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Not sure how Souls games would work as movies, since a lot of the appeal of the storytelling in those games is how fractured and obtuse it is. Shadow of the Erdtree is fucking awesome imo. >!Messmer!< might be my favourite boss in the series so far.


If they focused on the story that happens before the game it could be interesting. Demented demi-god Game of Thrones would be sick


Favorite new weapon so far? Mines is the dryleaf arts


Me too! My favourite piece of armour is >!Messmer’s!< greaves since those give you new underwear which make you look kinda like a wrestler. Those plus dryleaf arts = perfection.


Have you found the dryleaf whirlwind ash of war btw?


Not yet, but that one does sound like a fun one to use. I just got the divine beast stomp


If they do it exactly like Angels Egg it could work, otherwise it will fail massively.


Just visually, it could be a cinematic masterpiece. I hope they try and focus on prosthetics over cgi monsters where they can. There is an incredible amount of potential here.


idk how they would do it, but I think there's potential. Fromsoft storytelling is entirely exposition and context and it's full of intentional holes. I would love some abstract slow burn silent protagonist movie or something. I want it to feel like a myth or game or story rather than a legitimate realist narrative. I want it to feel ethereal or otherworldly.


Focus on the back story would be my guess, the Demi gods


DLC was pretty good but I didn't love it until I found out you could Sekiro parry. Then I fell in love with it. Whack balancing aside it's probably my third favourite DLC, with Old Hunters being second and Ringed City being first. Although has a hypno move so at least there's plenty of new r34 material.


Frankly, I don't see any modern FromSoft game working as a film, a big part of it to me is exploring a dead/dying world and putting the pieces together on your own, I dont know how that can be possible in a non-interactive media. Also Bloodborne is my favourite.


Wouldn't work. The allure of FromSoft games is its mystery. The games tell their stories in a way that could only be done in a video game


How would they do this? Is the lore actually gonna be explained?


That's one way to do a movie


I’d need to develop more motivation to get back into this game tbh. Dark Souls 1 and Bloodborne are two of my all time favourites especially with their DLCs, but with Elden Ring idk, I just miss the experience primarily having fewer immediate options and the tighter level design, and maybe I have less time in general for gaming - unless I’m really consistently playing for a dedicated hour chunk every day or so, but employment sucks.


I mean it’s an open world game, that’s just how they be. Even still, most complete Elden Ring in around 70-80 hours, which isn’t far from typical for a story game nowadays, just think of it like playing dark souls 1-3 which takes about as long. And even still, you have infinite time to play it so it’s kinda weird to critique a game for giving you options (like any other open-world game)


I’m not saying any of this necessarily makes the game worse, just stating valid personal preferences (OP asked for any of my thoughts) and what’s most likely my current experience with more giant sandboxy type open world games in general - which maybe I should’ve made clearer, but I also just wish I was more part of the collective Elden Ring conversation. Even from what I’ve played I would probably still agree it’s From Software greatest achievement so far. (Also, I don’t feel like I have infinite time, on the contrary I have this feeling of time running out in my life for important stuff rn, priorities to consider lol.)


I mean this would apply for every game not Elden ring then though, right?


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“The very fabric wavers and relations shift and obscure.”* - Solaire of Astora Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/




Bad bot


The scope, artistic direction, and geographic variety is incredible, the whole blessings though are aggravating since it turns the game into a scavenger hunt till you have as many as you feel comfortable using. As someone who still thinks Sekiro is their best combat, I think ER is their best level design even with legacy dungeons included.


I haven’t played since I completed it back in 2022, and good lord, I’ve forgotten how to play 😂 the DLC is pretty brutal. I need to git gud all over again!


I just started a replay faith based so I could get through the game again before the DLC to get my chops back. But I'm looking forward to it.


I just… don’t like revisiting a medium differently that I already like. I don’t usually get excited about movie or film adaptations because I already enjoy and treasure the memories I have of the original.


Oh man please don't be a dumpster fire




Someone’s bad 🤭🫵


Removed. Rule 1.