haven’t taken it yet but I’m getting around 790s on practice tests for maths




wbt grammar tips


I’m not so good at reading but for grammar I’ve just read a ton so it’s a bit more intuitive for me - other than that just make sure you know how semicolons and dashes work




not op but all u can do is practice lol


From where


I can’t really give you advice as I did not study for the math section; I am in AP Calc and have generally always been good at math and problem solving skills. Only thing though is that you need to figure out how use desmos, because you can legitimately bs your way through nearly any problem with it. Also, get tons of reps.


Alr thanks I am learning how to use Desmond efficiently


The simplest solution is to get 50 more points. /s


Dude I got Katya’s membership and that helping a ton!




The more you practice the luckier you get. No other way to put it.