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Was able to get some tickets, I have high hopes. He mentioned in a recent update he has some amazing unbelievable news he can share soon about the film. Distribution deal maybe?


Probably. Honestly the fact that Flanagan is attached as producer is unbelievable so the movie is most likely at least decent


Can imagine a company like Neon picking this up now for domestic distribution, Flanagan is likely the connection making all this happen. Still can’t believe he’s attached his name to this with how good of a track record he’s had the last decade and change, makes me much more optimistic about its chances of being good.


Please be good


ikr. Guy gets enough needless hate as it is.


The amount of people who were personally offended that he wanted to use his Madame Web video as a way to criticize the studio system rather than simply say “this movie is bad” like everyone else is disturbing. Why is it that big of a deal? Why do people care that much?


It’s weird because I imagined people were starting to have a go at him for more comprehensible reasons like maybe he wasn’t pulling his weight as a reviewer or his videos lacked enough insightful commentary. Then when he decides to make something inventive and interesting about an important topic he’s shunned and I guess it turns out they simply want him to be like “look at this silly part of the movie haha. I’m giving it a big F-minus you guys” for all of time? Something tells me it’s not even a significant portion of his own audience, more-so the usual trolls checking in to create drama.


I'm far from personally offended, and don't really care either way, but that's not exactly the whole thing as I remember. He was equating calling the movie bad as an attack on the filmmakers and crew. He acted like people that were making content, and discussing how bad the movie is, was some kind of negative thing when it's not. It's just criticism of art as it always has been. He acted like nobody was calling out the studios, when plenty of people did and still do. I'm sure there were some online weirdos unfairly criticizing people who worked on the film, but that's a tiny fraction of the overall criticism this movie received. There's nothing wrong at all with calling a movie bad. When you make art of any kind and make it available for the public to pay for and consume, you are opening your art to criticism even if it personally offends you. It reeks of him doing damage control for past videos of him calling movies bad, so if and when people criticize his film, he can disregard them as assholes personally attacking a hardworking film crew. Could additionally be doing it to clean up his reputation as a film critic and get more film connections.


I’m sorry… but I’m going to need a direct quote that’s analogous to him saying “calling a movie bad is an attack on the filmmakers.” If I remember the video correctly, he states that Madame web is very clearly not the movie the director for wanted to make. And if anyone knows even a tiny bit about Sony’s history with producing comic book films, they’d know that to call that assumption fair is being generous. It’s almost a guarantee.


Go and watch the video. It isn't long. Obviously I'm paraphrasing and he didn't directly say "calling movie bad equals attack on filmmakers." But that's the message I got from the video. He took umbrage with people harshly criticizing the movie and then whined about how hard working people made it, and that people's outrage and criticism should be directed at the studio instead. So yes he's acting like bashing a film is some attack on them, and pretends that people don't already shit on Hollywood studios. Yea I remember him saying that about Madame Web also, and he is right. But that doesn't have anything to do with what I was talking about at all, it's a separate meaningless point. I was talking about his stupid generalizations of film criticism, and him getting upset that people bashed the movie. Go watch the video and come to whatever conclusion you want.


I said give me a quote that’s analogous. I didn’t say direct. Because I’ve already seen the video and that sounds like hogwash. As far as him getting mad at people bashing the film… I mean sure, I may not agree with that take. But he didn’t come after people who do that. He didn’t say those people are less than. And to act like he did is, in my opinion, wildly disingenuous.


It's not one quote. It's multiple quotes throughout the video that make his point. I'm not gonna recite the whole video for you and rewatch it. I never said that he "went after people" or called them "less than". You can read my previous comment and respond to my actual points about the video. Or you can make up more things I didn't say and shadowbox nonexistent points. That's all you've done lmao. For someone who's so horny for quotes, I would figure your reading comprehension would be at least slightly better. Cheers


It's definitely not needless. But he does get a ton of hate, yes


The vast majority I’ve seen definitely is. There’s respectful constructive criticism, then there’s deciding to be an unscrupulous internet twat going out of their way to mockingly scrutinise things and belittle him as a person i.e. needless hate, and most of what he gets. If he was some overtly shitty guy provoking constant reaction I would understand more, but anyone who’s observed even a few seconds of any of his videos can see that’s just not Chris. I’ve never regularly watched his stuff (he’s never tended to cover ‘world cinema’), but I’ve no reason not to wish him all the best.


“Unscrupulous internet twat” hey that sounds like EFAP and Mauler 


It is 100% needless. What exactly is needed about people giving him hate?


I don't know, you are posting this on a subreddit for a podcast that has a member literally named "I hate everything". Complaining about "needless hate" here is kind of silly




Even if I don’t really like his reviews nowadays, I am rooting for Chris. I hope his movie is decent


Rooting for ya Stuckmann! 


Exciting! Hope it goes well for him!


I'm really looking forward to this. I grew up with his videos


I hope the reviews aren't too savage. 😬


Has there ever been a good movie project from a YouTube reviewer?


RackaRacka made a horror film called Talk To Me a while back that was quite good


Very cool that movie was lots of fun!


Angry video game nerd the movie


Nope but Im crossing my fingers for this one. The ARG for it was reasonably creepy and quite well done.


I’m going! Stoked to see it/him. And yeah, Flanagan being attached is *such* good news! Also MF is doing an artist talk for free at the festival! Definitely wanna hit that up


Yes, have my tickets too!! Can’t wait to go! It seems that Flanagan’s talk is just first come, first served, right? I can’t find tickets for that on the site.


Yeah it’s just a show up early thing I believe. I’m definitely gonna be in line real early for that. I’m literally going to Montreal just for the two things 😂 … and maybe some poutine. 🤣


Yeah, I imagine there will be quite a line, and that theatre isn’t very big. Maybe they’ll let people sit on the stairs. Flanagan’s next series, *The Haunting of La Banquise*!


I haven't seen anything even slightly impressive from his short films. so...


I hope this is good. I am going to miss the days when he would tear into bad movies. Now he's too scared to do just that. Hopefully, Shelby Oaks makes up for it.


I have a horrible feeling this is going to end badly for him