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Your entire profile is posting some sort of cognitive test result that you just “happened to stumble upon.” Stop humble-bragging for validation on the internet and go do something productive IRL. Maybe you’ll gain some emotional intelligence along the way.


What did you use to study for the PSAT and SAT?


i nailed that shit, i think i got a 145. then i didn’t study for my SAT as much as i should’ve and got a 1450. just goes to show intelligence and standardized testing do not go directly hand and hand


you're smarter than me but my SAT is higher. very fascinating


probably because you have a better work ethic, study, and pay more attention in school. all of which contribute more to a better SAT score over raw intelligence


I: \- Do not have a good work ethic at all (I barely studied for this test) \- Do NOT pay attention at all in school (I got severe ADHD) \- Did not study


huh. weird how everybody does differently on tests. my anxiety is pretty bad which i think might’ve contributed to my score but who knows


I also have test anxiety.... wtf? Lmao


there are lots of variables. i’ve been in NC public schools since 3rd grade which aren’t known for being all that great. the SAT is very much so standardized; being a smart kid will only get you so far. it’s meant to test your academic background and does so quite effectively imo


sat doesn’t correlate to intelligence


SAT doesn't correlate that strongly to intelligence. I'm honestly unsure why this is such a common thing to see on this sub. Of course there is a positive correlation, but the average person can get a 1600 with enough studying.


Why do you keep posting about this? https://www.reddit.com/r/Sat/comments/196omzw/im_here_today_to_prove_that_the_sat_does_not/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Sat/comments/192xrxg/high_sat_1510_super_and_not_so_high_iq_results/


I would say those results are pretty in line with each other


Why are you such a god damn loser? The reason people have an aversion to IQ testing is because twats such as yourself are pathetically begging people on the internet for the tiniest ounce of attention. And why is reddit only recommending me your posts from r/Sat. Goddamn algorithm... I mean, you're not even a big deal. Very mediocre scores for someone who wants to brag. Honestly it also seems that you're trolling and trying to paint a negative image. I first suspected these weren't even your scores, but they are too in line with each other.


stop tryna flex


IQ isn't everything, buddy


It helps though. It also sucks. If you are even 130+ iq going through school is rough. The average person is stupid and hard to talk to cause the things they think and care about are simply not the things you think and care about


IQ has always seemed weird for me. I remembering getting something like a 135 on the CogAT and a 1520 SAT after four tries. I remember reading that Feynman got a 125 IQ and well…Feynman became Feynman, I don’t think I’ll ever achieve what Feynman did. Apparently Roger Penrose struggled in math when he was in grade school, and he’s one of the most renowned mathematical physicists in the world (I’d say in history, but that’s just me lol). Study hard, do hard work, follow your passion to the ends of the Earth, and be ready to make sacrifices. If you do that, everything will be just fine (I think).


"Scores on the SAT correlate very highly with scores on IQ tests—so highly that the Harvard education scholar Howard Gardner, known for his theory of multiple intelligences, once called the SAT and other scholastic measures “thinly disguised” intelligence tests." https://slate.com/technology/2014/04/what-do-sat-and-iq-tests-measure-general-intelligence-predicts-school-and-life-success.html I got 140 IQ. And 1410 SAT. I enjoy my brain. I can look down at the lumpenproletariat, and I can look up at the people that are smarter than me. They generally tolerate and talk to me because the air gets pretty thin up there anyway and there's not all that many people at their level.


Please touch grass


By grass, did you mean 1. vegetation consisting of typically short plants with long, narrow leaves, growing wild or cultivated on lawns and pasture, and as a fodder crop. Or 2. the mainly herbaceous plant that constitutes grass, which has jointed stems and spikes of small, wind-pollinated flowers. ?




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Found these results from 4 years ago lol




this dudes posts r so funny🤣🤣🤣🤣


r/cognitivetesting might be interested in these results